
3411-4732-4731, 1392-8729-9756 || Adriana (ΩR), Ryan
3411-4732-4731, 1392-8729-9756 || Adriana (ΩR), Ryan || XXXX

Trades (128)

[+] Events (77)
1. 10 breedables for GAME code /u/flareblitz007
2. GAME Magmar for Shiny Dratini, Honedge and Larvitar /u/SimplyJordan
3. Shiny Klefki for UT Celebis /u/ObsidianChimp
4. Bulk Low Tier Events for Shiny Electrike, Bagon /u/doritoburrito
5. 4 Fancy Vivillons for Shiny Phantump /u/kewligirl95
6. 3 Fancy Vivillons for RNG'd Eevee /u/cannibaleyes
7. 5 Fancy Vivillons for 2 UT Celebi /u/Weaponess
8. 3 Shinies for Bulk Low-Tier Events /u/CoopaTroopaX
9. UT Torchic & 2 UT Celebi for GAME code /u/doritoburrito
10. Shiny Magnemite for 5 UT Celebi /u/asspanda24
11. Bulk NA PokeVivs for RNG'd Landorus /u/Gjones18
12. 5 UT NA PokeVivs for SR'd GAMEzard Y /u/umbreho
13. GAMEzard and 3 UT Celebi for RNG'd Latias /u/Naive_Riolu
14. FBzard Set for Darkrai Code and 3 Fancy Vivillons /u/DethZero
15. Darkrai code and GAME code for Corozard X /u/vincentasm
16. 5 NA PokeVivs and 3 Pinsirs for 2 RNG'd Dittos /u/Gatsby25
17. 2 German Charizard Codes for SR'd Tanabata Jirachi /u/Geistowl
18. German Charizard code for HKzard Set and 10 NA PokeVivs /u/Geistowl
19. SR'd Korean Jirachi for Captain Outbreakachu /u/dbz_danial
20. SR'd Tanabata Jirachi for Bulk mid tier events /u/Gjones18
21. 3 RNG'd Ralts for HKzard code /u/Gaysian31
22. 4 RNG'd breedables for Bulk low tier events /u/Gjones18
23. Tretta Rotom + Adamant FBzard for Singapore Gengar Code /u/khennlionhart
24. 2 NA Gengar Codes for 1 PAL Gengar Code /u/umbreho
25. 4 US Gengar Codes for 2 PAL Gengar Codes /u/believinggunbeliever
26. 4 Ability Capsules for Comp. Shiny Zubat /u/Kanrei
27. Singapore Gengar Code for WCS Aegislash + FBzard /u/ajkyle56
28. 30 RNG'd Gen 4 Legends for SR'd Tanabata Jirachi and SR'd Heart Stamp Pikachu /u/Geistowl
29. WCS Aegislash & PCBC Tyranitar (2nd distribution) for Birthday Flareon /u/Citrus_reduction
30. NA PokeViv for FBzard Redemption /u/grandioso0
31. 3 NA PokeVivs for PAL Diancie Redemption /u/blk_hwk
32. 2 UT Celebi for FBzard redemption /u/basler04
33. GAME code for GAME Magmar /u/Geistowl
34. US Diancie Code for Shiny 5IV Icy Snow Scatterbug /u/shuael34
35. GAME Magmar + 2 Fancy and PokeBall Vivs for CoroCoro Rayquaza code /u/iIIidAn
36. 2 XY Charizards for 2 CoroCoro Rayquaza codes + 3 comp. shinies /u/HatsuneLuka
37. Movie Diancie, Shiny Scatterbug for 1st Distro Sejun Pachirisu /u/go4ino
38. Maxsoft Rayquaza Code for Redeemed Movie Arceus /u/Expo911
39. Maxsoft Rayquaza Code and Shiny Munchlax for PGL Amaura /u/Derpy034
40. FB Kangaskhan for ITA and SPA CoroRay /u/endy1102
41. Maxsoft Ray code for 8 shinies /u/3Anton3
42. US PokeBall Vivillon for Shiny Comp Feebas /u/Haunani14
43. Mega Tokyo zard and pika set and OCT2014 Diancie language set for Maxsoft Ray code, FB Kang, WCSK Linoone, Bank Johto Trio, 2 GAMEzard Codes /u/Acrylami
44. PAL PokeBall Vivillon (SUM2014) for Shiny Heracross /u/ourcertifiablegenre
45. Maxsoft Ray code + 2 comp. shinies for FB Kangaskhan /u/broccoliYT
46. PokeScrap Keldeo for FEB2015 Darkrai and Movie Arceus /u/not_an_aardvark
47. 4 Spring 2015 Charizard Codes for Redeemed Movie Arceus /u/whlzki
48. 1st Distribution Pachirisu for 2 VGC Pachirisu /u/cubanpete26
49. 3 Spring 2015 Charizard Codes for 22 Japanese Unova Present Sets /u/blackaurora
50. 2 VGC Pachirisu for WCS Aegislash /u/XiaoXiaoo
51. FB Kangaskhan for Guidebook Keldeo /u/Kian_Ann
52. Guidebook Keldeo for 17 On-Hand Shinies /u/J-AnideM
53. GAMEzard Code + 1 Wifi Viv for Maxsoft Ray Code /u/jaimeg7
54. WalChomp for WCS Aegi /u/Epoke28
55. UT Bank Celebi for Dragonite Code /u/Ancel3
56. UT Celebi for Dragonite code /u/sabishyryu
57. WCS Aegislash and M18 Dialga for Wristband Jirachi /u/Yukarios
58. Korean Diancie for M18 Dialga /u/go4ino
59. English Cororay for 3 Dragonite codes /u/4Mudkipz
60. Charizard code for OCT2014 Gengar /u/kinniie
61. Comp. Shiny Sableye for PC Hiroshima Magikarp /u/zynchie
62. Shiny Rotom and Froakie for 3 Dragonite Codes /u/twistedtrogdor
63. 2 Trophy Shinies for 1 Dragonite Code /u/xchicowx
64. Korean CoroRay for 3 Dragonite Codes /u/leojjm
65. Shiny Totodile for 1 Dragonite Code /u/azns123
66. 3 Shinies for 1 Shiny + 2 Dragonite Codes /u/Fad1990
67. 2 Movie Arceuses for 13 Custom Shinies /u/UmiMizuAi
68. Shiny Sableye for Dragonite Code /u/caraphernilia
69. Shiny Zubat, Scyther and Audino for 4 Dragonite Codes /u/SpiritBomb42
70. Shiny Magikarp for Dragonite Code /u/mexican_honey_badger
71. Shiny Ralts for Dragonite Code /u/HarthDerp
72. Spanish CoroRay for 3 Dragonite Codes /u/caraphernilia
73. Movie Arceus + 2 comp shinies for 2 VGC Pachirisus /u/Upper90175
74. M18 Legend Set (minus Kyurem), SG Summer 15 Ray & PGL Amaura for 1x US Mew & Darkrai Code, PAL HA Bird Set, GF Celebi and Jirachi, PC T-tar, PC Ho-Oh, PCO Pikachu and Movie Volcanion /u/CaelumKrieger
75. ENG PC Tyranitar for JPN PC Tyranitar /u/kewligirl95
76. WCSK Mewtwo for Korean Movie Arceus, Hoopa and HK Jirachi, Kangaskhan and Infernape /u/Mushy64
77. Bold Competitive GF Manaphy for Jolly HKzard X /u/WreckItMike
[+] Shinies (19)
1. Shiny Beldum for Shiny Rotom /u/HatsuneLuka
2. Shiny Electrike for Shiny Froakie & Tangela /u/KtAj
3. 1x Blazikenite for Shiny Victreebel and Excadrill /u/VaderPope
4. Shiny Eevee and Porygon for Shiny Charmander /u/shorthouse20
5. 5 Breedables for Shiny semi-comp Phantump /u/GengarFan
6. Shiny Bunnelby for Shiny Mawile /u/patchespatch04
7. Espurr breeding pair for Shiny Marill /u/Gjones18
8. Shiny Poliwag for Shiny Goomy /u/Little_Taquito
9. 2 Breedables for Shiny Gourgeist /u/coldgold1234
10. Shiny Spiritomb for Shiny Electivire /u/shinigami1212
11. Shiny Absol for Shiny Klefki /u/crownofnails
12. Shiny Eevee for Shiny Gastly & Absol /u/catzarecool
13. Impish Wynaut for Shiny Skarmory /u/Bryancg
14. Shiny Fletchling for Shiny Riolu /u/iSythe
15. 5 Shinies for RNG'd Kyurem /u/Krisknows
16. Shiny Cottonee for RNG'd Ralts /u/lockiegengar12
17. 4 Shinies for RNG'd Heatran /u/Krisknows
18. Shiny Slowpoke for Shiny Honedge /u/drtran118
19. Shiny Magnemite for RNG'd Scizor /u/Upper90175
[+] Competitive / Casual (9)
1. Leftovers for Kangaskhan /u/Burger_Baron
2. Froakie for Helioptile /u/LMWXNO
3. Sableye for Klefki /u/elevendytwo
4. Froakie for Sneasel /u/Exquisite_Mammal
5. Love Ball Cleffa for Lux Ball Espurr /u/Statue_left
6. Kangaskhan for 3 Ability Capsules /u/LikeTides
7. Espurr for Litwick /u/TheDerpingWalrus
8. Kangaskhan for Skarmory /u/king-boo
9. Hawlucha for Bulbasaur /u/HuNTaRDeDD
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (23)
1. 2012MAY Darkrai and Sapphire Anniversary Kyogre for PokeSmash! Mewtwo /u/flareblitz007
2. Nagoya Magikarp, SPR2012 Reshiram and Tretta Rotom Language Set for M10 Eigakan Darkrai /u/flareblitz007
3. RNG'd Shiny Kyurem for SEAray Code /u/kewligirl95
4. 5x PokeVivs for RNG'd Pawniard /u/froakiedokie
5. 5 PokeVivs for RNG'd Umbreon /u/WreckItMike
6. RNG'd Shiny Terrakion, Virizion and RNG'd Ho-Oh and Lugia for 11 Diancie Codes /u/Hyper_Beam
7. RNG'd Terrakion and FAL2010(?) Mew for 11 Diancie Codes and 1 Gengar Code /u/Hyper_Beam
8. Custom RNG'd Shiny Rayquaza for 7 PAL Diancie Codes /u/Mortifier_Ultor
9. 6 Gen 4 RNGs for HKzard set and 10 Fancy Vivs /u/shivermenipple
10. SG Gengar Code for Sapphire Anniversary Kyogre /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
11. Deoxys and Jirachi for HK Charizard, XY Torchic and Fancy Viv /u/sasukeuchiha12
12. Shiny SUM2013 Creation Trio for 25 NA PokeVivs /u/doritoburrrito
13. Custom RNG'd Shiny Latias for 3 Gengars /u/Matrix123
14. Kyogre and Zapdos for 6 Gengar Codes /u/kj702
15. WISHMKR Jirachi for SR'd KB Mewtwo /u/Boltbeam
16. RNG'd Latias and Heatran for SPR2013 Meloetta /u/ObtainedGold32
17. FBzard, M14 Victini and Wishing Star Jirachi for 2 SG Gengar Codes /u/danjandrum
18. Semi Comp RNG'd Moltres for 2 Dragonite Codes, Comp Shiny Honedge and 2 Breedables /u/morganbay
19. Semi-comp RNG'd Articuno for 3 Dragonite Codes /u/HalaMadrid97
20. 8 Dragonite Codes for Masuda Deoxys /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
21. Worlds Sharpedo, Masuda Deoxys & WCSK Linoone for 2 KOR Dragon's Year Events, WCSK Mewtwo and Guidebook Mareep /u/Flamezone
22. NOV2014 Diancie for GAMESTP Jirachi /u/shinigami1212
23. Shiny RNG'd Articuno for 9 GF Jirachis /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (1)

1. Traded Hacked Thundurus for Legit Walmart Garchomp


capnsafetypants Jul 5, 2016 5:27:19 AM

Omg this guy is doing so many free redemptions, thanks so much for 3 gardevoir :D! Very cool :P

shuael34 Nov 16, 2014 6:47:11 AM

Traded an Icy snow shiny scatterbug for his one NA Diancie code :) Quick and smooth trade. Thank you!

Hyper_Beam Nov 14, 2014 4:07:17 AM

Traded over 20 codes in exchange for a Mew and some RNG Legendaries. Good times had by all.

flareblitz007 Nov 8, 2014 5:06:30 AM

8/8 Literally untradable ~ ign. (Great trader n_n)

shivermenipple Nov 4, 2014 11:57:24 PM

Word to the other Ryan. Always a good trade.

cpt_buzz_lightyear Oct 29, 2014 7:59:40 PM

Traded my Saphire Kyogre for a SG Gengar code. Thanks for the trade.

danjandrum Oct 29, 2014 5:01:25 PM

Traded an SG Gengar Code, Corozard and a PCBC Ttar for a M14 Victini, Wishing Star Jirachi and an FBzard. Very patient and friendly, would definitely trade with again!

Geistowl Oct 28, 2014 9:54:29 PM

Traded a 4IV Modest Tanabata Jirachi and a Naive Heart Stamp Pikachu for 30 RNG Legends. Went off without a hitch.

khennlionhart Oct 27, 2014 6:01:02 PM

traded a Facebook Charizard and Tretta Rotom for my XY Singapore Gengar Code.

can work with timezone differences and very patient

BejittoSSJ5's Information


Friend codes:
