
0662-4270-0242 || Pauline (ΩR)
0662-4270-0242 || Pauline (ΩR) || 2611

Trades (26)

[+] Events (3)
1. SRed event Gengar for nature for Two Masterballs /u/Alexloui
2. Shiny rotom, koffing, weedle, and, murkrow for OCT2014 Diancie /u/Dr_Adopted
3. Groudon, Latios, and Articuno for 1 scrap code /u/mastergrumpus
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (23)
1. Phanpy for Squirtle /u/matthewtunc
2. Comp Electrike for Tradebacks on pokes to complete the Dex /u/Colev0
3. Rotom for Foongus /u/lurkerton3000
4. Electrike for Eevee /u/FreakBurger
5. Ralts for Ditto /u/Shadrio
6. Drilbur for Eevee /u/kingreca
7. Electrike for Slowpoke /u/KhmerPhilly
8. Larvitar and Cleffa for a bunch of random stuff for my dex /u/mist0624
9. Something I can't remember for Abomasnow (with Pokerus) /u/NBLIND
10. Marill for Thundurus /u/iMinerv2
11. charmander for wurmple /u/mvrk2090
12. Put move tutor move on his Garchomp for Gligar /u/AceDang
13. bulbasaur for houndour /u/mist0624
14. moonstone for kangaskhan /u/DallyTayTay
15. electrike for torchic, ferroseed /u/jsnch
16. Lapras for Bulbasaur /u/Oogalicious
17. marill for beldum /u/anitlifesaver
18. fletchling for goomy /u/NIckieYew
19. treecko for scyther /u/Blakestoned
20. hitmontop for latias tradeback (for dex) /u/deleted
21. fletchling and froakie for pawniard, foongus, and gible /u/shamrock2k9
22. tradeback on rotom for tradeback on gorebyss /u/Riisso
23. Mawile for Lunatone /u/osfala
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


bhjammin's Information


Friend codes:
