
SW-4418-3530-9902 || Versante (SH)
SW-4418-3530-9902 || Versante (SH) || XXXX

Trades (14)

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[+] Competitive / Casual (14)
1. 0 speed gmax HA snorlax for 8 mballs /u/shapopo
2. HA conkeldurr in a beast ball with mach punch for GMAX meowth /u/RiddlerReincarnated
3. 0 Speed Ferroseed for Timid Mint /u/PMoner4Life00
4. 5iv 0 speed gmax snorlax HA for masterball /u/ToadsByDrone
5. ha mareanie for beast ball /u/ophaydo
6. TR Seed bomb for TR Substitute /u/BasinoBoiDiddy
7. Sport combee, nincada, caterpie and Safari machop, lunatone, koffing for 5 apriballs and 1 jolly mint /u/leroyj88
8. HA conk in a beast ball for adamant mint /u/HotnessFTW
9. HA Beast swinub w icicle crash and other egg moves for scope lens /u/paulthafish
10. HA sableye in a beast for quiet mint /u/clydemcsmooth
11. HA timburr, cottonee, feebas, shellos in beast balls for 4 beast balls /u/ssharma123
12. Sport caterpie, combee, nincada for 3 beast balls /u/Brian_Trades_Pokemon
13. HA beast mons as per note for 2 jolly 4 timid 3 modest 3 adamant mints /u/Kev_Lan
14. ha 0 attack 0 speed duskull in a moon ball for expert belt /u/leonnnnnnnnnnnn
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

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