
5069-4153-6581 || Mike (M, αS, Y, UM)
5069-4153-6581 || Mike (M, αS, Y, UM) || XXXX

Trades (18)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (18)
1. Snivy for Sandile /u/Patoan91
2. Growlithe for Eevee /u/RegaLx3
3. Bagon & Stufful for Poliwag & Starly /u/StEZ_Lotus
4. Cubone for Mimikyu /u/IttyBittyFox
5. Tynamo for Eevee /u/wheredidthespidergo
6. Dewpider for Exeggcute /u/transcendentyo
7. Growlithe & Magnemite for Shellder & Bruxish /u/3GSid
8. Cottonee for Tepig /u/itmakesyounormal
9. Ditto for Porygon /u/modaxe
10. Magnemite for Absol /u/Patoan91
11. Magnemite with Metal Coat for Goomy /u/WHITE-IVERSON
12. Carvanha for Psyduck /u/orangezesty
13. Pikipek w/Razor Claw and Torkoal for Jangmo-o and Rhyhorn /u/19joner
14. Chansey & Carvanha for Dratini & Cyndaquil /u/itmakesyounormal
15. Stufful & Sandile for Pancham & Kangaskhan /u/sufjanyorke
16. Abra for Abra /u/ElSheik079
17. Magnemite for Paras /u/Kresslia
18. Togepi for Heavy Ball /u/shonapokemon
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. Derpy_Lucario needed Lunala to finish their dex, so I traded my Lunala there and back. I did get a dex entry for Solgaleo, which I did not have. /u/Derpy_Lucario
2. ItsSlak needed to evolve Scyther, so I did a tradeback to get them Scizor /u/ItsSlak

Misc (0)


TriforceOfBacon's Information


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