
2964-9216-1976 || Spangle (Y), Spangle (ΩR) || 2879, 3893

Trades (0)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (52)

1. Hatched a shiny totodile /u/13mjvr
2. Hatched a shiny Kabuto /u/mmflis
3. Hatched a shiny electrike /u/urbancats
4. Hatched a shiny mudkip /u/Tenskwa-Tawa
5. Hatched a shiny eevee /u/peckyourbeak
6. Hatched a shiny Mudkip /u/InflatablePie
7. Hatched a shiny Swirlix /u/kyralith
8. Hatched a shiny Ralts /u/hahsmilefjes
9. Hatched a shiny snorunt /u/el_ig17
10. Hatched a shiny skrelp /u/Jatul
11. Hatched a shiny Joltik /u/azndemon
12. Hatched a shiny Marill /u/littlefabi
13. Hatched a shiny rotom /u/Soukiri
14. Hatched a shiny Skrelp /u/Col_Mobius
15. hatched a shiny Snivy /u/clonsol
16. Hatched a shiny Torchic /u/suzakutrading
17. Hatched a shiny Starly /u/Col_Mobius
18. Hatched a shiny Scatterbug /u/WenSnake
19. Hatched a shiny Growlithe /u/happy_guy23
20. Hatched a shiny Treecko /u/twentyfives
21. Hatched a shiny espurr /u/nameless88
22. Hatched a shiny Honedge /u/vincentasm
23. Hatched a shiny Squirtle /u/snoozypants
24. Hatched a shiny Gligar /u/smmac135
25. Hatched a shiny Houndour /u/lolwoman1
26. Hatched a shiny drifloon /u/Aerin13
27. Hatched a shiny Vullaby /u/Lukari13
28. Hatched a shiny Tepig /u/urbancats
29. Hatched a shiny Torchic /u/KIAN_KR
30. Hatched a shiny Pawniard /u/ShisenAkarui
31. Hatched a shiny Budew /u/Awful_Person
32. Hatched a shiny /u/Heavyminded
33. Hatched a shiny /u/leisrbags
34. Hatched a shiny /u/life_orb_halbert
35. Hatched a shiny Growlithe /u/_greenie
36. Hatched a shiny /u/Humminglady
37. Hatched a shiny /u/seohun050707
38. Hatched a shiny Nidoran (F) /u/dancing_in_rain
39. Hatched a shiny Zubat /u/J-AnideM
40. Hatched a shiny Swirlix /u/kmg1795
41. Hatched a shiny Helioptile /u/WenSnake
42. Hatched a shiny Froakie /u/DeathMTX
43. Hatched a shiny horsea (1) /u/ksk314
44. Hatched shiny Horsea (2) /u/ksk314
45. Hatched a shiny Dratini /u/infiniteshadow
46. Hatched a shiny Eevee /u/ajkyle56
47. Hatched a shiny Mawile /u/TexHamels35
48. Hatched a shiny Tyrunt /u/Cwindaquil
49. Hatched a shiny Kangaskhan /u/gchaar
50. Hatched a shiny Zigzagoon /u/fiskpotatis98
51. Hatched a shiny Squirtle /u/minderrific
52. Hatched a shiny Chimchar /u/bsnh

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 439 eggs given)

1. 465 eggs, Eevees, vulpixes, charmanders, Lapras, Bulbasaur. 16 boxes (Sub: SVExchange, 200 given)
2. Torchic, Treecko and Kangaskhan giveaway, 220 eggs (Sub: SVExchange, 136 given)
3. Giveaway a number of Larvestas, Honedge and Squirtles (318 eggs) (Sub: SVExchange, 103 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


shangry-la Oct 21, 2015 7:37:37 PM

Got a wonderful shiny Noibat from a FFA giveaway. Thanks again xD

josephsk1 Oct 12, 2015 9:37:51 PM

received an egg for shiny ponyta through the giveaway. Thanks for holding this giveaway event!

fiskpotatis98 Sep 6, 2015 12:13:22 PM

Hatched my shiny Zigzagoon, very fast and polite, thank you!

Firevulpix1 Sep 6, 2015 12:06:56 PM

Fast in response and hatced a shiny Mareep for me! C:

WenSnake Jul 20, 2015 7:43:50 PM

Quickly responded and hatched my Helioptile shiny for me!

Taeshi Jul 19, 2015 6:39:41 PM

Got a shiny Voltorb from their giveaway. Very quick response and very nice and friendly trader! Have traded before and it’s always a pleasant interaction. Thanks so much again!!

SaberMarie Jun 17, 2015 7:27:50 AM

Patiently arranged twice to try and give me an egg that I didn't even match. Thanks again for your patience and generosity! It was much appreciated and my cousin will definitely enjoy the matching shiny.

oscarveli Apr 2, 2015 2:10:23 AM

Gave me a Vulpix egg that matched my TSV. Thanks again!

urbancats Mar 31, 2015 7:45:11 PM

Hatched a shiny Tepig for me. Very quick and friendly. Thanks again!

Aerin13 Mar 21, 2015 10:34:09 PM

Very patient and pleasant hatcher of my Drifloon. 10/10 would hatch again. :D

josephsk1 Feb 28, 2015 11:37:40 PM

received an egg for shiny squirtle through the giveaway. Thanks for holding this giveaway event!

Taeshi Feb 21, 2015 8:07:21 PM

Got a shiny Squirtle from their giveaway! Really nice and great trader, very quick as well. Thanks so much again!

snoozypants Feb 13, 2015 1:37:40 AM

Hatched me a shiny Squirtle very quickly! :)

WenSnake Jan 30, 2015 7:46:01 PM

Hatched my scatterbug super fast for me!

suzakutrading Jan 17, 2015 1:59:13 PM

thanks for hatching my shiny torchic!

liehon Dec 9, 2014 6:29:42 PM

Thanks for the shiny Khan from you SVExchange giveaway.

Nicknamed it Spangles.

Dy_Umi Dec 7, 2014 8:11:24 PM

Awesome trader/breeder. Recevied a Shiny Torchic Egg! Thanks again!

Aloha! :)

SolunaAngel Dec 6, 2014 2:38:34 AM

Gave me a shiny egg for a friend, and even contacted me to check up if I was ready to trade. A+++!!

za3root Nov 15, 2014 5:42:58 PM

Got 3 nice eggs :D Awesome and patient trader. Thanks a lot :D

GoMati Nov 13, 2014 7:04:18 PM

Got awesome Torchic from one of his giveaway! Great person, making it easy even if you're working and not available all the time :)

changesaccountsoften Nov 13, 2014 4:14:27 PM

Generous enough to trade me three eggs from his giveaway. Fast trader, and nice person! :)

frostpudding Nov 10, 2014 12:44:06 AM
OuistiROM22 Nov 9, 2014 8:49:09 PM

Gave me a shiny torchic, thanks again!

AlbinoWyvern Nov 9, 2014 8:14:30 PM

Gave me TWO shiny eggs in one of his giveaways. <3 Fast and reliable trader! http://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/2lryaw/torchics_treeckos_and_kangaskhan_giveaway_220_eggs/

Fonbella Nov 9, 2014 6:44:48 PM
Morranr Nov 9, 2014 6:24:56 PM

Got an egg from dr-spangle's giveaway. Everything was quick and easy. Thanks~ https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/2lryaw/torchics_treeckos_and_kangaskhan_giveaway_220_eggs/clxkega

GonzoVGC Nov 9, 2014 6:12:33 PM

Participated in dr-spangle's Giveaway. Everything went fast and smooth! http://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/2lryaw/torchics_treeckos_and_kangaskhan_giveaway_220_eggs/clxkf9o

dr-spangle's Information


Friend codes:

  • 2964-9216-1976
