
2251-7683-3283 || Kurt★ (S)
2251-7683-3283 || Kurt★ (S) || XXXX

Trades (15)

[+] Events (3)
1. Cosmoem for Darkrai /u/ChristmasMeat
2. Lucky egg for Genesect /u/Buntalufigus88
3. Lunala for Volcanion /u/CanuckGoose
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (12)
1. Oranguru and Feebas for Rockruff and Skarmory /u/enRinto
2. Lillipup for Choice Band /u/hibutsorryidontgetit
3. Gengarite, Lucarionite, and 3 bottle caps for Kabuto, Gligar, Heracross, Mudkip, and Spiritomb /u/Thamthon
4. Bottle cap for Krabby /u/loutwo2
5. Charmander for Larvesta /u/RoyaleBear
6. torchic for electrode /u/suzuya68
7. Kartana for Ditto /u/cuntsicklestick
8. Squirtle, Togepi, and Rotom for Omanyte, Torchic, and Charmander /u/colonelfarva
9. Beldum with Prism scale for Gigalith /u/Foxbox24
10. Mareanie for Ferroseed /u/cmm636463
11. Vanilluxe for Squirtle /u/artpxp
12. 2 Gold bottle caps for Larvitar and Drilbur /u/bundleofsocks
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Evolving Haunters and Kadabras /u/kroyuki

Misc (0)


Tony_Clifton_'s Information


Friend codes:
