
3797-9059-5164 || Dante (Y, M), ダンテ (S, X)
3797-9059-5164 || Dante (Y, M), ダンテ (S, X) || 1647

Trades (111)

[+] Events (100)
1. Shiny Skarmory for NA Diancie code redeemed /u/MegaBassFalzar
2. 3 scrap codes for Tretta Rotom (ITA tag) /u/Rimon-Hanit
3. 1 scrap code for Shaymin scrap code redeemed /u/TAFly
4. 5 scrap codes for PC Charizard with ENG tag /u/Rimon-Hanit
5. Yvetal for event Pumpkaboo /u/suckhatzers
6. Scrap code for 2 SR'd Gengars (JPN and ITA) + PAL Gengar code /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
7. 1 BR Umbreon and 1 BR Aggron for 2 PAL Gengar codes /u/Ho-ohsMeMoney
8. Tretta Rotom for Shiny Fennekin, shiny Mawile in Premier Ball, shiny Vulpix in Love Ball, 2 ENG + 1 KOR Pokéball Vivillon /u/BasedNoFace
9. Beldum language set with custom date 12.1.2015 for Summer 2014 Tough Pinsir /u/ShinyEmboar
10. 2 scrap codes for 1 GAME Charizard Y /u/Umbra-Profess
11. 6 scrap codes for 1 FB Charizard with JPN tag, 1 GAME Magmar, 1 XY Torchic, 5 SUM2014 Pinsirs + 3 Spooky 2014 Super Size Pumpkaboos /u/Gjones18
12. 3 scrap codes for 1 GAME Charizard X and 1 GAME Electabuzz /u/andrewlay
13. Scrap code for 2 event HA Serperiors /u/WreckItMike
14. Tornadus, Palkia, Bird Trio, Reshiram for 2 Pokébank Celebi and 1 Diancie code /u/xcrea
15. 3 Pokébank Celebi, 1 Pokéball Vivillon + 1 Fancy Vivillon for 1 Pokéscrap Keldeo, 1 Pokéscrap Victini and 2 Pokéscrap Shaymin redeemed /u/blackaurora
16. 17 ORAS event Beldum for Shiny Charmander, 2 shiny Starly, shiny Shinx (all semi-comps/comps) /u/Kululu12
17. 1 scrap code for 2 Pokébank Celebi + 1 XY Torchic /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
18. 3 scrap codes for 2 PAL Diancie codes, 5 Pokéball Vivillon, 2 Fancy Vivillon, shiny Teddiursa, custom shiny Cyndaquil, custom shiny Froakie, custom shiny Swablu /u/Umbra-Profess
19. 7 scrap codes for Tretta Rotom /u/ajkyle56
20. Redeemed 2 PAL Diancies for 3 custom shinies /u/pmvb123
21. 3 scrap codes for 9 shinies (6 custom) /u/UmiMizuAi
22. Pokéball Vivillon for PAL Diancie code /u/TG_Cid
23. 1 Pokéball Vivillon, 2 Fancy Vivillon, 1 shiny Feebas for Pokéscrap Shaymin, Keldeo and Victini + custom SR'd JPN Unova HA set /u/mastergrumpus
24. 6 custom breedables for 1 scrap code + 1 XY Torchic w/ Blazikenite /u/ajkyle56
25. 5 custom shinies for 5 PAL Gengar codes /u/SpaceV
26. 3 NA Gengar codes for 1 scrap code /u/capnknuckles1
27. 4 PAL Diancie redemptions for 16 Pokéball Vivillon /u/believingunbeliever
28. 1 shiny Skrelp for 1 EU Gengar code /u/AlexLoui
29. 6iv HA female shiny Bagon for 3 PAL Diancie codes /u/Awful_Person
30. 2 scrap codes for 6 PAL Gengar codes /u/ParaQuant
31. 9 trophy shinies for 5 scrap Shaymins redeemed /u/Awful_Person
32. 5 egg checks for 1 Pokébank Celebi /u/Victomat
33. 1 PAL Diancie and 1 PAL Gengar redeemed for 1 bank Celebi + 1 tough Pinsir /u/puh7777
34. Redeemed language set of Gengars for Language set of wifi shiny Beldums /u/za3root
35. 16 scrap codes for Paris Vivillon /u/rodnazics
36. 2 PAL Diancies redeemed for 2 event Beldums, 1 shiny comp Horsea and 1 trophy Roggenrola /u/Neckes
37. Redeemed 2 PAL Gengars for 1 PAL Gengar code /u/Grilda
38. 1 scrap code for 3 custom shinies /u/steelfather
39. 1 scrap code for Shiny Klefki, shiny Pidgey, shiny Paras and shiny Numel /u/underpantscannon
40. 1 Pokéscrap Shaymin redemption for Nothing /u/BasedNoface
41. 3 custom shinies + 2 other shinies for 3 Gengar codes /u/aycer25
42. Diancie language set redemption SR'd for natures for 1 scrap code /u/za3root
43. 1 Pokéscrap Shaymin redemption + 1 GAME Darkrai redemption for 1 PAL Diancie code /u/Shiny_Emboar
44. Redeemed 1 Pokéscrap Shaymin + 1 Pokéscrap Keldeo, SR'd for IVs in Sp Atk and Spe for both for 2 scrap codes /u/jaimeg7
45. Scrap set redemption, SR'd for nature for Nothing /u/lazosboy
46. 2 scrap codes for 5 custom shinies /u/Umbra-Profess
47. 3 scrap codes for 12 custom shinies /u/Propallor
48. 1 Darkrai code for 3 scrap codes /u/MGV2013
49. Redeemed 3 Pokéscrap Shaymins, SR'd for Timid for 1 Pokéscrap Shaymin code /u/ornateghostpipefish
50. 1 scrap code for 4 custom shinies /u/Propallor
51. 3 ORAS event Beldums (GER, ITA, ENG) for 1 custom shiny HP ice Electrike /u/Voltagic
52. 6 Spooky Pumpkaboos, 5 Pokéball Vivillons, 3 Pokébank Celebis + 6 GTS Vivillons for 4 scrap codes /u/Acrylami
53. Scrap Shaymin, scrap Keldeo and GAME Darkrai redemption, all SR'd for IVs + nature for 11 custom shinies + 3 scrap codes /u/fire_damage
54. 7 Darkrai codes redeemed for 4 custom shinies /u/TG_Cid
55. Scrap set redemption with IV SR for 1 PGL Tyrunt code /u/harryng2103
56. GAME Darkrai code for WCSK15 Linoone /u/BroccoliYT
57. 15 scrap codes for 1 Korean Diancie /u/harryng2103
58. 1 Pokéscrap Shaymin and 1 Pokéscrap Keldeo, SR'd for nature for 12 scrap codes /u/demosthenes13
59. 1 custom Serena's Fennekin for Dream Radar creation duo /u/SmellyFartado
60. 2 custom Serena's Fennekins for Shiny Nidoran, Piplup and Zorua /u/Jozcef
61. 1 Serena's Fennekin for Shiny NN'd Gastly /u/DsrwLetters
62. 1 custom Serena's Fennekin for Shiny Tailow & Shinx /u/eddiy
63. 2 custom Serena's Fennekin for Shiny Plusle, Minun and Axew /u/chuni_pok
64. 1 custom Serena's Fennekin for Shiny Vulpix and Zorua /u/kinniie
65. 2 custom Serena's Fennekin for Shiny Bulbasaur and Kangaskhan /u/Mushy_64
66. 1 Serena's Fennekin for 9 bankball females /u/DefiantEmpoleon
67. 1 custom Serena's Fennekin, 1 already redeemed one for Shiny Eevee /u/Teh_Kniight
68. 2 custom Serena's Fennekins for Shiny Electrike and Totodile /u/matthewtunc
69. 1 Serena's Fennekin for Shiny Wurmple /u/DirtyDan257
70. 2 custom Serena's Fennekins for 3 custom shinies /u/urbancats
71. 1 GAME shiny Charizard redemption with nature SR for 1 GAME Darkrai code /u/raymogi
72. 3 Arceus codes, 1 Pokéscrap Keldeo code + 1 Amaura code for 2 Korean Preorder Gengar, 1 Korean Darkrai /u/broccoliYT
73. Pokéscrap Shaymin, 1 Arceus code, 1 Tyrunt code for 1 Korean Diancie redemption, 2 Korean Preorder Gengars /u/broccoliYT
74. 2 Arceus codes for 2 Korean Diancies /u/puh7777
75. 1 Facebook Kangaskhan redemption for 2 Steven's Beldums /u/za3root
76. 4 Facebook Kangaskhan redemptions + nature SR for 3 scrap codes /u/toughlilpony
77. 6 scrap codes for 1 Facebook Kangaskhan code /u/doritoburrrito
78. 2 Facebook Kangaskhan redemptions for 1 GAME shiny Charizard code /u/Mortifer_Ultor
79. Redemption of Coroquaza, nature SR for Shiny Buneary /u/go4ino
80. 1 scrap code for 1 shiny Amaura and 1 Pokébank Celebi /u/doritoburrrito
81. 4 scrap codes for 6 shinies & 3 custom shinies /u/J-AnideM
82. 5 scrap codes + 1 Serena's Fennekin for 1 CoroCoro Rayquaza code /u/a_casserole
83. 4 scrap codes for 4 custom WCSK15 Linoone /u/broccoliYT
84. 1 scrap Victini redemption with nature SR for WCSK15 Linoone /u/JavaSparrow
85. 1 Worlds Aegislash for 2 Korean Guidebook Keldeo codes /u/endy1102
86. CoroRayquaza redemption for /u/go4ino on /u/lierube and /u/whlzki's behalf + SR for nature for 1 shiny Totodile /u/go4ino
87. 2 GAME Darkrai redemptions with IV SR for 1 CoroCoro Rayquaza code /u/vinhamous
88. 5 scrap codes & 2 Serena's Fennekins for 10 custom shinies & move tutoring some of them /u/beleniel
89. 2 Serena's Fennekins for 3 custom shinies /u/ourcertifiablegenre
90. 2 scrap Shaymin redemptions for 1 shiny Larvitar & 1 shiny Mudkip /u/doritoburrito
91. 1 custom Serena's Fennekin for 1 shiny Electrike /u/lavaburst14
92. PGL Tyrunt code + 3 Pokéscrap Shaymin codes for 1 Singapore Gengar /u/philvpham10
93. Scrap Shaymin redemption with IV SR for 2 custom shinies & 1 shiny Snorunt + 1 Darkrai code /u/radiowarrrr
94. Scrap trio redemption + nature SR for 1 scrap code /u/Beleniel
95. 1 Arceus code for JPN PC Gengar /u/go4ino
96. 6 scrap codes for 3 WCSK15 Linoones /u/puh7777
97. Cororay language set redemption SR'd for nature for 4 shinies /u/underpantscannon
98. 1 Facebook Kangaskhan for 2 Cororay codes /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
99. Cororay code for Gamestop Charizard code /u/Onizuak31
100. 2 Darkrai codes for 3 Cororay redemptions + nature SR /u/IAmADudette
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (3)
1. 5 IV HA Feebas with 4 EMs in Luxury Ball for 5 IV Static Mareep with 4 EMs in Love Ball /u/tifamaroo
2. HA Snivy for HA Turtwig /u/DefiantEmpoleon
3. HA Nest Ball Pinsir for Safari Ball Larvitar /u/steelfather
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (8)
1. 5 scrap codes for Plasma Deoxys, 3 Pokébank Celebis + Pokéball Vivillon /u/HighMans
2. 2 scrap codes for RNG'd 5 iv shiny Kyurem /u/hahsmilefjes
3. 1 XY Torchic and 1 Pokébank Celebi for 1 WISHMKR Jirachi with proofs /u/thejjustinj
4. 4 scrap codes for SPR2012 Reshiram /u/rednotgreen
5. 3 scrap codes for SUM2013 shiny Giratina /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
6. 2 Darkrai codes for WIN2011 Celebi, shiny Drillbur, shiny Zorua + 2 event Pumpkaboos /u/go4ino
7. Redemption of scrap set + SR'ing for IVs for SMR2012 Keldeo /u/za3root
8. Cororay, scrap Shaymin & GAME Charizard redemption for Hayley's Phione /u/AdamPyne

Egg Hatches (29)

1. Shellder shiny hatch /u/Myst-Da-Zs
2. Mawile shiny hatch /u/kim0421
3. Starly shiny hatch /u/thrran
4. Shroomish shiny hatch /u/terrytop02
5. Tirtouga shiny hatch /u/Scizorfourlife
6. Bellsprout shiny hatch /u/3Anton3
7. Kabuto shiny hatch /u/Fayt3
8. Darumaka shiny hatch /u/Wizli
9. Feebas shiny hatch /u/Ian610
10. Stantler shiny hatch /u/Zangoose1
11. Riolu shiny hatch /u/TriplesWithDip
12. Druddigon shiny hatch /u/fersht
13. Dratini shiny hatch /u/kewligirl95
14. Ralts shiny hatch /u/savannah_allie
15. Numel shiny hatch /u/SomniumObscurum
16. Deerling shiny hatch /u/RIMAN2209
17. Zangoose shiny hatch /u/dltnnm123
18. Absol shiny hatch /u/sSasquatch
19. Totodile shiny hatch /u/falconchurr
20. Scyther shiny hatch /u/dal3y
21. Turtwig shiny hatch /u/GottaCatchEmAll03
22. Noibat and Carvanha shiny hatch /u/Tanith5
23. Torchic shiny hatch /u/theshyghost
24. Ralts shiny hatch /u/ThatDarnSJDoubleW
25. Cottonee shiny hatch /u/henrxv
26. Weedle shiny hatch /u/DirksKatana
27. Pinsir shiny hatch /u/DarkWyvern0209
28. Eevee shiny hatch /u/mutrify
29. Kabuto shiny hatch /u/BlackoutSLM

Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Win a Pokéscrap Shaymin code giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (54 threads, 616 given)

1. /u/Dont_You_Dare_PM_Me (1 checked)
2. /u/juchem69z (6 checked)
3. /u/JotYacht (2 checked)
4. /u/Porta_14 (6 checked)
5. /u/HarliquinTrainer96 (13 checked)
6. /u/vickso11 (1 checked)
7. /u/Renzoxiv (5 checked)
8. /u/cathyespino (13 checked)
9. /u/rmeinerz (5 checked)
10. /u/michaelsaurs90 (5 checked)
11. /u/jtpirate30 (6 checked)
12. /u/Seraphrawn (1 checked)
13. /u/wheeness_galore (1 checked)
14. /u/Ninjakraken (1 checked)
15. /u/xDigiGummy (1 checked)
16. /u/libroamante (1 checked)
17. /u/SoruxWasTaken (1 checked)
18. /u/michaelsaurs90 (5 checked)
19. /u/Ajdreams92 (1 checked)
20. /u/SeraCross (14 checked)
21. /u/Rezult (1 checked)
22. /u/pedroabs (8 checked)
23. /u/linkyleblinky (4 checked)
24. /u/SpaceV (5 checked)
25. /u/Bladez177 (1 checked)
26. /u/Nukerninja (1 checked)
27. /u/TriplesWithDip (12 checked)
28. /u/Draxic0r (2 checked)
29. /u/cathyespino (4 checked)
30. /u/Atreides40 (1 checked)
31. /u/jajajadeja (2 checked)
32. /u/rmeinerz (12 checked)
33. /u/KaiTheLoneWolf (3 checked)
34. /u/pedroabs (3 checked)
35. /u/dvader0 (1 checked)
36. /u/tawmie123 (1 checked)
37. /u/michaelsaurs90 (5 checked)
38. /u/rlthorton (15 checked)
39. /u/Yu-GoBB (16 checked)
40. /u/Jozcef (6 checked)
41. /u/Sunstreaky (60 checked)
42. /u/AdfertMortem (30 checked)
43. qweligator (23 checked)
44. /u/SirkovTheWanderer (35 checked)
45. /u/PandaCritic (9 checked)
46. /u/Pillippatty (30 checked)
47. /u/Kansadox (15 checked)
48. /u/rowellv88 (39 checked)
49. /u/JG19951 (30 checked)
50. /u/CukiieMonstaa (60 checked)
51. /u/BLAZE13799 (30 checked)
52. /u/favocr (3 checked)
53. /u/zdsmith11 (30 checked)
54. /u/Moag14 (30 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (22)

1. Tradeback to evolve their Scizor /u/Joseak
2. Redeeming 2 GAME shiny Charizard codes /u/sideshowbob426
3. GAME Darkrai redemption /u/kumikki
4. GAME Charizard redemption /u/walin87
5. GAME Charizard redemption /u/kingdude181
6. Shaymin redemption /u/ZiR1402
7. GAME Darkrai redemption /u/Colev0
8. Swirlix trade evolution /u/BuonGain
9. CoroCoro Rayquaza & Pokéscrap Shaymin redemption + SR for nature /u/a_casserole
10. Haunter tradeback to evolve into Gengar /u/BiagiaS
11. 2 GAME Charizards redeemed + nature SR /u/jaimeg7
12. Tradeback to evolve Seadra into Kingdra /u/ReGo1
13. Scrap set redemption, SR'd for nature /u/overworld99
14. Darkrai redemption & SR for nature /u/ImagineLeft
15. Scrap Shaymin redeem /u/skidooelan
16. Gurrdurr evolution tradeback /u/LeRozita
17. Cororay redemption + IV SR /u/ryan325
18. 3 Darkrai redemptions /u/statue_left
19. GAME Darkrai redemption /u/SaberMarie
20. 4 Arceus redemptions /u/ornateghostpipefish
21. Gardevoir redemption /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
22. Scrap Eevee /u/DRM_Removal_Bot

Misc (2)

1. 2 Sun Stones for 2 Moon Stones
2. Scyther into Scizor evolve tradeback, got 5iv Scyther in return


KookyKracks Jul 16, 2016 1:25:25 PM

Fast and easy egg checks!

Tanith5 Jun 24, 2016 10:19:24 PM

Hatched a shiny Carvanha and a shiny Noibat for me. Fast and reliable hatcher!

IAMADeinonychusAMA Jun 3, 2016 8:51:29 PM

one of the chillest dudes on IRC chat! Thanks for the trades :D

Gravebird1 Mar 31, 2016 11:50:14 AM

Redeemed a Mew for me. Very polite and kept me in the loop of the redemption process. Thanks!

Colev0 Apr 11, 2015 8:28:26 PM

Did an awesome job redeeming my GAME Darkrai. Was very polite and forthcoming about the status of the redemption. Thanks a ton!

za3root Mar 6, 2015 7:48:43 PM

Redeemed and SRd a Scrap Set for me. Still an awesome trader. Thanks!

za3root Feb 21, 2015 7:01:40 PM

Redeemed 2 lang sets for me. Awesome trader! If you need some redemptions then dantelukas is the person to go to. Thanks!

aycer25 Feb 18, 2015 4:29:36 AM

Traded 3 NA gengar codes for 3 custom shinies. Even went the extra mile and gave me a couple extra for his time and effort spent on his end. 12/10 def reliable trader would turn to again :]]

za3root Feb 9, 2015 3:58:53 PM

Redeemed a Gengar Lang set for me. Thanks a lot !

za3root Feb 9, 2015 3:58:50 PM

Redeemed a Gengar Lang set for me. Thanks a lot !

Myst-Da-Zs Jan 24, 2015 1:36:34 AM

Hatched an nicknamed a shiny Shellder for me.

Quick and easy hatch. 10/10 would have hatch again.

dantelukas's Information


Friend codes:
