
SW-5391-9934-1119 || Gusto (SH), (SCA, PLA)
SW-5391-9934-1119 || Gusto (SH), (SCA, PLA) || XXXX

Trades (100)

[+] Events (13)
1. Friend A-Sandshrew, Moon A-Sandshrew, Salandit for 1 NA Salazzle Code /u/TheAlfies
2. 4 NA Salazzle codes for RNG shiny Totodile and Nincada /u/LettieT
3. Heavy Zubat, Honedge, Turtonator, Passimian, Level Phanpy, Sandshrew, Roggenrola, Venipede, Love Weedle, Meowth, Growlithe, Shellder, Gastly, Cubone, Magikarp, Snorlax, Gothita, Komala, Turtonator, Moon Slowpoke, Misdreavus, Venipede Solosis, and Lure Scyther for 5 NA Salazzle codes /u/log94
4. 3 NA Salazzle codes for Heavy Stantler, sandile, Feebas, Misdreavus, Love Remoraid, Lure Vanillite, Mareep, Delibird, Swinub, Fast Drampa, Vanillite, Oshawott, Level Oshawott, Girafarig, Friend Sandile, Wobbuffet, Dunsparce, Moon Caterpie and Beast A-Rattata /u/shamaela
5. 1 NA Salazzle code for 1 NA Salazzle code redeemed /u/RainPixel
6. Lure Mimikyu, Friend Deino, Moon Lapras, Level Snivy and Heavy Axew for 1 NA Salazzle code /u/oodachi
7. Beast Snorunt, Dream Bulbasuar, Friend Snivy, Love Cyndaquil & Totodile for 1 NA Charizard Code /u/Twofu_
8. Love Jangmo-o, Lure Herracross, DBHA Carvanha, Relicanth, & heavy Axew for 1 NA Charizard Code /u/ChiefQweef02
9. Safari Hoothoot, Cleffa, Mareep, Magby, Shroomish, Nosepass, Roselia, Carvanha, Torkoal, Solrock, Bagon & Moon Weedle, Nidoran, Oddish, Paras, Psyduck, Tauros, Staryu, Scyther, Geodude, Magnemite, K-Grimer, Voltorb, Marill for JPN Lunatone & Solrock /u/imapikachu1117
10. Comp Riolu, Growlithe and 2 GBC for 4 NA Charizard Codes /u/dun6661
11. DBHA Beldum Heavy Drampa Love Carvanaha Love Salandit (F) for 1 NA Charizard code /u/Sharbae
12. 1 NA Marshadow code for 1 NA Silvally code /u/ToobyWooby
13. 1 NA Salazzle code for 1 NA Silvally code /u/Garnet2024
[+] Shinies (7)
1. DBHA Ponyta, Slugma, Friend Comfey, Moon Gastly, Fast Abra, Lickytung for Shiny Solosis /u/NoItsNotAnAirplane
2. 2 Gold Bottle Caps for BR Shiny Reuniclus /u/DisquariousGreenSr
3. DBHA Scyther, Gastly, Riolu, Oddish, Bellsprout, Moon Hoothoot, Teddiursa, A-Grimer, Friend Snivy, Kangashkan, Vullaby, Love A-Sandshrew, Mimikyu, Growlithe, Gothita, Fast Pidgey, Growlithe, Heavy Honedge, Level Phanpy, Cyndaquil, Growlithe, Lure Lapras, Psyduck for Shiny Absol, Larvitar & 2X Weedles /u/Zarkon
4. 2 Gold bottle caps and 1 silver bottle cap for Shiny Croagunk, Nidoran female, and Cranidos /u/Lundrity
5. HA love Totodile, DBHA Starly and Gligar for RNG Shiny Snover, Starly and Gible /u/dshmucker
6. Perfect IV Mudkip, Starly, and Carvanha for Shiny Shuckle /u/ShadowSkeet
7. 6V Komola & Sandygast for Trophy shiny Quilidan /u/charchar8679
[+] Competitive / Casual (80)
1. Fast Bellsprout, Pidgey, Love Magikarp, Bellsprout, Moon Venonat,Snorunt for Sport Nincada, Kricketot, Combee, Moon Numel. Level Kricketot, Lure Combee /u/Leafs_kmy
2. Level Slugma, Lure Pidgey. Heavy Lickitung for Fast Phantump, Vullaby, Lure Bounsweet /u/jeuxinterdits
3. Moonball Murkrow, Koffing, Lure Seel, Sport Caterpie for Level Clamperl, love Starly, Fast Tynamo, Pikipek /u/Arthur13X
4. Fiend Weedle, Ekans, Level Phanpy, Fast Bellsprout, Lure Seel, Psyduck, Moon Pyukumuku, Love Machop, Mantine, Dream Teddiursa for Moon Grimer, Level Hoothoot, Cherubi, Timburr, Heavy Pineco, Dunsparce, Wailmer, Love Corsola, Fast Slugma,Dream Shelmet /u/bornevil5k
5. Lure Seel, Dream Aron for Love Trubbish, Qwilfish /u/littlebigtrumpet
6. Level Pinsir, Slugma, Weedle, A-Grimer, Phanpy, Friend Ekans, Riolu, Salandit, Pancham, Moon Growlithe, Cyndaquil, Lure Lapras, Cyndaquil, Love Weedle, Machop, Ponyta, Doduo, Exeggcute, Lapras, Cyndaquil, Mantine, Heavy Exeggcute, Salandit for 6 Gold Bottle Caps & 1 Lucky Egg /u/Leafs_kmy
7. Female DBHA Machop for 1 Silver Cap /u/UBahn1
8. DBHA Staryu, Throh, Moon Cyndaquil, Friend Cyndaquil, Salandit. Love Cyndaquil, Fast Salandit, Heavy Salandit for DBHA Hoothoot, Sunkern, Corsola, Remoraid, Elekid, Surskit, Nincada, Gulpin /u/Dark-2-Light
9. Friend Bellsprout, Ekans, Doduo, Love Salandit, DBHA Mudkip, Spearow, Level Slugma, Fast Pidgey for Fast Heracross, Pineco, Togepi, Ledyba, Lure Mantine, Qwilfish, Heavy Horsea, DBHA Spinda /u/Brawler139
10. Moon Salandit for DBHA Heatmor /u/goyange
11. DBHA Teddiursa for Friend ball Pichu /u/sporeing
12. DBHA Gligar, Teddiursa, Moon Murkrow, Level Pancham, Fast Lickitung for Level A-Diglett, Stantler, Fast Mankey, Stantler, Heavy Snubbull /u/Brawler139
13. Level Pancham for Lure Wooper /u/SonicsShadowIsSilver
14. Level A-Snadshrew, Cubone, Pinsir, Lure Lapras, Fast Pidgey for Friend Beldum, Heavy Caterpie, Fast Pichu, Poliwag Lure Sandile /u/ElenaPic
15. DBHA Oddish, Friend Pancham, Moon Scyther, Salandit, Lure Lapras, Scyther, Love Gastly, Cubone, Magikarp, Lapras, Mantine, Riolu, Salandit for 13 Silver bottle caps /u/DarkBlastoise09
16. Lure Magnemite, Drifloon, Timburr, Klefki, Grubbin, Comfey, Fast Staryu, Mudbray, Surskit, Level Magnemite, Drifloon, Friend Kangaskhan, Magnemite for Heavy, lure, Moon, Fast Weedle, Lure Mimikyu, Moon, Heavy Dhelmise, Moon, Fast Wimpod, Level Salndit, Hevy Cyndaquil, Lure Snorlax, Hevy Growlithe, Lure Alolan Sandshrew /u/hikgucoo4
17. Level Pancham, Lure Shellder for 2 Rare Candies /u/bornevil5k
18. DBHA machop, staryu, gastly, pinsir, mukrow, phanpy, Level Growlithe, Heavy Riolu for Ability Capsule /u/Risoker
19. Love Ponyta, Love Doduo, Moon Snorunt, Moon Murkrow, Moon Cubone, Friend Cubone, Friend Ekans for Ability Capsule /u/goyange
20. Love Pinsir, Mantine, Level Riolu for Lure Tauros, Friend Seel, Torkoal /u/kirakori
21. Love Gastly, Bellsprout for Fast Zubat, Honedge /u/namida7
22. DBHA Exeggcute, Love Solosis for DBHA Zangoose /u/lerojb
23. DBHA Ducklett, Level A-Sandshrew, Drifloon, Moon Comfey, Scyther, Fast Gible, A-Sandshrew, Love A-Geodude, Cubone, Heavy Snivy, Lure Scyther, Snivy for Level Ekans Level, Heavy, Fast, Moon, Lure Chansey /u/Miuna
24. Dream HA Doduo, HA Exeggcute, HA Staryu, HA Scyther, HA Pinsir, HA Spinark, HA Teddiursa, HA Lotad, HA Drifloon, HA Riolu, HA Ducklett Level HA Weedle Level HA Magnemite Level HA A-Grimer Level HA Pinsir for Moon HA A-Rattata, Nidoran, HA Jangmo-o Love Nidoran, HA Oshawott Fast HA A-Meowth Level HA Seel, HA Shuckle Friend HA Drowzee, HA Cutiefly Heavy HA Tauros level A-vulpix, Moon A-Meowth, Fast Paras, and love Chansey /u/pokemon871
25. Lure Mimikyu for Moon Heracross /u/imapikachu1117
26. Fast Surskit, Mudbray, Salandit, Heavy Salandit for (Moon Hoppip, lure Oshawott, Friend Vulpix & DBHA Klink /u/imapikachu1117
27. Friend Snivy for Level Skarmory /u/Bacheleren
28. DBHA Doduo Friend HA Riolu Love HA Shellder Love HA Hoothoot Love HA Riolu Fast HA Zubat Fast HA Surskit Safari HA Exeggcute Safari HA A-Geodude for Lure Chimecho Level HA Elekid Fast HA Hoothoot Lure HA Tentacool Level HA Yanma Heavy HA Larvitar Fast HA Shroomish DBHA Spoink Friend HA Roselia /u/KingLaksh
29. Heavy A-Meowth for Moon Wooper /u/cfunkhouser
30. Love weedle, ghastly, chansey, hoothoot, wishiwashi for Love HA Psyduck, HA Gible, HA Makuhita Fast HA Skarmory Level HA Gothita /u/BurntIceCube
31. Fast Impish Lickitung Fast Dratini Fast Honedge Fast Exeggcute Fast Staryu Fast Gastly for Level HA Houndour * Moon HA Moon HA Cleffa, Lure, Friend HA Jangmo-o, Fast HA Emolga, Moon HA Bruxish /u/imapikachu1117
32. DBHA Machop, Shellder, Spinark and Teddiursa, Level Slugma, Moon Solosis, Heavy Passimian * Fast Mudbray, Love Wishiwashi, Fast Grubbin for DBHA Finneon, Love HA Sandygast, DBHA Sheildon, Lure HA Barboach, Lure HA Krabby, Love HA Sandile, Fast HA A-Digglet, Lure HA Drampa, Lure HA Horsea, Lure HA Pancham? /u/Xianthia
33. DBHA Scyther, Drifloon, Riolu, Safari Exeggcute for Moon Togepi, Sneasel, Rhyhorn, and K-Grimer /u/Reffoty17
34. DBHA Machop, Riolu for Female Love HA Slowpoke, Female Heavy HA Snorlax /u/superavo4
35. Level HA Gothita, Level HA K-Sandshrew, Lure HA Corsola, and Lure HA Barboach for Lure HA Aipom, Friend HA Absol, Lure HA Axew and Level HA Beldum /u/ububyuyu
36. Dream Pinsir, Shellder, Friend A-meowth, Vullaby, Comfey, Moon Growlithe, Lapras, Gastly, Scyther, Love Cutiefly, Fast Growlithe, Cutiefly, Mudbray, Mimikyu for Moon HA Klefki, HA Whismur, Heavy Bagon, HA Bruxish, Level HA Carvanha, Sport HA Wurmple, Friend HA Togedemaru /u/lonachu
37. Moon HA Scyther and Venipede, Level HA Magnemite, Friend HA Magnemite and Vullaby, Lure HA Magnemite, Level Venipede and Fast Staryu for DBHA Minun, Illumise, Trapinch & Cacnea. /u/Dark-2-Light
38. DBHA Nincada, 2X Relicanth, Clamperl, Beldum, Starly, Finneon, Roggenrola, Sandile for Heavy HA K-Meowth, Level HA Rhyhorn, Moon HA Tangela, Fast HA Chikorita, Lure HA Chikorita, Heavy HA Chikorita, Fast HA K-Vulpix, Fast HA Totodile /u/imapikachu1117
39. Lure Snivy for Level Pidgey /u/TheGreenDecidueye
40. Friend Comfey, Kangashkan for Male Kanto Vulpix, Love Seel /u/ReallyAMiddleAgedMan
41. Friend Oranguru, Love Salandit, Comfey for Love Misdreavus, Heavy Slakoth, Minior /u/SpiritSplicer
42. Level Roggenrola, Drifloon, Lure Timburr for Fast Klink, Heavy Wishiwashi, level Honedge /u/kirakori
43. Fast Oricorio, Lickitung for Friend Wishiwashi, Love Chimeco /u/lonachu
44. Level K-Sandshrew, A-Grimer, Cubone, Snorlax, Hoothoot, Phanpy, Drifloon, Roggenrola, Venipede, Friend Zubat, A-Meowth, Meowth, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Magikarp, Snorlax, Oranguru, Moon Exeggcute, Clamperl, Lure Magnemite, Scyther, Magikarp, Relicanth and Love Weedle for Love HA Aipom * Moon HA Alomomola * Fast HA Axew * Moon Baltoy * Dream Baltoy * Friend HA Bounsweet * Heavy HA Bounsweet * Dream Castform * Fast HA Chinchou * Level HA Combee * Fast HA Corsola * Moon HA Cutiefly * Love HA A-Diglett * Heavy HA Gothita * Lure honedge * Fast HA jangmo-o * Level HA Ledian * Lure HA Vullaby * Friend HA Starly * Lure HA Rockruff * Moon HA Relicanth * Heavy HA Pancham * Love HA Pancham and Fast HA Pancham /u/imapikachu1117
45. Moon Oricorio, Riolu, Lure Grubbin, Heavy Riolu and Fast Mankey for Lure, Love, Level Castform, Friend Turtonator, Level Passimian and Lure Deino /u/Miuna
46. Love Murkrow, Rockruff, moon Shellder, Friend Zubat, Oranguru, Totodile, Level Slugma, Cubone, Cyndaquil, Snivy, Sandile and Roggenrola for DBHA W-Shellos, Pidove, Solrock, Spheal, Snorunt, Luvdisc, Moon Wishiwashi, Timburr, Friend Crabrawler, Sudowoodo, Fast Kanto & Alolan Meowth /u/lonachu
47. Friend Deino for Lure Oricorio /u/DarkBlastoise09
48. DBHA Spinark, Chinchou, Teddiursa, and Nincada for DBHA Electrike, Feebas, Audino, & Maractus /u/troysmitt
49. Friend Magikarp, Heracross, Rockruff, Passimian, Fast Lickitung, DBHA Bellsprout and Sandile for Friend, Love Farfetch'd, Friend Wingull, Friend Shroomish, Moon Mawile, Heavy Buneary, Friend Fletchling and Lure Mudbray /u/Aerforce1
50. DBHA Elgyem, Clamperl and Combee for DBHA Shelmet, Chatot, and Tropius /u/Risoker
51. Level Riolu for Heavy Drampa /u/DarkBlastoise09
52. Love K-Meowth, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Heavy Passimian, Lure Grubbin and Mimikyu for Fast, Moon, Heavy W-Shellos and Fast, Love, Lure lillipup /u/Animekitty421
53. Heavy Vulpix Lure A-Vulpix Fast Zubat Love Meowth Fast Tentacool Heavy Tentacool Moon Slowpoke Fast Seel Fast Gastly Level Chinchou Fast Misdreavus for Moon Shinx, Love Ralts Beast Chinchou, Luvdisc, Mankey, Vanillite, Horsea, Swinub, Delibird, Magby, Drampa /u/lonachu
54. 1 Masterball and 6 Gold Bottle Caps for 5 Beastball Mons and 23 Safari Mons /u/Vanity333
55. Love Heracross, Moon Luvdisc, Heavy Relicanth for DBHA Basculin(Red), Stunfisk and Druddigon /u/Sakisd7
56. Beastball Caterpie for DBHA Emolga /u/Vanity333
57. Love Weedle, Heracross, Clamperl for Love Finneon, and Lure, Love Rufflet /u/ThatGuyFromAisle5
58. Heavy Zubat, A-Grimer, Shellder, Relicanth, Passimian, Drampa, Jangmo-o, Moon Fletchling, Luvdisc, Numel, Love Shellder, Gastly, Fast Gible, Lure Slowpoke and Lapras for Love Gligar, Drifloon, Dunsparce, Elekid, Pineco, Krabby, Beast Geodude, Gothita, Safari Croagunk, Sunkern, Roselia, Corphish, Torkoal, Tangela, and Solrock /u/lonachu
59. DBHA Luvdisc, Lure HA Timburr, HA Klefki, Moon HA Lapras, HA venipede, HA Solosis, & Oricorio for Love HA Sewaddle, Friend HA paras, Moon HA Mudbray, Level HA Feebas, Level, Love HA Spinark & Friend HA Chansey /u/1azn4baby3girl
60. Level HA Snorlax for beast shellder and safari skorupi /u/Pondambo
61. Perfect Friend Bellsprout, Love A-Rattata, Love Turtonator, Beast Drampa for 1 Friendball /u/Sakisd7
62. Friend Rockruff for Fast Pikipek /u/oBastio
63. Level Mankey for Heavy Starly /u/Fazza1234
64. Beast Caterpie, Perfect Beast Sneasel, Smeargle, Wingull, Poliwag & Level Rockruff for Level E Shellos, Bidoof, Fast Trapinch, Gothita, Heavy Lillipup & Moon Paras /u/Miuna
65. DBHA Oddish for Friend Spoink /u/Theycallmedapig
66. Friend K-Meowth, Magikarp, Feebas, Rockruff, Fast Taillow, Love Carvanha, Moon Tangela, Lure Sudowoodo, Feebas, Relicanth, Drifloon, Grubbin, Mimikyu, Level Growlithe, A-Grimer, Sudowoodo, & Rockruff for Moon Crabrawler, Love Combee, K-Grimer, Heavy Trubbish, Fast Petilil & Heavyball, Fastball /u/lonachu
67. Level Snorlax, Mankey, Heavy A-sandshrew, vulpix, meowth, a-grimer, shellder, lapras, snorlax, castform, riolu, axew, Love zubat, slowpoke, a-grimer, totodile, murkrow, axew & Moon misdreavus for Friend Chinchou, Hoppip, Meditite, Ralts, Slugma, shellder, stufful, Swablu, Level Miltank, Oranguru, Onix, Spoink, Lure Dunsparce, Gulpin, Gastly, Fast litwick, Safari Abra, Paras & Moon Ekans /u/ububyuyu
68. Moon Riolu, Love Totodile, Fast Pidgesy, Taillow, Heavy Snorlax & Honedge for Friend Sableye, Trapinch, Fast Bagon, Heavy Bagon, Love Vanillite & Bruxish /u/Vanity333
69. Moon Buneary, Friend Salandit, Bounsweet & Love Shellos East for Moon Torkoal, Vullaby, Togedemaru, Love Goldeen, Sudowoodo, Slugma, Sneasel & Beast Sableye /u/lonachu
70. DBHA Volbeat, Illuminise, Sandile, Axew, Fast Jangmo-o, Pidgey, & Moon Drampa for Heavy Onix, Lure Horsea HA Moon & Love Igglybuff, Meditite, Safari Rhyhorn &Duskull /u/coney-
71. Safari Cleffa, Moon Numel, Love Snorunt, DBHA Luvdisc, Ducklett, Kecleon and Friend Fletchling for Love Mankey, Friend Ledyba, Smeargle, Fomantis, Safari Shinx, Cacnea, Beast A-Sandshrew and a Lure Litwick /u/Xianthia
72. Moon Paras, Numel, Buneary, Fast Tentacool, Heavy Shroomish, Drampa, Lure Lapras, Heracross, Level Shellos East & Friend Shellos East for Moon Pikipek Lure yungoos Friend Rufflet Fast Absol Level Vanilite lure Roggenrola Fast Roggenrola Fast Crabrawler Lure Morelull Heavy Alomomola /u/kirakori
73. Heavy Snorunt, Shroomish and Level East / West Shellos for Fast Shuckle Love Wingull Love Skarmory Love Stantler /u/lonachu
74. fast gible, fast seel, love murkrow, moon lapras, moon ponyta for Love Absol Love Beldum Love Cottonee Love Crabrawler Level Pichu /u/mwilhelm0727
75. Moon Shellos- East Moon Shellos- West Fast Sandile for Safari Kecleon, Zangoose and fast Smeargle /u/lonachu
76. Comp Wurmple for Metal Coat /u/Sergio_Moy
77. Beast Marill, Snorunt, Pancham, Drampa for Lure Pyukumuku , Friend Buizel, Chatot & Love Larvitar /u/Aerforce1
78. friend harvest exceggute, moon ball ha venipede and love pancham for ability capsule /u/Fazza1234
79. Comp Safari Ball Shroomish and the Iron Fist Chimchar for Friend Ball and a Fast Ball /u/Pelleas
80. DBHA Clamperl Moon Staryu Love Salandit Love Bounsweet Friend Deino Safari Torkoal for Moon Wailmer Lure Riolu Love Vullaby Level Krabby Level Klefki Heavy Poliwag /u/sakudono
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (3)

1. Hatched shiny HP fire Snivy /u/Fluffy_Velour
2. Hatched shiny Murkrow /u/Seankle
3. Hatched shiny Ducklett /u/Grin4U

Giveaways/Contests (154 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. A NA Lyncanroc code (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. 100 Apri/Dream/Shop ball breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 50 given)
3. 155 Apri, Dream & Shop Pokemon (Sub: pokemontrades, 75 given)
4. Title: Quick giveaway! Please take my mons! (Sub: pokemontrades, 28 given)
5. 3 boxes of DBHA/Apri breedjects and dex fillers giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (1)

1. Gave a free HA moon Numel


saltimmortalsea Mar 2, 2020 12:51:49 AM

Quick, courteous, and warm with the egg hatch I requested! Lovely member of our community.

Stiff_Churros's Information


Friend codes:
