
0576-4807-0675, SW-2363-4639-1994 || Spencer (SH)
0576-4807-0675, SW-2363-4639-1994 || Spencer (SH) || XXXX

Trades (25)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (25)
1. HA Rhyhorn in Timer Ball and HA Tangela in Nest Ball for Sport Ball Scyther /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
2. Love Ball Chansey for Sport Ball Scyther /u/alittlebossa
3. HA Natu for HA Murkrow /u/Iaser151
4. HA Maractus and HA Deerling for Male and Female Clampearl in Lure Ball /u/leisrbags
5. HA Abra in Dream Ball for HA Exeggcute in Dream Ball /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
6. Starly in Dream Ball for 5 IV Ralts /u/MarksmanMoi
7. HA Tentacool in Dream Ball for HA Swirlix in Heal Ball /u/TacoMan901
8. Lure Ball Shellder for HA Emolga in Dream Ball /u/Zarroc_Nailo
9. HA Piplup, HA Turtwig, and HA Chimchar for HA Grimer, HA Paras, and Roggenrola in a Luxury Ball /u/beedrill330
10. Latiasite and Power Items for Various 5 IV Pokemon (HA Mareanie, Cubone, HA Vulpix, and HA Gligar) /u/skellyclique
11. Blazikenite for 5 IV Torkoal /u/lonelynutter
12. Toxic Orb & Destiny Knot for HA Sableye in Dream Ball /u/redscarfed
13. Pokemon for Living Dex for HA Bulbasaur in Nest Ball /u/notsamire
14. Reaper Cloth, Electrizer, Dragon Scale, King's Rock for Oranguru in Love Ball, HA Larvitar, HA Exeggcute /u/Gregkot
15. HA Glameow for Grubbin in Luxury Ball w/ Lucky Egg /u/lurkerton3000
16. Mandibuzz for Braviary and help evolving Rhydon, Gurdurr, Boldore, and Feebas /u/KYS_Daniel
17. Appletun, Eiscue, and Lunatone for Flapple, Jangmo-o, and Solrock /u/OceanGod20
18. Espeon for HA Snom /u/sv_trader
19. Solosis for Deino /u/iLynxHD
20. Drampa for Stonjourner and Sirfetch'd /u/OceanGod20
21. Oranguru, Galarian Corsola and Mime Jr. for Arctozolt and Arctovish /u/Marcelinob20
22. Feebas for 5 IV Growlithe /u/derbears
23. Goomy, Drampa, and Galarian Corsola for Mawile and Turtonator /u/adelgirl
24. Power Weight, Power Lens, and Power Belt for Sawk, Passimian, Gothita, Trevenant, Arctovish and Arctozolt /u/Flash1803
25. Drampa for Beast Ball Rotom /u/NightKrowe
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (30 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Box of Eggs Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Tradeback to help evolve Shellmet and Karrablast /u/xDesertEagle

Misc (2)

1. Item Trade: Gave 3 Heart Scales and 2 Ability Capsules, got Salac, Petaya, Leichi, Apicot, and Ganlon Berries
2. Evolved Electabuzz into Electivire via Tradeback


spencerbro12's Information


Pokémon lover since I was 5 years old. Favourite colour is red and my favourite Pokémon is Darmanitan!

Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT, -4 hours)

Weekday Availability: 6:00 pm EDT - 10:00 pm EDT

Weekend Availability: 11:30 am EDT - 8:00 pm EDT

Friend codes:

  • 0576-4807-0675


  • IGN: Spencer (Y)
  • IGN: Spencer (ΩR)