
SW-2056-8614-4420 || Sean (SH, SCA)
SW-2056-8614-4420 || Sean (SH, SCA) || XXXX

Trades (113)

[+] Events (2)
1. Pokemon Bank Celebi for Shiny dragonair, manetric, scyther, and alolan sandslash /u/Evthe420
2. 3 events for shiny yveltal and 2 shiny eevee /u/notyourmama12
[+] Shinies (43)
1. Gmax Toxtricity w/ bottle cap for Shiny Toxtricity /u/spacez52
2. 2 master balls for Shiny excadrill and shiny tyranitar /u/attilavgc
3. 3 Master Balls for Shiny togekiss, bonsly, and wynaut /u/attilavgc
4. 3 Master Balls for Shiny Gmax Gengar and shiny Liepard /u/ninjayuhki
5. 2 MBs for shiny whimsicott and shiny rotom-W /u/attilavgc
6. 4 Master Balls for shiny gmax pikachu and shiny rotom H /u/attilavgc
7. 1 Master Ball for shiny Gmax Eevee /u/attilavgc
8. 1 MB for Shiny Gourgeist /u/jjcolfax
9. 2 gmax milcery for shiny gmax butterfree and grimmsnarl /u/phgastonfr
10. 1 Masterball for Shiny gmax sandaconda /u/attilavgc
11. 6 Masterballs for shiny hatterene, drednaw, machamp, snorlax, flapple and orbeetle /u/attilavgc
12. 8 masterballs for shiny malamar, gastrodon, and duraludon /u/KirbyTheDestroyer
13. 2 masterballs for shiny shiinotic and shiny wooloo /u/Greenevers
14. 4 masterballs for shiny wigglytuff and shiny (galar) stunfisk /u/baughwssery
15. 7 masterballs for shiny pyukumuku, hawlucha, ferrothorn, kirlia, gardevoir, polteageist /u/enlightened_pogo
16. 6 MBs for shiny honedge, salazzle, conkeldurr, mawile, and turtonator /u/hansuna
17. 5 masterballs for shiny sirfetchd, fraxure, pangoro, G yamask, and dubwool /u/hansuna
18. Shiny Rotom-W for Shiny Wishiwashi /u/Pleinair2580
19. 14 Masterballs for shiny weedle, 3 shiny rhyhorn, 3 shiny abra /u/aagarwal19
20. Cobalion for Shiny Ninjask and shiny Wailord /u/EricaKaucher
21. 6 mbs for shiny jellicent, sharpedo, and mantine /u/attilavgc
22. melmetal for shiny druddigon and dragalge /u/Whapple-Apple
23. 4 masterballs for Shiny gmax copperajah & Centiskorch /u/attilavgc
24. Melmetal for Shiny Scolipede and 2 MBs /u/Azurexcloud
25. 3 masterballs for Shiny quagsire /u/attilavgc
26. 4 Masterballs for shiny tentacruel and shiny dunsparce /u/incorrigiblemess
27. 8 masterballs for shint beheeyem, dragapult, hakomo-o, and chandelure /u/Thierry_Bergkamp
28. melmetal for shiny dhelmise, shiny g-max blastoise & masterball /u/Thierry_Bergkamp
29. Melmetal for Blissey and safari ball /u/splattertrack
30. 2 Lure Balls for Shiny Mudsdale and shiny Klang /u/Revasha
31. 2 Lure Balls, 2 Moon Balls, 2 Love Balls for Shiny Gastrodon, Meinshao, Pincurchin, Exeggutor (K), Marowak, Barraskewda /u/McJackNit
32. Shiny Drednaw for Beast Ball /u/Orange-Coat
33. Shiny Butterfree for Friend Ball /u/Dighty
34. Shiny Gastrodon for Shiny Magmar /u/Evethe420
35. shiny rhyhorn for shiny bronzor /u/sean_gibson6
36. 3 shiny magikarp, 2 shiny charmander, 1 shiny electabuzz, 1 shiny abra, 3 shiny magmar, 2 weedle for 54 aprimon /u/ShaikhAndBake
37. 3 ability patches for shiny lurantis, arcanine, G-Mr mime /u/PaJamaxe
38. 6 apriballs for shiny goldeen, 2x shiny roselia /u/kuroshiro07
39. 6 apriballs for shiny shellder, seaking, chansey /u/Walker15367
40. shiny sneasel and charmander for 22 aprimons /u/littleKarloff
41. 6 PP ups and 2 PP Max's for shiny durant, relicanth, Bronzong, tsareena /u/puppylove347
42. Melmetal for shiny mankey, 10 aprimon /u/DSN37
43. shiny durant and shiny machop for 2 shiny eevees /u/lichblue
[+] Competitive / Casual (68)
1. Melmetal for Jangmo-o /u/ABNC1
2. lunatone for stonjourner /u/Haskels
3. Melmetal for 2 Master Balls /u/cryptic_cyclone
4. Milcery for Coalossal /u/phgastonfr
5. 3 XL Candies for Ponyta, Caterpie, and Cutiefly /u/JokerX6
6. seedot for lotad /u/pixieknight02
7. goomy for rotom /u/chet-manly713
8. lotad for seedot /u/DudeEroonie
9. 2 bottle caps for 2 dreepy, ponyta-G, drilbur, and corsola-G /u/BattleSchnitzel
10. lunatone for Solrock /u/Beenj8889
11. Spritzee for Applin /u/Beenj8889
12. Melmetal for 3 Masterballs /u/69ing_midgetsinAspen
13. Scorbunny for cottonee friend ball /u/Soapybreadplatter
14. Fossilized Drake and Dino for Fossilized Bird /u/hugobeto719
15. 5 Exp Candies XL for love ball cufant, a heavy ball honedge, deino, and bronzor and a dream ball mudbray /u/DieGenerates97
16. Gothita for throh /u/Dorphinn
17. grookey for squirtle /u/halio6
18. large leek for cleffa /u/lucinaisop
19. Gmax pikachu and snorlax for 5 Master Balls /u/TheBakeryOfAustria
20. solosis for gothita /u/Erebosthebleak
21. 3 xl exp candies for moon squirtle, heavy snorlax, level G. farfetchd /u/JokerX6
22. Melmetal for 3 Master Balls /u/tunechii5
23. Melmetal for 4 Master Balls /u/NationalLong7
24. XL exp candy for HA Vulpix in love ball /u/JokerX6
25. 1 Master Ball for gmax eevee /u/attilavgc
26. meltan for love ball mimikyu /u/covxy
27. melmetal for 4 master balls /u/force346
28. love roselia, friend cutiefly for moon G ponyta, heavy g meowth /u/Duality44
29. Melmetal for 5 MBs /u/Knightinkodes
30. Machamp w/ jolly mint for Masterball /u/Tech_Know_Logic
31. Master Ball for 10 aprimon /u/JokerX6
32. meltan for Friend ball G-Darumaka /u/UberTrainer
33. Meltan for XL Exp Candy /u/ToxicRiptide45
34. Melmetal for 5 Masterballs /u/TVansterG
35. Meltan for XL EXP Candy /u/10cd
36. Meltan for Lure Ball Magikarp /u/trapsnotgayyouare
37. Melmetal for 3 Masterballs /u/kaitomeister
38. 8 Meltans for 8 XL Candy /u/ninjaslayr
39. Melmetal for 5 Masterballs /u/kaitomeister
40. Lunala for 4 Masterballs /u/0kstad
41. Melmetal for 10 masterballs /u/Maltrese
42. Melmetal for 6 Masterballs /u/Acekicker33
43. Melmetal for `5 Masterballs /u/nightmareofflame101
44. Melmetal for 6 masterballs /u/Dinklebeeerrg
45. Tundra Vivillon for High Plain Vivillon /u/mquiaoit
46. Meltan for HA Litten w/ masterball /u/lovamonj
47. Meltan for BB HA Dreepy & BB HA riolu /u/hemaTwinElbagory
48. Melmetal for 7 masterballs /u/WedManticore72
49. Melmetal for 4 masterballs /u/KubfuFighting
50. Melmetal for 5 Masterballs /u/MaRcUsCeNt
51. 1 masterball for safari zorua, dream G-slowpoke, friend bulbasaur /u/ShaikhAndBake
52. Melmetal for friend ball, lure ball, and moon ball /u/stevenhuizing
53. meltan for apriball feebas /u/ColonelGuru
54. 6 Bottle Caps for 6 aprimon /u/Regigigas29
55. 4 aprimon for 4 aprimon /u/89edual
56. Moon Squirtle, Love HA A-Vulpix, Sport HA Poliwag, Moon HA G-Ponyta, Love HA G-Ponyta, Safari HA Krabby, Dream Koffing, Beast Horsea, Dream Heracross, Heavy HA G-Corsola Dream HA Carvanha, Love HA Woobat, Heavy HA Drilber, Heavy Axew, Heavy Deino, Heavy HA Pancham, Heavy Honedge, Moon Snom, Dream Eiscue, Love HA Cufant for Safari HA Squirtle, Friend HA Vulpix, Dream HA Kangaskhan, Dream HA Horsea, Dream HA Ifflybuff, Dream HA Sneasel, Dream HA Smoochum, Friend HA Mudkip, Friend HA Lileep, Dream HA Anorith, Dream HA Beldum, Dream HA Gible, Dream HA Munna, Beast HA Throh, Dream Baltoy, Dream HA Tirtouga, Dream Karrablast, Dream HA Frillish, Beast HA Rufflet, Dream HA Swirlx, Dream HA Tyrunt, Friend HA Tyrunt, Beast HA Amaura, Dream HA Noibat, Dream HA Rockruff, Beast HA Wooloo, Safari HA Yamper, Dream HA Toxel, Lure HA Pincurchin, Beast HA Morpeko. /u/ShadowWraithLord
57. 1 Masterball for Lure clauncher Beast shinx Friend lillipup Fast comfey Fast eevee /u/rosecity_jo
58. 2 aprimon for 2 aprimon /u/pokesphere
59. 6 aprimon for 6 aprimon /u/AStrangerWCandy
60. 2 aprimon for 2 aprimon /u/shupu
61. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/Chaddyoso
62. 4 aprimon for 4 aprimon /u/89edual
63. 6 aprimon for 6 aprimon /u/Deanatsea_
64. moon squirtle moon lotad love roselia love woobat love pyukumuku dream anorith dream tirtouga friend mudkip for Moon Tyrunt Moon Duskull Moon Sandygast Love Spheal Safari Bulbasaur Beast Sableye Level Snorlax Fast Clobbopus /u/moonsides
65. dream igglybuff for dream foongus /u/joylin728
66. 4 aprimon for 4 aprimon /u/RenoXD
67. 2 aprimon for 2 aprimon /u/Ohikid
68. 4 aprimon for 4 aprimon /u/GeekingTime
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (50 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away 5-6IV rookidee (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
2. Gave away 6IV random nature Scorbunny (Sub: pokemontrades, 14 given)
3. Gave away 6IV scorbunny (Sub: pokemontrades, 12 given)
4. Gave away HA 5IV Litten (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)
5. Gave away 5-6IV vanillite (Sub: pokemontrades, 18 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (8)

1. Tradeback to get huntail /u/insidetomorow
2. Tradeback for mew and grimer /u/yineedname
3. tradeback for registeel and regigigas /u/Urazaki
4. traded Gurdurr for my trevenant back so user could evolve it /u/iammagmacool
5. traded back feebas to evolve /u/Kababa77
6. Traded back and forth a phantump to evolve into Trevenant /u/Haskels
7. helped evolve feebas by tradeback /u/Spafford4
8. traded back accelgor, escavalier, appletun, drampa and shelmet /u/Zepp1936

Misc (0)


TheFreshness95's Information


Friend codes:
