
SW-0554-8811-2709 || Tyquaza (SCA)
SW-0554-8811-2709 || Tyquaza (SCA) || XXXX

Trades (48)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (4)
1. Shiny Psyduck for Shiny Rookidee /u/tmotto01
2. Shiny Hariyama for Shiny Houndoom /u/ryuunosuke12
3. Shiny Brute Bonnet for Shiny Iron Jugulis /u/Winniethetiu
4. Shiny Nacli for Shiny Kirlia /u/humthegumbo
[+] Competitive / Casual (44)
1. Roaring Moon for Iron Valiant /u/bbenb69277
2. Larvitar for Gastly /u/Miserable-Cancel-388
3. Larvitar for Eevee /u/joemidge
4. Larvitar for Cettodle /u/aditya_17a
5. Larvitar for Zorua /u/magickstrawberry
6. Charcadet /w Auspicious Armor for Charcadet /w Malicious Armor /u/mdc37013
7. Deino for Quaxly /u/GalaxyApe
8. Oranguru for Passimian /u/Radtkeeee
9. Larvitar for Scyther /u/LynZ_
10. Tauros (Blaze Breed) for Tauros (Aqua Breed) /u/T--Wrecks559
11. Larvitar for Toedscool /u/cbang2
12. Tinkatink for Girafarig /u/sanyah
13. Larvitar for Pawniard /u/pick_up_bart
14. Tinkatink for Dratini /u/-Barca-
15. Moonball Larvitar for Friendball Shroomish /u/gudjaun
16. Moonball Larvitar for Levelball Nymble /u/UnclearPremise
17. Moonball Larvitar for Moonball Dreepy /u/smarti0704
18. Dreamball Tinkatink for Beastball Squawkabilly /u/asphyxiati0n76
19. Lureball Cetoddle for Moonball Eevee /u/FreeksTheFly
20. Dreamball Tinkatink for Friendball Nacli /u/FreeksTheFly
21. Moonball Gastly for Beastball Rockruff /u/FreeksTheFly
22. Moonball Gastly for Levelball Tatsugiri /u/Soul_Sleepwhale
23. Levelball Girafarig for Fastball Fidough /u/candiedcorvid
24. Moonball Zorua for Fastball Wattrel /u/Wooden-Frosting
25. Moonball Zorua and Lureball Goomy for Levelball Fidough and Dreamball Maschiff /u/adrientaglishes
26. Lureball Goomy for Dreamball Flittle /u/soulangelic
27. Friendball Scyther, Moonball Zorua, Loveball Ralts, and Levelball Nymble for Dreamball Eevee, Fastball Eevee, Lureball Magikarp, and Dreamball Hatenna /u/Wolfedood
28. Moonball Zorua and Moonball Gastly for Dreamball Bounsweet and Moonball Deino /u/raelovesdedenne
29. Loveball Eevee for Levelball Meowth /u/pigscanflyy
30. Beastball Dratini for Moonball Rockruff /u/ForsakenMoon13
31. Moonball Gastly for Lureball Buizel /u/saranghaejo
32. Moonball Larvitar for Moonball Ralts /u/ChsHymme
33. Loveball Eevee for Levelball Bagon /u/tiltdoctor
34. Fastball Toedscool for Fastball Larvesta /u/Sefseft
35. Friendball Scyther for Levelball Tandemaus /u/Sefseft
36. Friendball Scyther, Moonball Larvitar, Moonball Eevee for Moonball (Item) /u/_AzraeI_
37. Fastball Toedscool for Moonball Sneasel /u/Xy_Falcon1
38. Levelball Starly, Lureball Skrelp, and Heavyball Magnemite for Fastball (Item) /u/InfinityDonuts
39. Friendball Seviper and Friendball Dunsparce for Lureball Tauros (Aqua) and Fastball Rotom /u/InfinityDonuts
40. Dreamball Slowpoke for Friendball Smoliv /u/NotOnTheMeds
41. Dreamball Deerling Spring for Loveball Galarian Meowth /u/blckenedicekaj
42. Lureball Skrelp for Friendball Rockruff /u/smarti0704
43. Dreamball Slowpoke, Dreamball Deerling (Spring), Friendball Seviper, Dreamball Shroodle, Levelball Tandemaus, Moonball Squawkabilly (Yellow) for Friendball and Dreamball (Items) /u/Tepig967
44. Heavyball Mudbray for Lureball Chewtle /u/Negative_Selection_9
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. Koraidon for Palafin /u/SeveralCar0
2. Gholdengo Touchtrade /u/Zetanite

Misc (0)


Tyquaza's Information


Friend codes:
