
SW-0759-4290-5605 || aznjon22 (VIO), Jawn (SP)
SW-0759-4290-5605 || aznjon22 (VIO), Jawn (SP) || XXXX

Trades (164)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (18)
1. 3 Fast Balls, Shiny Heavy Ball Iron Valiant for Shiny Fast Ball Slither Wing /u/Ecksel
2. Shiny Iron Treads for Shiny Great Tusk /u/Ecksel
3. Shiny Iron Thorn for Shiny Scream Tail /u/Ecksel
4. Shiny Iron Thorns for 5IV CHS Adamant Ditto /u/Blue-Eyes12345
5. 0 Speed Luxury Shiny Iron Hands for 5 Apriballs /u/g20richasan
6. 0 Speed Heavy Shiny Iron Hands for 7 Apriballs /u/jackdembeanstalks
7. Shiny Mimikyu and Shiny Talonflame for 9 Fast Balls /u/CrimsonCitrus
8. Shiny Murkrow for 4 Apriballs /u/12braincells
9. Shiny Iron Thorns, Fast Passimian for 4 Apriballs, Fast HA Silicobra /u/CrimsonCitrus
10. Shiny Eevee for 4 Apriballs /u/The_Khal_Drogo
11. 4 Shiny Eevees for 16 Apriballs /u/Dcarroza14
12. Shiny Eevee and Marked Shiny Eevee 0 Atk IV for 12 Apriballs /u/g20richasan
13. Shiny Eevee for 4 Apriballs /u/TurianGhost
14. 2 Shiny Apriball Iron Moth for 2 Shiny Apriball Scream Tail /u/MySweatyTh1ghs
15. Shiny Greavard, Sudowoodo, Bagon for 6 Apriballs /u/sewaside666
16. Shiny Humble Growlithe for 5 Apriballs /u/WreckItMike
17. Shiny Lurantis, Numel, Dreepy, Cetoddle for 9 Apriballs /u/SlyKinz
18. Shiny: Toedscool x2, Sandygast, Iron Bundle, Iron Treads, Goldeen, Iron Jugulis, Iron Thorns, Lilligant-H, Wiglett, Pawmi, Klawf for Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres /u/Riboflavin01
[+] Competitive / Casual (146)
1. 2 Ability Capsules for Lure Ball Arrowkuda, Wooper, Basculin, Wishiwashi, Wingull /u/shon27
2. Toxic Orb for Lure Ball Rufflet, Ghastly, Corphish and Friend Ball Lotad /u/TheWorstf0u
3. TR90 for Protector /u/grim1eal
4. 3 Bottle Caps for Lure Ball Dreepy and Lure Ball Blipbug, Heavy Ball Durant /u/MighyMeme
5. Moon Ball, Lure Ball Wishiwashi, Lure Ball HA Remoraid for Lure Ball Mareanie, Shelldar, Eevee, Chewtle, Chinchou, Frillish, Feebas /u/GamerLucif
6. Lure Ball Wingull, Lure Ball Trubbish, Beast Ball Blipbug for Lure Ball Timburr, Lure Ball Lapras, Lure Ball Sizzlipede /u/Kittanne
7. Beast Ball Corsola, Heavy Ball Corsola, Beast Ball Slowpoke for Lure Ball Pincurchin, Lure Ball Ponyta, Lure Ball Milcery, Lure Ball Corsola /u/mrogersj5
8. Lure HA Pyukumuku, Lure HA Shellder, BB HA Passimian, Friend HA Scraggy for Lure HA Arrowkuda, Lure HA Drilbur, Lure Toxel, Lure Dewpider /u/3rdEyex
9. Heavy Durant, Friend Scraggy, Lure of the Following: Dhelmise, Eevee, Rufflet, Trubbish, Mareanie, Wishiwashi, Remoraid, Chewtle, Shellder, Basculin for Fast Togedemaru, Fast Toxel, Fast Morpeko, Heavy Goomy, Friend Stonjourner, Love Mr Mime, Love Ponyta, Dream Koffing, Lure of the Following: Rotom, Croagunk, Passimian, Zigzagoon /u/LeSplodge
10. Bold, Careful, Brave, Relaxed Mint for Lure Ball: Trapinch, Wailmer, Clobbopus, Qwilfish, Mantine, Applin, Rolycoly, Digglet /u/Kendrickson21
11. Lure Hawlucha for Lure Drampa /u/jnipo
12. Lure Sawk, Lure Basculin Red, 3XL Candies for LureFrillish, Lure Impidimp, Lure Wimpod /u/_Lynna
13. HA Moonball Oddish for Calm Mint /u/MrCoors
14. Lure Basculin(both stripes), Wailmer, Wingull, Wimpod, Diglett for Love Mawile, Dream Spritzee, Moon Sableye, Love Woobat, Lure Tympole /u/kpopfan365
15. Dhelmise for Grookey /u/Brandonxvi707
16. HA Sableye for HA Oranguru /u/weebokaneebo
17. Alolan Meowth for Alolan Vulpix /u/Serrla
18. HA Love Bergmite and HA Lure Noibat for HA Popplio and HA Lure Squirtle /u/Killua131
19. HA Love Bergmite and Moon Alolan Meowth for HA Litten and LureHA Squirtle /u/azucaar
20. HA Love Bergmite and HA Lure Noibat for HA Lure Togepi and Lure Binacle /u/_Lynna
21. HA Love Alolan Vulpix for HA Rowlet /u/Wenitzb
22. HA Lure Noibat and HA Love Bergmite for HA Lure G-Darumaka and Lure Cherubi /u/Moopharia
23. HA Lure Noibat and HA Love Bergmite for HA Dream Johto Corsola and HA Dream Bulbasaur /u/Kendrickson21
24. HA Lure Squirtle for HA Friend Bulbasaur /u/whotakemy
25. HA Rowlet for HA Purrloin /u/LaNewbieSC
26. HA Lure Shellos for HA Dream Cubchoo /u/Killua131
27. HA G-Max Flapple and Appletun for 2 Meltans /u/Edocsil47
28. HA Fast Goldeen and HA Lure Johto Corsola for HA Kanto Ponyta and HA Friend Maractus /u/jurassicbane
29. Lure A-Diglett, Love HA Bergmite, Lure HA Noibat, Dream HA Cubchoo, Fast HA Goldeen, Lure HA Johto Corsola for 3 Master Balls /u/byunni-rabbit
30. HA Lure Cubchoo and HA Lure Noibat for Lure Ball /u/PopTartManic
31. Lure HA Cubchoo, Love HA Bergmite, Lure HA Noibat for Lure Goldeen, Heavy HA Unovan Darumaka, HA Dream Kanto Mr. Mime /u/GeoffreyfactorX
32. HA Purrloin for HA Cleffa /u/MachoCheeze
33. HA Unova Darumaka for Hoenn Zigzagoon /u/Radiogamers
34. HA Lure Noibat for HA Dream Croagunk /u/SylveeMoon
35. Lure Ball Hoenn Zigzagoon for HA Dream Throh /u/Killua131
36. HA Lure Cubchoo, HA Lure Snover, HA Lure Croagunk for HA Lure Lotad, HA Lure Vulpix, HA Lure Joltik /u/Bridgebbb
37. BB HA Passimian, Friend HA Scraggy, Heavy HA Duraludon for Lure Ball /u/BigDigger-Nick
38. HA Fast Goldeen and HA Lure of the following: U-Darumaka, K-Ponyta, J-Corsola, Cubchoo, Chinchou for Lure and Love Ball /u/mrogersj5
39. HA Lure Golett for HA Lure Galarian Meowth /u/Moopharia
40. Lure: HA Vanillite, HA Golett, HA Hoothoot, HA Sableye, HA Mawile, HA Trubbish for Lure: HA Charmander, Munna, Throh, HA Purrloin, Unova Yamask, Lunatone, HA Woobat /u/blah12629
41. Friend HA Delibird and Friend HA Scraggy, Fast HA Duskull, Lure: HA Joltik, HA Jangmo-o, HA Binacle, Hoothoot, Natu, Solosis, Mawile for Lure: HA Snom, HA Indeedee, HA Falinks, HA Duraludon, HA Hatenna, Stonejourner, Skwovet, Yamper, HA Nincada, HA Silicobra /u/mrogersj5
42. HA Purrloin for HA Shelmet /u/rajicon17
43. HA Unova Darumaka for HA Koffing /u/beware_thecows
44. HA Moon Squirtle for HA Moon Drilbur /u/screamsbeneath
45. HA Stunfisk and HA Lure Squirtle for HA Kanto Farfetch'd Friend, HA Alolan Diglett Heavy /u/Brocoli_and_cat
46. 8 Bottle caps for 4 Meltan /u/waynesd1
47. Lure Skwovet for Heavy Rookidee /u/Zefii
48. 5 IV HA Lure Squirtle for 2 Drake Fossils /u/RickyWazHere
49. Lure: Grubbin, HA Vanillite, HA Swinub, HA Munna, HA Golett, HA Hoothoot, HA Purrloin, HA Dwebble, HA Trubbish, for 3 LureBalls /u/Trades4days
50. Lure Bronzor for HA Lure Shelmet /u/silentspeedy
51. Lure Stonejourner for Lure HA Durant /u/providence-
52. HA Heavy Durant for 6IV HA Love Snorunt /u/MissSnob
53. 2 Water Stones for Love Ball Magby /u/Pepe1214
54. Bagon with Fire Fang for Gligar /u/Leading_Scene_9422
55. Misdreavous, Shieldon for Stunky, Cranidos /u/icemelt2000
56. HA Pinsir for Everstone /u/15fireball
57. HA Lure Woobat for HA Lure Treecko, HA Lure Beldum /u/CrazyNek0
58. Double Team Purrloin, HA Lure: Bunnelby, Munna, Pidove, Cubchoo, Carrablast, Heatmor for HA Lure: Aerodactyl, Dratini, Lileep, Slowpoke-Kanto, Spiritomb, Carvanha, Magnemite /u/CrazyNek0
59. HA Lure Electrike, Bergmite, Noibat for HA Lure Litten, Rowlet Popplio /u/UnusualDictionary
60. Moon Bull Alolan Vulpix and Love Ball Alolan Vulpix for Dream Ball Porygon and HA Alolan Sandshrew /u/PineRune
61. HA Lure: Togepi, Croagunk, Munna, Pawniard, Joltik, Vanillite, Rufflet for HA Lure: Nidoran Male, Buneary, Druddigon, Gible, Skrelp, Carbink, Poliwag /u/sam_553
62. Water Stone for Mawile /u/Cobraslikeme
63. Lucky Egg for HA 5IV Shroomish /u/ShotgunForFun
64. Seviper, Beedrill, Lotad in Pokeballs for Zangoose, Caterpie, Seedot /u/Jhoehn14
65. Minun and Plusle for Dunsparce and Spoink /u/profoundwarlock
66. HA Love: Aipom, Ekans, Buneary, Plusle, HA Friend Shuckle for HA Love: Makuhita, Nidoran M, Nidoran F, Skitty, Pachirisu /u/ShizuBunny
67. HA Love Ekans, Venusaur, Raichu for HA Love: Murkrow, Smeargle, Absol, Shuppet /u/rainbowbows
68. Love: Murkrow, Slakoth, Totodile, Smeargle, Shuckle, Arbok, Skitty for Love Zubat, Staryu, Illumise, Miltank, Poochyena, Drifloon /u/adrientaglishes
69. HA Love Pachirisu, HA Love Ekans for HA Love Mareep, HA Love Spoink /u/axolotlprobs
70. Dome Fossil for Skull Fossil /u/zZUntitledZz
71. Heracross, Finneon, Plusle for Surskit, Horsea /u/gitgudscrubu
72. Slakoth for Spinarak /u/____aj_
73. HA Lure Electrike for HA Lure: Bagon, Elekid, Tirtouga /u/Lyudmila1996
74. Love Lunatone for Love HA Zangoose /u/idgafjlmp
75. Love Slakoth for HA Love Caterpie /u/Tee_heehee224
76. HA Love Stantler, Love Lunatone, Love Slakoth for HA Love Charmander, HA Love Skorupi, HA Love Magnemite, HA Fast Cacnea /u/OnePointPi
77. HA Love Drifloon for Friend Larvitar /u/Ghostifique
78. 4EM Love HA: Wailmer, Torchic, Spinda for Love HA: Cyndaquil, Sneasel, Sentret, Chansey, Pichu, Dratini /u/Tee_heehee224
79. Chople Berry for Yache Berry /u/mmessina978
80. Stored Power Eevee for HA Friend Seedot /u/crystallized
81. Stored Power Eevee for HA Love Snorunt /u/Tee_heehee224
82. Moon Stone for Male Delibird /u/Trendy_Souffle
83. Makuhita for Skitty /u/Roryasaur
84. HA Friend Eevee for HA Heavy Sentret /u/xJemma24
85. HA Love Snubull for HA Moon Magnemite /u/QuiKunt
86. HA Love Houndour, HA Moon Ponyta for HA Love Treecko, HA Love Weedle /u/Fun-Let4458
87. HA Love Snubull for HA Love Sandshrew /u/adrientaglishes
88. HA Love Spinarak for HA Love Dunsparce /u/bcookiesd
89. HA Love Pidgey for HA Love Gligar /u/AccursedShield
90. HA Love Spinda for Love Stunky /u/RunTMC17
91. Love Mawile and Love Slowpoke for Love Venonat and Love Ralts /u/Altruistic-Set-9410
92. 6IV Love Togepi for 5IV Male Corsola /u/aoc1102
93. 6IV Love Igglybuff Perish Song for Moon HA Sableye Metal Burst /u/mahgicker
94. 6IV: Gulpin, Lickitung, Igglybuff for 6IV: HA Koffing, Beldum, Gastly /u/Xyphea
95. Friend Eevee for Friend Bagon /u/Mirazulan
96. 6 IV Love Snubbull for 5 IV Timid Moon Staryu /u/Xyphea
97. Love Nosepass and Love Bellsprout for Fast Tropius and Level Doduo /u/OnePointPi
98. Love HA Dunsparce and Love HA Mawile for Love HA Glameow and Moon HA Voltorb /u/jcbtlr
99. Love HA Chikorita, Love HA Spinda, Love Lunatone for Love HA Buizel, Love HA Bagon, Love Solrock /u/CrimsonCitrus
100. Love HA Treecko for Love Meditite /u/chivasboy1079
101. Love HA Teddiursa, Love HA Stantler, Love HA Mawile for Love HA Roselia, Safari HA Paras, Love Castform /u/AccursedShield
102. HA Love Wurmple for Night Slash/Bug Bite Nincada /u/AccursedShield
103. Love Whismur, Love Mawile for 3 Egg Move Ralts /u/aoc1102
104. HA Love: Wurmple, Stantler Lickitung for 4EM Torkoal, 3EM Sentret /u/Tee_heehee224
105. HA Love Grimer for Squirtle w/ Aura Sphere and Water Spout /u/TheRemusLupins
106. HA Love Surskit for HA Love Bidoof /u/aoc1102
107. HA Love: Delibird and Whismur for Sudowoodo w/ Self-Destruct and Curse /u/TheRemusLupins
108. HA Love Surskit and HA Love Porygon for Love Combee /u/AccursedShield
109. HA Love Shellos, HA Love Shellos, HA Love Combee for HA Love Wooper, HA Love Goldeen, HA Love Finneon /u/Newbreed02
110. HA Love Caterpie, HA Love Taillow for HA Love Chatot, HA Love Rattata /u/AccursedShield
111. Lure Chewtle, Corsola-Galarian, Dewpider for Love Ball /u/MrShinobi96
112. 3x Malicious Armor for 3x Auspicious Armor /u/Balefirepheonix
113. Violet Exclusives for Scarlet Exclusives /u/xNOR120x
114. HA Fast Tandemaus for Fast Fire Breed Tauros /u/Significant-Field
115. HA Fast Tandemaus for Fast Azurill /u/TrueEcstasy
116. HA 4EM Wattrel for 4EM HA Sprigatito /u/dharlette
117. Fast HA Klawf for Fast HA Bramblin /u/ValkyrieG
118. Fast Pawmi, Fast Cyclizar for Careful Ditto /u/xmakisexkurisux
119. Fast Veluza and Fast Varoom for Fast Dodonzo and Fast Smoliv /u/TAFly
120. Charmander, Water Tauros, Fire Tauros, Eevee, Cyclizar for Love Ball /u/temporalhunter
121. Fast: Frigibax, Wattrel, Glimmet, Water Tauros, Fire Tauros, Cyclizar, Klawf, Orthworm, Veluza, Tinkatink, Nacli, Varoom, Bombirdier for 3 Love Balls /u/Keasma
122. Fast Slakoth, Fast Axew, Fast Fomantis, Fast Frigibax, Fast Magnemite, Fast Scyther for Ability Patch and Lure Ball /u/Mack254
123. Fast Klawf and Fast Orthworm for Ability Patch + Bottle Cap /u/Soul_Sleepwhale
124. Fast: Wattrel, Tauros Fire, Klawf, Orthworm, Veluza, Tinkatink, Varoom, Bombirdier for Level Ball and a Fast Ball /u/chrisdudelydude
125. Level 100 Gholdengo for Steel Beam and Ability Patch /u/Platrades
126. HA Fast Dratini for HA Fast Flittle /u/jnipo
127. HA Fast: Bombirdier and Orthworm for HA Fast Nymbole and HA Love Cetoddle /u/ValkyrieG
128. Fast Flittle and Fast Frigibax for Fast Rellor /u/funyarinpa00
129. HA Fast: Bombirdier, Tandemaus, Orthworm for HA Fast Skrelp /u/Aarux
130. HA Fast: Foongus, Spritomb, Indeedee for HA Fast: Toxel, Voltorb, Flabebe-B /u/raelovesdedenne
131. HA: Fast Heracross, Falinks, Beast Dondozo for Magnemite w/Electroweb /u/Codle
132. HA Fast: Bruxish, Alomomola, Skrelp for Fast Ball /u/TheRemusLupins
133. HA Fast Dondozo for HA Fast Torkoal /u/Anna_hamlin
134. HA Fast Dratini for HA Fast Flabebe White /u/ValkyrieG
135. HA Fast White Flabebe, Fast Oricorio for HA Fast Yellow and Orange Flabebe /u/TheGeminiTwins
136. HA Fast Fire Tauros, Bombirdier, Orthworm for Fast Ball /u/kpopfan365
137. Gholdengo for 2 Ability Patches /u/Necroside
138. Fast HA Rellor for Love Finizen /u/Necroside
139. HA Fast Oranguru for HA Fast Wingull /u/TheRemusLupins
140. Fast HA: Komala, Passimian, Litleo for Oricorio: Beast, Lure, Love /u/TheRemusLupins
141. Friend Rayquaza for Ragidrago /u/ydkywbr
142. Fast: Poliwag, Alolan Geodude, Lotad, Duskull, Swinub for Fast: Timberr, Mienfoo, Vullaby, Grubbin, Cutiefly /u/kpopfan365
143. Fast HA Illumise for Fast HA Jangmo-o /u/mochiicecream82
144. Fast HA Charcadet for Fast HA Nosepass /u/SkyLake86
145. Love Oricorio, Premier H-Voltorb, Fast Koffing for Sport Joltik /u/Lavante
146. Fast: Lotad, Illumise, Treecko, Crabrawler, Drilbur and Scraggy for Sport Klawf and Tadbulb /u/Cultural-Note-8858
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (811 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. SWSH Giveaway for perfect 4-5IV Pincurchin, Pyukumuku and Snoms. Had people send link codes and then sent them mons. (Sub: pokemontrades)
2. Giveaway for 32 5-6IV Turtonators with a couple EMs (Sub: pokemontrades, 32 given)
3. Giveaway for competitive bred Lure Trubbish, Lure Dhelmise, Lure Pincurchin (Sub: pokemontrades, 60 given)
4. Gave away one shiny Bulbasaur with the reddit raffler (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
5. Giving away a shiny Galarian Darumaka (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
6. Giving away various Pokemon in Lure Balls (Sub: pokemontrades, 38 given)
7. Self-Bred Shiny Sawk giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
8. Giveaway 32 Adamant HA 5IV Bagons for BDSP (Sub: pokemontrades, 32 given)
9. 31 Modest 5IV HA Porygons (Sub: pokemontrades, 31 given)
10. Pinsirs HA 5 IV in Luxury Balls (Sub: pokemontrades, 47 given)
11. BDSP Giveaway. 30 HA Lure MInun, 30 HA Love Plusle and 18 HA Safari Starly (Sub: pokemontrades, 78 given)
12. Giveaway of HA Love Ball Hoenn Starters, 40 of each (Sub: pokemontrades, 120 given)
13. HA Love Ball Sassy Pinecos (Sub: pokemontrades, 49 given)
14. 21 Dive Ball Mantykes and 21 Dive Ball Remoraids (Sub: pokemontrades, 42 given)
15. Love Ball Togepis, some HA and some non-HA, High IV (Sub: pokemontrades, 39 given)
16. ~2 Boxes of Cleffa and Smoochum (Sub: pokemontrades, 49 given)
17. Large Assortment of Love Ball Breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 116 given)
18. Guess Pokemon get shinies (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)
19. A bunch of Shinies: 3 Milcery, 1 Jangmo-o, 1 Combee, 1 Electrike, 1 Stonejourner (Sub: pokemontrades, 7 given)
20. 60 Iron Hands (Sub: pokemontrades, 60 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (12)

1. Tradeback for his Karrablast and Shelmet to evolve them. /u/BTN_SkillsH0T
2. Trading 6 SwSh exclusives and touch trading legendary for dex completion. /u/GamsRolls
3. Touchtrade Stonejourner, Sirfetch'd and Drampa to complete dex. /u/Badwolf9547
4. Give away Dhelmise for filling the dex. /u/miihyun
5. Tradeback his boldore to evolve it. /u/Xeno
6. Gave away Tyranitar to fill dex. /u/ix92
7. Sending over a Turtanator to help with dex completion /u/IllegalTheAmigo
8. Touch trade to evolve their Gurdurr, Boldore, Machoke and Haunter /u/CandleHead30
9. Touch trade to evolve their spritzee. /u/Someonewholisten
10. Touch trading the legendary dogs /u/vampflore
11. Trading back Arcovish, Dracozolt and Dracovish /u/p8ton8
12. Touch Trade to evolve Phantump, Spritzee and Pumpkaboo /u/miichellecm

Misc (0)


aznjon15's Information


Friend codes:
