
SW-1623-5957-5495 || Marco (SH)
SW-1623-5957-5495 || Marco (SH) || XXXX

Trades (80)

[+] Events (13)
1. Aus Rayquaza (Galileo's) for redemption of 4 Rayquaza Codes /u/MerryFellows
2. Shiny Magikarp, Shiny Gabite, Shiny Haunter for 3 PAL Mew Codes /u/mthwstwrt
3. 2 Gallileo rays for 2 PAL Aldora codes - one zapdos and one moltres /u/kurimu-san
4. Friend Ball Female Snorlax for Zapdos PAL Aldora code /u/FlyingSquirrelJ
5. Timid 5iv contrary snivy, Adamant 5iv reckless Starly for Sly Zoroark /u/steelfather
6. SR XYZ Event Yveltal for Descartes Xerneas Code /u/stupadbear
7. Shiny Sneasel, Shiny Larvitar, Shiny Alakazam + 5 master balls for SR Yveltal (Naive, great IVs) /u/gurugly
8. Shiny Self hatched comp Togepi for XYZ xerneas /u/JabeJohnson
9. SR pentaflawless modest Hoopa for SR XYZ Xerneas and Yveltal, yveltal with custom date /u/charlieboi99
10. 3 PAL Darkrai Codes for Korean XY&Z Xerneas and Yveltal /u/Tawmie123
11. Shiny Aerodactyl, Shiny Bronzor, 0/0/0/0/0/0 Magikarp for Descartes Xerneas Code /u/nimaineb1
12. SR Palkia for PAL Descartes Yveltal and Xerneas Codes /u/GrimClawTigrex
13. 3 custom shinies for 28/14/28/31/31/31 timid XYZ Yveltal /u/gurugly
[+] Shinies (3)
1. Perfect 5IV female DBHA togepi for Competitive shiny Swablu /u/DeathMasterRed
2. Custom competitive Tornadus from my own game for Shiny: aerodactyl, Larvitar, Sneasel and Wobbuffet /u/Eggsaway
3. Shiny Chikorita for Shiny Eevee /u/savannah_allie
[+] Competitive / Casual (63)
1. DBHA Whismur for Protean Luxury Ball Frogadier /u/Lilchupz
2. Love Ball Dratini for Safari Ball Bagon /u/Cute1234562002
3. Moon Ball Gastly for Tradeback Evolution of my shiny Haunter /u/OmniZzid
4. DBHA Whismur, Safari Ball Bagon, Level Ball Weedle, Love Ball Dratini for Sport Ball Pinsir, Dream Ball Axew, Moon Ball Sneasel, Safari Ball Trapinch /u/One2Three4FiveSix
5. DBHA Whismur for DBHA Corphish /u/vemulaneelesh
6. Level Ball Weedle for DBHA Buneary /u/capnsafetypants
7. Sport Ball Pinsir, Moon Ball Sneasel, DBHA Axew, DBHA Buneary, DB Marill for DBHA Swablu, Sport Ball Scyther, Heavy Ball Ekans, DBHA Slowpoke, DBHA Croagunk /u/Unagi776
8. Love Ball Aipom for DBHA Croagunk /u/ScarletTea
9. DBHA Croagunk, DBHA Sentret and Dusk Ball (HA) Chespin for DBHA Drifloon, DBHA Shuckle, DBHA Togepi /u/Sonell
10. Safari Ball Bagon for Synchronize Ralts /u/Moshifan100
11. Moon Stone and Rotom for Heavy Ball Larvitar, DBHA Starly /u/Bonerkiin
12. Event Berries for 2 master balls /u/lawtrafalgar02
13. Bank Balls/porygon evolution help for ~5 master balls /u/FartmasterF
14. DBHA Swablu for Master Ball /u/xDawilly
15. DBHA Whismur for dbha shroomish /u/bongor0267
16. Love Ball 5IV dratini for DBHA 5IV shuppet /u/Kitsune_Fire
17. DBHA Croagunk for DBHA Finneon /u/PokemonTheo
18. DBHA Slowpoke for DBHA Mareep /u/LeaveMeWithSomePain
19. Heavy Ball Ekans for Togepi with Egg Moves /u/IntentionOfAbyss
20. DBHA Togepi, DBHA Whismur, DBHA Axew for DBHA Hoppip, Heavy Ball Onix, DBHA Stantler, Heavy Ball Skarmory, DBHA Sneasel /u/Andyjim
21. Dusk Ball HA Chespin for DBHA eevee, DBHA Kangaskhan, DBHA Larvitar /u/Interfectrix
22. DBHA Togepi for DB Gastly /u/KageNoRaito
23. 4EM togepi, level ball weedle for DBHA Emolga, Moon Ball Teddisura /u/erwincole
24. Safari Ball Bagon for 0spe Ferroseed /u/greenhairedsnorlax
25. Togepi for Axew /u/Rapidash_Best_Pony
26. 50 Items Transfer for Apricorn Balls: Kang, Ralts, Snorlax, Chansey, Karp, Dratini, Growlithe /u/gmpsmendes
27. DBHA Togepi, DBHA Sneasel, DBHA Bunneary, Moon Ball Sneasel for 6IV male Marill /u/Rapidash_Best_Pony
28. Safari ball Bagon, love ball dratini for Love ball larvitar, friend ball larvitar /u/00morph
29. Friend ball Larvitar for Moon ball spinarak, heavy ball rhyhorn, love ball heracross /u/Pokefan01
30. Fast Ball Magikarp for DBHA Drifloon with good egg moves and IVs /u/00morph
31. Fast ball: snorlax, chansey, dratini, Magikarp, DBHA togepi for DBHA Drifloon, DBHA riolu, DBHA aerodactyl, Safari ball larvitar /u/tbiztec
32. DBHA Togepi, Egg move Riolu for DBHA tailow, DBHA Murkrow /u/Howlo
33. DBHA drifloon, eevee, riolu for DBHA shieldon, bastiodon, joltik, mr mime /u/Trainer_alan
34. DBHA bastiodon for DBHA omanyte /u/projectducklett
35. Love ball dratini (perfect IVs) for DBHA Gible /u/ValkyrieG
36. River Vivillon (still as scatterbug though) for Modern Vivillon /u/Anna_hamlin
37. DBHA Drifloon and DBHA Gible females for DBHA Lapras Female /u/Stevoo299
38. Love Ball Dratini for Turtwig /u/TommieTron626
39. Heavy Ball Ekans, Love Ball Dratini, Lure Ball magikarp for DBHA Ralts, DBHA Pawniard /u/I-am-Beans
40. 5IV Scyther for Relaxed Ferroseed /u/heartjunkx
41. Extremespeed Love Ball Dratini for Scyther /u/One_True_Master
42. Female HA Froakie in luxury ball for Heracross 5iv /u/Skiutoss
43. 7 breedables for 6 breedables /u/kurimu-san
44. Competitive 5IV pinsir (sport ball, egg moves) for DBHA Venipede /u/Man-Ho
45. DBHA Stantler for DBHA Zubat /u/tripleswithdip
46. DBHA Togetic for DBHA Skitty, Premier ball HA Foongus /u/Gibson_the_Dolphin
47. 5IV Moon Ball Munchlax for 5IV Nest Ball Chikorita /u/NapalmOmega
48. (Almost) 5IV Adamant Moon Ball Munchlax for 5IV Nest Ball Chikorita /u/Hellzyeah22
49. Perfect 5IV [Friend Ball larvitar, safari ball bagon, DBHA gible and love ball dratini], lure ball magikarp and nest ball chikorita for DBHA Buneary, Luxury ball froakie, /u/Chance_Lo
50. Love ball dratini for Luxury ball deino /u/WinePriestess
51. DBHA Corphish for Tyrunt breedable (HA) /u/DavidxK11
52. DBHA Gible for DBHA Solosis /u/ienigmaaa
53. Sport Ball Pinsir for HA Staryu /u/Katschiko
54. Lure Ball Magikarp for DBHA Sandshrew /u/Namonkey97
55. DBHA Sentret for DBHA Sandshrew /u/gatsbypoolparty
56. DBHA Gible and 5IV Female Togepi for Sneasel with egg moves /u/lukien_light
57. Lure Ball Magikarp Safari Ball Bagon Love Ball Dratini Love Ball Mawile for 2 master balls /u/CukiieMonstaa
58. HA Skrelp, DBHA Slowpoke, Moonball Sneasel, Heavy ball Skarmory, DBHA Croagunk, DBHA Corphish and Safari ball Trapinch. for Friend ball Snivy (HA) Lure ball Froakie (HA) Moon ball Cubone (HA) Heavy ball Jangmo-o (no HA) Beast ball Bagon (no HA) Beast ball Rockruff (no HA, imperfect nature) Beast ball Riolu (no HA, imperfect nature) /u/Pinguinn
59. DB Axew DB Stantler for Beast ball Beldum Beast ball cubone /u/ArchdukePanda
60. DBHA feebas for Beast ball HA Gible /u/iwantfrankies
61. HA passimian for Friend ball larvitar /u/HRMisHere
62. DBHA croagunk for HA passimian /u/SteelHawk50
63. Safari skourpi, dream ball gastly, and crogunk for HA popplio, HA litten, HA Rookidee /u/WalceT
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Custom Shiny Chikorita, PAL Darkrai code for Wshmkr Jirachi /u/TailsMegamanX

Egg Hatches (22)

1. Male Starly in Safari Ball /u/LermanCT
2. Pawniard (adamant defiant) /u/Haruiteul
3. Shiny Sandile /u/aleexs
4. Shiny Eevee (bold, dive ball) /u/Great_Plattsby
5. Dive Ball Nidoran (female) /u/Lillu89
6. Shiny EEVEE and Shiny COTTONEE /u/Andyjim
7. Axew /u/Radiowarrrr
8. Shiny Houndour /u/Yelena25
9. Shiny Honedge /u/username---password
10. Shiny Sandile /u/Javertthearcanine
11. Shiny HA HP Fire Snivy /u/XeresX
12. Misdreavus /u/GrimClawTigrex
13. Shiny Deerling /u/RIMAN2209
14. Shiny Heracross /u/mazinga5
15. Shiny Charmander /u/Toughlilpony
16. Shiny Eevee /u/elfam
17. Shiny Munchlax /u/unclewil
18. Shiny Duskull /u/blackballroom
19. Kangaskhan /u/Q10609
20. Shiny Shellos /u/KippyRanger
21. Shiny Chikorita /u/Nightfront
22. Shiny Zangoose /u/codbs11124

Giveaways/Contests (39 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Stupid DBHA Female Togepi. Glad they're gone (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
2. Giving away Perfect (pentaflawless) 5IV DBHA female Gibles (Sub: pokemontrades, 21 given)
3. 3 PAL Mew codes given away to newbies (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (13)

1. Transfer of an egg between games /u/Level5misaka
2. Dex trade of Haxorus and Ferrothorn /u/Panduhh
3. Evolving electabuzz /u/lordewill
4. Tutoring Earth Power to a Deino and Drain Punch to a Shroomish /u/Cruzcalderon
5. Evolved Haunter /u/Hellospacebat
6. 6 Tricky pokemon for national dex /u/David_721
7. Tutored a Stoutland Superpower on my OR for free /u/Iheartmiw
8. traceback of Haunter to evolve /u/SouthernVoodooChild
9. Dex help for Latias, Regirock, Registeel, Kyogre, Pichu, Phanphy /u/Henrique_Rulez
10. Free tradeback of: Elektross Slurpuff Sunflora Furret Heliolisk Electivire Porygon2 Steelix Honchkrow Politoed Zebstrika, gave him a free Bulbasaur to keep and evolve to get the entries /u/jis33785
11. Alakazam and Golem evolution /u/civilmaster
12. Haunter tradeback /u/madshopkeeper
13. Tradeback of Heatmor. Gave wooper and klink for free /u/xTGx-Grizz

Misc (10)

1. Gave a free HA Totodile with Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet, Block and Ice Punch
2. Gave DBHA Gible for free
3. Gave a free larvitar to this lad (Y) took pity when he had to restart :(
4. Gave DBHA Gible for free
5. Received Game Charizard in contest
6. Got 6 eggs hatched (bronzor, foongus)
7. Received Marill egg
8. Egg Hatch: Bronzor 1745 OT:JusXlos TID: 03361
9. Egg Hatch: Bronzor OT:Samantha TID:40507
10. Egg hatch: Larvitar OT Nathan TID 28985


Theinfectious's Information


Friend codes:
