
2380-7277-0572 || Sammy (ΩR, X, M)
2380-7277-0572 || Sammy (ΩR, X, M) || 3383

Trades (11)

[+] Events (7)
1. 11 NA Volcanion codes for Mew, Shaymin, Manaphy, Jirachi, Celebi, and Diancie /u/robertoxmed
2. 2 NA Genesect codes for Lugia and Dialga /u/sm0460
3. 2 NA Genesect codes for Thundurus /u/Gallade67
4. Hoopa for Kyogre /u/Dragynfyre
5. Meloetta for Yveltal /u/MIR_TEIWAZ
6. NA Marshadow Code for Palkia, Pichu, Deino, Riolu /u/Shipwrecked_Pianta
7. NA Marshadow and NA Silvally codes for 3 Golden bottle caps /u/hXcToad
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Shiny Charmander for Drilbur, Eevee, and Snivy /u/zichengggg
[+] Competitive / Casual (3)
1. Torkoal for Gyaradosite /u/D_to_the_GAF
2. Power Weight for A-Sandshrew /u/lindoo1
3. Choice specs for Mareanie /u/Blackwolf1981
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (8)

1. Hatched a shiny Wimpod /u/suzakutrading
2. Hatched a shiny Mimikyu /u/mairrai
3. Hatched a shiny Cubone /u/sumo406
4. Hatched a shiny Grimer /u/Guarzog
5. Hatched a shiny Mimikyu /u/Falsevision
6. Hatched a shiny Phione /u/Joeldstar
7. Hatched a shiny Wingull /u/WorstPostsEva
8. Hatched a shiny Grubbin /u/GhostyCube

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Burtical's Information


Friend codes:
