
0877-2339-6057 || Name (αS, UM), Aster (M)
0877-2339-6057 || Name (αS, UM), Aster (M) || 0229

Trades (31)

[+] Events (3)
1. Mew Code for Shiny Xerneas /u/pethew
2. Mew Code for Darkrai Code /u/Rocket776
3. Lati@s Code for Zeraora Code /u/ntproto
[+] Shinies (4)
1. Shiny Ralts for Shiny Yveltal /u/Regigigas29
2. Shiny Ralts for Groudon /u/Jbk91
3. Shiny Ralts for Shiny Yveltals /u/MachoMuchoMochi
4. 4 NA Volc Codes for Shiny Modest Nicknamed RNG Articuno /u/Porta_14
[+] Competitive / Casual (23)
1. Fletchling for Honedge /u/Tsukiyo02
2. Honedge for Gastly /u/nimaineb1
3. Gastly for Sableye /u/McSaac36
4. Fletchling for Dratini /u/Charash99
5. Ralts for Kanghaskan /u/jotaro321
6. Fletchling for Charmander /u/Martzy50
7. Klefki for Zygarde /u/PlanetMustafar
8. Everstone for Sun Stone /u/CukiieMonstaa
9. Kangaskhan for Foongus /u/Angor26
10. Lure Ball Ralts for Weedle /u/Jublusion
11. Perfect Ralts Pair, Perfect Gastly Pair, Dratini Breedject Eggs for All starters and second-stage starters /u/applesaucemachine
12. Modest Pichu for Adamant Synchronize Abra /u/SwordSlash8
13. Dhelmise for Pokerus Mareinne /u/gregbraaa
14. Modest Abra for Adamant Passimian /u/chekrdnickrs
15. Beast Ball Dhelmise for Beast Ball Mareinne /u/wtf_sushi
16. HA Female Mareanie for 5IV Rowlet /u/RemoveBlastWeapons
17. Modest Synch for Timid Synch /u/Dergen37
18. Modest Synch for Jolly Synch /u/xanxos
19. BB Mareinne, BB Dhelmise for BB Mimikyuu, BB Salandit /u/PreheatedMuffen
20. BB Dhelmise for BB Vulpix /u/ConcertoFlute
21. BB Dhelmise for Grepa Berry /u/harky_malarky
22. Pheromosa for Kartana/ Power Item /u/FruitRoot
23. Pheromosa for Type:Null /u/k8210985
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Shiny Gardevoir Code for WSHMKR Jirachi /u/TailsMegamanX

Egg Hatches (4)

1. Dratini /u/TheHappiestAlex
2. Bagon /u/RoastinRaichu
3. Skrelp /u/hectorv1369
4. Dhelmise /u/LoveBunnie

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. Traded Both His/Her Gengar and My Manaphy /u/rmcccreary
2. Got my Ralts from X to AS /u/d3v1ls

Misc (1)

1. Item


ThatDarnSJDoubleW's Information


Friend codes:
