
1908-2480-6926 || Alexuru (X, ΩR, αS, S, M), Shaori (Y)
1908-2480-6926 || Alexuru (X, ΩR, αS, S, M), Shaori (Y) || XXXX

Trades (20)

[+] Events (18)
1. Newsletter Mew for NA Arceus Code and NA Volcanion Code /u/hahbaeb123
2. Alexander Hoopa for 3 NA Genesect code /u/wishmstr
3. 1 NA Genesect Code for 1 NA Arceus Code /u/uglyasablasphemy
4. 20th Anniversary Shaymin for 1 NA Genesect Code and 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/HitlersArse
5. Pokemon Y Yveltal for 20th Anniversary Victini and 1 NA Genesect Code /u/R1nlyn
6. 20th Anniversary Darkrai for 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/byrdman2deez
7. 2 NA Genesect Codes for 20th Anniversary Celebi /u/bumbalicious
8. 1 NA Genesect Code and 1 NA Volcanion Code for 20th Anniversary Celebi /u/Memebert
9. 20th Anniversary Genesect for 20th Anniversary Mew /u/Bacalado
10. 20th Anniversary Manaphy for Latias /u/gatorz77
11. 20th Anniversary Shaymin for Porygon2 /u/kizzkezz
12. Alexander Hoopa and Xerneas for 20th Anniversary Jirachi and Manaphy /u/Huey182
13. 20th Anniversary Manaphy for 2 Bank Event Celebi and 1 XY Torchic /u/TheMrMoMo
14. PokeBank Event Celebi for 2 20th Anniversary Shaymin /u/TheSpencn8or
15. 20th Anniversary Shaymin for Latios /u/gatorz77
16. 20th Anniversary Shaymin for 2 items: Dubious Disc and Up-Grade /u/MrTrunkers
17. Item Razor Fang for Happy Hour Persian /u/HuntersMaster
18. SG Vocanion Code for Hope Diancie /u/Megashiny00
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (2)
1. Shiny Skorupi for Articuno /u/DrWeeGee
2. Regigigas for Porygon-Z /u/varkus-borg
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


alexsnoopy's Information


Friend codes:

  • 1908-2480-6926


  • IGN: Alexuru