
SW-7186-7178-6699 || Luce (S, UM), Lucius (SW)
SW-7186-7178-6699 || Luce (S, UM), Lucius (SW) || 2643, 3517

Trades (55)

[+] Events (34)
1. 2 Shiny KOR event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Bruxish and Shiny Cubone /u/Krauser_X
2. 1 Shiny Event KOR Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Wimpod /u/Makvi
3. 4 Shiny KOR Event Poipoles (Redeemed) for Shiny Rowlet, Shiny Snivy, Shiny Marill /u/goyange
4. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Evee /u/londeros
5. 3 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeem) for Shiny Kangaskhan, Shiny Houndour, Shiny Skorupi /u/shamaela
6. 2 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Honedge, Shiny Charmander /u/Pjay12
7. 2 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Hoppip, Shiny Cottonee /u/dexter228
8. 2 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Litwick, Shiny Solosis /u/tinchys
9. 4 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Sableye, Shiny Braixen, Shiny Crustle, Shiny Bellsprout /u/Aeryllis
10. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Chansey /u/heliogfonseca
11. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Grumpig /u/EdgyTheEdgelord
12. 4 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Pheromosa /u/DaneERS
13. 2 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Sandygast, Shiny Pachirisu /u/Xcpa9
14. 2 Shiny KOR Event Poipoles (Redeemed) for Shiny Chansey, Shiny Exeggcute /u/asbiz
15. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Lurantis /u/pmmeurmoney
16. 2 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Heliolisk, Shiny Gyarados /u/Marktotheetotheo
17. 1 Shiny KOR Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Stunfisk /u/Wendigo_Bob
18. 2 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Comfey, Shiny Charmander /u/rufusdrumknott
19. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Abra /u/Snorkus85
20. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Toxapex /u/airgear995
21. 3 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Silvally /u/Ryusei24
22. 4 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Reshiram /u/vortisaur
23. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Froakie /u/walkinlightning
24. 4 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Litten, Shiny Popplio, Shiny Goomy, Shiny Alola Vulpix /u/L1TLEPNOY
25. 3 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Ferroseed, Shiny Larvitar, Shiny Gible /u/Leo626
26. 4 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Custom 2018LEGENDS Raikou redeem and code /u/Pjay12
27. 4 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (redeemed) for Shiny Lapras, Shiny Ralts, Shiny Nincada, Shiny Lopunny /u/Seankle
28. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Bagon /u/rngmon
29. 1 Shiny KOR Event Poipole (Redeemed) for Shiny Kanto Vulpix /u/jimmysu11
30. Redeemed KOR Magazine Shaymin for Redeemed NA Dialga 2018 Legends /u/Foxypuff
31. 1 NA E/R Code for Love Ball Clauncher, Heavy Ball Grubbin, Moon Ball HA Weedle, Dream Ball HA Roselia, Level Ball HA Treecko /u/dbrown24
32. 2 NA Entei/Raikou Codes for Legends2018 Palkia NA with proof /u/20mtrebu
33. KOR Shiny Poipole + Proof for 3 NA Entei Raikou Codes, 3 NA Xerneas Yveltal Codes /u/SylisKie
34. Level HA Zigzagoon, Level Turtonator, Level HA A-Sandshrew, Level HA Oranguru, Love HA Skorupi, Love Flabebe, Love HA Litwick, Love HA Surskit, Love HA Chansey, Love Seel, Love HA Goomy, Friend HA Magby, Friend HA Scraggy, Heavy HA Bagon, Heavy HA Rufflet, Lure HA Rufflet, Fast HA Horsea, Fast HA Cottonee, Fast HA Kangaskhan, Safari Phanpy, Safari HA Nosepass, Safari HA Zubat, Safari Lotad, Safari HA Gible, Safari HA Bagon, Sport HA Combee for NA 5 XY codes, NA 3 ER codes /u/beebnot
[+] Shinies (2)
1. 1 Shiny Semi-Comp Dhelmise, 1 Breedable Friend Ball Bagon, 1 Breedable Moon Ball Honedge for 1 Shiny Umbreon /u/Smitty8858
2. Shiny Semi Comp Absol for Shiny semi comp Grimber /u/robyn_herbert
[+] Competitive / Casual (19)
1. Fomantis for Carvanha /u/FMRC93
2. Carvanha for Beldum /u/DrConradVerner
3. Dhelmise for Larvesta /u/Pjay12
4. 5IV Perfect HA Impish Pachirisu for 6IV Timid Dedenne /u/Harems_Suck
5. Fast Ball Electrike for Heavy Ball Bagon /u/LonelyDruid
6. Adamant Pheromosa for Adamant Buzzwole /u/Superp0siti0n
7. HA Lure Ball Female Carvanha for HA Female Espurr /u/Can47
8. HA Dream Ball Pachirisu, HA Lure Ball Carvanha for 1 Gold Bottle Cap /u/unexpected_firetruck
9. HA Karrablast for HA Tangela /u/GeekingTime
10. DBHA Eevee, Heavy Ball HA Beldum, Moon Ball Gastly, Love Ball HA Goomy, Moon Ball HA Riolu for Heavy Ball HA Golett, Love Ball Feebas, Dream Ball HA Solosis, Love Ball HA Surskit, Love Ball HA Aipom /u/DarkKnight0907
11. Moon Ball HA Gligar for Tutored Skill Swap on Trevenant /u/LonelyDruid
12. Dream Ball HA Lileep for Safari Ball HA Abra /u/Can47
13. HA Heavy Ball Bagon with custom nature, Fast Ball Electrike for HA 5IV Litten /u/Accel5002
14. Perfect 5IV Male HA Gible for Masterball /u/Plum24
15. Bred HA Beast Ball Beldum for On hand Dream Ball HA Qwilfish, Safari Ball HA Nosepass, Fast Ball HA Cottonee, HA Fast Ball Horsea, HA Fast Ball Kangaskhan /u/imapikachu1117
16. HA Lure Ball Froakie for HA Safari Ball Dratini /u/username---password
17. Safari Bagon, Safari HA Gible, Safari HA Tropius, Safari Aron, Safari Lotad, Safari HA Zubat for Level HA Sandshrew Alola, Sports HA Wurmple, Friend HA Scraggy, Sport Combee, Heavy Honedge, Love Mareep /u/miracleceleste
18. Premier HA Deerling, Safari HA Dratini, Lure HA Carvanha for Dream HA Spiritomb, Dream HA Pidgey, Friend HA Oddish /u/nbandy90
19. Pokeball HA Rowlet (Mostly for EMs) for Loveball Deino /u/imapikachu1117
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (7)

1. Forgot what I hatched. Easy hatch. /u/Dragonflare25
2. Popplio hatch, easy hatch :) /u/skjin_01
3. Magikarp hatch, easy hatch /u/Liviya12
4. Lotad hatch, easy hatch /u/cherryblossom10
5. Pichu Hatch /u/trainertrent123
6. Absol Hatch /u/growhouse
7. Snivy Hatch /u/Gen7TSV2073

Giveaways/Contests (66 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Electrike and Dhelmise giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 18 given)
2. Gave away a bunch of Moon Ball mons (Sub: pokemontrades, 28 given)
3. Contest for Shiny Dhelmises, all participants must enter with MEMES (Sub: pokemontrades, 20 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Milotic and Slowpoke evolution Tradeback /u/PatrickTBB
2. Tradeback to fill as much of the remaining Pokedex as possible /u/Phoeshock
3. Stakataka tradeback for dex /u/GeekingTime
4. Scyther Evolution Tradeback /u/hej_hej_hallo
5. Milotic evolution and Karrablast evolution tradeback /u/GeekingTime
6. Lunala, Pheromosa, and Celesteela tradeback for dex /u/Pokesmut
7. Magmortar, Porygon2, Porygon-Z, Electivire, Garchomp, Scizor, Aipom, Ambipom, Mismagius, Poipole, Cosmoem for dex /u/wooseokw
8. Evolving Porygon to Porygon2 to PorygonZ /u/CapTainIgloo57
9. Dartrix, Butterfree, Lopunny, Malamar, Sudowoodo, Chansey, Blissey, Arbok for dex /u/CapTainIgloo57
10. Evolution to Politoed /u/xekke66

Misc (0)


SomeoneNamedHotdog's Information


Friend codes:
