
0319-0527-8276 || Cos (VIO, SCA)
0319-0527-8276 || Cos (VIO, SCA) || XXXX

Trades (143)

[+] Events (67)
1. Shiny Sneasel for Mew /u/dvader0
2. Shiny HP Fire Bulbasaur, HP Ice Eevee, Ralts for 5 NA 20th anniversary Mew codes /u/MisterLenz
3. Shiny HP Fire Froakie for 1 NA 20th anniversary Mew code /u/cscribe
4. Shiny Rotom, Swirlix, and Honedge for 3 NA 20th anniversary Mew codes /u/MisterLenz
5. 20th anniversary Mew code for Pokeball Vivillion /u/planetarial
6. Shiny Ralts for 20th anniversary Mew code /u/Okami117
7. Shiny Cryogonal, Cleffa, Cleffa, Swirlix, Swirlix for Festive Feud Delibird /u/Rapidash_Best_Pony
8. Shiny Swirlix, Sneasel for 2 20th Anniversary Darkrai codes /u/kipofmudd
9. 2 20th Anniversary Mew Codes for 2 20th Anniversary Darkrai Codes /u/rainbow_mirch
10. 3 NA Mew Newsletter Codes for PGL Garchomp Code /u/V1C1OU5LY
11. Shiny HP Fire Froakie, Charmander, Dratini, and Cleffa for Skytree Rayquaza /u/anaking06
12. Shiny Lileep, Dratini for Gardevoir Code /u/giraffe196
13. DBHA Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Shieldon, Tirtouga for 5 Arceus Codes, 3 Darkrai Codes /u/Enfreakinrique
14. Shiny Pinsir, Pidgey, Sneasel, Staryu, Riolu, Shellder for Skytree Rayquaza /u/anaking06
15. 4 EM 4IV+ Swirlix, Inkay, Heatmor, Vullaby, Stunfisk, Cryogonal (Poke Ball 5IV Timid), Elgyem, Alomomola, Gothita, Ducklett, Dwebble, Maractus, Sandile, Basculin, Roggenrola, Snover, Stunky, Burmy, Combee, Spheal, Tropius, and Duskull for 4 NA Arceus and 1 NA Darkrai code /u/mdizzie
16. DBHA Kabuto for NA Darkrai Code /u/MistaMistaaaa
17. Shiny HP Ice Eevee, Ralts, Snorlax for 3 Happy Meowths /u/Amsler101
18. Shiny Pinsir, HP Ground Eevee, Cleffa, Scyther, Mawile, Weedle, Honedge for N's Darmanitan code /u/flaw1ess1994
19. Shiny Swirlix for HH Meowth Jolly /u/Opelucid
20. Shiny Ralts, Shroomish, Sableye, Rotom, Charmander, Charmander, HP Fire Magnemite for PGL Darmanitan code /u/flaw1ess1994
21. 31/31/31/31/31/31 Adamant Ho-Oh for PGL Darmanitan Code /u/norman250
22. 6 RNG'd Dittos for PAL Aldora Bird Trio /u/Yella-jacket
23. Hoopa for HH Meowth /u/Leon_zz
24. 6IV Impish HA Giratina for 3 NA Arceus Codes /u/kuyakhris
25. DBHA Riolu, Shinx for 1 NA Arceus Code /u/kuyakhris
26. RNG'd 6IV Adamant Ditto for 2 NA Arceus Codes /u/TruePancakes
27. 5IV Perfect Cacnea, Miltank, Slugma, Lickitung, Farfetch'd, Mankey, Pawniard, Glameow for 4 NA Arceus Codes /u/Flareblitz12
28. Language set of Hoopa for Language set of XYZ Gardevoir /u/Akashini
29. DBHA Onix, Chansey, Riolu, Sneasel, Kangaskhan, DB Gastly for 2 NA Arceus Codes /u/sqmunro
30. 5IV DBHA Heracross, Starly for NA Arceus Code /u/Begiant
31. HP Fire Magnemite, HP Ice Electrike for 2 NA Arceus Codes /u/savannah_allie
32. RNG'd Timid Latias for 3 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Er212393
33. Shiny Mawile for NA Volcanion Code /u/jacobtakeo
34. Shiny Smeargle, Charmander, Machop, Larvitar for 5 NA Volcanion Codes /u/MaximusT94
35. DBHA Eevee, Weedle, Shellder, Ponyta, Growlithe, Pawniard, Ekans, Onix, Premier Ball HA Pichu for 3 NA Volcanion Codes /u/redrooster55
36. 31/0/31/30/31/30 Timid and 31/0/31/31/31/0 Quiet RNG'd Dittos for 3 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Doomhelk
37. Shiny Honedge for 1 NA Volcanion Codes /u/ijustwantdonutsok
38. RNG'd HP Ice Thundurus for 4 NA Volcanion Codes /u/That1Fool
39. Shiny 6IV Phanpy for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/deltalaser99
40. Shiny Pinsir for NA Arceus Code /u/ShadowSneaky
41. 12 NA Volcanion Codes for PGL Landorus /u/xtakeru
42. Shiny Honedge, Magikarp for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/ironeonflux
43. Shiny 4IV HP Ground Eevee for NA Volcanion /u/Gibicus
44. 5IV DBHA Shellder, Marill for 1 NA Arceus Code /u/OberonCelebi
45. 18 NA Volcanion Codes for VGC Machamp /u/xtakeru
46. Shiny Eevee, Venonat for 3 NA Volcanion Codes /u/jcindica
47. Shiny Rotom for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/jcindica
48. Shiny Honedge, Eevee, Charmander, Charmander, Magnemite, Abra, Rotom, Swirlix, Pichu, Gible, Venonat, Sableye, Mawile, Pidgey, Electrike for 30 NA Arceus Codes /u/Chicoramero
49. Shiny Cleffa for 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/Firewulf08
50. Shiny Aerodactyl for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/hanglooser
51. 5IV DBHA Snorlax, Onix, Skarmory, 5IV DB Gastly for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Doomhelk
52. Darmanitan Code for Language Set of Happy Meowths /u/HashG8
53. RNG'd HA Jolly Landorus, Shiny HP Fire Bulbasaur, HP Fire Snivy, HP Ground Eevee for SuperSize Pumpkaboo, Galileo Rayquaza, Summer Pinsir /u/NutellaOnPikachu
54. Shiny 6IV Charmander, 5IV Bulbasaur for 3 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Twofu_
55. 5IV Abra, Aerodactyl for 1 PAL Arceus Code /u/Psybolte
56. 6 NA Arceus Codes for 2 Sly Zoroarks /u/willster191
57. PAL Arceus Code for NA Arceus Code /u/mjohnblack
58. RNG'd Ditto for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/three_too_MANY
59. RNG'd 6IV Ditto for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Seanster1107
60. RNG'd Ho-Oh, Landorus-T, Giratina for Lance's Dragonite, 10 NA Volcanion Codes /u/That1Fool
61. DBHA Marill, Gible, Venipede, DB Gastly for 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/LOLNOEP
62. 10 NA Volcanion Codes for 1 Lab Chikorita Code /u/kopoke
63. RNG'd Shiny Regirock and Regice for 7/11 Lugia /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
64. 9 NA Arceus Codes for Jarvis' Gengar /u/mikakana
65. 10 custom shinies for Gamestop Dragonite Language Set /u/Markus1999B
66. Language set of Keldeo, Darkrai, and Volcanion (2x) for PCI Hydreigon, Camerupt, Sharpedo /u/Droidem
67. RNG'd Dream Radar Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Ho-Oh for Masuda's Psyduck, Scrap Venusaur /u/Yella-jacket
[+] Shinies (5)
1. 5 IV Bold female Milotic for Shiny Druddigon /u/Sporty824
2. Shiny Druddigon, Mudkip, Aerodactyl, and Shroomish for DBHA Riolu, Venipede, Absol, Anorith, Heracross, Hoppip, Houndour, Maractus, Munna, and repeat ball Abra /u/Kitsune_Fire
3. Shiny Axew for DBHA Qwilfish, Scyther, Chatot, Nincada /u/Kitsune_Fire
4. 5 IV DBHA Pidgey for Shiny Cryogonal /u/Heavyminded
5. 5IV DBHA Heracross, Gligar, Porygon for Shiny Mawile /u/Doomhelk
[+] Competitive / Casual (69)
1. 4 IV HA female luxury ball Slowpoke for 5 IV HA female Aerodactyl /u/nateriver6211
2. 4 IV 0 speed Brave female Honedge for DBHA Misdreavus /u/00Morph
3. DBHA Aerodactyl for Female HA Tyrunt /u/gkh1997
4. DBHA Snorunt, DB Misdreavus, Meowth for DBHA Nidoran-F, Ralts, Lileep /u/JoseVanguard
5. 5 IV Bold Klefki, 4 IV female HA Scraggy for DBHA Pachirisu, Swablu /u/xDawilly
6. HA Piloswine for Pumpkaboo with everstone /u/godzillabig
7. 5 IV Dusk ball female Houndour for DBHA 5 IV Slowpoke /u/Dayvlez
8. DBHA Lileep for DBHA Omanyte /u/spaceminer47
9. DBHA Ekans, Aerodactyl for DBHA Sableye, Abra, Corphish, Carvanha /u/II-Aura-II
10. DBHA Weedle, Ekans for DBHA Pineco, Spiritomb /u/spaceminer47
11. DBHA Pachirisu, Lileep, Lickitung, Sunkern, Weedle for DBHA Ponyta, Poochyena, Shuppet, Hippopotas, Solosis, Emolga /u/asphyxiati0n76
12. Fletchling with Snatch for Smeargle with Payday and Happy Hour /u/IronVolvametal
13. DBHA Ralts for Heavy Ball Skarmory /u/andyjim
14. DBHA Rattata for DBHA Glameow /u/Howlo
15. DBHA Shelmet for DBHA Mawile /u/Dark-rose-thorns
16. DBHA Rattata, Weedle, Farfetch'd, Lileep, Petilil, Smeargle, and Nidoran-F for DBHA Joltik, Horsea, Lotad, Eevee, Pawniard, Roselia, Sigilyph /u/trollin4ever
17. DBHA Aerodactyl, Absol, Nidoran-F for DBHA Bagon, Exeggcute, Spearow, Wooper /u/00Morph
18. DBHA Lileep, Pidgey, Shelmet for DBHA Dratini, Starly, Miltank /u/SlashAgris
19. DBHA Wooper, Diglett, Ralts for DBHA Sneasel, Shroomish, Dwebble /u/spaceminer47
20. DBHA Paras for DBHA Murkrow /u/spaceminer47
21. DBHA Ekans for DBHA Caterpie /u/saucered30
22. DBHA Petilil for DBHA Clamperl /u/Phoxys
23. DBHA Lileep for DBHA Anorith /u/II-Aura-II
24. DBHA Venonat, Smeargle for DBHA Timburr /u/DeathMasterRed
25. DBHA Psyduck, Mankey, Rhyhorn, Seel, and Doduo for DBHA Audino, Corsola, Croagunk, and Kabuto /u/trollin4ever
26. DBHA Absol for DBHA Drifloon /u/trueplayer
27. DBHA Sudowoodo for DBHA Shuckle /u/tbiztec
28. DBHA 5 IV Tentacool and Smeargle, 4 IV Doduo and Glameow for DBHA 6 IV Roselia and 4 IV Zangoose and Elygem /u/Jorellana2334
29. DBHA Corphish, Skitty, Sudowoodo for DBHA Seviper, Hoothoot, Wailmer /u/Tozalin
30. DBHA Snorlax, Seel for DBHA Burmy, Druddigon, Carnivine, Spoink, Meditite /u/Aelphyrus
31. DBHA Caterpie for DBHA Snubbull /u/00Morph
32. DBHA Mankey and Venonat for DBHA Oddish and Surskit /u/Trainer_Alan
33. DBHA Snorlax, Spearow, Ekans, Mankey, Doduo, Seel, Gulpin for DBHA Combee, Karrablast, Roggenrola, Snover, Skorupi, Pidove, Stunky, Seedot /u/Voxelsaurus
34. DBHA Spearow, Ekans, Diglett, Rhyhorn, Snorlax, Misdreavus, Sunkern, Lotad, Alomomola, Vanillite, Spoink, Meditite for DBHA Barboach, Cacnea, Castform, Chimecho, Cranidos, Durant, Girafarig, Ledyba, Mantine, Sandile, Shinx, Teddiursa /u/mipanda3
35. DBHA Ledyba for DBHA Zubat /u/I-am-Beans
36. DBHA Ralts for DBHA Drilbur /u/snwlprd
37. 5IV Lotad for 5IV Froakie /u/Threexbb
38. DBHA Igglybuff, Shelmet, DB Kecleon for DBHA Delibird, Wobbufett, Wurmple /u/34loppyXsoko
39. DBHA Lileep for Level ball Paras /u/fa678795
40. DBHA Spearow, Mankey, Bellsprout, Doduo, Sentret, Sableye, Illumise, Lileep for DBHA Stantler, Magby, Whismur, Numel, Budew, Basculin, Tirtouga /u/I-am-Beans
41. DBHA Illumise for MB Mawile /u/Velideon
42. DBHA Natu for DBHA Spinarak /u/changesaccountsoften
43. Perfect 5IV DBHA Hippopotas, Mareep for Perfect 5IV DBHA Pinsir, DB Gastly /u/capnsafetypants
44. DBHA Meditite, Glameow for DBHA Remoraid, Krabby /u/cloudypeak
45. DBHA Petilil for DBHA Trapinch /u/kibajiang
46. DBHA Slugma for DBHA Togepi /u/Chandelord
47. 5IV Rotom for Level ball Growlithe /u/KiroTelexia
48. DBHA Doduo, Bellsprout for DBHA Makuhita /u/00Morph
49. DBHA Sandile, Bellsprout for DBHA Tympole, Ducklett /u/Voxelsaurus
50. Dive Ball Miltank for DBHA Dunsparce /u/TrainerWren
51. DBHA Ledyba, Mantine, Relicanth for DBHA Bidoof, Luvdisc, Torkoal, Electrike, Aron, Wingull /u/Aelphyrus
52. DBHA Stunky, Roggenrola for DBHA Skarmory, DB Koffing /u/pokesol
53. DBHA Elgyem for DBHA Larvitar /u/gryffindorstudent
54. DBHA Growlithe for DBHA Machop /u/shizen11037
55. DBHA Omanyte for Nest ball HA Bulbasaur /u/winnie9004
56. DBHA Weedle, HP Fire Froakie for Luxury ball female Charmander /u/Threexbb
57. DBHA Zubat, Heracross, Lapras, Aipom for Heavy Ball Snorlax, Gastly /u/buildmorethings
58. HP Ground Eevee, DBHA Male Sandshrew for Dive Ball Charmeleon /u/Monkeyfuzz_
59. 5IV DBHA Gulpin for 6IV Lure Ball Magikarp /u/JuliusPrime
60. DBHA Dunsparce, Sunkern, Nosepass, Minun, Wailmer, Spoink, Luvdisc, DB Castform, Kecleon, Cherubi, for Lure Ball Psyduck, Lapras, Taillow, Barboach, Moon Ball Skarmory, Teddiursa, Level Ball Cubone, Love Ball Miltank, Heavy Ball Phanpy, Friend Ball Yanma /u/Whimms
61. 5IV DBHA Abra, Bagon, Smeargle for 5IV Lure Ball Yanma, Heavy Ball Rhyhorn, Friend Ball Seedot, Love Ball Mareep /u/Skandu
62. DBHA Petilil for Moon Ball Poochyena /u/LHOOQatme
63. DBHA Chansey, Farfetch'd, Meowth, Mankey for Level Ball Sudowoodo, Lure Ball Clamperl and Mantine, Moon Ball Cleffa /u/endemicpandemic
64. DBHA Ekans, Venipede, Feebas for Moon Ball Starly, Moon Ball Shinx, Love Ball Zubat /u/CassaniRae
65. HA Female Snivy for HA Female Totodile /u/SexyPoro
66. Luxury Ball HA Swirlix for Fast Ball Growlithe /u/CandyDetector
67. DBHA Minun for Nest Ball HA Sableye /u/cy78shum
68. DBHA Horsea for Heavy Ball Diglett /u/Silicondario
69. HP Fire Bulbasaur, Froakie, HP Ice Electrike for Luxury Ball HA Charmander, Friend Ball Machop /u/Monkeyfuzz_
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. Shiny perfect HP Fire Froakie, HP Ice Eevee for 2 Wishmaker Jirachis /u/flaw1ess1994
2. Shiny Comp Tyranitar and Pinsir for Movie14 Hardy Victini /u/Trapus

Egg Hatches (42)

1. Hatched shiny Binacle /u/Onizuak31
2. Hatched shiny /u/theantipode
3. Hatched shiny Aipom /u/Haruiteul
4. Hatched shiny Noibat /u/NyahChaan
5. Hatched shiny Litwick /u/MethFred
6. Hatched shiny Tyrogue /u/Tamoketh
7. Hatched shiny Vulpix /u/imp3rf3ct
8. Hatched shiny Deino /u/Draco10
9. Hatched shiny Cacnea /u/gododgers2002
10. Hatched shiny Cyndaquil /u/Zangoose1
11. Hatched shiny Croagunk /u/cdh_1012
12. Hatched shiny Espurr /u/sugar8ay
13. Hatched shiny Snorlax /u/kemaro3000
14. Hatched shiny Ekans /u/MisterLenz
15. Hatched shiny Eevee /u/oodachi
16. Hatched shiny Purrloin /u/Jamie-McL
17. Hatched shiny Gligar /u/savannah_allie
18. Hatched shiny Aron /u/sees4321
19. Hatched shiny Kangaskhan /u/7saki
20. Hatched shiny Voltorb /u/BlackoutSLM
21. Hatched shiny Panpour /u/Tacanacy
22. Hatched shiny Mawile /u/jh0533
23. Hatched shiny Squirtle /u/RIMAN2209
24. Hatched shiny Phanpy /u/fostja6tus
25. Hatched shiny Pichu /u/Wizli
26. Hatched shiny Chikorita /u/mike15835
27. Hatched shiny Tyrogue /u/winmor
28. Hatched shiny Solosis /u/wuyi317605
29. Hatched shiny Ekans /u/Jjgierh
30. Hatched shiny Weedle /u/Galaktinator
31. Hatched shiny Ralts /u/DarthBaelfire
32. Hatched shiny Omanyte /u/ohnosakura
33. Hatched shiny Spiritomb /u/bluecc
34. Hatched shiny Marill /u/MegaGoldix
35. Hatched shiny Pichu /u/chuni_pok
36. Hatched shiny Totodile /u/v3220
37. Hatched shiny Rhyhorn /u/X-the-Komujin
38. Hatched shiny Smeargle /u/jfarm86
39. Hatched shiny Heracross /u/pokemansplease
40. Hatched shiny Scyther /u/Blackballroom
41. Hatched shiny Scyther /u/droarellano
42. Hatched shiny Smoochum /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Helped someone evolve their scyther /u/SouthernVoodooChild

Misc (0)


Foxlery Jan 8, 2017 9:24:46 AM

Renamed their 6IV Boldore they traded to me even though the original trade took place 2 months prior! Thanks again!

Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 9:42:55 PM

Hatched a Shiny Panpour for me. Thanks again.

Kanniin Dec 18, 2015 10:41:54 PM

Did trade him a 5IV Perf Scyther w/ Defog and 3EM for a DBHA Female Horsea, fine breeder and trader, 10/10 would trade again!

capnsafetypants Dec 10, 2015 7:11:46 AM

thanks so much again for the trade :) 10/10!

Strafingfire's Information


Friend codes:
