
2251-6740-3071 || Chetan (Y)
2251-6740-3071 || Chetan (αS), Chetan (Y) || 1366, 0877

Trades (60)

[+] Events (4)
1. Larvitar with EMs for Event Beldum /u/SuperSleuth84
2. JPN Naive PC Pikachu for A lot of wifi events, some wishmaker Jirachis, some pokebank celebis, and a diancie code /u/thejjustinj
3. 4 SR Adamant/Jolly Beldum Language sets of which one had a custom date for redemption for 2 comp shinies and Naive JPN PC Pikachu /u/Rimon-Hanit
4. SR Lang set of Adamant/Jolly/Hasty/Naive/Brave Beldums for Diancie Code and Tough Bug Heracross /u/Shiny_emboar
[+] Shinies (3)
1. Timid 5 IV Protean Greninja for Trophy shiny ninetales /u/guibinder
2. speed boost torchic for trophy honchkrow /u/blue1710
3. Roselia with 4 ems in friend ball and 5 IVs HA Piplup, HA Bulbasaur, moon ball abra, HA DB egg move buneary for Safari ball larvitar, Competitive Shiny Drowzee /u/kekuraz
[+] Competitive / Casual (53)
1. Moon ball Gastly Female with 4 egg moves and a friend ball female roselia with four egg moves for Phanpy with egg moves and marill with egg moves /u/bwu0524
2. moon ball gastly and friend ball roselia for em ha torchic and em ha chimchar /u/LadyLucario
3. pidgey piplup riolu roselia with ems for all of them for BP items(ability capsule) /u/samdogin
4. HA EM Dratini for Pichu with Pokerus /u/DocPokeblox
5. parasect and venomoth and vileplume for mawhile and noibat and tynamo /u/asaf719
6. Alakazam, altaria, and gardevoir for blitzle, poochyena, ralts /u/asaf719
7. HA Modest em bulbasaur for Nestball ferroseed /u/danceswithspoon
8. HA Fletchling for HA Tangela /u/TheLevirax
9. HA DB EM Carvanha plus luxury ball female axew for DB petilil with ems and db exeggcute /u/plewiv
10. friend ball roselia with ems for ha em nest ball bulbasaur female /u/__Gamma
11. piplup pinsir and gastly for venipede shroomish and aerodactyl /u/jaimeg7
12. Dusk stone for feebas with pokerus and destiny knot /u/Delcious_Placenta
13. charmander, chikorita, carvanha, absol, pinsir riolu and mudkip for Choice Scarf, life orb,ability capsule /u/joebos617
14. moonball gastly and db carvanha for ha squirtle ems and honedge /u/Hubbymon
15. timid moon ball gastly for ha em bagon /u/36Swords
16. HA froakie timid for Buneary /u/bythog
17. Timid Protean Froakie for cyndaquil /u/spirobe
18. HA Adamant EM Dratini for Suicune /u/Zulthrax
19. HA Timid Froakie for HA sableye /u/dop3st
20. two DB HA Buizels with perfect IVs for 24 hours of breeding service with DB HA Buizel /u/FortDeus
21. Megastone transfer service between games for friend ball roselia /u/mastamaker
22. HA Adamant Dratini for Goomy /u/ChrischinOP
23. HA 5 IV Eevee for 5 IV Timid Protean Froakie /u/fluffysilverunicorn
24. EM larvitar for Moon ball gastly with ems /u/dakolaw
25. Speed boost torchic for EM pidgey /u/lurkerton3000
26. 5 IV eevee for 5 IV milotic /u/CursedOne5
27. speed boost adamant torchic for em ponyta /u/SamxC
28. ha torchic, ha eevee, ha gible for three pokemon /u/ragnaroq
29. Speed boost torchic for pinsir with ems /u/keotachi
30. 5 IV eevee and gible for dusk stone + dawn stone /u/valkyriiwing
31. Charizardite Y for Charizardite X /u/Gummiface
32. 5 IV eevee breeding pair for 5 IV breeding pair gible /u/Articulated_Animal
33. 5 IV eevee for snorunt /u/D1zz1
34. HA eevee and HA fletchinder for HA froakie and HA Gible /u/Techno_Shift
35. HA Piplup for 5 IV Rotom /u/AZJackaL
36. Moon ball abra, ha piplup, and friend ball natu for db vulpix, db croagunk, and db starly /u/Righteous_Bread
37. DB HA female buneary for db ha swablu /u/plewiv
38. HA Adamant EM Dratini for HA Snivy /u/Someone-Else-Else
39. friend ball em roselia timid for ha em abra /u/ranmarox
40. HA DB buneary for Moon ball Absol /u/TheDynasty55
41. HA Female em bulbasaur + male EM pidgey for 4 DB females gligar, numel, durant, and zubat /u/robertVIII
42. HA DB Female Buneary with EMs for 6 IV Pancham /u/coolbean7
43. 5 IV female friend ball roselia with egg moves for 6 IV Adamant Riolu /u/Hugomaia123
44. HA Female Premiere ball Cranidos for 3 DB HA pokemon /u/Cu4utl3
45. HA DB Shroomish and moon ball gastly for DB HA Heracross and DB HA Riolu /u/Acrylami
46. Moon ball gastly for EM Sandshrew /u/morten333
47. Safari ball larvitar for DB HA Shroomish /u/GoodMuse
48. 72 heart scales and 4 PPUPS for 72 50% pokemon and 4 <50% gender ratio bank balls /u/Mandibuzzkill
49. breeding pair eevees with HA and egg moves for masterball /u/Sykopathh
50. Choice Scarf for Masterball /u/iMinerv2
51. HA EM bulbasaur for HA turtwig /u/Mikelpmr
52. castform for HA EM Snivy /u/TheNewbOfFate
53. HA Noivern for Jigglypuff /u/Chissoff
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (1)

1. Hatched a shiny bulbasaur for this person on my Y account /u/Wizli

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (4)

1. Traded an ability capsule for four bank ball females
2. Traded an ability capsule for 4 bank ball females
3. Gave someone a HA em piplup, they gave me a ha em bagon
4. Gave HA Piplup for HA Charmander


cdawg561's Information


I love Pokemon. I'm a diehard collector and perfectionist. Love breeding pokemon and love merchanting/trading.

Friend codes:

  • 2251-6740-3071


  • IGN: Chetan