
2380-9431-2562 || Valmoer (X), Leenay (UM, Y)
2380-9431-2562 || Valmoer (X), Leenay (UM, Y) || XXXX

Trades (76)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (76)
1. Sunkern for Vivillon /u/tygreenway
2. Houndour for Scatterbug /u/VaerirLost
3. Vivillon for Vivillon /u/WHERETHELOUDAT
4. Treecko for Scatterbug /u/AestheticalAGH
5. Staryu, Clauncher, Houndour for Vivillon, Vivillon, Vivillon /u/onefoxybeen
6. HA Swirlix, HA Foongus for HA Snivy, HA Totodile /u/NebulonsStyle
7. Purrloin for Vivillon /u/happy_pancakey
8. HA Shelgon for 5IV Gible /u/der_Guenter
9. 2 Dawn Stones, 2 Dusk Stones for HAs Oshawott, Chimchar, Piplup and Torchic /u/MC_CoyoteClan
10. Vullaby for Scatterbug /u/Loges-Ironworks
11. HA Torchic for HA Winter Deerling /u/Wildabeast1700
12. Porygon2 (Tradeback), Vivillon for Vivillon /u/Mukuro_Ikusaba
13. HAs Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Piplup x2, Winter Deerling x2 for HA Rowlet, Litten, Polippo, Rockruff (OT), Kabuto, Amaura /u/hraydavidson
14. French Ditto, 2x Scatterbug for HA Turtwig, HA Tepig, HA Mudkip /u/14_Jacket_14
15. Male Rhydon w/ Megahorn for Phione /u/H_Poke
16. Nest HA Pansage, Dive HA Panpour, Prem HA Scraggy, Prem HA Darumaka for HA Treecko, HA Quilfish, HA Aerodactyl, HA Omanyte /u/Alexdodala
17. Togepi, Clefairy for Machamp, Poliwrath /u/halfpooppromanfan
18. Fennekin for Kangaskhan w/ Heart Scale /u/DevourAllHope
19. Marill w/ Belly Drum for Vivillon /u/lukieduki
20. HA Totodile, HA Mudkip for HA Tyrunt, HA Cranidos /u/Egg-Blazerz
21. HA Meditite for HA Torchic /u/mikeynoonja
22. Ditto (French) for Vivillon /u/milrose404
23. HA Nidoran♂, HA Nidoran♀ for 5IV Growlithe w/ Bottle Cap (x2) /u/CompTF2lol
24. Ditto (French) x2 for Scatterbug, Digglet /u/FoxKid13
25. HA Dratini for Deino /u/afro_king
26. HA Spritzee, HA Bergmite for HA Patrat, HA Karrablast /u/Ryzarck
27. Friend Ball HA Phantump w/ Bestow + 3x Level Ball for 11 Rareball Mons Dream (Treeko, Paras, Gligar, Snubbull, Heracross & Mawile), (Moon & Beast) Snivy , (Level & Lure) Chimchar, Beast Oshawott /u/SunDisco
28. PP Max x6 for HAs Treecko, Anorith, Lileep, Qwilfish, Amaura, & Basculin /u/Kaiser369
29. HA Slowpoke for HA Cyndaquil /u/NebulonsStyle
30. Ditto (French) for DBHA Drifloon /u/Tiduszk
31. Bottle Cap x4, PP Up x3 (Gen VII) + PP Max (Gen VI) for Enigma, Micle, Custap, Jaboca, Rowap, Starf, Lansat Berries,(Gen VII) + Enigma Berry (Gen VI) /u/SeanPokeMerchantCo
32. HA Piplup for Reaper Cloth /u/cashborn234
33. HA Deerling Winter for HA Chikorita /u/14_Jacket_14
34. HAs Totodile, Piplup & Chikorita for Beast Chimchar, Lure Totodile & Friend Chikorita /u/DrRobertBanner
35. Beast Ball HA Chimchar for Dream Ball 6IV Rotom /u/GreenArmour406
36. Throh, Pupitar, Cloyster for 5IVs Bouffalant, Hippopotas, Blitzle /u/Lord_Arcanine
37. Level HA Chimchar, Dream HA Treecko for HAs Formantis, Pukumukyu /u/ringlord_1
38. HA Clefairy for HA Mareanie /u/psntypetrainer
39. Own Tempo Rockruff for HA Riolu w/ Egg Moves /u/Prior-Watercress4240
40. HA Froakie for 5IV Ralts /u/hires817
41. HA Weedle for 5IV Bulbasaur /u/2istheonlyevenprime
42. DBHA Treecko for HA Pumpkaboo (Super Size) /u/ottersonanisland
43. (Gen 7) DBHA Pansage, Panpour, Pansear for (Gen 6) DBHA Basculin (Blue), Shelmet, HA Shelmet /u/8ustavo
44. HA Houndour, Amaura for HA Burmy, Aerodactyle /u/Reigner835
45. HA Braixen, Swirlix for HA 5IV Goomy, Espurr /u/redradicalrage
46. HA Deerlings (Summer, Autumn, Winter), Basculin Red, DBHAf Drifloon, Shelmet, Basculin Blue for HA Omanyte, Kabuto, Sheildon, Tirtouga, Kangaskhan, Snorlax, Hippopotas /u/starjake
47. HA Shieldon, Cranidos for FriendBall Zubat, MoonBall Shellder /u/Reigner835
48. Coba Berry for Destiny Knot /u/Theoofderp
49. HA Level Ball Pichu, HA Heal Ball Jangmo-o, Phione, 2 Love Balls, 2 Moon Balls, 2 Friend Balls for Lure Dratini, Friend Lillipup, Safari Dratini/Koffing/Magikarp/Marill, Moon Burmy/Dratini/Riolu/Spinarak/Snorunt/Zubat, Love Burmy/Cottonee/Larvitar/Mareep, Level Burmy/A-Geodude/Charmander/Dunsparce/Sandygast/Tepig /u/acetrainerdigi
50. HA Dusk Fraxure, HA Deerlings (Heal Summer, Luxury Autumn), Phione for HAs Love Turtwig, Lure Mudkip, Love Mudkip, Friend Oshawott, Level Snivy, Heavy Chikorita /u/Ame3333
51. HA Burmy, Hippopotas, Red Basculin for DBHAf Spearow, Riolu, Dratini. /u/iveforgottenitagain
52. Fast Ball for Friend Mudkip, Buneary; Love Charmander /u/Theoofderp
53. HA Cranidos for FriendBall Snivy /u/nick-1200
54. Ganlon Berry, Lansat Berry for LoveBall Plusle, Ponyta /u/Loyellow
55. HA Deerling (Autumn) for FriendBall Charmander /u/kakesu
56. Mandibuzz for Braviary /u/Anonymouswailord
57. DBHA Magnemite, Voltorb, Golett, Pansage, Panpour, Throh, Sawk, Klink for DBHA Nincada, Wurmple, Trapinch, Skorupi, Snover, Aron, Dwebble, Gastly /u/ottersonanisland
58. Jolly MoonBall Sneasel for 5IV Adamant BeastBall Bagon /u/fervidal3d2y
59. HA Pidgey for 5IV Timid Abra /u/2istheonlyevenprime
60. HA LoveBall Ponyta, Chikorita for HA LoveBall Piplup, Totodile /u/The_Godess_of_Time
61. Heavy HA Tepig, Lure HA Oshawott for Friend HA Turtwig, Love HA Snivy /u/Savings-Elk-709
62. LevelBall HA Pikipek for FriendBall Carnavine /u/Theoofderp
63. HA Deerlings (Summer, Autumn, Winter) for High IVs, Full EMs Skorupi, Cacnea, Horsea /u/SliceComplex5979
64. Heavy Ball Skarmory for Level Ball Slugma /u/vgking1games
65. LoveBall HA Totodile, Turtwig, Piplup, Snivy, Oshawoot for SafariBall Geodude, Spinda, Chimecho; Level Mankey; Fast Pikipek /u/baitm
66. HA Litten, Rowlet, Polippo, Treecko, Mudkip for Lure Oshawott, Dream Charamander, Fast Chimchar, Lure Piplup, Dream Turtwig /u/parassembly
67. 28 HA mons for 28 Aprimons /u/eienshi09
68. Friend HA Turtwig, Tepig, Froakie for 6IVs Friend Oshawott (2x), Phione /u/Tauntastic
69. HA Phampy w/ EM Rockhead, HA Pumpkaboo + Female HAs Heavy Alolan Geodude, Love Hoppip, Level Sandygast; 6 Continental Scatterbugs for Level HA Hoothoot, FastBall Icy Snow HA Scatterbug + Moon Nidoran ♀, Love Snubbull, Level & Lure Scatterbug, Moon Alolan Vulpix, Love & Moon Wimpod, Love Salandit, Level Jangmo-o /u/Xilomera
70. Friend HA K-Vulpix for Moon HA Shinx /u/wappendo
71. Glameow for FriendBall Bulbasaur /u/Autumnchan
72. 11 HA Aprimons + 14 Apriballs (2 of each kind) for 51 HA Aprimons /u/8ustavo
73. Fast/Heavy/Lure/Friend/Moon/Level HA Scatterbug for Safari HA Venonat/Girafarig/Snubull/Paras/Parachisu/Buizel /u/baitm
74. Coba Berry, Bottle Cap for Love Paras, Dream Slowpoke /u/Chofli
75. Love Turtwig, Fast Chimchar, Heavy, Fast, Lure, Beast Oshawott, Level, Heavy, Lure, Beast Tepig, Level, Lure Snivy, Beast Froakie, Level Fennekin, Fast Chespin for Love Weedle; Love Bellsprout; Heavy Stantler; Heavy, Level, Lure, Moon, Friend Paras; Heavy, Level, Lure, Moon Hoppip; Heavy, Level, Moon Aipom /u/Tauntastic
76. HA Amaura for Friend Ball Sandile /u/Milchik
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Shelmet-Karrablast Evolution & Tradeback /u/WHERETHELOUDAT
2. Kadabra Evolution Tradeback /u/venosif
3. Stakataka PokeDex registration tradeback /u/Classypeople
4. Groudon PokeDex Registration Tradeback /u/velkakong
5. Multiple Legendaries Tradeback for Dex Completion /u/BitterHoney_
6. Kadabra Evolution Tradeback /u/PuppersDaBest
7. Haunter, Boldore, A-Graveler Evolution Tradebacks /u/PinguPingu6
8. Guzzlord Tradeback for Dex Completion /u/otanan
9. Loan trade of a Solgaleo to help unlock the Cosmog-granting cutscene /u/isaias0823
10. Stakataka PokeDex registration tradeback /u/torithetaurus

Misc (3)

1. Helpfulness exchange - gave Mawile (recieved Seviper, already had)
2. Helpfulness exchange - gave a HA Tyrunt (got a HA Snivy, already got)
3. Helpfulness exchange - gave a HA Tyrunt (got a HA Snivy, already had) #2


Valmoer's Information


Friend codes:
