
4682-8657-5640 || Laureena (X, UM, SW, VIO)
4682-8657-5640 || Laureena (X, UM, SW, VIO) || XXXX

Trades (54)

[+] Events (21)
1. Xerneas for Manaphy /u/CyanideShotgun
2. Arceus code for HA Cranidos and HA Venipede /u/Shady6121
3. 3 Arceus Codes for Pokeball Vivillon /u/V3220
4. 1 Arceus code for 1 Darkrai code /u/psupsri
5. 3 Arceus codes for Happy Meowth /u/notorious_smite
6. 3 Arceus Codes for Shiny HA Vulpix + Shiny HA Drilbur /u/3Anton3
7. Arceus Code for Gardevoir code /u/rgq_exsl8971
8. NA Arceus code for PCO Pikachu redeemed /u/infiniteshadow
9. NA Shiny Poipole Code for NA Latios Code /u/cascari
10. Zeraora and Zekrom/Reshiram code for 2 Thundurus/Tornadus Codes /u/frankhow
11. 9 Ho-oh/lugia codes for a Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Kalos Hatchu /u/Foxypuff
12. 5 NA H/L codes + 5 NA Zeraora codes for Alola Cap Pikachu /u/Ghard20
13. 5 NA Zeraora codes + 5 NA H/L codes for Unova Cap Pikachu /u/bakuryuRS24
14. Munchlax + Mew for Zarude and shiny Celebi /u/Evthe420
15. Shiny Toxtricity language set for Dada Zarude code /u/enlightened_pogo
16. Volcanion for Deoxys /u/Avarice_86
17. Magearna for Mimikyu Code /u/M4LK0V1CH
18. 3 shiny Zacian and 5 Shiny Zamazenta for shiny Zeraora /u/Kirinkirby
19. 4 miimikyu codes for shiny meltan /u/Evthe420
20. 2 Tomoya Ogawa's Sylveon for shiny Eevee, shiny Sigilyph, shiny Heliolisk, and shiny Quagsire /u/TedDoesPokemon
21. volcanion code and genesect code for marshadow code and Deoxys /u/ron0213
[+] Shinies (11)
1. Shiny Unown (X) for Arceus Code /u/surgex10
2. 2 NA Arceus codes for Shiny custom Ralts /u/schwing-
3. 36 Alcremie sweets for Siny Polar Vivillon /u/Herr_Macan
4. 9 Apriballs for shiny Ditto, shiny Scream Tail, siny Phione, shiny Gmax Duraludon, and three shiny Alolan Geodudes /u/Walker15367
5. Shiny Milcery for Shiny Great Tusk /u/n0itamina
6. Shiny Alolan Geodude for Shiny Blissey /u/mistakenunderdog
7. Shiny Voltorb for Shiny Smeargle /u/Milchik
8. Walkign Wake and Iron Leaves for Shiny Go Darkrai /u/ringlord_1
9. 2 moon balls, a love ball and a heavy ball for shiny applin /u/chenj25
10. Miraidon for shiny porygon /u/enlightened_pogo
11. Cradily, Armaldo, Wynaut, Stoutland, Gigalith, Skolipede, Beeheyem, Morelull, event Pikachu with Sing, Trixie Mimikyu, Rock Star Shiny Toxtricity, Gorebyss, & Huntailil for shiny sandy shocks & shiny slither wing /u/samx2000000
[+] Competitive / Casual (22)
1. Larvesta for Hoppip /u/otakushipper
2. Hyper Voice for HA Eevee /u/imrebroce
3. Jolly Charmander for HA Shroomish /u/PrimitiveNinja
4. Ekans, Farfetch'd, and Elekid for 3 Torchics /u/hiperjak
5. Charmander for Riolu /u/Bluey09aus
6. carbink for Ho-Oh /u/Cyborgskeleton
7. 2 archipelago Vivillons for churubi and stunky /u/shoot998
8. Porygon holding up-grade for Gible /u/iamjacksvertigo
9. Gengarite for Razor Claw /u/theforbidden_one
10. poochyena for Rotom /u/ThtWay
11. Lileep for Shiny stone holding nidoran /u/Ayetastycookie
12. Popplio holding purple nectar for rufflet /u/CantoIII
13. female Popplio for use of a dartrix to breed /u/Random_Innuendo
14. Lunala for Tornadus /u/mxunlucky
15. 2 sinistea holding leftovers for friend ball lotad and togepi + 1 Love Sweet /u/CryoSparks888
16. Zekrom for Spinda /u/dayknower
17. Heatran + Groudon for 2 masterballs /u/devin-as
18. Iron Boulder and Iron Crown for Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt /u/internettrash11
19. Meltan for Trubish & Woobat /u/YankeeDoodle002
20. Malicious Armor. for Auspicious Armor /u/SpaceBarX47
21. 2 Type: Null for Deoxys /u/ultramothgaming
22. treecko and totodile for kingdra & Alolan Golem + tradeback evolve for slowking /u/Illustrious_Bed8628
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (4)

1. hatched his Fletchling shiny /u/Nymphali_af
2. Hatched their Chikorita shiny /u/Beleniel
3. Hatched him a shiny Venipede /u/Scarovese
4. Hatched a shiny mudkip /u/Kakesu

Giveaways/Contests (32 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. gave 5 Arceus codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
2. Gave 5 Zekrom/Reshiram codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
3. gave 3 shiny poipole codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)
4. NA Zeraora codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
5. NA H/L codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (12)

1. Evolved his Kadabra /u/LeafCat
2. loaned him a pokerus pokemon for him to use to spread pokerus to his team /u/LiteralDonuts
3. helped him evolve his graveler and machoke /u/JuicyFruit14
4. evolved his gengar /u/Wecorey
5. helped him evolve his graveler into golem /u/bwoods123
6. Tradebacked 20 pokemon for his pokedex /u/slapzone
7. finished off his National Dex /u/Ayetastycookie
8. did several trade evolves /u/Stabinlikeoj
9. Trade evolved his Porygon 2 into a Porygon Z /u/DemonLord1337
10. Redeemed his NA Shiny Zygarde code /u/Yonza
11. tradeback'd him cosmog and stakakata /u/proto487
12. trade evolved his spritzee and a swirlix /u/thatoneguysi

Misc (0)


Scarovese Nov 5, 2016 9:45:35 PM

Quick and fast hatching, no problems whatsoever!

The_Maddeath's Information


Friend codes:
