
1934-0664-9882 || Drachnae (ΩR)
1934-0664-9882 || Drachnae (ΩR) || 0816

Trades (3)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (1)
1. 2 Dragonite Codes for Shiny Tentacool and Shiny Abra /u/ShisenAkarui
[+] Competitive / Casual (2)
1. Shiny Makuhita for HP Ice Electrike /u/wuyi317605
2. Luxury Ball Tynamo for DBHA Vulpix /u/elementparadise
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (8)

1. Eevee [0816] /u/Scored1
2. Cottonee [0816] /u/Kangsar
3. Electrike [0816] /u/SalomonG18
4. Noibat [0816] /u/basicrocketry
5. Kangaskhan [0816] /u/nugrom12
6. Heracross [0816] /u/BairnOwl
7. Froakie [0816] /u/UmiMizuAi
8. Fennekin [0816] /u/skidoolean

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


basicrocketry Aug 29, 2015 7:11:18 PM

Very fast and friendly hatcher - thanks!

drachnae's Information


Friend codes:

  • 1934-0664-9882


  • IGN: Drachnae TSV: 0816