
0490-5390-4039 || Breno (Y, ΩR)
0490-5390-4039 || Various || 2413, 2270, 2119, 3377, 1578

Trades (55)

[+] Events (4)
1. Fancy Vivillon for Moon Ball Gastly & Misdreavus /u/iIIidAn
2. SUM2014 Pinsir for GTS Fancy Vivillon (x2) /u/BasedNoface
3. Fancy Vivillon for Diancie Code /u/BasedNoface
4. Battle of Hoen HA Tyrunt Code for Shiny Comp (x15) /u/eraco
[+] Shinies (4)
1. Dream Ball Speed Boost Venipede for Dive Ball Protean Froakie /u/Kfloria
2. Love Ball Aipom & Dream Ball HA Aerodactyl for Hidden Power Fire 70 HA Bulbasaur /u/s_10
3. Fast Ball Arcanine & Dream Ball HA Venipede for Dive Ball Togetic & Premier Ball HA Phantump /u/s_10
4. Luxury Ball HA Charmander for Dive Ball Ralts /u/Kobi2604
[+] Competitive / Casual (47)
1. Rotom & Klefki for Dratini, Gible & Larvesta /u/kappa23
2. Dratini (x2) for Hydreigon, Choice Scarf /u/LangstonHues
3. Dratini for Carvanha /u/ikissgirls
4. Dratini for Goomy /u/BBRosner
5. Dratini for Power Anklet /u/TheMazo
6. Dratini for Bulbasaur /u/lurkerton3000
7. Honedge for Squirtle /u/Seljak01
8. Honedge for Skrelp /u/jlkpjlkp
9. Zubat for Power Bracer /u/ShinySheimi
10. Gible for Charmander /u/ARedditNameforReddit
11. Espurr for Ralts /u/robertVIII
12. Dratini for Marill /u/seedkk
13. Mewtwo for Dialga /u/ARedditNameforReddit
14. Squirtle for Shuckle /u/robertVIII
15. Audino & Golem for Graveler & Audino /u/Brettapod
16. Gastly, Misdreavus & Sudowoodo (x2) for Marill, Carvanha, Glameow & Corphish /u/TAFly
17. Gastly for Eevee /u/Vz-Rei
18. Gastly, Misdreavus, Karrablast & Glameow for Tentacool, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime & Onix /u/maquinaazul
19. Glameow & Corphish for Smeargle & Omanyte /u/mizzyshazam
20. Misdreavus for Weedle /u/xXD3sT1nYXx
21. Glameow for Sneasel /u/RinNishikino
22. Sudowoodo for Spinda /u/FireMeg
23. Pidgey & Karrablast for Snorlax & Hippopotas /u/fliippyy
24. Smeargle for Chikorita /u/suckhaterz
25. Misdreavus for Vulpix /u/Angelicwitch93
26. Dream Ball Sneasel for Moon Ball Absol /u/Lukari13
27. Dream Ball HA Omanyte for Luxury Ball Cyndaquil /u/-Lyra
28. Dream Ball HA Sunkern for 4 EM Bulbasaur /u/__Gamma
29. DB HA Karrablast & Glameow for 4 Pattern Vivillons /u/rin_sei
30. Dive Ball HA Poliwag for Heavy Ball Miltank /u/Mistake4Oh4
31. Level Ball Smeargle & Love Ball Sudowoodo for Lure Ball Ralts & Friend Ball Carnivine /u/RBHas
32. Premier HA female Eevee for Dream Ball HA female Cranidos /u/richi3f
33. Heavy Ball Snorlax for Dream Ball HA Exeggcute & Dream Ball Delibrd /u/gmpsmendes
34. Dream Ball Vulpix, Dream Ball Shuckle, Friend Ball Sudowoodo, Friend Ball Carnivine, Lure Ball Marill, Safari Ball Hippopotas for Fast Ball Pikachu, Friend Ball Chatot, Love Ball Mareep, Moon Ball Teddiursa, Houndor and Growlithe /u/MayoBeam
35. Custom bred Vivillon & Timer Ball HA Pansear for Noibat, Ferroseed, Ferroseed & Scyther /u/jacksoncabot
36. Moon Ball Misdreavus & Gastly for Hydro Pump Bagon and HA Fletchling /u/guidomagaro
37. Dream ball HA Shuckle, Mr. Mime and Karrablast, Heavy Ball Militank, Love Ball Sudowoodo and Level Ball Smeargle for Dream Ball HA Eevee and Spiritomb, Lure Ball Horsea, Love Ball Cherubi, Moon Ball Cleffa, Moon Ball Shinx /u/Kellyluar
38. Heavy Ball Snorlax for Dream Ball HA Venipede & Moon Ball Ralts /u/Strikr_Eureka
39. Level Ball Smeargle, Friend Ball Carnivine, Dream Ball HA Corphish for EM male Chikorita and Totodile, Love Ball Chansey and Friend Ball Larvitar /u/Kanniin
40. Honedge for Gible /u/guidomagaro
41. Dream Ball HA Sunkern, Remoraid and Cranidos for Dream Ball HA Absol, Roggenrola and Kabuto /u/Dont_You_Dare_PM_Me
42. HA Dive Ball Croagunk for HA Dive Ball Croagunk (x2) /u/ZedicusZul
43. Dive Ball Totodile for Dive Ball Totodile (x2) /u/LuxrayShiny
44. Dream Ball HA Eevee for Dream Ball HA Eevee (x2) /u/RokkHero
45. Nest Ball Chikorita for Nest Ball Chikorita (x2) /u/LuxrayShiny
46. Dive Ball Totodile for Dive Ball Totodile (x2) /u/DiamondFarm
47. Safari Ball Hippopotas for 5 IV Safari Ball Hippopotas /u/DahliaT
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (15)

1. Shiny Shinx /u/ghjkl-pokemon
2. Shiny Charmander /u/Kululu12
3. Shiny Charmander /u/Dont_You_Dare_PM_Me
4. Shiny Pancham /u/Umbra-Profess
5. Shiny Charmander /u/kath0601
6. Shiny Honedge /u/giathuan2707
7. Shiny Litwick /u/lolwoman1
8. Shiny Magikarp /u/hjan3312
9. Shiny Electrike /u/Voltagic
10. Shiny Bagon /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
11. Shiny Froakie /u/Adu767
12. Shiny Igglybuff /u/Umbra-Profess
13. Shiny Golett /u/dOoBiOuS85
14. Shiny Nidoran♂ /u/Beleniel
15. Shiny Gastly /u/harryng2103

Giveaways/Contests (23 Pokémon given, 13 eggs given)

1. Omanyte Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
2. Luxury Ball Breedable Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
3. Premier Ball Eevee, Heavy Ball Snorlax and Random Pokemon Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 13 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (4)

1. Four differently spread 4-IV Snorunts for bank ball Sudowoodos (x2), Sunkern and Remoraid
2. Ghastly for Froakie
3. Shellder for Charmander
4. HA Dream Ball exchange: Gave Sunkern for Karrablast


Umbra-Profess Mar 8, 2015 5:13:21 PM

Helped me hatch a Shiny Igglybuff. Thanks again!

Kobi2604 Mar 7, 2015 1:35:50 PM

Traded a shiny Ralts for shiny Charmander. Very polite person and everything went very smoothly. Highly recommended! :D

s_10 Feb 28, 2015 10:30:52 PM

Another trade again! Trade went very smoothly and was quick. Great trader and I highly recommend! :P

s_10 Feb 18, 2015 6:40:27 PM

traded my shiny bulbasaur for their shiny aerodactyl and aipom! Awesome and quick trader. Thanks so much! :D 10/10

wolbee Feb 17, 2015 5:15:03 PM

Thanks for the HA Female Charmander from your Luxury Ball giveaway (congrats again).

pedrohm92 Feb 17, 2015 5:14:35 PM

Gave me a free 5IV HA Skrelp

Umbra-Profess Jan 24, 2015 4:19:54 PM

Helped me hatch my Shiny Pancham. Thanks!

Kanniin Jan 14, 2015 2:40:39 PM

Traded BankBalls with him, trusted me even if I'm kinda new and was very fast! 10/10 would trade again, very fast and reliable trader!

peatsahad Jan 8, 2015 11:52:54 PM

Received a shiny Snorlax egg from a giveaway. Thanks again!!!

quizzicalquow Jan 7, 2015 5:20:54 PM

Got an awesome shiny Snorlax. Good stuff, good stuff.

stutterbug-jones Jan 5, 2015 2:50:22 AM

Got an awesome lil fossil pokemon to call my own! Super awesome guy :)

Sykopathh Jan 3, 2015 2:49:48 PM

Received my first giveaway pokemon through a smooth and fast trade :) Extremely happy and will definitely trade again!

bronk4's Information


Friend codes:

  • 0490-5390-4039


  • IGN: Breno (Y) TSV: 2413
  • IGN: Breno (ΩR) TSV: 2270