
SW-5891-9474-8596 || Nick (SH)
SW-5891-9474-8596 || Nick (SH) || XXXX

Trades (126)

[+] Events (1)
1. Gigamax eevee for Gigamax pikachu /u/HeadlessChkn2911
[+] Shinies (6)
1. Ferroseed shiny for Zacian with sword /u/valere1213
2. Shiny impidimp for 15 apriballs /u/valere1213
3. Feebas for Apriballs /u/PeDominik
4. Shiny Lotad for Apriballs /u/valere1213
5. lure HA rufflet for Magikarp /u/aaronxflores
6. Stufful and ponyta for 30 apriballs /u/valere1213
[+] Competitive / Casual (119)
1. HA Friend Applin HA Lure Arrokuda HA Level Clobbopus Dream Impidimp HA Love Hatenna HA Level Falinks HA Fast Pinchurchin HA Moon Snom Heavy Stonjourner Dream Eiscue Fast Morpeko HA Moon Galarian Ponyta HA Moon Galarian Darumaka HA Heavy Duraludon for HA Dream Skorupi HA Dream Stunfisk HA Dream Chinchou HA Dream Snover HA Dream Swinub HA Dream Solosis HA Dream Dwebble HA Dream Krabby HA Dream Pawniard HA Dream Barboach HA Dream Nincada HA Dream Mantine HA Dream Roggenrola HA Dream Johto Corsola /u/Xamarqand
2. HA Nincada Fast * HA Combee Level for * HA Hawlucha Beast * HA Sigilyph Friend /u/orcoel
3. HA espurr for HA love bulbasaur /u/Weevil_Underwood_
4. Indeedee-Fast, Friend, Level, Lure Eiscue-Fast, Friend Stonjourner-Fast, Friend, Level, Lure, Moon Pincurchin-Friend, Heavy, Moon Falinks-Friend, Love, Lure Sinistea-Heavy, Level, Lure for Squirtle-Moon Pikachu-Heavy, Level, Lure, Moon, Dream Clefairy-Fast, Friend, Heavy, Level, Lure, Moon, Dream, Beast Oddish-Fast, Level Diglett-Fast, Friend, Love, Lure, Dream /u/namida7
5. Duraludon HA in Fast, Friend, Love, Lure Balls; Cufant HA in Fast, Level, Love, Lure Balls and Morpeko in Heavy and Lure Balls for 7x Bulbasaur 3x Squirtle /u/namida7
6. Moon Ball for A Love clefairy, dream kanto farfetched and heavy alola meowth /u/Weevil_Underwood_
7. Love Ball for machop noibat bergmite and togepi /u/_Lynna
8. DBHA frillish for moon HA goldeen /u/Voidwing
9. ha espurr for Fast Ball /u/Danieamian
10. HA bulbasaur for HA squirtle /u/papadodin
11. HA Bulbasaur for HA vullaby /u/orcoel
12. dream bronzor+axew+joltik, beast duskull+frillish, and bulbasaur friend for dream swirlix+spritzee beast sableye pumpkaboo insomnia level * delibird insomnia lure * honedge no-guard beast /u/killzdesu
13. moon ponyta for beast HA squirtle /u/Ipurpleyou679
14. level vulpix and level ponyta for friend HA bulbasaur and HA lure squirtle /u/imiel93
15. Fast HA Caterpie Heavy HA Caterpie Fast HA Koffing Lure HA Koffing male Friend Chinchou Fast HA Lotad Heavy HA Seedot Friend HA Gothita Heavy HA Frillish Lure HA Mudbray for 5 Heavy pokemon, 3 Lure pokemon /u/blah12629
16. Friend Pincurchin Lure Snom Fast Darumaka G Level, Lure, Friend, Heavy, Fast Hattena for Moon Dream Heavy Level Balls /u/Cats_are_cool-28
17. snorunt grubbin roselia joltik vanillite swinub baltoy morpeko nincada stufful klink hippopotas frillish torkoal mantine for Apriballs /u/bananapancakes102
18. Friend HA Falinks Heavy HA Dreepy Level HA Toxel Moon HA Pincurchin Heavy, Lure, Level, Fast, Dream, Beast HA Sinistea for Apriballs /u/Cats_are_cool-28
19. BBHA Remoraid and BBHA Stufful for Beast Ball /u/TheHammer34
20. HA Level Sinistea, HA level Snom and HA Friend Indeedee for Love Ball /u/Fredthewaffle
21. Caterpie, diglett, onix, natu,wobbuffet and qwilfish for 2 apriballs /u/bananapancakes102
22. 2 Heavy balls for 2 Love Balls /u/wyattjohnson
23. beast Ball Pawniard Love gothita for Love Balls /u/O-XI-VII
24. Beast Ball charmander, feebas, rufflet, mudbray, blipbug, and hawlucha for two fast balls and a dream ball /u/Sirenxio
25. Heavy HA Mudbray and Beast HA Nincada for fast ball /u/Mspmaritz13
26. Love HA Gossifleur for Friend Ball HA Lapras /u/shinydwebble
27. moon ball croagunk for heavy frillish /u/ChefMalibu
28. Heavy Lapras for Heavy Seedot /u/Moopharia
29. LB Joltix, LB Hatenna, DB Munna, LB Mawile, LB Goomy, and LB Frillish Gothita for Apriballs /u/Ryynee
30. 3 dream balls for 1 fast ball and 2 love balls /u/rvnclwz
31. Butterfree for Apriballs /u/canadianRSK
32. BB HA inkay and cufant for Dream Ball /u/TheHammer34
33. beast ball grubbin and friend ball oddish for Heavy Ball /u/QuagsireDummyThicc
34. fast ball shelmet moon solosis for Dream Ball /u/MaximumVII
35. beast ball corphish and beast ball ferroseed for love ball /u/Poonhounde
36. 2 Beast mons 2 Heavy mons for 2 beast balls /u/Zaypoon
37. Fast Roselia, Heavy Roselia and Level Roselia for Friend Feebas, Heavy Nincada and Lure Larvitar /u/blah12629
38. HA snorlax and bunnelby for Apriball /u/PM_YOUR_COMPLIMENTS
39. HA Fast Mincinno for HA Fast Caterpie /u/Fredthewaffle
40. Heavy HA Pawniard for Heavy HA Magikarp /u/Wawie
41. Lure Riolu for Lure Koffing (HA) /u/Moopharia
42. love ball karrablast for Roselia /u/DingoKamiya
43. Moon Ball HA Magikarp Moon Ball HA Meowth Moon Ball HA Oddish Fast HA Hattena Heavy HA Hattena for 5 Moon pokemon /u/mrogersj5
44. Moon Ball HA Swirlix Moon Ball HA Wailmer Moon Ball HA Remoraid for DBHA Tympole, DBHA Karrablast, and DBHA Joltik /u/mrogersj5
45. Friend Cottonee Frillish Litwick Pawniard Pancham Hawlucha Goomy Togedemaru Drampa Heavy Timburr Trubbish Pawniard Phantump Mudbray Dhelmise Lure Riolu Frillish Hawlucha Wishiwashi Pyukumuku Drampa Dhelmise for 4 Friend ball 3 Heavy Balls 3 Lure Balls 1 Fast Ball /u/Bowood29
46. HA Fast Karrablast for HA Lure Frillish /u/Fredthewaffle
47. Shelmet HA Friend for Beast HA Stunky /u/pakfron
48. Friend HA Frillish, Moon HA Growlithe, Dream HA Growlithe, Fast HA Riolu and Dream HA Riolu for Fast HA Feebas, Beast HA Frillish, Lure HA Roselia, Lure Timburr and Lure Riolu /u/blah12629
49. Brave Mint for Love HA wailmer Love HA riolu /u/sendme6ivditto
50. HA Heavy Riolu, HA Moon Growlithe, HA Moon Lapras and HA Dream Snorlax for HA Fast Koffing, HA Fast Corsola, HA Fast Remoraid and HA Fast Duskull /u/Fredthewaffle
51. Lure Goldeen for BB HA Pawniard /u/Moopharia
52. Beast HA Cottonee for HA Beast Gothita /u/reimtj
53. Set of 9 rare balls and silvally for Specific ditto /u/attilavgc
54. 4 Love balls for Fast Love HA remoraid Love HA larvitar Love HA solosis Love HA trapinch Love Lure HA mudbray Love HA shellder Love HA mantine Love HA growlithe Love HA nincada Love HA Roggenrola /u/potassiumcyanide
55. 3 apriballs for 2x Karrablast, 3x Joltik, Klink shlmet /u/Puibmka23
56. 3 Apriballs for Fast Friend HA duskull Fast Love Heavy HA stunky Fast Friend Lure HA Drilbur Fast HA Tympole /u/Puibmka23
57. Lure HA Shuckle Moon HA Sneasel Heavy HA Mawile for Apriball /u/TMNTerps
58. Apriballs for wailmer, shellos, scraggy, axew, vullaby, gothita /u/crossmeetsarrows
59. Fossils for Fossils /u/iSwoRn
60. passiman ha moon ball - caterpie ha moon ball -digglet ha moon ball - magikarp ha moon ball - snorlax ha moon ball - torkoal ha moon ball - timbur ha moon ball - pacham ha moon ball - mantyne ha moon ball - pichu ha beast ball for Moon HA lotad Dream HA lotad Moon HA seedot Moon HA minccino Moon HA joltik Moon HA Growlithe Moon HA wooper Moon HA nincada Moon HA shellos Lure HA dewpider /u/Or1onCL
61. HA Fast Vulpix and HA Fast Togedemaru for HA Heavy Trubbish and HA Fast Lotad /u/Fredthewaffle
62. Love HA Krabby for Apriball /u/96Liverbird96
63. Beast Bronzor for Beast Wishiwashi /u/Aleyz90
64. HA Friend tyrogue for Heavy HA lapras /u/Zireael_OW
65. Vanillite in moon ball for level HA goomy /u/13mjvr
66. HA Fast Timburr and HA Fast Trapinch for HA Lure Hawlucha and HA Lure Remoraid /u/Fredthewaffle
67. Karrablast HA Friend Karrablast HA Beast Bunnelby HA Heavy Bunnelby HA Level Klink HA Beast Tympole HA Level Tympole HA Love Tympole HA Lure Tympole HA Beast Swirlix HA Friend for Fast Friend HA Mr mime Beast HA duskull Beast HA combee Friend HA Stunky Love and Moon HA karrablast Level Moon Beast HA shelmet Moon HA Durant /u/pakfron
68. HA Wooper HA Nincada HA Roselia HA Combee HA Hippopotas HA Karrablast HA Stufful for HA Beast: seedot, vanillite, snorunt, wailmer, lotad, dewpider, helioptile /u/DonDoen
69. Apriballs for Fossils /u/TheMadCollector
70. hippopotas (level) for dream HA cottonee /u/FireStarzz
71. Friend snom, combee, love passimian, beast gmeowth, lure snorlax, moon corsola roselia, fast trapinch lure lotad, moon and love rotom for Friend HA vulpix Moon HA diglett Lure HA qwilfish Moon HA torkoal Moon HA roggenrola Heavy HA tympole /u/TrueEcstasy
72. Ditto for Apriballs /u/personofwizardry2
73. DBHA Honedge, Inkay, Goomy, Dewpider, Morelull, Salandit, Stufful, Bounsweet, Oranguru, Pyukumuku G meowth Skwovet, Yamper, applin, silicobra, cramorant, arrokuda, sizzlipede, clobbopus, pincurchin, stonjourner, indeedee, morpeko, cufant for Apriballs /u/SwiftGoten
74. Beast slowpoke for Friend Slowpoke /u/hunaja00
75. Beast slowpoke for Moon slowpoke /u/TMNTerps
76. Love togepi for Apriball /u/SolrockHS
77. Levelball roggenrola for lureball lotad /u/jurassicbane
78. Level falinks for level axew /u/kaskulikowski
79. Dream ball HA Sableye love ball HA Sneasel for level ball HA G Meowth level ball bunnelby /u/crimekiwi
80. Love HA Krabby (on hand) Love HA Tyrogue (on hand) Love HA Swinub (on hand) Love HA Stufful (on hand) Fast HA Hatenna (on hand) Moon HA Chewtle (on hand) Lure HA Duraludon (on hand) Lure HA Indeedee (on hand) Level HA Duraludon (on hand) Level HA Sinistea (on hand) Beast HA Silicobra (on hand) for Moon HA Pumpkaboo Moon HA Inkay Love Gastly Friend Baltoy Friend Hawlucha (don't have HA on it so half) Love HA Passimian /u/pb05
81. Yamask lure and friend, friend Litwick, and level combee for Beast HA litwick Love HA duskull Heavy HA duskull Level deino /u/Regigigas29
82. lure mr.mime, moon Farfetch'd, and fast rookidee for Fast HA Koffing Friend HA swirlix /u/CeruleanEmbers
83. friend HA riolu for fast HA hawlucha /u/joelvdc
84. dream HA feebas for friend HA karrablast /u/PutItBack
85. Lure HA Charmander Level HA Machop Level HA Diglett Love HA Snorlax Love HA Natu Level HA Ralts Fast HA Trapinch Friend HA Combee Fast HA Vanillite Love HA Passimian Heavy HA Charmander and Friend HA Combee for Apriballs /u/Arriuss
86. Moon rotom for beast HA goomy /u/enter_name_in_field
87. moon lunatone, fast solrock and ha beast roselia for Moon HA swinub Dream HA combee Beast HA cottonee /u/redpoolftw2001
88. Moon Oddish Level Mudbray Beast Silicobra Lure Shelmet Friend Snorlax Heavy Karrablast for Phantump +2 Aprimon /u/Jarodje
89. DBHA Rufflet and DBHA Larvitar for DBHA Growlithe and DBHA Duraludon /u/Sneakyz93
90. 2 x tyrogue and level klink for level HA stunky and nincada Fast HA nincada /u/pakfron
91. Heavy Mr Mime Beast Meowth for Friend Meowth Level Mr Mime /u/rainbowbows
92. caterpie vulpix oddish G meowth for Lure dhelmise, goldeen Fast HA passimian Dream HA dewpider Dream baltoy Level HA qwilfish Moon HA swirlix /u/Hydrolucario7
93. Level Diglett 2x yamask for Beast HA minccino Friend HA goomy /u/chels326
94. Love Timbur Cottonee Level Passimian Moon Gothita Level Riolu Friend Shellos Lure Shellos Level hippopotas for Apriballs /u/Bowood29
95. Level Tympole for friend and level solrock /u/blah12629
96. cottonee for apriball /u/The_Redditors_child
97. Dream togepi, Dream Hattena, Level Farfetchd, Love Jangmo-o & Cottonee for Apriballs /u/NHMisty
98. yamask for stunfisk /u/IceFangs
99. fast ball solrock for Fast ball /u/Marowakawaka
100. heavy, love, and level bulbasaur lure bulbasaur for Heavy Beast A-diglett HA Fast HA heatmor HA moon hoot hoot /u/princegb
101. friend ball bulbasaur for beast ball turtonator /u/alwaysconfused024
102. Friend Ball Bulbasaur for Heavy Ball Honedge /u/CapitalHuzzahhme
103. heavy ha tyrogue love ha tyrogue beast ha tyrogue fast ha Nincada heavy ha nincada level ha nincada love ha nincada level ha rufflet beast ha rufflet for Moon and Dream HA machop Dream HA shellder Moon and Dream HA onix Dream HA rhyhorn Fast HA goldeen Moon HA natu Dream HA qwilfish /u/mrogersj5
104. BBHA Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Swinub for A BBHA Delibird, Durant, and Bounsweet /u/reimtj
105. male level ball zigzagoon and a level ball for moon HA purrloin, heavy HA togedemaru, moon HA trapinch, and heavy wishiwashi /u/Ajaxaura
106. ha friend, ha love and ha heavy tyrogue for Fast HA joltik Lure HA Shellos Dream HA Charmander /u/cyandigo
107. HA fast ball trapinch and HA Fast ball Helioptile for Love HA Natu and Dream HA Vulpix /u/RickRollFace
108. togepi HA breedject for fast ball /u/_Goblyn_
109. HA Vulpix, Togepi, Noibat, Drilbur in moon balls for 2 love balls /u/re-charred
110. swinub Seedot Dwebble for apriball /u/TerpyTerpTerps
111. DBHA Oranguru for DBHA Pyukumuku /u/Nassirdada
112. Karrablast and Woobat for Lure HA rufflet and Dream HA trubbish /u/blah12629
113. level ball rotom and a lure ball feebas for lure ball and love ball rotom /u/SableShade
114. Fastball Blipbug & Beastball Toxel for Apriball /u/WillZg
115. Fast Ball Charmander and Vulpix for Level Ball /u/Lady-Lyndis
116. fast HA darumaka for fast ball /u/EkwinX
117. friendball HA swinub for dream HA riolu /u/Girlhanna
118. HA Duskull for Apriball /u/ntapues
119. Meowth, Farfetch’d, Krabby, Koffing, and Timburr for togedemaru morelull pancham bunnelby drilburr /u/DotSeven
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

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