
4270-3069-5764 || Daniel (Y), Daniel (αS)
4270-3069-5764 || Daniel (αS), || 0022, 0194, 0532, 2435

Trades (57)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (5)
1. Clauncher for Honedge /u/Awful_Person
2. Scyther for Eevee /u/Kfloria
3. Mienfoo for Pinsir /u/Kfloria
4. Abra for Slowbro /u/PsyShocker4
5. Mienfoo for Beldum /u/AlexLoui
[+] Competitive / Casual (52)
1. Croagunk for Aerodactyl /u/juchem69z
2. Croagunk for Klefki /u/Slay1124
3. Kangaskhan for Sableye /u/Lynxathrope
4. Croagunk for Weedle /u/asaf719
5. Rotom for Meowth /u/Parkimus
6. Drilbur for Clefa /u/Fortdeus
7. Ralts for Magikarp /u/adamtwo
8. Drilbur for Buneary /u/xtakeru
9. Ferroseed for Larvitar /u/supertoned
10. Rotom for Kangaskhan /u/Adeln
11. Horsea for Choice Scarf /u/antauri007
12. Drilbur for Gliscor /u/Neazriel
13. Drilbur for Torchic /u/jacksoncabot
14. Gligar for Chansey /u/Serkiee
15. Rotom for Totodile /u/kumail786
16. Mudkip for Riolu /u/DankeyAndShrekt
17. Poliwag for Honedge /u/debbieafrica
18. Dratini for Maril /u/effectiveduck
19. Gastly for Clefa /u/Adeln
20. Meowth for Corphish /u/Hydigomed
21. Onix for Gligar /u/Parkimus
22. Dratini for Mawile /u/alittlebitoddish
23. Cleffa for Scyther /u/Fortdeus
24. Drilbur for Pinsir /u/Corrupt_Individual
25. Scyther for Totodile /u/PokemonTrainerMatt
26. Larvitar for Eevee /u/xJelz
27. Scyther for Mienfoo /u/FinallyGivenIn
28. Dratini for Squirtle /u/palmspringsmaid
29. Scyther for Bulbasaur /u/__Gamma
30. Scyther for Slowpoke /u/PooPooPutter
31. Meowth for Slowpoke /u/Kellyluar
32. Croagunk for Tyrunt /u/bloozchicken
33. Rotom for Shellder /u/Kivihirvio
34. Scyther for Swablu /u/Tailr
35. Meowth for Froakie /u/EQWashu
36. Scyther for Aerodactyl /u/Awful_Person
37. Onix for Abra /u/TeriyakiNinja007
38. Kangaskhan for Chansey /u/asentret
39. Cleffa for Sneasel /u/jaimeg7
40. Cleffa for Shellder /u/ShinyoYushiro
41. Lapras for Koffing /u/ieatants23
42. Scyther for Charmander /u/Kobi2604
43. Slugma for Ralts /u/Parkimus
44. Scyther for Ralts /u/Szeba
45. Froakie for Goomy /u/SiricV
46. Meowth for Bagon /u/MayoBeam
47. Mienfoo for Sableye /u/bi-cycle
48. Mienfoo for Houndour /u/VonFavio
49. onix for Chimecho /u/cruisin99
50. Lapras for Weedle /u/bwu0524
51. Skarmory for Deino /u/lunarskysong
52. Buneary for Lotad /u/Exquisite_Mammal
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


lunarskysong Jan 13, 2015 12:21:08 PM

Traded luxury ball deino for heavy ball skarmory. Great trade

AlexLoui Jan 13, 2015 10:32:47 AM

Traded me a comp. shiny Mienfoo for my comp. shiny Beldum. Nice Trader! 10/10

bi-cycle Jan 13, 2015 6:06:18 AM

Very quick and easy to trade with. :)

Kobi2604 Jan 11, 2015 4:48:44 PM

Very quick to respond and polite person. I would recommend trading with him! :D

ieatants23 Jan 11, 2015 3:43:23 PM

Got a cool lure ball female lapras from the trader! Would trade with again :)

ShinyoYushiro Jan 11, 2015 3:37:51 PM

Traded my Lure Ball Shellder for a Moon Ball Cleffa. Trade was fast and ok. Would trade again with the trainer.

TeriyakiNinja007 Jan 11, 2015 9:22:37 AM

traded a female dream ball HA Abra for their female dream ball HA Onix. Friendly and prompt - would gladly trade with again. Thanks!

The_Joker_au's Information


Hey I'm Dan a 25 year old hardcore gamer.

Friend codes:

  • 4270-3069-5764
