
SW-2693-2392-1520 || Kezari (VIO), Ava (SH)
SW-2693-2392-1520 || Kezari (VIO), Ava (SH) || XXXX

Trades (89)

[+] Events (9)
1. 3 PAL Marshadow Codes for 9 Legendaries (Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Lugia etc.) /u/kjjj123
2. 11 PAL Marshadow Codes for 36 Breedables /u/valere1213
3. 2 PAL Marshadow Codes for Harry Hoopa /u/GeekingTime
4. 6 PAL Marshadow Codes for 6 JPN Silvally Codes /u/t3345678
5. 3 PAL redemptions: Celebi, Salazzle, Marshadow for 3 shinies: Houndoor, Saladit, Pumpkaboo /u/trollolly
6. GS Celevi Redemption for Lunatone Event /u/Xpore
7. 3 PAL Marshadow Codes for HKTW Tapu Koko - Melemele /u/Super_Fua
8. 1 PAL Marshadow Code for Giratina /u/rainebones
9. PAL Silvally Redemption - custom nature and date for Shiny Zorua /u/trollolly
[+] Shinies (25)
1. Meloetta for Shiny Minior /u/TheOnlyXdude
2. Beldum for Piplup /u/milkyc0ws
3. Forakie for Chimchar /u/felipesayshi
4. litten and wimpod for Kyuren and Thundurus /u/CruelScorp
5. nidoran male for nidoran female /u/AopeTFK
6. Beldum for Mareanie /u/dharlette
7. Treeko and non-shiny Abra for Axew /u/WooperIsGod
8. Beldum for Bounsweet /u/trollolly
9. Wimpod for Charmander /u/Milady_Snowdrop
10. Litten for Bounsweet /u/DrMuggy
11. Axew, Carvanha, Drampa, Emolga, Growlithe, Klefki, Tauros, Zubat for Shiny Tyrunt /u/NicholasOsta
12. Cutiefly + non-shiny bruxish and seel for Vulpix /u/Milady_Snowdrop
13. Shiny ninetales for Power band, power bracelet, rare candy /u/trollolly
14. Non shiny amaura, clamperl, ponyta for Shiny Mareep /u/Bendiez
15. Nidoran Male for Tyrunt /u/crazedcatguy
16. Eevee for Aron /u/NutellaRaichu
17. non-shiny: absol, corsola, elekid, goomy for Shiny Chimchar /u/Tony_Solo
18. Formantis for Froufrou /u/rmenegaldo
19. 5 breedables for Shiny Flygon /u/Chivas_1906
20. Feebas for Honedge /u/Trollolly
21. Growlithe for Dedenne /u/MerryFellows
22. Feebas, Feebas, Umbreon, Swablu, Sandygast, Vulpix, Sentret, Poliwag for Tapu Koko Code /u/DTranscendent
23. Froakie for Arcanine and Trumbeak /u/Johnnyohall
24. Growlithe for Rotom /u/SonGoku1992
25. Beldum and Sandile for Tapu Koko redemption /u/taranteeeno
[+] Competitive / Casual (55)
1. Pokerus infested Shiinotic for Abra synchronize /u/luvlettr
2. Bewear - firestone for Yungoos /u/Storm2921
3. Psyduck for Drampa /u/hungrysadhippos
4. Pikachu for Trevant /u/U_Need_A_Brojob
5. Roggenrola for Marill /u/WorstPostsEva
6. Moonball Togepi for Moonball Lapras /u/Bacheleren
7. PAL Volcanion Code for HA geodude, HA mimikyu, HA trapinch /u/HitsuWTG
8. 3 x PAL Volcanion Codes for 6 x 5IV special ball pokemon /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
9. Marill for Cubone /u/tojiside
10. Komala and Marill for Litten and Rowlet /u/LifeMushroom
11. Marill for Goomy /u/Popolittz
12. Oranguru, Togepi, Feebas, for Vulpix, Grimer, Dratini /u/pokemon871
13. Togepi for Lapras /u/Bacheleren
14. Lapras for Gible /u/Nintendraw
15. Mareanie for Vulpix /u/Qvtime
16. Smeargle for Pichu /u/pseudotypical
17. Litten for Mareanie /u/JT_y3w
18. corsola, dewpider, grimer, growlithe, klefki, zubat for Bruxish, morelull, eggecute, carvanha, comfrey, crabrawler /u/SkairulGames
19. grimer, scyther for sandile, bounsweet /u/ArcPion
20. abra, emolga for relicanth, riolu /u/transcendentyo
21. abra, klefki, staryu for Pancham, Vanilite, drampa /u/xkarlzx
22. Chikorita for Horsea /u/Nicasia1
23. 7 pokemon for 7 pokemon /u/Cresc3nt
24. Rhyhorn, Abra and Heracross for Charmander, Natu, Mantine /u/justineiji
25. rhyhorn for spiritomb /u/UniLune
26. trapinch, carvanha, nidoran (M&F) for magnimite, omanyte, shinx, ponyta /u/DysenteryDingo
27. clamperl for vanilite /u/babychan90
28. heracross for pinsir /u/OxfordHustle
29. Vulpix for Abra /u/RegorTejmar
30. Onix for Tepig /u/Derjaxxx
31. Heracross, carvanha, feebas for Pidget, swablu, tyrogue /u/Derjaxxx
32. Lapras, Rhyhorn for Bulbasaur, Squirtle /u/MaddieeeK
33. Natu for Roggenrola /u/Karmacode1
34. Caterpie, bruxish for geodude, sandshrew /u/system_chronos
35. Magby, rhyhorn for Amaura, venonat /u/system_chronos
36. Morelull for Formantis /u/DaKiD09
37. Morelull for Formantis /u/Palossand96
38. Poliwag for Tangela /u/shamaela
39. Riolu for Yanma /u/spoonmyeyes
40. rhyhorn for aron /u/Tony_Clifton_
41. Sandygast for Eevee /u/QweenlyMajesty
42. Sandshrew for Sandygasy /u/That1Fool
43. 13 DBHA mons for Wild caught releasable mons /u/KillerVVhale
44. sandygasy for hoppip /u/namida7
45. Amaura for 2 Rare candy 🍬 /u/MissingLuigi
46. Bellsprout for Magikarp /u/system_chronos
47. Duskull and cubone for Magikarp and sentret /u/Karmacode1
48. 5 bankball mons for 5 bank ball mons /u/Vanity333
49. 5 bankball mons for 5 bank ball mons /u/imapikachu1117
50. 4 bankball mons for 4 bankball mons /u/lonachu
51. a box of pokemon for a users living dex for random pokemon /u/shanedragonsteel
52. 4 bank ball pokemon for 4 bank ball pokemon /u/BlackCoat_Axel
53. yanma for turtonator /u/MegaMissingno
54. Woobat for Prism scale /u/strawberryc
55. 3 pal silvally codes and 3 marshadow codes pal for 26 pokemon breedables /u/Valere123
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (6)

1. Hatched Surkit /u/chang0471
2. Hatched Roggenrola /u/mahoang
3. Hatched Beldum /u/looneylevi
4. Togepi Hatch /u/Lightning00
5. Zangoose hatch /u/Mint-Milkshake
6. Shiny Apom /u/fedefire

Giveaways/Contests (321 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. XY/ORAS Trade Evolving pokemon (Sub: pokemontrades, 16 given)
2. Rowlet Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. Received Vullaby for Mankey (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
4. Gave away PAL Volcanion codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)
5. Gave Breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
6. Give-away of aprimon breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 62 given)
7. Aprimon Breejects part 2 (Sub: pokemontrades, 37 given)
8. Valentines Eevees Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)
9. Valentines Eevees (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
10. These are the Droids you're looking for (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)
11. Phantump Menace (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)
12. Attack of the Cubones (Sub: pokemontrades, 35 given)
13. 6 box clearance of Dream and Apriball mons (Sub: pokemontrades, 50 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (5)

1. Trade-back Solgaleo to help user complete dex /u/thISISntterrorism
2. Evolve 4 slowkings /u/granddaddypsi
3. Tradebacks haunter /u/Mattelaide
4. Trade evolved feebas /u/thesilverking
5. Gave free bulbasaur /u/BKibsXO

Misc (0)


Pepito91 Jan 27, 2017 11:03:39 AM

Feedback +++ She gifted Eevee with HA!

Xianthia's Information


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