
3368-1936-2884 || R (X), Maki (ΩR)
3368-1936-2884 || R (X) || 1425

Trades (88)

[+] Events (78)
1. Level Ball Diglett, Level Ball Kangaskhan, Net Ball Totodile, Moon Ball Gastly, Moon Ball Hoothoot, Moon Ball Igglybuff, Moon Ball Shinx, Heavy Ball Snorlax, Lure Ball Heracross, Love Ball Meditite, Safari Ball Aron & Luxury Ball Aerodactyl for 2 SR'd Timid/Modest NA PokéBall Vivillon. /u/writingcookie43
2. Shiny HP Ice Helioptile for 4 SR'd Timid/Modest NA PokéBall Vivillion. /u/gurugly
3. Custom Shiny Solosis + Custom Shiny Furfrou + Custom Shiny Electrike + 6IV HA Froakie for 8 SR'd Timid/Modest NA PokéBall Vivillon. /u/highpawn
4. Custom Shiny Cyndaquil + Custom Shiny Swablu + 2 Custom Shiny Audino + Custom Shiny Buneary for 7 SR'd Timid/Modest NA PokéBall Vivillon (Language Set). /u/Krisknows
5. Custom Shiny Duskull + Custom Shiny Phantump + Custom Shiny Bunnelby + Custom Shiny Lotad + Custom Shiny Tangela + Custom Shiny Ferroseed + Custom Shiny Grimer + Custom Shiny Teddiursa + Custom Shiny Corphish + Custom Shiny Igglybuff for a FBZard Code. /u/Jhueller
6. Shiny 6IV Dedenne for 6 SUM2014 Heracross (Language Set minus English). /u/highpawn
7. 5IV Competive Female Deino with EM for 2 GTS Fancy Vivillon. /u/ajkyle56
8. HP Grass Psyduck + HP Fire Abra + HP Grass Omanyte + HP Grass Chinchou + HP Ground Yanma + HP Grass Magby + HP Ice Magby + HP Ice Electrike + HP Ice Minun + HP Fire Budew + HP Ice Blitzle + HP Ground Vanillite + HP Grass Litleo + HP Ice Helioptile + HP Ice Dedenne for a FBZard Code. /u/richi3f
9. Shiny Phantump + Shiny Igglybuff + Shiny Magikarp for 7 SUM2014 Pinsirs (Language Set). /u/asspanda24
10. Shiny Bunnelby + Shiny Roggenrola for 2 Pokémon Bank Celebi. /u/bruhmanchillin
11. Shiny Furfrou for a Pokémon Bank Celebi. /u/whlzki
12. Shiny Duskull + Shiny Phantump for a Spring 2014 Pokémon Code. /u/WhereIsYourArceusNow
13. Pokémon Bank Celebi + 4 Modest NA Pokéball Vivillion for a Spring 2014 Pokémon Code. /u/ajkyle56
14. Shiny Swablu + Shiny Corphis for a Spring 2014 Pokémon Code. /u/Triceratops5
15. Shiny Duskull for 3 Spring 2014 Pokémon Codes Redemptions. /u/snoozypants
16. Custom Shiny Pumpkaboo + Custom Shiny Nincada + Custom Shiny Slowpoke + Custom Shiny Eevee + Custom Shiny Anorith + Custom Shiny Lileep + Custom Shiny Pichu + Custom Shiny Mudkip + Custom Shiny Poochyena + Custom Shiny Skitty + Custom Shiny Shellos for a Pokémon Center Pokéball Vivillon. /u/Gjones18
17. Shiny Roggenrola for a FBZard Code Redemption. /u/ParaQuant
18. Shiny Magikarp for a FBZard Code Redemption. /u/vincentasm
19. Shiny 6IV Mudkip + Shiny Magikarp for a NA Diancie Code. /u/SacreDionysuS
20. Shiny HP Ice Electrike for a NA Diancie Code. /u/AtomicArtichoke
21. Shiny 6IV Lileep + Shiny Anorith for a NA Diancie Code. /u/Lynaia
22. Shiny 6IV Audino for a NA Diancie Code. /u/SpaceV
23. Shiny Snorunt + Shiny Poochyena for a NA Diancie Code. /u/ThePaul8
24. Shiny Slowpoke + Shiny Magikarp for a NA Diancie Code. /u/kj702
25. Shiny 6IV Snover for a NA Diancie Code. /u/sittinginatincan420
26. Shiny Duskull + Shiny Snorunt for a NA Diancie Code. /u/FucktheSystemSoftly
27. Shiny 6IV Deino for a NA Diancie Code. /u/Cyberdrac
28. Shiny 6IV Deino for a NA Diancie Code. /u/meat_body_soul
29. 1 NA Diancie Code + 2 HP Ground Vanillite for 5 SR'd GTS Fancy Vivillon. /u/abcdefghijk12374
30. Custom Shiny Pineco + Custom Shiny Scraggy for a PAL Diancie Code. /u/Schwarzmilan
31. Shiny Duskull + Shiny Cyndaquil for 2 PAL Diancie Codes. /u/adze2310
32. Shiny Pinsir for a XY Torchic. /u/BestBulbasaurWorld
33. 1 SPRING 2014 Magmar for 2 XY Torchic + 1 Pokémon Bank Celebi. /u/cubanpete26
34. Custom Shiny Abra + 2 Custom Shiny Onix for a GAME 2014 Charizard. /u/ajkyle56
35. Shiny Mudkip for a JPN Steven's Beldum. /u/Expo911
36. 1 NA Diancie Code for a NA Eon Ticket Code. /u/xDeaThSlaYeRx
37. 4 NA Diancie Codes for a Pokémon Scrap Code. /u/Expo911
38. Shiny Snorunt + Shiny Shellos + Shiny Pinsir for a Pokémon Scrap Code. /u/Raesear
39. 2 Custom Shiny Ralts + Custom Shiny Furfrou + Custom Shiny Buneary + Custom Shiny Honedge + Custom Eevee for 3 Pokémon Scrap Codes. /u/blackaurora
40. 1 GAME 2014 Charizard for 2 Pokémon Scrap Codes. /u/dantelukas
41. Custom Shiny Buneary + Custom Shiny Minccino + Custom Shiny Litwick + Custom Shiny Nincada for a Pokémon Scrap Code. /u/KaitoGL
42. 4 PokéBank Celebi + 3 XY Torchic for 2 Pokémon Scrap Codes. /u/ajkyle56
43. Shiny Mudkip + Shiny Cyndaquil for a Pokémon Scrap Code. /u/MisterCelric
44. Custom Shiny Cyndaquil + Custom Shiny Froakie + Custom Shiny Swablu + Shiny Teddiursa + 2 PAL Diancie Codes + 5 NA PokéBall Vivillion + 2 GTS Fancy Vivillon for 3 Pokémon Scrap Codes. /u/dantelukas
45. Shiny Minccino + Shiny Audino + Shiny Clauncher + Shiny Feebas + Shiny Anortih + Shiny Gligar for 2 Pokémon Scrap Codes. /u/Raesear
46. Custom Shiny Kabuto + Custom Shiny Onix for Scrap Shaymin + Scrap Keldeo + Scrap Victini Redemption. /u/WreckItMike
47. Shiny Phantump + Shiny Clauncher + Shiny Pancham + Shiny 6IV Numel + Shiny Onix for a Game Darkrai Code. /u/LNobbins
48. Shiny Ralts + Shiny Nincada + Shiny Lotad + Shiny Froakie + Shiny 6IV Litwick for a Game Darkrai Code. /u/pendry22
49. Shiny 6IV Snover + Shiny Roggenrola + Shiny Igglybuff + Shiny Minccino + Shiny Scraggy for a Game Darkrai Code. /u/macrocephale
50. Shiny Gligar for a PAL Diancie Code Redemption. /u/ParaQuant
51. Custom Shiny Phantump for a Serena's Fennekin. /u/WreckItMike
52. Custom Shiny Deino + Custom Shiny Ferroseed + Custom Shiny Porygon + Custom Shiny Ekans + Custom Shiny Rattata + Custom Shiny Chimchar + Custom Shiny Taillow for 2 Game Darkrai Codes. /u/BasedNoface
53. Shiny 6IV Numel + Shiny Gligar + Shiny Skitty + Shiny Pineco + Shiny Ferroseed for a Game Darkrai Code. /u/shadededge
54. Custom Shiny Electrike + Custom Shiny Koffing + Custom Shiny Noibat + Custom Shiny Ralts + Custom Shiny Eevee + Custom Shiny Inkay + Custom Shiny Growlithe + Custom Shiny Pidgey + Custom Shiny Froakie + Custom Shiny Swirlix + Custom Shiny Totodile + Custom Shiny Charmander + Custom Shiny Clauncher + Custom Shiny Shuckle + Custom Shiny Treecko + Custom Shiny Numel + Custom Shiny Bunnelby + Custom Shiny Beldum + Custom Shiny Wooper for a PGL Tyrunt Code. /u/Jodzysip
55. 7 SR'd Timid/Modest NA PokéBall Vivillon (Language Set) for 3 Pokémon Scrap Code. /u/Il_Lupey
56. 6 SUM2014 Pinsirs for 2 Game Darkrai Codes. /u/overworld99
57. 1 Game Darkrai Code for a WCSK15 Linoone. /u/endy1102
58. 2 SR'd Timid/Modest NA PokéBall Vivillon and 1 GTS Fancy Vivillon for 1 JPN Present HA Serperior 1 JPN Present HA Emboar and 1 JPN Present HA Samurott. /u/jeremyps
59. 1 Game Darkrai Code for a WCSK15 Linoone. /u/broccoliYT
60. Custom Shiny Honedge + Custom Shiny Porygon + Custom Shiny Mawile + Custom Shiny Aipom + Custom Shiny Sableye + Custom Shiny Charmander + Custom Shiny Frokie + Custom Shiny Eevee + Custom Shiny Buneary + Custom Shiny Duskull + Custom Shiny Gastly + Custom Shiny Foongus + Custom Shiny Snivy for a PGL Amaura Code. /u/thelink955
61. 6 SUM2014 Heracross for 1 Game Darkrai Codes and 1 Serena's Fennekin. /u/sleepywings
62. 7 Pokémon Scrap Codes for a Facebook Kangaskhan Code. /u/xtakeru
63. Game Darkrai Code for a Facebook Kangaskhan Code Redemption. /u/umbreho
64. Shiny Marill + Shiny HP Ground Pidgey + Shiny Charmander + Shiny Ferroseed + Shiny Treecko + Shiny HP Ice Electrike + Shiny 6IV Slowpoke for 2 Shiny Spring 2015 Charizard Codes. /u/BeejayNinja
65. 1 PGL Tyrunt Code for 3 M18 Pre-order Arceus Codes. /u/Itokichi
66. Custom 5IV Xatu + 6IV Female HA HP Grass Cyndaquil + 5IV Female HA Totodile + 6IV Female HA HP Fire Chikorita + 5IV Female HA Tepig + 6IV Female HA HP Grass Oshawott + 6IV Female HA HP Fire Skrelp + 5IV Female HA Tyrunt + 6IV Female HA HP Fire Amaura for 1 M18 Pre-order Arceus Code + 1 CoroCoro Rayquaza Code. /u/Ju-da-su
67. Shiny Mawile + Shiny Cyndaquil + Shiny Taillow + Shiny Igglybuff + Shiny Litwick + Shiny Scraggy + Shiny Pinsir + Shiny Shellos for 2 CoroCoro Rayquaza Codes. /u/endy1102
68. 3 Game Darkrai Codes for 2 WCSK15 Linoone. /u/puh7777
69. 1 Game Darkrai Code for 2 Game Darkrai Redemptions + 2 Shiny Spring 2015 Charizard Redemptions. /u/Alpha-jd
70. 3 M18 Pre-order Arceus Codes for 2 Singapore Summer 2015 Rayquaza Codes. /u/iIIidAn
71. Custom Shiny Smeargle + Custom Shiny Aipom + Custom Shiny Tentacool + Custom Shiny Starly for 2 CoroCoro Rayquaza Redemptions. /u/WreckItMike
72. 1 GTS Fancy Vivillon for a PGL Amaura Code Redemption. /u/ajkyle56
73. Shiny Litwick for a Gamestop Dragonite Code. /u/littlekittenzz
74. 1 Game Darkrai for 3 Gamestop Dragonite Codes. /u/Sluha
75. Shiny Porygon for a Gamestop Dragonite Code. /u/SoySuace
76. 1 WCSK15 Linoone for 3 Gamestop Dragonite Codes. /u/not_an_aardvark
77. Shiny Marill for Gamestop Dragonite Codes. /u/xchicowx
78. 1 Singapore Summer 2015 Rayquaza Codes for 2 PC Hiroshima Magikarp and Gyarados Pairs. /u/tellu_poke
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (10)
1. Heavy Ball Phanpy for Female HA Snorunt. /u/TomasOh
2. Lure Ball Female Heracross for Dive Ball Female Roggenrola. /u/richi3f
3. Lure Ball Male Heracross for Male Ralts with Skill Swap. /u/enaz333
4. Level Ball Kangaskhan for Female Furfrou with EM. /u/TheAlfies
5. Safari Ball Aron for Male Electrike with EM. /u/MRBlobbable
6. HP Ice Bulbasaur for 6IV HA Torchic with EM. /u/Awful_Person
7. HP Ice Electrike for HA Dive Ball Vulpix with EM. /u/giokiwi
8. Kee & Maranga Berry for HA Dream Ball Wailmer & Moon Ball Swablu. /u/DethZero
9. HP Fire Bulbasaur for an Ability Capsule. /u/ZtrikeR21
10. HP Ice Helioptile for Female Safari Ball Scyther. /u/fliippyy
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (35)

1. Hatched tsumigi-chan's egg /u/tsumigi-chan
2. Hatched o4ryan's egg /u/o4ryan
3. Hatched Cade-O's egg /u/Cade-O
4. Hatched Alexanndur's egg /u/Alexanndur
5. Hatched NZFunky's egg /u/NZFunky
6. Hatched ColCavalo's egg /u/ColCavalo
7. Hatched Megagross's egg /u/Megagross
8. Hatched skeol's egg /u/skeol
9. Hatched michgael's egg /u/michgael
10. Hatched ariok's egg /u/ariok
11. Hatched SpeakYourMind's egg /u/SpeakYourMind
12. Hatched Rabbit_22's egg /u/Rabbit_22
13. Hatched shuael34's egg /u/shuael34
14. Hatched shuael34's egg /u/shuael34
15. Hatched Ulquiorra_Schiffer's egg /u/Ulquiorra_Schiffer
16. Hatched FateError's egg /u/FateError
17. Hatched EVE531's egg /u/EVE531
18. Hatched MangusKN's egg /u/MangusKN
19. Hatched Notor1ous's egg /u/Notor1ous
20. Hatched ric28's egg /u/ric28
21. Hatched AikaTsukiyushi's egg /u/AikaTsukiyushi
22. Hatched EarthRyno's egg /u/EarthRyno
23. Hatched javier_m2's egg /u/javier_m2
24. Hatched khskyskm's egg /u/khskyskm
25. Hatched MasterGohan's egg /u/MasterGohan
26. Hatched highpawn's egg /u/highpawn
27. Hatched patchespatch04's egg /u/patchespatch04
28. Hatched otaegui's egg /u/otaegui
29. Hatched red_panda3's egg /u/red_panda3
30. Hatched froakiedokie's egg /u/froakiedokie
31. Hatched jinzy1206's egg /u/jinzy1206
32. Hatched Pancham4's egg /u/Pancham4
33. Hatched Herms911's egg /u/Herms911
34. Hatched Kanocchio's egg /u/Kanocchio
35. Hatched thejasonphoenix's egg /u/thejasonphoenix

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Garguns May 29, 2015 4:25:19 AM

Very nice service :) Thanks for hatching my shiny onix!

superboad Mar 10, 2015 2:04:42 AM

Thank you for hatching my shinx. :)

twentyfives Feb 24, 2015 2:47:14 AM

Replied asap. :) Thanks for the shiny hatch once more. :D

dasakiV Jan 14, 2015 7:43:31 AM

Fast reply time and friendly, recommended hatcher! Thank you again!

Gym_Leader_Erika Dec 31, 2014 5:12:42 AM

Safely hatched my Togepi egg shiny :)

Thanks again.

Bouncer2085 Dec 29, 2014 1:04:10 AM

Hatched a S Aerodactyl for me and was quick to respond. Thanks again :D

icarus97 Dec 13, 2014 9:44:16 PM

Thanks for the shiny Swablu hatch. :D

Pangotron Dec 3, 2014 2:59:00 AM

Hatched a shiny Archipelago Scatterbug for me, even though I gave the wrong egg initially. A very patient and trustworthy trader/hatcher :]

Implieslol Nov 24, 2014 2:59:03 AM

Hatched shiny Heracross for me


Schwarzmilan Nov 9, 2014 7:11:36 PM

Bred me 2 custom shinies for a PAL Diancie Code. Was incredible fast and gave me many updates of the progress. Thank you again :)

jspark035 Nov 2, 2014 1:50:40 AM

Thank you for my shiny! Your meeting speed is rapidly and exactly. Thanks! :)

Demosthenes13 Oct 28, 2014 4:51:24 AM

Hatched an Aerodactyl for me :) Really quick and smooth, thanks again!

junior8686 Oct 26, 2014 3:49:33 AM

Hatched a shiny Noibat for me...

The response and the trade and the hatch and the trade back were fast and furious... Perfect!

Awesome and trustworthy and reliable person...

102%+++ highly recommended..

Thanks again for the hatch...

It's been a pleasure dealing with you...

C ya again and take care... Always... :D

Umbra-Profess's Information


Friend codes:
