
2552-3205-2223 || Chelsie (ΩR), Chelsie (Y)
2552-3205-2223 || Chelsie || 0510

Trades (42)

[+] Events (1)
1. Feebas for Gengar /u/neonmatty
[+] Shinies (2)
1. Female HA Snivy for Shiny Quagsire and Audino /u/surgex10
2. HA Shuckle for Shiny Larvesta /u/Shiny_Afro
[+] Competitive / Casual (39)
1. HA Swirlix for HA Stunfisk /u/CuddlyNyxAssassin
2. Chesto Berry for Masterball /u/Endonyx88
3. Leftovers for Skrelp Staryu /u/stormageddon1990
4. Leftovers for Slowpoke /u/Russianspy169
5. Egg for Egg /u/k4kirin
6. Eevee for Krabby /u/lunarskysong
7. Choice Specs for Tauros /u/BeejayNinja
8. Leftovers for Mudkip Gligar /u/jaimeg7
9. Happiny for Marill /u/gmpsmendes
10. Swirlix for Torchic /u/ColdSoviet
11. Shuckle for Furfrou /u/EzyLy
12. Goomy for Swanna /u/harryng2103
13. HA Cleffa for Moonball Ralts /u/not_an_aardvark
14. 2 Ability Capsule for Abra, Bagon, Chimchar, Gible, and Heracross /u/stormageddon1990
15. HA Swinub for HA Corphish /u/thecody17
16. Masterball for HA Squirtle /u/Turtlesrock5
17. Leftovers for Scyther, Diveball Marill /u/VampirePlays
18. Chingling for Celebi /u/n122333
19. Life Orb for Charmeleon /u/waffle753
20. HA Swirlix for Talonflame /u/IIJustSupremeII
21. Masterball for Scatterbug /u/Tansuke
22. Swirlix for Miltank /u/Starlord11
23. Prism Scale on an HA Snivy for Phantump/Trevenant /u/walter2235
24. Swirlix for Kangaskhan /u/Mintjose
25. Zorua for Cottonee /u/AbyssArray
26. Charmander, Fletchling for Emolga, Sentret /u/mist0624
27. Masterball for Deino, Skrelp, Bulbasaur /u/Bickslow2222
28. Shuckle, Bagon, Piplup, Swablu for Pachirisu, Hippopotas, Woobat, Foongus /u/mist0624
29. Marill and Cubone for Horsea and Roselia /u/aentee
30. Fletchling, Shroomish for Ghastly, Cleffa /u/stormageddon1990
31. Buneary for Duskball /u/sabishyryu
32. Marill for Ralts /u/LuxrayShiny
33. Bulbasaur, Cubone for Pidgey, Ralts /u/Khasma
34. Electivire for Porygon 2 /u/T-Sherm73
35. Leftovers for Hydreigon /u/AtomicJellos
36. Ralts for Gallade /u/Khasma
37. Swinub for Corsola /u/eagle0100
38. Chimchar, Squirtle, Turtwig, Treeko, Mudkip, Miccino, Heracross, Vulpix, Bagon, Ralts, Slobro for Inkay, Carvanha, Marill, Mankey, Miltank, Hoppip, Drilbur, Espurr, Purrloin, Bergmite, Spritzee /u/Arseface_TM
39. Pidgey, friend ball Yanma, Cubone, Slugma and Joltik for Feebas, Lapras, Scyther, Mareep, Vulpix /u/DiamondFarm
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (6)

1. Hatched Shiny Pidgey /u/emeril322
2. Hatched two eggs /u/UmiMizuAi
3. Shiny Eevee! /u/happy_guy23
4. Shiny Venonat! /u/Awful_Person
5. Shiny Zigzagoon! /u/snoozypants
6. Shiny Hoppip /u/harooharoo

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave Away Swirlix, Fennekin, Snivy (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 31 given)
2. BR Zoroark (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 30 given)
3. Shiny Ralts (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 27 given)
4. Petilil, Snivy, Flabebe (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 17 given)
5. Blaziken (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 30 given)
6. Kingdra and Blissey (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 60 given)
7. Shiny Gengar (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 30 given)
8. Shiny Ninetails (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 30 given)
9. Shiny Furret and Shiny Dragonair (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 30 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


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