
3540-6750-8338 || VictyLusi (VIO), Lusi (UM)
3540-6750-8338 || VictyLusi (VIO), Lusi (UM) || XXXX

Trades (63)

[+] Events (51)
1. Shiny CHANNEL Jirachi and Shiny Manaphy for JP World Cap Pikachu + Jirachi Codes /u/sparrowcount
2. Shiny WISHMKR and Shiny CHANNEL Jirachis for 3 Clefairy Codes /u/bwo0
3. Shiny CHANNEL/WISHMKR Jirachis and an Ageto Celebi for 3 Sets of GVM codes /u/time__hero
4. Shiny Manaphy and Shiny Rayquaza for 1 GVM Set /u/serenity-as-ice
5. 1 GVM codes Set for Shiny Eternatus Code /u/ninjividual
6. Shiny Manaphy for 2 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/kewligirl95
7. Shiny Pokémon Box Swablu, Zigzagoon, Skitty and Pichu for 2 GVM codes Sets /u/time__hero
8. Shiny Emerald RNGed Armaldo and Wynaut with some ribbons for 6 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/Theduskwolf
9. Shiny Manaphy for 2 Shiny Eternatus Codes /u/i_ate_chemicals
10. Shiny WISHMKR/CHANNEL Jirachis + Shiny Manaphy for 6 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/CrazyNek0
11. 2 Shiny WISHMKR and 1 Shiny CHANNEL Jirachis for 4 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/SimoxxGb
12. 1 Shiny WISHMKR and CHANNEL Jirachis for 4 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/LiteShadow93
13. 2 Shiny WISHMKR Jirachis for 2 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/ron0213
14. 15 PAL Vivillon for 5 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/Total_InZAINity
15. Shiny WISHMKR and CHANNEL Jirachis for 3 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/Night_chaser
16. 12 TSV RNGed Gen7 Pokémon for 7 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/KaitoGL
17. 1 Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi for 1 Shiny Eternatus code /u/PlanetMustafar
18. Shiny RNGed BD Dialga and US Ho-Oh for 1 GV code Set /u/Sensayer
19. SP Exclusive Legends + Shiny RNGed Arceus for 6 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/5i5TEMA
20. 6 Shiny RNGed Eggs and Shiny RNGed Celesteela from Gen7 for 2 GV codes sets /u/Huayimeiguoren
21. Shiny CHANNEL Jirachi with Ribbons for 1 GVM and 2 Eternatus codes sets /u/dbrown24
22. 2 Shiny Jirachis and Shiny RNGed Gen6 Starters for 5 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/LiteShadow93
23. 10 Shiny RNGed Eggs for Gen7 for 5 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/KaitoGL
24. SP Arceus for 3 Shiny Eternatus Codes /u/Bobby76352
25. RNGed Lv.1 Shiny Giratina with Ribbons for 3 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/Besteal
26. RNGed XD Lugia for 6 Shiny Eternatus codes /u/face_the_raven
27. Shiny RNGed Manaphy for 2 GVM codes sets /u/Theduskwolf
28. 2 Shiny Paradox for 5 Lechonk Codes /u/PokeGirlTraveler
29. 4 Shiny Violet Paradox for 2 Lechonk Codes /u/theforgottenapple
30. 12 Beast Balls for 2 Lechonk Codes /u/kohaxx
31. Shiny Manaphy for Movie Shiny Pichu code /u/koode0823
32. RNGed Shiny Manaphy for 2 KOR Shiny Pichu codes /u/koode0823
33. RNGed Shiny Colo Dunsparce and Ursaring for 1 Tatsugiri code /u/Theduskwolf
34. 2 Shiny Jirachis and 1 Shiny Manaphy for 4 Tatsugiri code /u/bwo0
35. 1 Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi for 1 Tatsugiri code /u/theforgottenapple
36. 4 BDSP RNGed Eggs for 1 Tatsugiri Code /u/Sniknuh
37. Shiny RNGed Cresselia for 2 Tatsugiri codes /u/TheGeminiTwins
38. 1 RNGed Shiny Manaphy + 6 BDSP Shiny Legends and Shiny Arceus for 6 Tatsugiri codes /u/theforgottenapple
39. 4 RNGed Shiny UBs for 2 Mimikyu codes /u/xSkiesRage
40. Shiny RNGed Nihilego and Kyogre for 2 Mimikyu codes /u/xSkiesRage
41. 3 RNGed Pokémon for 6 Mimikyu codes /u/Theduskwolf
42. Shiny RNGed Jirachi, Shiny RNGed Buzzwole & Shiny RNGed Landorus for 4 Mimikyu codes /u/xSkiesRage
43. 11 exclusive GC Pokémon (Some RNGed) for 3 Korean Fidough codes /u/stinkynate
44. Shiny Hisuan Growlithe egg for 1 Mimikyu code /u/XxLava_Lamp_LoverxX
45. 15 RNGed Square Shiny BDSP Legends for 3 Korean Baxcalibur codes /u/suinimal
46. 14 BDSP RNGed Legends for 4 CoroCoro codes (Sets B & C) /u/Nuo_Lover
47. Shiny BD Arceus & Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi for Regular PoGO Diancie & Shaymin /u/Draeligos
48. 3 RNGed Shiny Sinjoh Ruins Legends for 2 Flying Eevee codes /u/ads999
49. 3 RNGed Sinjoh Ruins Legends & Shiny Pt Regis for 4 Flying Eevee codes /u/ads999
50. 2 RNGed Colo Pokémon for 6 Flying Eevee codes /u/ObsidianChocobo
51. 56 Shiny RNGed Starters in Gen7 for 14 Flying Eevee Codes /u/ads999
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (12)
1. Larvitar Egg for Hydreigon with Rare Candy /u/DinoMan48
2. Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Piplup, Tepig and Oshawott Eggs for Totodile, Chimchar, Turtwig, Snivy and Mudkip /u/Vault756
3. Grookey, Sobble, Solrock, Galarian Farfetch'd (With Leek) and Slurpuff for 4 Scorbunnies and 1 Feebas /u/lilharps
4. Clauncher, Electivire, Pinsir and Kingdra for Sawk, Sobble, Squirtle and Lycanroc /u/webspawner
5. Throh, Cufant, Elgyem and Galarian Zigzagoon holding DTs Ice Beam/Stealth Rock and Heavy-Duty-Boots/ Weakness Policy for Clobbopus, Goldeen, Skwovet and Woobat holding Choice Scarf, Wide Lens, Focus Sash and Sticky Barb /u/_Yaboku
6. Lileep for Anorith /u/CommercialDay2936
7. HA Amaura for HA Tyrunt /u/Major_Biscotti4992
8. SPA Tag Ditto for ENG Tag Ditto /u/littlemissmoxie
9. Mimikyu for Decidueye /u/BossaNovva
10. Stonjourner, Passimian, Turtonator and Jangmo-o (with Tart Apple) for Drampa, Eiscue, Larvitar (with Sweet Apple) and Gible /u/Idoughnutkno
11. Turtonator, Mawile, Gothita, Stonejourner and Slurpuff for Popplio, Treecko, Drilbur, Abra and Rowlet /u/wickedwolf05
12. SPA Tag Ditto for ENG Tag Ditto /u/Delentoro
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (6)

1. Tradeback of Kangaskhan and Mr. Mime in LGPE /u/Legitimate-Chip5742
2. Hisuan Zorua Egg traded for free /u/Exl47
3. Hisuan Voltorb Egg trade for free /u/Professional-Cut-477
4. Aipom/Morpeko Eggs and some tradebacks for free /u/Level100Abra
5. Water Tauros Egg & 2 tradebacks for free /u/KingKrimson287
6. Fire Tauros Egg for free /u/CartographerUpper710

Misc (0)


VictyLusi's Information


RNG Abuser and Moon/Dream Ball lover

Friend codes:

  • 2105-9799-7531
