
1263-6492-4227 || Slave (S), Blessed (ΩR)
1263-6492-4227 || Slave (S), Blessed (ΩR) || XXXX

Trades (96)

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[+] Competitive / Casual (96)
1. Aggronite for Ability Capsule /u/aliski007
2. 5 Megastones for 5 Comp Pokemon /u/bohric
3. HP Grass Heatmore for 5IV Shellder /u/CosmigUsagi
4. Charizardite X for Aggronite /u/Kralle91
5. 5IV Carvanha and 5IV Meinfoo for 6IV Trapinch /u/Vyss
6. 5IV Furfrou for 5IV Venipede /u/Lanko
7. Leftovers and Life Orb for 5IV Skarmory /u/coopboyd
8. 5IV Scyther, Slowpoke and Murkrow for 5IV Feebas, Fennekin, Shuppet /u/gibsonlespaul
9. 5IV Klefki and Ralts for 4 EM Frillish and Sandile /u/Sit_Moram
10. HP Grass Litleo and 5 IV Woobat for 4EM Skorupi and Seviper /u/richi3f
11. 5IV Tepig and Tirtouga for 4EM Mr. Mime /u/comandanteraven
12. Choice Scarf and Life Orb for 4EM Ponyta and Venipede /u/Sir_Moram
13. 5IV Mienfoo and Tirtouga for Choice Band and Choice Scarf /u/khennlionhard
14. 5IV Alomomola, Omanyte, Sneasel and Sigilyph for 4EM Audino and Trubbish /u/Otaku98
15. 5IV Mienfoo and Houndoor for 4EM Darumaka and Munna /u/Kalas7
16. 5IV Alomomola and Murkrow for Bank Balls Makuhita and Spoink /u/mellowthejello
17. 5IV Carvanha for 5IV Vulpix /u/giokiwi
18. 6 Megastones for 3 5IV pokemon /u/Danoxor
19. HP Grass Litleo for 5IV Swablu /u/ndrs4
20. 5IV Mienfoo for Imperfect Lotad /u/Fishmagoo
21. 5IV Slugma for Choice Scarf /u/hahsmilefjes
22. 5IV Cacnea and Houndour for 4 EM Goldeen and Glameow /u/tlatham86
23. 5IV Mienfoo for Assault Vest /u/firezpirit
24. HP Grass Numel for 4 EM Mudkip /u/HalfATaco
25. Heracronite for Pinsirite /u/LargeJellopy
26. Dawn Stone and Deep Sea Scale for 5IV Shinx and Mawile /u/Kurogano
27. Aggronite for Life Orb /u/azuredelax
28. 5IV Aipom for 5IV Gible /u/hahsmilefjes
29. 5IV Taillow for 5IV Anorith /u/JugglesTheKlown
30. 6IV Houndoor for 5IV Mawile /u/Akhione
31. 5IV Chespin, Lillipup and Spheal for 4EM Roselia, Makuhita and Ledyba /u/BiggieSmalllz
32. HP Grass Omanyte for 4EM Vulpix, Absol, and Grimer /u/Xergio86
33. HP Grass Numel and 5IV Carvanha for 5IV Porygon and Aron /u/LoDart210
34. HP Grass Numel and Metwonite Y for Shiny Trubbish and Mewtwonite X /u/Kednick
35. Charizardite Y for Power Bracer /u/Fairy_Nightmare
36. 5IV Spheal and Lileep for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/artlightdead
37. 5IV Gastly, Scyther and HP Grass Vulpix for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/Dan202903
38. 5IV Shroomish and Trubbish for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/Loggu
39. 5IV Carvanha, Alomomola and Leftovers for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/Scwarzmilan
40. 5IV Sneasel and Chespin for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/Dr_Dickbutt
41. 7 5IV eggs for egglocke challenge for Sitrus and Lum Berries /u/dutchjojo
42. HP Grass Numel for 4IV Piplup /u/PPdragon
43. 5IV Meinfoo for 5IV Stunfisk /u/Spurrk12
44. 5IV Scyther for 5IV Torchic /u/JordanKR1
45. Dreamball Beldum for 4EM Barboach and Carvinine /u/darwinistic
46. Manectite for Lucarionite /u/T_R_G_H
47. Tyranitarite and Charizardite X for Sitrus and Lum Berries and 4EM Treecko /u/NovaHawk96
48. 5IV Meinfoo for 5IV Slowpoke /u/FishArrrgh
49. Tyranitarite and Charizardite X for 4EM Clamperl and Castform /u/wojtaso9
50. 5IV Zubat, Beldum and Aipom for Breeding Services (Panpour, Pansear, Pansage) /u/galaspark
51. Pinsirite for Heracronite /u/dtgplayspokemon
52. 5IV Ledyba and Skitty for EV Training Services /u/maplewars
53. Pinsirite for 4EM Venusaur /u/Foreverwerock
54. 5IV Slugma and Sudowoodo for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/artlightdead
55. HP Grass Omanyte for EV Training /u/SigmaKitteh
56. X Megastones for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/dittore
57. 5IV Poochyena, Skitty and Leftovers for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/The CLoudKitty
58. 5IV Cleffa, Murkrow and Houndoor for EV Training 3 Pokemon /u/azuredelax
59. HP Grass Numel and Omanyte for Breeding Services (4EM Spoink) /u/DynamicDexter
60. X Megastones for 5IV Corphish and Staryu /u/mora94
61. NA Gengar Code for Shiny 5IV Pumkaboo /u/Awful_Person
62. NA Gengar code for 5IV Shiny Dugtrio and Torterra /u/shinichikun
63. Transfer Move Metang for Power Band and Power Anklet /u/chrischampeon777
64. HP Ground Flabebe for 4EM Joltik /u/chuni_pok
65. 5IV Carvanha for 5IV Timburr /u/katsuyusama
66. 5IV Carvanha and HP Grass Numel for 5IV Charmander and Tyrunt /u/thereinaflash
67. 3 X Megastones for 4EM Feebas, Squirtle, Timburr /u/Cokean1
68. 5 X Megastones for 4EM Carvanha, Karrablasts, Poochyena, Venipede, Swirlix, /u/Paparos
69. Char-X, Tyranitite, Manectite, Thunderstone and Mewtwo X for 4EM Pidgey, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Woobat and Trapinch /u/InflatablePie
70. Razor Fang for 4EM torchic /u/HighMans
71. Charizard Y for 4EM Spiritomb /u/joredgar
72. Charizardite X for 4EM Heracross /u/marlonjae11
73. Power Belt and Power Band for 5IV Imperfect HA Skrelp /u/NredOwl
74. 5 IV HA Meifoo for 5 IV HA Whismur /u/SNB43
75. 5IV Chespin and HP Grass Litleo for 5IV Imperfect Lotad and Goomy /u/okamihakumei
76. 5IV Weavile for 5IV Turtwig /u/Spurkk12
77. Ability Capsule for 4EM Zigzagoon /u/BetaWolf3
78. Satchet for Whipped Dream /u/apunkgaming
79. HP Fire Bulbasaur and HP Grass Vulpix for 4EM Moon ball Absol and Shinx /u/lolparrot
80. 5IV Gastly for 5IV Swinub /u/tbssparkiie
81. 5IV Woobat for Bold Synchronize Ralts /u/julo20
82. 5 IV Gastly, Rotom, Murkrow and Scyther for 4 Natures Synchronize Ralts /u/ilocretiko
83. 4EM Tyrunt for Gligar Breedject /u/notsingsing
84. 5IV Moonball Sneasel for 5IV Shellder /u/ShinyoYushiro
85. 5IV Shiny Numel for HA Snivy /u/MarcosInu
86. Venipede and Lucky Egg for Adamand and Impish Synchronize Abras /u/EXEmegaman
87. 4IV Dhlemise breedject for Impish synchronize Kadabra /u/thecrimsonsalamence
88. Beast ball Passimian for Beast Ball Scyther /u/PreheatedMuffen
89. 5IV Jolly Passimian and 6IV Adamant Passimian for 5IV Mimikyu and 5IV Drampa /u/Beyblade_Clips
90. Lure Ball Mareanie for Beast ball Beldum /u/maltrab
91. Beast Ball 5IV Sandile for 5IV Modest Popplio /u/BraxyBoy
92. 5IV Passimian and 5IV Morelull for 5IV Gible and 5IV Togedemaru /u/ubernuke
93. Breedject Dhelmise for 5IV Komala /u/lolight2
94. Ice Stone and Rockruff for HA Cubone and 5IV Marill /u/Dqmo
95. 5IV Morelull for 5IV Jangmo-o /u/Poobler
96. 5IV Passimian, Sandile and Morelull for HA Geodude, Ha Carvanha and Bruxish /u/somethingfound
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okamihakumei Dec 9, 2014 5:05:01 PM

Great trader! Super nice and friendly :)

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