
SW-1860-5008-9128 || Nath (SCA), Freja (VIO)
SW-1860-5008-9128 || Nath (SCA), Freja (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (40)

[+] Events (7)
1. 5 Pokeball Vivs for Gastly /u/Cherri91
2. Fancy Vivs for Shiny Treecko /u/ezelking
3. 4 Fancy Vivs for Shiny Phantump /u/Healingrunes
4. 3 Fancy Vivs for Shiny Pawniard /u/joelrjohnson
5. 13 Fancy Vivs 1 Celebi for Shiny Squirtle, Shiny Horsea, Shiny Beldum /u/doritoburrrito
6. Porygon, Ralts, Rotom, Honedge for Event Torchic /u/zeropat0000
7. Walmart Garchomp for 24 Custom Shiny Pokemon /u/Gjones18
[+] Shinies (4)
1. Shiny Ditto for Skamory /u/deleted
2. Shiny Weedle for Shiny Vulpix /u/tomxike13
3. Honedge for Petilil, Scatterbug, Espurr in Egg /u/vincentasm
4. Ralts for Custom Dittos /u/TheGreekLantern
[+] Competitive / Casual (29)
1. Skamory for Abra /u/Deleted
2. Ralts for Zubat /u/PlumbumDirigible
3. Rotom for Azumaril /u/P3Magician
4. Dusk Stone for Marril /u/Jugularderp
5. Articuno for Axew and Charmander /u/Deleted
6. Frillish for Chimchar /u/MRBlobbable
7. Froakie for Pokerus /u/awsome2h
8. Torchic for Char Y Stone /u/SeductiveFish
9. Growlithe for Poliwag /u/pillimehu
10. Torchic for 2 Mawile /u/BurningDude
11. EV Training for Phantump /u/Asshole-Max
12. Treecko for Growlithe /u/Arodes
13. Scyther for Dratini /u/MRBlobbable
14. Chimcar for Pokerus /u/sinci7
15. Scyther for Fletchling /u/Raqnarox
16. bidoof for Snorunt /u/lazuli_Miner
17. Gastly for Pokerus /u/Hobbsgoblin123
18. Tyranitarnite for Torchic /u/Man_Of_Mayhem
19. Manectric Stone for Growlithe /u/mage7
20. Power Items for Dratini and Feebas /u/AloueiCMX
21. Gengar for Froakie /u/mizzymizu
22. Phanpy for Yanma /u/BearClawWednesda
23. Rotom for Riolu /u/sharmaopankaj
24. Lifeorb for Imperfect HA Carvanha /u/jkengstrom7
25. Imperfect BB Phanpy for Imperfect HP Treecko /u/KevinL39
26. 5IV Petilil for 5IV Pawniard and 5IV Gible /u/stardualdragon
27. Heart Scales for HA Turtwig HA Fennekin /u/3anton3
28. Mawile, Sableye, Axew for HA Chikorita, HA Totodile, HA Pidgey /u/Crikit47
29. Flutter Mane & Slither Wing, Scarlet Paradox TT for Dex entries for violet paradox mons, base form of starters I didn't have /u/michaelrlc
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (25)

1. Hatched shiny /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
2. Hatched Ralts /u/flareblitz12
3. Hatched Buneary /u/luigy12
4. Hatched Female Nidoran /u/sidfrid
5. Hatched Pichu /u/rimon-hanit
6. hatched shiny shelder /u/deathbot64
7. hatched maractus /u/shiny_sylveon
8. hatched shiny pokemon /u/Iuria
9. hatched burmy /u/afrothunderrule
10. hatched shiny /u/wav3break
11. hatched pantump /u/lizard_am
12. hatched throh /u/ugotmybeef
13. hatched cottonee /u/flyer1228
14. hatched deino /u/AfroThunderRule
15. hatched shiny /u/fatty_tompkins
16. hatched shiny /u/evan0913
17. hatched shiny /u/championofidiots
18. hatched shiny /u/fatty_tompkins
19. hatched igglybuff /u/chipsafari
20. hatched shiny /u/quiksandpull
21. hatched shiny /u/androiddragon
22. hatched deino /u/Epoke28
23. hatched shiny /u/gangsterious
24. hatched shiny /u/poopymynigga
25. hatched shiny /u/tstorys

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 20 eggs given)

1. Ralts in Dreamball (Sub: SVExchange, 9 given)
2. Eevee, Petilil, Treecko Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 11 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


TeamRocketTyler's Information


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