
SW-0258-6830-5415 || Emerald (SW, SCA)
SW-0258-6830-5415 || Emerald (SW, SCA) || XXXX

Trades (35)

[+] Events (7)
1. 2 NA Dragonite Codes for 1 Maxsoft Rayquaza Code /u/egonzalez713
2. 3 NA Dragonite Codes for M18 Arceus - Fist Plate /u/Expo911
3. 1 NA Dragonite Code for Fancy Vivillon /u/skidooelan
4. 1 NA Dragonite Code for Pokeball Vivillon /u/Free-Brownies
5. 1 NA Dragonite Code for 1 PAL Shiny Charizard Code /u/RomanNWK
6. 4 NA Dragonite Codes for 1 English Coro Coro Rayquaza /u/toujours_poke
7. Shiny Shinx and Shiny Eevee for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/SquirrelyB
[+] Shinies (2)
1. ESV Checking Services - Checked PC magikarps twice with battle check for A shiny Relicanth! /u/skuggeland
2. Shiny Moonball Shinx with EM: Night Slash, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang for Female HA Eevee in Luxury Ball /u/root_b33r
[+] Competitive / Casual (24)
1. Shiny HA 5IV (-atk) Modest Eevee with egg moves: Curse, Wish, Synchronoise, Covet for 1 Dragonite Code /u/gritspec
2. HA Dreamball Smeargle for HA Dreamball Gible /u/histronics
3. Level Ball Farfetch'd for Heavy Ball Honedge /u/Sofjetijsbeer
4. Dream Ball Feebas for Beast Ball Toxel /u/Towelgo
5. Moon Ball HA Rookidee for Moon Ball HA Eevee /u/re-charred
6. Bold Feebas for Duraladon /u/45mice
7. Heavy Ball Honedge, Farfetch'd, Toxel, Feebas for 2 Fossilized Drake, 2 Fossilized Fish /u/mwall124
8. Beast Ball Riolu for Beast Ball Turtonator /u/Chuamichael
9. Level Bal Farfetch'd and Love Ball Deino for Ferroseed and Heavy Ball Drilbur /u/offscientistr
10. Farfetch'd and toxel for Luxury ball goomy and drampa /u/Coup_Cares
11. Honedge, Feebass, and toxel for Drampa, solosis, croagunk /u/asvpcurt
12. 0 spd Heavy Ball Honedge for Friend Ball Lotad /u/pwnd05
13. HA Farfetch'd for Breedject I released... /u/evilsneasel
14. Love Ball HA Eevee for Spritzee holding Sweet Apple /u/Brittbm
15. HA Farfetch'd in level ball for Sableye /u/xkp777x
16. XL experience candy for Friend Ball Drampa /u/toostressedtobebored
17. Turtonator, Dhelmise, and Stonjourner for Spare pokemon /u/Reasonable-Skill
18. 5IV Feebas for 5IV Litten /u/IronBeaker
19. Beast Ball Toxel for Heavy Ball Ferroseed /u/imboredtoo1
20. Love Ball Deino for Maractus /u/Significant-Field
21. Beast Ball HA Lapras for Friend Ball HA Bulbasaur /u/99steez
22. 0 speed Heavy Ball Honedge w/ XL Candy for Friend Ball Solosis w/ TR49 Calm Mind /u/sobblethelizard
23. Friend Ball Maractus and Love Ball Deino for Friend Ball Roselia and Heavy Ball Alola Vulpix /u/offscientistr
24. Heavy Ball Honedge and Moon Ball Sinistea for Friend Ball Ferroseed and Pokeball Lunatone /u/soylentqueen
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. 4 NA Dragonite Codes for Hayley's Mew /u/Teh_Kniight
2. 3 NA Dragonite Codes for Wishmaker Jirachi and Female HA Anticipation Eevee in Dreamball /u/cubanpete26

Egg Hatches (12)

1. Hatched a pokemon for him and nicknamed it Snarl. /u/peatsahad
2. Hatched a Honedge for them and nicknamed it Excalibur /u/ash12367
3. Hatched a shieldon for them. /u/WenSnake
4. Hatched a Charmander for them. /u/cosKittz
5. Hatched a bulbasaur. /u/Lolleroo
6. Hatched a seedot in a friend ball. /u/3Anton3
7. Hatched a shiny Marill /u/DirtyDan257
8. Hatched shiny Abra /u/endy1102
9. Hatched shiny Luvdisc /u/MasterGohan
10. Hatched a shiny Shinx /u/Hongdo
11. I hatched a Honedge egg for the user. /u/Great_Plattsby
12. Hatched a pink Buneary! /u/KiritoRX

Giveaways/Contests (13 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gaveaway Moonball HA Rookidees (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Traded my feebas to evolve other user's Haunter. Traded back Gengar for my milotic. /u/Iam_Dishonest

Misc (0)


Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 9:46:31 PM

Hatched a Shiny Oshawott for me. Thanks again.

MontyCK Jul 10, 2015 4:12:49 AM

Checked some ESVs for me. Was very kind and patient with me! Thank you so much :)

blank912's Information


Friend codes:
