
1607-5021-7632 || Boobsy (αS), Bella (M, UM)
1607-5021-7632 || Boobsy (αS), Bella (M, UM) || XXXX

Trades (80)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (80)
1. Purrloin for Dirfloon /u/wrennekin
2. Alomomola for Shelmet /u/cy78shum
3. Chansey for Gligar /u/erocc93
4. Lickitung for Omanyte /u/MixQQ
5. Pawniard, Sableye, Skorupi, Bagon, Chansey for Gligar, Nidoran, Murkrow, Solosis, Tangela /u/HyBot2
6. Pawniard, Riolu, Skorupi for Anorith, Slowpoke, Poliwag /u/redditbnb123
7. Alomomola, RIolu, Chansey for Eevee, Larvitar, Skarmory /u/PikaCuber
8. Chansey, Alomomola for Gible, Pidove /u/MysticHomer
9. Alomomola, Bagon, Skorupi for Aerodactyl /u/saywhatwhit
10. Cranidos for Kabuto /u/MixQQ
11. Lileep for Bulbasaur /u/alte08
12. Riolu, Sableye for Alomomola, Zubat /u/Anki96
13. Omanyte for Lapras /u/Orsum_1
14. Dratini, Riolu for Chansey, Pawniard /u/Foxlery
15. Kangaskhan for Mawile /u/boredprot
16. Riolu for Lickitung, Skorupi /u/thirstgod
17. Skarmory, Tentacool for Goomy, Durant /u/TheBoltonion
18. Cranidos for Tympole /u/bobbysteve4
19. Chikorita for Ponyta /u/iMsammyg123
20. Binacle, Mienfoo for Eevee, Shelmet /u/RubMyAlpaca
21. Tauros for Golett /u/BlitzStar95
22. Purrloin (male), Purrloin (female) for Piplup, Gastly /u/Runya-Isamu
23. Solrock, Salac Berry for Bellsprout /u/rafflesz
24. Lileep for Turtwig /u/Zero9609
25. Riolu, Dratini for Gothita, Smeargle /u/Crash2Desktop
26. Dratini, Volbeat for Treecko, Karrablast /u/slytherinhouse8
27. Murkrow for Vulpix /u/Elegear
28. Starly for Bagon /u/Gar9499
29. Water Stone, Starly for PP Up, Something else /u/zerothetheif
30. Chespin for Squirtle /u/Zero9609
31. Froakie (male), Froakie (female) for Riolu, Elekid /u/Runya-Isamu
32. Klefki for Lotad /u/sumfinwong
33. Corphish, Venipede for Celebi /u/RestInPieceSavvy
34. Pawniard for Starly /u/DavidxK11
35. Shroomish for Phanpy /u/PokemonAKB
36. Tyrunt for Foongus /u/zHaRt1
37. Noibat for Joltik /u/Shiny_Afro
38. Tyrunt for Ralts /u/Coopballer42
39. Scyther, Abra, Tyrogue for Snivy, Electrike, Sableye /u/LeRozita
40. Froakie for Fletchling /u/cretintroglodyte
41. Scyther for Tyrunt /u/mdarou2005
42. Anorith for Vulpix /u/thirstgod
43. Alomomola for Murkrow /u/rafflesz
44. RIolu, Pawniard, Klefki for Munna, Skarmory /u/NameNameIsMyUsername
45. Tyrunt for Feebas /u/inthemanual
46. Riolu, Anorith, Omanyte for Houndour, Wailmer, Sneasel /u/DrConradVerner
47. Anorith, Skorupi, Meditite, Smoochum, Alomomola, Nidoran(F), Poliwag, Lickitung for Togepi, Exeggcute, Shroomish, Wooper, Shuckle, Venipede, Snover, Spiritomb /u/repaulyu
48. Lickitung, Skorupi, Meditite, Riolu, Smoochum, Shuckle, Snover, Gligar for Pineco, Carvanha, Drillbur, Kabuto, Pidgey, Durant, Abra /u/HeisAmiibo
49. Dratini, Gible, Exeggcute, Wailmer for Scyther /u/Doomhelk
50. Murkrow, Smoochum for Scraggy, Swablu /u/Alan199
51. Anorith, Smoochum, Alomomola, Meditite, Wailmer for Cranidos, Heracross, Magby /u/HyBot2
52. Shuckle, Lickitung, Murkrow, Skorupi for Lapras, Cherubi, Mareep, Larvitar /u/kimchiboy85
53. Purrloin, Kecleon, Tangela for Sliggoo, Porygon, Pancham /u/buy-it-for-a-dollar
54. Anorith for Snorlax /u/Gazier
55. Starly for Seedot /u/thebb2kid
56. Gible, Dratini, Elekid for Froakie /u/GhettoSoup
57. Smoochum, Skorupi, Wailmer, Elekid, Lickitung for Trapinch, Tympole, Taillow, Scyther, Pinsir /u/buckembarnes
58. Gible for Tyranitarite /u/Sinnedpeak
59. Volbeat for Pinsirite /u/FranzBrosef
60. Bright Powder, Metal Powder, Quick Powder, Dragon Fang for Zangoose, Oddish, Corphish, Hippopotas /u/pft7
61. Koffing, Mareep for Drifloon, Bulbasaur /u/whoopsipepsi
62. Tyrunt for Snivy /u/sKillz9
63. Froakie for Lileep /u/Barnlogabeth
64. Elekid for Dusk Stone /u/mechi3000
65. Chespin for Eevee /u/Anthony302438
66. Kabuto for Omanyte /u/Califer
67. Skarmory, Froakie for Bagon /u/Rampantshadows
68. Cranidos for Cubone /u/baneposting_for_you
69. Koffing for Cyndaquil /u/MurrayBabyYeah
70. Venipede, Pawniard, Mareep for Ability Capsule, Up-Grade /u/xxzooborgxx
71. Togepi for Phantump, Torkoal /u/SubtleTempest
72. Murkrow for Krabby /u/JagGentlemann
73. Scraggy for Ferroseed /u/meekswell
74. Venipede for Phantump /u/JLucasWight
75. Venipede, Leftovers for Meditite, Ability Capsule /u/DarthGregor
76. Tyrunt for Smeargle /u/Tai_Lop3z
77. Meditite for Aron /u/Gazier
78. Cyndaquil for Woobat /u/Blackiesan098
79. Cyndaquil for Amaura /u/TheDarkOne1902
80. Togepi for Phanpy, Foongus /u/Sir-Feederson
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. User traded their Gligar to me so I could teach it Aqua Tail, then I traded it back to them. /u/CkPerena
2. User traded Gurdurr to me to evolve it, then I traded it back to him. /u/Kirde
3. Trading back shelmet and karrablast to evolve them. /u/oomps62

Misc (0)


eddy4po's Information


Friend codes:

  • 1607-5021-7632
