
1203-9599-8225 || Tadzio (US, SW, SCA, SP)
1203-9599-8225 || Tadzio (US, SW, SCA, SP) || XXXX

Trades (87)

[+] Events (84)
1. Cute charm glitch shinies for Galileo Rayquaza /u/redwolf3440
2. Cute charm glitch shinies for GF Mew /u/Pikagirl541
3. RNG Ho-Oh, Mewtwo, Lugia for 2018 legends Dialga, Palkia, Groudon /u/InYourFace1023
4. Marshadow for Descartes Xerneas /u/bergdoll
5. RNG sinjoh ruins trio for 2018 legends zygarde, tgc tapu Koko, aether silvally, GF :manaphy, victini, celebi, jirachi, darkrai /u/Lady_Luck381
6. RNG Mewtwo and Rayquaza for Liberty Pass Victiny /u/furrywalls1023
7. RNG shiny Rayquaza for Plasma Deoxys /u/D0gKingTheRadical
8. RNG sinjoh ruins for NOV2014 Diance, Wind Lugia /u/Ichigo2011
9. GF Manaphy for PGL tapu koko /u/Dalton_A2
10. Self RNG'd shiny legends from Retail Pokemon Black for Eclipse Pair /u/jannlipot
11. RNG shiny legendaries from GER Platinum for 2 HOME Zeraora, 4 Baik Jongyoon's Amoongus, VGC20 Porygon2, Pokemon Japan Championships 2020 Gastrodon /u/Greenevers
12. Self-RNG shiny legends from Pokemon Black for Pokemon Japan 2020 Championships Gastrodon /u/raviteja101
13. Self_RNG shiny legendaries from Pokemon Black for Pokemon Japan 2020 Championship Gastrodon /u/TheStonedRealist
14. PJCS2019CHAMP Gastrodon gotten on pokemontrades from Greenevers for WCS2019 Amoongus /u/dragynfyre
15. RNG Cresselia, Moltres, Articuno from GER platinum for 7 ENG tagged Pokémon Players Cup Gift Porygon2, ITA tagged Pokémon Players Cup Gift Porygon2, GER tagged Pokémon Players Cup Gift Porygon2 /u/minhdnguyen
16. Self-RNG Articuno from retail Soulsilver for ITA tagged Pokémon Players Cup Gift Porygon2, KOR tagged Pokémon Players Cup Gift Porygon2 /u/Greenevers
17. Self-RNG GER Zapdos from retail Platinum for FRE,SPA,KOR,JPN Pokémon Players Cup Gift Porygon2 /u/PopTartManic
18. Self-RNG GER shiny Kyurem, Cobalion, Virizion, Rotom from GER black and platinum for 5 Pokémon 2020 Japan Championships Gastrodon /u/Evthe420
19. self-RNG'd lake trio, heatran and reigigigas from GER Platinum for Baik Amoonguss, 2x HOME Zeraora /u/jannlipot
20. Self-RNGd Raikou and Ho-Oh for G-Corsola, HOME Zeraora /u/Jackrichard95
21. QR Magearna for KIBO Pikachu x2 /u/gb_rezende
22. Shiny cute charm method love ball wooper for Worlds cap Pikachu /u/Funwald
23. HOME Zeraora, 2 PJCS Gastrodon, 1 VGC20 Porygon20 for 2x KIBO Pikachu language set /u/notyourmama12
24. Baik Amoonguss for KIBO Pikachu ENG Tagged x4 /u/Ohikid
25. Shiny cute charm method: Combee, gloom, larvesta for KIBO Pikachu /u/Cherry-Treats
26. VGC20 Porygon for 3x KIBO Pikachu /u/notyourmama12
27. Full Shiny legend set from reetail SoulSilver, complete with 3 sinjoh dragons. RNG'd by me for Bullseye 100117 Charizard, Modest; Clovis 080817 Salazzle, Timid; Ultra 091718 Shiny Poipole, Modest; GF 10016 Keldeo, Timid; Original Cap Pikachu, Ash 090898, Hardy; Hoenn Cap Pikachu, Ash 091303, Hardy; Sinnoh Cap Pikachu, Ash 060407, Hardy; Unova Cap Pikachu, Ash 021211, Hardy; Kalos Cap Pikachu, Ash 011814, Hardy; Alola Cap Pikachu, Ash 120516, Hardy; Fula City Zeraora, Fula City 100118, Jolly /u/smitty2512
28. Shiny RNG Tornadus, from my retail Pokemon Black for NA Zarude Code /u/chaoticdopamine
29. Shiny RNG Moltres from Soulsilver retail for GF Vicitini /u/sirron998
30. RNG Shiny Phione, perfect HP Fire, retail soulsilver for Donut Chansey Code, NA Zarude Code /u/hgperez678
31. Bullseye Charizard for Scrap GVM Codeset, Donut Chansey Code /u/Zzon_ddeok
32. Cute Charm Method gastly and seel for Rock Star Toxtricity /u/littleKarloff
33. Mr.Donut Chansey for 6x Shiny TCG Shining Fates Toxtricity (5 ENG, 1 JPN) /u/Terryus1
34. Ultra Poipole for Dada Zarude Code /u/Zzon_ddeok
35. 14 Toxtricity codes for GF Arceus /u/Evthe420
36. 10 Rock Star Toxtricity codes for 2x GF Victini /u/ZiR1402
37. RNG Shiny GER Regice for 3x Pikachu with Sing /u/Saiyan8592
38. 3 Toxtricity codes, JPN KIBO Pikachu for 3 PAL Zarude codes /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
39. RNG Shiny Lugia and Cute charm shiny Sneasel for 4 2021 Singchu and 4 RockStar Tox /u/ElitistChobo
40. RNG Shiny Groudon for touched Harry Hoopa /u/FatBrah
41. KIBO Pikachu, tox codes for 3 zarude redeems, 3 tox redeems, 1 singchu redeem /u/AgentMelyanna
42. 5 cute charm glitch shinies for Rock Star Tox and Singing Pikachu 2021 /u/Huayimeiguoren
43. Bullseye Charizard for 6x Rock Star Tox, 6x Singing Pikachu 2021 /u/Terryus1
44. VGC20 Porygon2, PJCS Gastrodon 2020, cute charm shinies for 1 lang set + 7eng + 1kor +1jpn Rock Star Shiny Toxtricity TCG Shining Fates, Rock Star 210219, 1 lang set + 7eng + 1kor +1jpn Singing Pikachu, OT GF ID 210227 /u/-Shiny_Star-
45. RNG Shiny Ho-Oh for 2ENG&1JPN Rock Star Toxtricity and 2ENG&1JPN Singing Pikachu /u/Original-Brother1836
46. NA Zarude code for 2 PAL Zarude /u/Evthe420
47. 52 cute charm glitch shinies for 18 Rock Star Toxtricity, various lang tags; 10 Singing Pikachu 2021 /u/littleKarloff
48. RNG Shiny Terrakion for 2 PAL Zarude codes /u/ScrewtaperBK
49. GF Arceus for 3x ENG, 1x JPN, 1x KOR OT Rock Star ID 210119 Shiny Toxtricity event, 3x ENG, 1x JPN, 1x KOR OT GF ID 210227, 2021 Singing Pikachu event /u/ElitistChobo
50. Harry Hoopa GER for 2 lang sets Rock Star toxtricity & 2 Singing Pikachu 2021 /u/notyourmama12
51. gen 8 hat pikachu set, HOME Zeraora for Aldora bird trio, ALAMOS Darkrai, Hope Diancie /u/scricciolo72luca
52. Shiny Kanto birds, 3 cute charm shinies for 3 GVM codesets /u/elightened_pogo
53. GVM Codeset for 3 GVM redeems /u/Sakurai07
54. PAL Jungle Zarude, OT: Jungle ID: 201113, https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/m4z97p/redeem_confirmation_thread_teddoespokemon/gr47zzh/?context=4, u/-Shiny_Star- (redeemer) > Me, with video proof for 6x Alex Gomez Berna's Dragapult, OT: Alex ID: 231117, redeemed by u/Galary997 6x Pokémon Paldean Winds Distribution Ceititan, OT: Glaseado ID: 230906, redeemed by u/Galary997 /u/Galary997
55. 1x Oct 30 2020 World Cap Pikachu, https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/ild2xg/lf_gen4_rng_legendary_service_ft_events_shiny/g3tykjp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3, Funwald > Me, WC proof for 1x Alex Gomez Berna's Dragapult, OT: Alex ID: 231117, redeemed by u/mrmkperson, with WC proof /u/mrmkperson
56. OT Cyrus ID 48625 Shiny Entei from my stock SoulSilver game, RNG'd by me using EonTimer and RNGReporter. With video proof. for 4x OT Glaseado ID 230906 Ceititan, Pokémon Paldean Winds Distribution, 4x OT Alex ID 231117 Dragapult, Pokémon Latin America International Championships Distribution /u/yo_geodude
57. Cute charm method shiny hoothoot in moon ball OT Cyrus ID 48625 for Pokémon Latin America International Championships Distribution Dragapult, OT Alex ID 231118, redeemed by u/ceramicsun /u/ceramicsun
58. Shiny Wishmaker Jirachi Jolly, RNG'd by me on emulator, sent to soulsilver using emulator, save injected, and moved up to gen 9 using stock methods for 5x Pokémon Latin America International Championships Distribution Dragapult, OT Alex ID 231117 5x Pokémon Paldean Winds Distribution Ceititan, OT Glaseado ID 230906, all redeemed by u/TheRedCans1 /u/TheRedCans1
59. 3x Rock Star Shiny Toxtricity TCG Shining Fates, OT Rock Star ID 210219, Terryus1 > Me, 1x Singing Pikachu 2021, OT GF ID 210227, ElitistChobo > Me, 2x JP Space Sunrise Live 2021 KIBO Pikachu, OT KIBO ID 210101, Ohikid > me, 1x Pokémon Players Cup Gift Porygon2, OT VGC20 ID 200822, minhdnguyen > me for 11x Pokémon Paldean Winds Distribution Ceititan, OT Glaseado ID 230906, redeemed by u/Thanouskas with video proof 11x Pokémon Latin America International Championships Distribution, OT Alex ID 231117, redeemed by u/Thanouskas with video proof /u/Thanouskas
60. Shiny Hasty WISHMKR Jirachi, RNGd by me on emulator, sent to gen 4 on emu, save injected into cart, sent up to gen 9 on retail for 6x Pokémon Latin America International Championships Distribution Dragapult, OT Alex ID 231117, redeemed with video proof by u/Can47 /u/Can47
61. 2 x 2020 PJC Gastrodon (from Evthe420) OT カ・エール ID 200822 2 x KOR Baik Jongyoon's Amoongus (from Greenevers) OT 백종윤 ID 200809 2 x Pokémon Players Cup Gift Porygon2 (from minhdnguyen) OT VGC20 ID 200822 for 2x Pokemon Shining Pearl savefile, with Oak's letter and Member Card redeemed /u/enlightened_pogo
62. 3x Singing Pikachu, WC, video without names, and proofless for Alex Gomez Berna's Dragapult and Halloween Mimikyu code /u/babasoten
63. Shiny latios from soulsilver OT Cyrus ID 48625 RNGd by me on retail DS Phat, EonTimer and RNGReporter for 1 Halloween Mimikyu, OT: Trixie, ID: 231006, redeemed by them with vid proof and 2 mimikyu codes /u/chenj25
64. Rock Star Shiny Toxtricity TCG Shining Fates, OT Rock Star ID 210219, KOR Tagged, https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/lus849/lf_toxtricity_event_redeems_singachus_zarude/gpbx54u?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3, -Shiny_Star- > Me for Paul Chua’s shiny Arcanine | Paul | 230630 | Re2mond > ron0213 Nontaro’s shiny Grimmsnarl | Nontaro | 230728 | -Shiny_Star- > ron0213 /u/ron0213
65. Mr Donut Chansey for 4x Pokemon Presents Mew, 2x Dark Terastyle Charizard /u/notyourmama12
66. Baik Jongyoon's Amoonguss for 3x Pokémon Latin America International Championships Distribution Dragapult, 3x Pokémon Paldean Winds Distribution Cetitan /u/OnePointPi
67. Box of cute charm method shinies for 4x jungle zarude, 6x rock star toxtricity, 6x singing pikachu, 1x z/c set redeems (codes provided by me) /u/-Shiny_Star-
68. Shiny Poipole, RNGd by me on CFW 3DS with Pcalc for 2x New Moon Darkrai, 2x Shiny Buddy Lucario /u/rockysaytalk101
69. WISHMKR Jirachi (emu and lua scripts by me), 6 party pokemon for Pokemon Ruby playthrough from emulator /u/Plane-Ad5164
70. ITA GF Victini for 5x NewMoon Darkrai, 5x Shiny buddy Lucario, 5x TEAM STAR Revavroom /u/Draeligos
71. Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi, Shiny Mewtwo, Shiny Mesprit. All RNG, done by me for 6x New Moon Darkrai, 6x Shiny buddy Lucario, 7x TEAMSTAR Revavroom /u/yo_geodude
72. Shiny Rayquaza, RNGd on Ruby emulator with lua scripts for 6 Halloween Mimikyu codes /u/Plane-Ad5164
73. Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi, Shiny Blacephalon for 5x New Moon Darkrai, 5x Shiny buddy Lucario /u/Galary997
74. GVM set and GER PAL Zarude, 1 Trixie Mimikyu code for 17 New Moon Darkrai, 16 Shiny buddy Lucario Indigo Disk Distribution, 16 Team Star Revavroom, 6 Trixie Mimikyu /u/SoraArx
75. Shiny RNG Palkia, Giratina, Latias, Kyogre | RNG by me on CFW 3DS with Pcalc for Descartes Zygarde, GF Manaphy and Genesect | all GER tag /u/Can47
76. 1 Trixie Mimikyu code for 3 Trixie Mimikyu redeems /u/againpedro
77. * Nihilego, OT: Yellow | ID: 655069 * Buzzwole, OT: Yellow | ID: 655069 * Kartana, OT: Yellow | ID: 655069 * Blacephalon, OT: Yellow | ID: 655069 * Guzzlord, OT: Elio | ID: 368152 * Xurkitree, OT: Elio | ID: 368152 * Pheromosa, OT: Elio | ID: 368152 * Celesteela, OT: Elio | ID: 368152 * Stakataka, OT: Elio | ID: 368152 All were RNGd to be shiny on my CFW 3DS with Pcalc and physical copies of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The Ultra Moon savefile was provided by user Can47 in a trade on this subreddit. for WCSK Linoone, PGL Tyrunt, Paul Chuas Arcanine, Roaring Skies June 2015 Dragonite /u/theforgottenapple
78. Pokemon GO Shiny Tapu Lele, spoofed for Paul Chua's Arcanine /u/theforgottenapple
79. Shiny PoGo Tapu Koko for CoroCoro Brute Bonnet /u/Garchompz313
80. CoroCoro Brute Bonnet for 3x Marco Iron Hands /u/wannabedunker
81. Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi for 6x Shin Yeo-myeong's Flutter Mane /u/yajo345
82. PoGO stamped shiny Darkrai for 5x Shin Yeo-myeong's Flutter Mane /u/a_flower_named_you
83. Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi for 6x Shin Yeo-myeong's Flutter Mane redeems /u/Walker15367
84. wishmaker jirachi for 6x Shin's Flutter Mane /u/wannabedunker
[+] Shinies (2)
1. Shiny Lugia and Shiny Rayquaza RNG'd by me for UltraMoon savefile /u/Can47
2. Shiny Dialga, Palkia, Cresselia, Giratina, Latios for 2 partial HGSS playthroughs, 1 full playthrough /u/Plane-Ad5164
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. GF Shaymin for FEB Mewtwo /u/KillaQween

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (17 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away 15 shiny cute charm glitch Pokemon from soulsilver (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
2. Giving away a shiny Hoothoot to the best owl joke! (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


fernnifer May 28, 2021 8:29:46 PM


TedDoesPokemon's Information


Friend codes:
