
0662-3852-9849 || Talha (Y, ΩR)
0662-3852-9849 || Talha (Y, ΩR) || 3714

Trades (174)

[+] Events (4)
1. 3 starters for AUS Gengar code /u/adze2310
2. Dragonite Code for Charizard Code /u/RomanNWK
3. Shiny Axew for Dragonite Code /u/Zorblack
4. 2 Breedables for Darkrai Redemption /u/Alpha-jd
[+] Shinies (5)
1. Help for Imperfect Shiny Seviper /u/joelrjohnson
2. 8 Imperfect Bankballs for Comp Shiny Horsea /u/Cu4utl3
3. Trophy Eevee for 5 IV Croagunk /u/cubanpete26
4. Shiny Omanyte for Breeding Service /u/ourcertifiablegenre
5. Shiny Shroomish for Breeding Service /u/Qognog
[+] Competitive / Casual (155)
1. Diglett and Voltorb for Chimchar and Turtwig /u/sabio17
2. 4 IV Goomy for Pinsirite /u/Koninospower
3. Evolution Help for LIfe Orb /u/sds17
4. Evolution help for 5 IV Shuckle /u/Rimatis
5. 5 IV Cottonee for 5 IV Dratini /u/prinma
6. 5 IV Scyther for 5 IV Mudkip /u/medicinalfury
7. 5 IV Murkrow and Bunnelby for 5 IV Togepi and Slowpoke /u/basemania3
8. 5 IV Sableye for 5 IV Tyrunt /u/Jose_Arrogantio
9. 4 IV Trubbish for 4 IV Growlithe /u/MangoFarmerLol
10. 5 IV Shroomish for 5 IV Fletchling /u/fivehitcombo
11. 4 IV Mudkip for 5 IV Larvitar /u/Zcruxn
12. 5 IV Froakie and Goomy for 5 IV Skarmory and Charmander /u/Chaoticgamer18
13. 5 IV Bagon for 5 IV Beldum /u/eduardoz95
14. 5 IV Torchic for 6 IV Abra /u/payton-34
15. Goomy for Squirtle /u/Alexcurrier
16. 5 IV Aron for 5 IV Pawniard /u/nseliga
17. HA Bagon for 5 IV Larvesta /u/WildNig
18. 5 IV Tyrunt for 5 IV Litwick /u/orcobello
19. 5 IV Tyrunt for 5 IV Growlithe /u/sunnycharizard
20. 5 IV Bagon for 5 IV Deino /u/som3a4
21. Evolution Help for 5 IV Gastly /u/marshyo1
22. 5 IV Bunnelby for 5 IV Marill /u/hberniz98
23. 5 IV Murkrow for 5 IV Gourgeist /u/sweetshot13
24. 5 IV Bagon for 4 IV Bulbasaur /u/Pokemonfan99
25. 5 IV Corphish for 5 IV Mawile /u/WildNig
26. 5 IV Murkrow, and Venipede Dratini, and for 5 IV Carvanha, Rotom, and Drilburr /u/Monroeshindelar
27. Three 4/5 IV Pokemon for BP Items /u/Firefist135
28. 5 IV Murkrown and 4 IV Sableye for BP Items /u/ogbeanz928
29. 5 IV Murkrow and Corphish for 5 IV Timburr and Riolu /u/MayDay1111
30. 5 IV Aron for 5 IV Torchic /u/WCTrooper
31. Yamask for Charmander /u/SilentWordings
32. Four 5 IV Pokemon for Two 5 IV Pokemon and two BP items /u/Nukedawg
33. HA Piloswine for 5 IV Feebas /u/Akira259
34. Murkrow and Sableye for Venipede and BP items /u/PopeJP22
35. Held and traded back several Pokemon for Shiny Chansey, Uxie, Lugia /u/Bence_01
36. 5 IV Bagon for 5 IV Eevee /u/mcaquaman
37. 5 IV Mudkip and another as an egg for BR Excadrill /u/dan-the-man
38. 5 IV Chimchar for 5 IV Axew /u/NarutosLilBro
39. 5 IV Scyther for 5 IV Eevee /u/paladinofhel
40. 5 IV Torchic for 5 IV Horsea /u/superbboiz
41. 5 IV Gligar for 5 IV Rotom /u/TommyLP
42. 4 Breedables for 4 Breedables /u/MRBlobbable
43. Breedject Illumise for 2 ESV Checks /u/UmiMizuAi
44. 3 Imperfect Bankball Females for 3 Imperfect Bankball Females /u/-Lyra
45. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/lee8888
46. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Hungranion
47. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/FinallyGivenIn
48. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/falconchurr
49. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/galaspark
50. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/DayCareLad
51. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/supershrewdshrew
52. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/iPippy
53. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/bran1005
54. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Mistake4Oh4
55. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/k-k-kiat
56. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/xJetStorm
57. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/robertVIII
58. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales and breedable /u/Tatertot74
59. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/vermillionlove
60. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/dirtyninja09
61. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/DualMatrix
62. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/MEAAAAAT
63. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/B_czar
64. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Akhione
65. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Davos_OnionKnight
66. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/jlkpjlkp
67. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/TheMeerkat
68. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/BetaWolf3
69. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/doritoburrtito
70. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/jeeeeeeeees
71. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Bethachu
72. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Fadeslayer
73. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/jostler57
74. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/faxl
75. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Aquarium_1
76. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Ipwnuevryday
77. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/lowtisblade
78. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Lukethehedgehog
79. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/FearlessGambit
80. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/WenSnake
81. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/azuredelax
82. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/PhantomHydra
83. Basculin and Seedot for Cubchoo and Skrelp /u/bi-cycle
84. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/SubtleSaboteur
85. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/cantmakeusernames
86. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/AlexLoui
87. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/ImagineLeft
88. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/ajkyle56
89. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/yineedname
90. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/longlivethekinghoe
91. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/waloow
92. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Sethinatorz
93. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/thecrazyasscantonese
94. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/heeromasaki
95. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Doopliss2008
96. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/dandan150
97. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/bohric
98. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/guitarerdood
99. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/HalfATaco
100. Bankball breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/TAFly
101. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/DisraughtMb
102. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/NewAgeBreeder
103. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/superbboiz
104. Breedject(s) for Heart Scales /u/Thorlmnopqrs
105. Bunnelby and Tyrunt for Klefki /u/DynamicDexter
106. PKRS Pokemon for Snover and Frillish /u/SpaceV
107. Skarmory for Absol /u/mothmanex
108. Bankball Litwick for Bankball Bagon /u/snowcatch
109. Litwick for Roselia /u/abcdefghijk12374
110. Kangaskhan for Everstone /u/Beckthebeetle
111. Snover and Feebas for Machop and Totodile /u/Umbra-Profess
112. Sableye for Togepi /u/ProfesserCedar
113. EM Pokemon for EM Pokemon /u/Halader
114. Heart Scales for Breedjects /u/michaelsaurs90
115. Gligar and Shroomish for Carvanha and Lotad /u/Beckthebeetle
116. Torchic for Lileep /u/deathbymattam
117. Kangaskhan for Miltank /u/Fresh_Pineapplez
118. Kangaskhan for Pokedex Entries /u/arwong
119. Egg Transfer Help for Megastone /u/chuni_pok
120. DB HA Stantler for 5 IV Pidgey /u/Mushy_64
121. Bankball Pineco for Bankball Tropius /u/Jozcef
122. Spinda for DB Venonat /u/icedfrappe
123. Bankball Females for Bankball Females /u/catcf
124. DB Nosepass for DB Karrablast /u/fxiy
125. Bankball Weedle for Dive Ball Seel /u/abiogenic
126. Defog Scyther for 5 IV Shroomish /u/DeeDubb83
127. 2 Bankball Weedle's for Bankball Togepi /u/abcdefghijkl12374
128. 3 breedables for 3 breedables /u/CJPi
129. Bankball Females for Bankball Females /u/dosquared
130. Bankball Karrablast for Bankball Skorupi /u/LovelyMagickUnicorn
131. 3 Breedables for 3 Breedables /u/Xevran01
132. 3 Breedables for 3 Breedables /u/plasmagica
133. Bankball Breedables for Bankball Breedables /u/Propallor
134. Cyndaquil Breedable for Maractus Breedable /u/plasmagica
135. Breedables for Breedables /u/tmerc17
136. Cubchoo Breedable for Fletchling Breedables /u/Izzy2394
137. Heracross Breedable for Dratini Breedable /u/TrainerWren
138. Bulbasaur Breedable for Onix and Exeggcute Breedable /u/sabishyryu
139. Axew and Heracross Breedables for Snorunt and Venipede Breedables /u/Dark-2-Light
140. Gible and Heracross Breedables for Sandile and Pachirisu Breedables /u/Potato5lyfe
141. 4 Breedables for Fennekin Breedable /u/Lilchupz
142. Bulbasaur Breedable for Deerling Breedable /u/IntentionOfAbyss
143. Houndour Breedable for Yanma Breedable /u/II-Aura-II
144. Feebas and Cubone Breedables for Emolga and Shinx Breedables /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
145. Cacnea and Croagunk Breedables for Electrike and Blitzle Breedables /u/Nightcore12
146. Perfect Heracross and Horsea Breedables for Lileep, Deerling, and Woobat Breedables /u/DoubleEdgeCat
147. 5 Breedables for 7 Breedables /u/Cute1234562002
148. Aerodactyl Breedable for Mawile and Tynamo Breedables /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
149. Fletchling Breedable for Chespin Breedable /u/MrDoctorProfessorWho
150. Horsea Breedable for Scraggy Breedable /u/fiskpotatis98
151. Makuhita and Exeggcute Breedables for Finneon, Drilbur, and Smoochum Breedables /u/34loppyXsoko
152. Makuhita and Exeggcute Breedables for Starly and Grimer Breedables /u/BladeTam
153. Horsea Breedable for Roggenrola Breedable /u/SolarWingz
154. Makuhita Breedable for Careful Ditto /u/superrandystar
155. 4 Breedables for Magmar Breeding and Levelling /u/OriginalBeefman
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (10)
1. Comp Shiny Croagunk for WISHMKR Jirachi /u/galaspark
2. Japan M17 Diancie for Gamestop Deoxys, PC Shiny Pikachu, and HA Unova Starters Set /u/CallMeTub
3. 2 NA Diancie Codes for SUM2013 Dialga /u/goldsushi44
4. Gamestop Deoxys for WIN2013 Keldeo and Redeemed Scrap Shaymin /u/BasedNoFace
5. 5 Comp Shinies and 2 BR Shinies for Slightly Touced WIN2013 Keldeo (w/ WC) /u/YoshiIsJason
6. PC Pika for Shiny Dog Trio /u/Earendil503
7. 15 comp shinies for M14 Victini /u/cockatoo2
8. WIN2013 Keldeo for 7/11 Lugia and Latios /u/xchicowx
9. SR'd Hope Diancie for Liberty Garden Victini /u/Gallade47
10. SUM2013 Dialga for 2 NA Darkrai Codes /u/Collin_morris

Egg Hatches (15)

1. Hatched a Larvitar /u/A3T3RNUS
2. Hatched a Hippopotas /u/Jozcef
3. Hatched a Vulpix /u/jinju0396
4. Hatched a Feebas /u/thrgnfJS
5. Hatched a Feebas /u/Kopak999
6. Hatched a Charmander /u/star2k1213
7. Hatched a Treecko /u/ragnaroq
8. Hatched a Numel /u/RainbowPlatypus
9. Hatched a Chikorita /u/harryng2103
10. Hatched a Rotom /u/thejjustinj
11. Hatched a Cottonee /u/Kirkus-Y
12. Hatched a Misdreavus /u/infiniteshadow
13. Hatched a Rotom /u/hereitis135
14. Hatched an Eevee /u/thenext_jordan
15. Hatched a Pichu /u/mike15835

Giveaways/Contests (96 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away on hand eggs. (Sub: pokemontrades, 94 given)
2. Contest to make the best milfhunter (.lenny) (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. Battleship Tournament (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Helped evolve Kadabra /u/Tobias1987
2. Helped evolve his Karrablast and Shelmet /u/Rodr2996
3. Helped move 2 items /u/summerg0th

Misc (0)


talhatoot Sep 28, 2015 12:17:46 AM

Most trust-worthy guy I know. I would trust him with my life, 10/10.

IAMADeinonychusAMA Sep 19, 2015 11:26:13 PM

Just traded him two breedjects for an Aerodactyl...it was some time before I was able to complete the deal, and he was very patient and understanding of the wait, which I appreciated. Would recommend. Always a pleasure to trade with.

mike15835 Sep 19, 2015 7:47:40 PM

Hatched my Pichu egg! Thank you once again! :D

mike15835 Sep 19, 2015 7:47:38 PM

Hatched my Pichu egg! Thank you once again! :D

Lilchupz Aug 29, 2015 4:42:55 AM

When my game corrupted, Talhatoot helped me by giving me some breedjects for free so I can have Pokemon to breed for trades. Very generous, kind and understanding. Awesome trader in the Pokemon trading community. Thank you very much! :D

Kirkus-Y Aug 10, 2015 9:17:31 PM

Hatched and nicknamed my Cottonee for me. Fast, and friendly. Thank you so much for Pips _^

plasmagica Jan 27, 2015 11:59:05 PM

friendly, fast, and efficient. would trade again!

RainbowPlatypus Jan 27, 2015 9:31:00 PM

Fast and easy hatch, would recommend.

TAFly Dec 30, 2014 5:26:16 AM

A very friendly, patient & accomodating trader! Hope to trade with u again & thanks for the gulpin :)

falconchurr Dec 29, 2014 5:18:19 PM

Very nice guy, fast trade - heart scales for breedables :)

robertVIII Dec 28, 2014 3:52:06 AM

Was giving immediate response after reply, nice trader :)

Mistake4Oh4 Dec 28, 2014 12:46:16 AM

Great trader! Very efficient.

vermillionlove Dec 27, 2014 9:26:49 PM

They traded me 3 breeding leftovers for 3 heart scales each, I replied an hour after they got back to me, and we traded within a minute or two. Very fast and efficient trader, would recommend :)

xJetStorm Dec 27, 2014 8:41:54 PM

Traded 3 HA Bank Balls for 12 Heart Scales; great deal, 11/10 would trade again.

B_czar Dec 27, 2014 8:37:17 PM

Generously traded

  • Swablu Bold HA Heal Hyper Voice, Feather Dance, Power Swap, Haze

For x3 random Pokemon holding x3 Heart Scales.

Kept me informed throughout the process, 5 stars would trade with again

k-k-kiat Dec 27, 2014 7:31:11 PM

Traded heartscales for a bank ball pokemon. Pretty quick :)

supershrewdshrew Dec 27, 2014 8:01:52 AM

Talha is a very time-efficient and trustworthy person to trade with, and has some pretty neat and rare pokemon to trade for. =) 10/10 trader!

FinallyGivenIn Dec 27, 2014 6:54:58 AM

Easy trade for heart scales. No problem here

iPippy Dec 27, 2014 6:42:26 AM

Easy trade. Quick and to the point.

Hungranion Dec 27, 2014 6:17:27 AM

Traded heart scales for breedables. Efficient and a good trade. :D

Cu4utl3 Dec 27, 2014 12:39:03 AM

Traded a shiny for 8 imperfect females. Everything when very well. 10/10 - would trade again.

MRBlobbable Nov 22, 2014 9:20:08 PM

Traded a couple of random pokes, thanks very much! :)

H2ozone Nov 3, 2014 3:31:58 AM

Very quick and fair trader 10/10

talhatoot's Information


Friend codes:

  • 0662-3852-9849


  • IGN: Talha TSV: 3714