
SW-7584-5815-3886 || Jord (SW)
SW-7584-5815-3886 || Jord (SW) || XXXX

Trades (15)

[+] Events (9)
1. PAL Hoopa Redemption for Maxsoft Arceus Redemption /u/Skullgasher
2. NA Mew Code for Pokemon With You Pikachu Redemption /u/Upper90175
3. 20th Anniversary Mew and Celebi for 20th Anniversary Mew Code (NA) /u/DrkOwen
4. NA Mew Code for PAL Mew Code /u/mabangyan
5. PAL HA Moltres Code for PAL HA Articuno Code /u/nalay
6. PAL HA Moltres Code for PAL HA Zapdos Code /u/BenY-S
7. HA Aldora Zapdos Code for 2015 PAL Darkrai /u/endy1102
8. Volcanion Redemption for Moon Ball Houndour /u/Ajax2016
9. JPN Volcanion Code for PAL Xerneas Code /u/dvader0
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (6)
1. HA Oshawott for HA Cyndaquil /u/RzPGO
2. Fast Ball Dratini for Fast Ball Pichu /u/qweligator
3. Piplup for Turtwig /u/mathwizx2
4. Shiny Stone for Ability Capsule /u/chuchodinho
5. DBHA Eevee, Abra and Elekid, DB Cottonee and Gastly for DBHA Emolga, Dratini and Venipede, DB Koffing and Cherubi /u/Dank_kushh
6. JPN PGL Dragonite Redemption for DBHA Kangaskhan /u/Acestrike
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (10)

1. Shiny Starly /u/zelstad
2. Shiny Roselia /u/sono-chan
3. Shiny Scatterbug /u/IntentionOfAbyss
4. Shiny Skrelp /u/infiniteshadow
5. Shiny Chimchar /u/Malinhion
6. Shiny Phione /u/R3-T7
7. Shiny Ralts /u/TriplesWithDip
8. Shiny Chinchou /u/snowkae
9. Shiny Weedle /u/alienowitch
10. Shiny Riolu /u/kewligirl95

Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 6 eggs given)

1. Mixed Egg Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 6 given)
2. PAL Mew code (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (4 threads, 25 given)

1. TSV Check (1 checked)
2. ESV Check (5 checked)
3. Egg and TSV Check (7 checked)
4. ESV Check (12 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Kadabra-Alakazam Tradeback /u/Blkmageno1
2. PAL Hoopa and Zoroark Redemption /u/Upper90175
3. PAL HA Articuno Redemption /u/capnsafetypants

Misc (0)


Acestrike Mar 31, 2016 12:19:24 AM

Thanks for the JPN redemption, you were fast at responding and getting it all done!

ohnosakura Mar 18, 2016 11:08:08 AM

thanks so so much for this perfect eevee I got a fast reply this eevee is precious

Sono-chan Dec 18, 2015 12:40:44 AM

I got a SUPER fast reply from this user (basically immediatly after I posted the comment)! Super awesome, kind and fast hatcher who hatched my Shiny Roselia a few minutes ago! Thanks a bunch again, dear!!ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ ♥

zelstad Dec 8, 2015 10:50:46 PM

Hatched a shiny starly for me, very quick to respond!

TheBiggestOfDaves's Information


Friend codes:
