Traded an Icy snow shiny scatterbug for his one NA Diancie code :) Quick and smooth trade. Thank you!
Traded over 20 codes in exchange for a Mew and some RNG Legendaries. Good times had by all.
8/8 Literally untradable ~ ign. (Great trader n_n)
Word to the other Ryan. Always a good trade.
Traded my Saphire Kyogre for a SG Gengar code. Thanks for the trade.
Traded an SG Gengar Code, Corozard and a PCBC Ttar for a M14 Victini, Wishing Star Jirachi and an FBzard. Very patient and friendly, would definitely trade with again!
Traded a 4IV Modest Tanabata Jirachi and a Naive Heart Stamp Pikachu for 30 RNG Legends. Went off without a hitch.
traded a Facebook Charizard and Tretta Rotom for my XY Singapore Gengar Code.
can work with timezone differences and very patient
Omg this guy is doing so many free redemptions, thanks so much for 3 gardevoir :D! Very cool :P