
SW-8501-3164-8915 || Fabian (VIO, BD)
SW-8501-3164-8915 || Fabian (VIO, BD) || XXXX

Trades (23)

[+] Events (3)
1. 2 DLC H-Zoroark Codes and 2 Tera Electric Mimikyu Codes for Plasma Genesect /u/ChrisDoukas
2. 1 Mimikyu Code for Victory Jirachi /u/poparrot
3. 4 Mimikyu Codes for Jungle Dada Zarude and Jungle Shiny Celebi /u/poparrot
[+] Shinies (2)
1. 6 Random Apriballs and 2 Level Balls for ALL SHINY - Moon Ball Lunatone, Love Ball Aipom, Friend Ball Poliwrath and Ultra Ball Shinx /u/JKKM2445
2. Apriball (Heavy Ball) for Shiny Strange Ball Croagunk /u/raiko39
[+] Competitive / Casual (17)
1. Moon Ball for Ursaluna /u/Rekkolution
2. Moon Ball for 6 aprimons /u/Aaaight
3. Ditto for Silcoon /u/ClearRelative2170
4. Dream Ball for Heavy Ball /u/tabris_10
5. Grookey and Froakie for Goomy and Rowlet /u/I_WANT_PINEAPPLES
6. Iron Thorns, Malicious Armor, Palafin for Flutter Mane /u/GerarDZG_Go
7. Moon Ball Sandshrew for Love Ball Wooper /u/Opposite-Coconut9144
8. Friend Ball Nymble for Beast Ball Tauros and Moon Ball Slowpoke /u/MiaSmiles
9. Chespin and Fennekin for Cyndaquil and Turtwig /u/LWSilverMoon
10. Passimian and Misdreavus for Armarouge and Love Ball Sentret /u/KingGoji94
11. Level Ball for 7 Ability Patches /u/LongQuang
12. Beast Ball and Level Ball for 7 Ability Patches /u/LongQuang
13. Koraidon for Urshifu /u/_nickbasra
14. Ability Patch for Love Ball Galarian Weezing /u/spacez52
15. Ability Patch for Love Ball Pichu and a Moon Ball Hisuian Sneasel /u/RuneQuicksilver
16. Bloodmoon-Ursaluna for Enamorus /u/devin-as
17. Ability Patch for Heavy Ball Sandygast and Heavy Ball Wooper /u/RuneQuickSilver
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. 3 Mimikyu Codes for Jolly Shiny Wishmaker Jirachi /u/notyourmama12

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Typical-Thyme's Information


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