
4227-3394-9496 || Endykholi (ΩR), kholi (M)
4227-3394-9496 || Endykholi (ΩR), kholi (M) || 2526, 0130

Trades (501)

[+] Events (499)
1. 1 Pスクラップ Shaymin serial code redemption for 1 Present Serperior (NA/ Korean language tag) /u/Earendil503
2. 1 Pスクラップ Keldeo Redemption for 1 Regalo Emboar (NA/ Spanish language tag) /u/Earendil503
3. keldeo korea code for arceus code /u/iIIidAn
4. keldeo Korea code for Free Redemption /u/raymogi
5. korea keldeo + redemption for arceus code /u/RainFrenzy
6. Custom linoone for 2 pal darkrai code /u/harryng2103
7. Custom linoone for Servers or wifi /u/Earendil503
8. custom linoone korea for arceus jpn redemption /u/BasedNoface
9. 2 custom linoone for 9 scrap cpde /u/villa4876
10. custome linoome for 2 darkrai code /u/Shiny_Emboar
11. 4 custom linoone for 1 arceus code /u/ajkyle56
12. redemption 2 keldeo and 1 victiny for 3 random egg /u/TG_Cid
13. 3 custome linoone for arceus /u/raymogi
14. 1 custome linoon2 for 1 shaymin code /u/kewligirl95
15. 2 linoone custome for game 2014 ger charizard /u/DirtyDan257
16. 1 custom linoone for 1 shaymin scrap code /u/iIIidAn
17. 1 custome linoone for 1 scrap shaymin code /u/kewligirl95
18. 4 custome linoone for 4 shaymin code /u/pikasang
19. custome 1 linooene for shaymin redeem /u/Acrylami
20. 2 custome linoone for arceus redeemed /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
21. 1 custome linoone for 1 sahymin redeemeed /u/Acrylami
22. 1 custome linoone for 2 darkrai code /u/Xenial6
23. 2 arceus code and 2 rayquaza code for 1 aegelsih spa tag /u/doritoburrrito
24. 2 arceus code for 1 aegelish /u/kewligirl95
25. 1 custome linoone for 1 shaymin code /u/Morga95
26. custome linoone for 1 darkrai code /u/BriarRose29
27. 1 custome linoonw for 1 scrap shaymin code /u/Voltagic
28. 1 custome linoon for 1 shaymin code /u/SilverBlossom
29. 3 custome linoone for 3 darkrai code /u/vincentasm
30. i custome linoone for 1 darkraic code /u/FireMeg
31. 1 custome linnonw for 1 shaymin code /u/Schwarzmilan
32. 1 custome linoone for 1 darkrai code /u/Spar1995
33. 3 custome linoone for 3 darkrai code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
34. 1 custome linooone for 1 saymin code /u/doritoburrrito
35. 1 cutome linoone for 1 shaymin code /u/WreckItMike
36. 1 custome linoone for 1 shaymin code /u/Teh_Kniight
37. i custome linoone for 1 shaymin code /u/basler04
38. 1 custome linoone for 1 darkrai code /u/Umbra-Profess
39. 2 custome linoone for 2 bank celeby and 1 shaymin code /u/Acrylami
40. 2 custome linnone for 1 shaaymin code and 1 darkrai code /u/BetaWolf3
41. 1 custome linoone for 1 darkrai code /u/Mushy_64
42. 1 custome linoone for 1 darkrai code /u/EzyLy
43. 3 arceus code for 1 megakick pikachiu /u/KaitoGL
44. 1 custome linoone for 1 shaymin code /u/Logikloch
45. 1 custome linoone for 1 darkrai code /u/Section_80
46. 2 ray code for 1 amaura code /u/s_10
47. 2 ray code for 1 amuara code /u/HIGHMANS
48. 2 ray code for 1 amaura code /u/JOELRJOHNSON
49. 2 ray code + redemption too for 1 amuara code /u/PIKAMONN
50. 1 korea keldeo code + redemption for 12 shiny charizard code /u/toughlilpony
51. 2 ray cide + redemption for 1 amaura code /u/cubanpete26
52. 1 sahymin and 1 ray code redemption for 1 hayley phione /u/ZiR1402
53. 3 chari code and 2 arceus code for 5 amaura code /u/Expo911
54. 1 arceus code for 6 uk charizard code /u/ornateghostpipefish
55. 1 amurac code for 3 shiny chari code /u/Harry1992Bisaboard
56. 3 custome linoone for 3 darkrai code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
57. 5 arceus code for 1 pc forakie and 1 pc piplup /u/ajkyle56
58. 1 arceus code for 2 amaura code /u/Onizuak31
59. 3 ray code for 1 kangskhan code /u/Zeck00
60. 1 redemption kangskhan for 1 darkrai code /u/raymogi
61. 3 ray code for 1 kangskahn code /u/blackbolt0905
62. 3 ray code for 1 kagskham cde /u/aashlovey
63. 3 ray code + 1 shaymin code for 1 kangashkan code /u/xBsh3rx
64. 1 sahymin code + redemption for 3 shiny and 1 shiny for redemption payment /u/LuxrayShiny
65. 1 arceus code for 1 korea gengar /u/broccoliYT
66. 1 arceus code for 2 kangaskhan code /u/MiniiGangster
67. 1 custome linoone for 4 shiny /u/eddiy
68. 1 kangaskgan redeem for 1 shiny growlithe /u/eddiy
69. 2 redemption kangskgan for 1 darkrai code /u/cubanpete26
70. 1 custome linoone for 4 shiny /u/fliippyy
71. 1 arceus code for 1 korea darkrai /u/broccoliYT
72. 1 redemption ray for 1 shiny /u/Cometbringer
73. 1 redemption victiny for 1 shiny comp /u/lucas1867
74. 1 custome linoone for 3 shiny comp /u/KHP747
75. 1 custome linoone for 4 shiny comp /u/Admiral_Fish
76. 1 ray code for 1 chari code /u/whlzki
77. 1 ray code for 1 chari code /u/toughlilpony
78. 1 redempton ray for 1 torchic xy /u/linksfan
79. 1 shaymin code for 3 shiny comp /u/eddiy
80. 1 redemption kamgashkan for 1 shiny comp /u/eddiy
81. 1 custiome linoone for 5 shiny comp /u/eddiy
82. 1 shaymin code for 4 shiny comp /u/Godreig
83. 1 shaymin code +1 ray code for 7 shiny comp /u/not_an_aardvark
84. 1 korea kedeo code + 2 arceus code for 1 aegelish eng /u/kewligirl95
85. 2 custome linoone for 4 comp shiny /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
86. 1 shaymin code for 3 comp shiny /u/kinniie
87. 1 shaymin code + 1 custome limoome for 7 shiny comp /u/radiowarrrr
88. 2 custome linooe for 7 shiny comp /u/Fatty_Tompkins
89. 1 korea keldeo code for 1 korea gengar and 1 korea darkrai /u/broccoliYT
90. 2 korea keldeo code for 1 world14 aegelish /u/dantelukas
91. Darkrai code & redemption kamgaskham for Redemption ray /u/xtakeru
92. 4 darkrai code for 10 redemption ray /u/xtakeru
93. 10 arceus + 2 amaura code for 3 worl15 aegelush /u/_Vote_
94. 2 arceus code + 1 korea keldeo code for 1 world aegelish /u/KaitoGL
95. 1 redemption vixtiny for 1 shiny comp /u/eddiy
96. 1 ray redemp for 1 comp shiny /u/Teh_Kniight
97. 1 redemp rayquaza for 1 comp shiny /u/s_10
98. 2 ray code for 6 comp shiny /u/underpantscannon
99. 2 darkrai code for 8 shiny comp /u/Great_Plattsby
100. 2 ray code for 8 shiny comp /u/Umbra-Profess
101. 1 custome linoone and 1 ray cod for 9 shiny comp /u/matthewtunc
102. 1 custome linoone for 5 shiny comp /u/oswld
103. 2 arceus code for 1 cafe pika /u/pikasang
104. 1 ray codee for 4 shiny comp /u/sleepywings
105. 4 korea keldeo code + 4 arceus code for 4 pachi custome /u/broccoliYT
106. 14 arceus code + 3 korea keldeo code for 7 pachi custome /u/broccoliYT
107. 4 shaymin redemp for 7 shiny cahari redemp /u/Acrylami
109. 2 scrap redmption for samurott and emboar unova starter /u/Earendil503
110. 1 ray redemption for 1 shiny comp /u/LuxrayShiny
111. 7 redemption shiny chari for 4 shaymin redemption /u/a_casserole
112. 5 arceus code + 1 l]korea keldeo code for pair piplup and froakie pc /u/harryng2103
113. 2 arceus code + 1 korea keldeo code for 1 pc female froakie /u/weaponess
114. 1 ray code for 5 redemption ray /u/sleepywings
115. comp shiny for 1 scrap keldeo code /u/broccoliYT
116. 1 arceus code for 1 shaymin , keldeo , victiny code /u/koto_om
117. 1 sejun pachi for 1 tyrunt,amaura,darkrai code /u/smmac135
118. 2 DARKRAI CODE for 1 CHARI CODE /u/vinhamous
119. 2 ray code for 3 ray and 3 shaymin redemption /u/westmelon
120. 2 ray code for 2 chari code /u/a_casserole
121. 3 arceus code for 1 olleh chari /u/Demoyon
122. 3 arceus code + 1 amauar code for 1 wrld14 aegelish /u/puh7777
123. 4 Arceus codes, 1 Korean Keldeo code and 1 Amaura code. for 2 world14 aegelish /u/vincentasm
124. 3 arceus and 1 amaura code for 1 worl14 agelish /u/Zapph
125. 1 redemption korea keldeo for 1 uk chari /u/vincentasm
126. 1 redemption ray code for 2 comp shiny /u/willster191
127. 1 redemption ray for 2 shiny comp /u/patchespatch04
128. 2 custome linoone for 7 shiuny comop /u/Acrylami
129. 2 redemption ray for 3 shiy comp /u/ShisenAkarui
130. 1 treeta + 2 shiny comp for 1 amaura code /u/Cometbringer
131. 24arceus code for 2 olleh chari code /u/whlzki
132. 1 jirachi code for 1 olleh chari code /u/puh7777
133. 1 jirachi code for 1 olleh2 code /u/ajkyle56
134. 9 arceus code for 1 world14 aegelish and tanabata jirachi /u/Demoyon
135. 12 comp shiny for 1 singapore ray /u/s_10
136. 2 coror ray for 1 fb kangaskhan /u/BejittoSSJ5
137. 3 arceus code for 1 cafe pika /u/Demoyon
138. 15 arceus code for 1 korea ray + 1 olleh chari /u/broccoliYT
139. 2 arceus code for 1 jpn movie17 darkrai /u/ajkyle56
140. 1 arceus code for 1 korea diancie /u/broccoliYT
141. 5 arceus code for 1 tanabata jirachi /u/YUKIJP
142. 18 arceus code for 1 oleh code and 1 olleh chari redeemed /u/philvpham10
143. 10 arceus code + 1 redemption olleh chari for 1 olleh2 chari code /u/philvpham10
144. 1 uk chari code for 5 shiny comp /u/willster191
145. 1 uk chari code for 5 shiny comp /u/Krakatua
146. 1 uk chari code for 4 shiny comp /u/willster191
147. 1 uk chari code for 5 shiny comp /u/ourcertifiablegenre
148. 1 uk chari code for 5 shiny comp /u/steelfather
149. 1 uk chari code for 5 shiny comp /u/Haunani14
150. 3 redemption arceus code for 3 shiny comp /u/ShisenAkarui
151. 1 uk shiny chari code for 4 shiny comp /u/skidooelan
152. 2 shiny chari code for 7 comp shiny /u/willster191
153. 1 shiny chari code for 4 shiny comp /u/Haunani14
154. 1 shiny chari code for 1 dragonite code /u/ourcertifiablegenre
155. 4 arceus code for 1 korea darkrai /u/jaimeg7
156. 8 arceus code for 1 korea olleh chari /u/broccoliYT
157. 3 ray code + 1 uk chari code + 1 custome linoome for 6 dragonite code /u/ltimebombl
158. 1 uk shiony chari code for 1 dragonite code /u/henrxv
159. 3 uk chari code for 3 dragonite code /u/galironxero
160. 1 koreea ray for 1 korea darkrai /u/Kian_Ann1988
161. 6 shiny comp for 7 dragonite redemption /u/Admiral_Fish
162. 1 custome gyrados and 1 korea keldeo code + redemption for 1 korea darkrai /u/froakiedokie
163. 1 arceus poison type for 7 dragonite code /u/neuroticweasel
164. 1 coro ray and 1 uk chari for 7 dragonite code /u/Lueche
165. 1 coro ray for 4 dragonite code /u/Dwdarling411
166. 1 arceus for 7 dragonite code /u/Luminescent_Ninja
167. 20 comp shiny for 1 kore diancie /u/broccoliYT
168. 1 arceus for 7 dragonite code /u/Parkimus
169. 1 shaymin jpn for 5 dragonite code /u/henrxv
170. 1 shaymin korea for 4 dragonite code /u/Cometbringer
171. 1 shaymin ita tag for 3 HP comp shiny /u/Pancham4
172. 1 poke lab code + redemption for 30 dragonite redemption /u/Kian_Ann1988
173. 1 coro ray for 2 HP shiny comp /u/Parkimus
174. 4 arceus code for 4 pacham code and 4 pika code /u/YUKIJP
175. 9 arceus code for 7 gyradis and 7 magikarp /u/YUKIJP
176. 1 arceu code for 1 pacham cpde and 1 pika code /u/YUKIJP
177. 4 redemption [ 2 manaphy kor , 1 pika , 1 pacham for 4 shiny comp /u/philvpham10
178. shaymin korea redemption for 1 comp shiny /u/philvpham10
179. 1 redemption kor keldeo for 1 steven beldum /u/Free-Brownies
180. 9 dragonite code for 9 comp shiny /u/bi-cycle
181. 1 poke lab set and 1 manaphy code for 1 olleh chari , 1 aegelish , i pc pika and 1 pacham code /u/ajkyle56
182. 1 shaymin and 3 manapcy code for 1 poke lab set code /u/Mocky2222
183. 1 sahymin and 1 manaphyc ode for 1 woobbu and 2 jirachi /u/YUKIJP
184. 2 maaphyc ode and 4 dragpnite code for 1 forakie event /u/Expo911
185. 711 code 2 pika and 1 pacham for 2 fb kamgashkan /u/cubanpete26
186. 1 korea manaphy redemptiom for 1 shiny comp /u/snoozypants
187. 8 korea manphy redemption for 8 comp shiny /u/philvpham10
188. 1 shaymin korea code for 10 pika code , 10 pacham code , 10 lugia code , 10 latios code /u/tellu_poke
189. 5 pikachiu , 5 pacham , 5 lugia , 5 latios all code for 1 shaymin korea code /u/broccoliYT
190. 2 redeem manaphy for 1 comp shiny /u/jaimeg7
191. 2 lugia code and 2 latios code for 4 comp legend /u/shady6121
192. 1 lab code set for 1 oleh charo adn 1 korea darkarai /u/broccoliYT
193. 1 set lab code for 3 korea chari custome /u/puh7777
194. 1 set 711 coed for 2 aus ray code /u/vinhamous
195. 6 shiny comp for 1 ausi ray code /u/alchemyy
196. 1 lugia and 1 latios 711 code for 1 aus ray code /u/vinhamous
197. 4 arceus redeem for 10 ausi ray code /u/awestom
198. 1 lugia and 1 latios code for 1 shaymin korea /u/innh125
199. 2 coro ray for 1 sg hoopa code /u/KoRayven
200. 1 scrap victiny for 1 sg hoopa code /u/pologarzanavarro
201. 6 gamesocme code for 6 megabattle chari /u/broccoliYT
202. 1 sg hoopa code for 1 pgl pika code /u/WenSnake
203. 4 custome world15 sharpedo for 4 korea darkrai and 1 olleh2 chari /u/broccoliYT
204. 2 treeta rotom for 2 sg hoopa code /u/SolarWingz
205. 2 scrap shaymin for 1 sg hopa code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
206. 3 custome lab code stater redemption for 3 comp shiny /u/philvpham10
207. 4 dragonite code for 7 sableye and 7 malamar rdemption /u/Flareblitz12
208. 4 dragonite code for 14 redemption gamscome code /u/Flareblitz12
209. 2 hk pika code for 1 wprld15 sharpedo /u/Mocky2222
210. 3 lab code set redemption for 3 cmp shiny /u/ash12367
211. 1 set 711 coed redemption for 4 shiny comp /u/ash12367
212. 2 711 code redemption and 4 hk ray redemption for 4 comp shiny /u/Nachito625
213. 1 set 711 code redemption for 2 comp shiny /u/doritoburrrito
214. 1 set 711 code reedemption for 4 comp shiny /u/highpawn
215. 4 hk ray code for 7 redemption hk ray /u/eraco
216. 2 hk ray code for 4 redemption hk ray /u/eraco
217. 1 korea linoone for 10 custome shiny breed /u/squarekantobadge
218. 1 koree mareep redemption for bank celeby /u/Free-Brownies
219. 3 dragonite code for 4 pal redemption ray /u/Flareblitz12
220. 1 dragonite code for 1 malamar redemption /u/Flareblitz12
221. 1 mareep code for 4 pal hoopa code /u/ls33
222. 1 poke lab code set redemption for 2 celeby /u/jaimeg7
223. 1 mareep redemption for 4 comp shiny /u/xchicowx
224. 3 guidebook redemption [keldeo shaymin mareeo] for 2 celeby and 1 vivilion /u/jaimeg7
225. 1 charmander code and 1 hk diancie code for 1 pgl pika code and 1 pal hoopa code /u/Flareblitz12
226. 1 mareep redemptionb for 1 hope diancie /u/mike911t
227. 2 hk diance redemption and 1 hk ray redemption for 1 bank celeby /u/Free-Brownies
228. 1 mareep coed for 4 pal hoopa code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
229. 2 gamescome code + 1 mareep code with custome redemption for whf ray /u/MrIcepick
230. 1 mareep code for 5 pal hoopa code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
231. 2 hk ray redemption for 1 hk ray code + 1 comp shiny /u/ZiR1402
232. 1 mareep rede,ption for 1 bank celeby /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
233. 1 uk darkrai for 1 pal hoopa code /u/Tamed_Pebble
234. 9 hk ray redemption for 4 6iv shiny /u/Neckes
235. 1 bulba lab code for 11 6iv custome comp shiny /u/dragonite153
236. 1 mareep code and 1 shaymin code for 1 ssb greninja,1wt manaphy,1 teetar pikachiu jpn /u/lavaburst14
237. 1 mareep code for 4 pa hoopa code /u/Is33
238. 1 scrap shaymin for 1 pal hoopa code /u/frankpriest
239. 1 treeta rotom for 2 pal hoopa codde /u/hmm23456
240. 1 squiyle lab code for 11 6iv comp shiny custome /u/MerryFellows
241. 4 hk ray redemption for 2 pal hoopa code /u/Anderswelten
242. 1 custome event shiny xerneas for 4 custome 6iv squitle /u/pologarzanavarro
243. pal hoopa code for 9 pal hoopa rede,ption /u/Flareblitz12
244. 1 xyz xerneas custome for 2 pal hoopa code /u/Dracojuwel
245. 1 xyz xerneas custome for 1 pal hoopa code /u/Dingerzat
246. 1 custome xyz xerneas for 1 game magmar and 2 6iv shiny /u/Mushy_64
247. 2 yveltal custome for 6 shiny 6iv /u/Mushy_64
248. 1 xenras and 1 yveltal custome for 6 wifi zoroak custime /u/ORASgamer
249. xernas and yveltal custome for 6 wifi zoroak custome /u/MegaArticuno
250. 1 yveltal custome for 4 6iv shiny /u/Haunani14
251. xerneas and yveltal custome for 7 6iv shiny /u/michaelsaurs90
252. 1 custome ttar for 1 custome shiny legend palkia kalos born /u/cubanpete26
253. 1 xerneas custome for 1 pal zoroak code /u/RibShark
254. xerneas and yveltal custome for 7 wifi zoroak custome /u/eaglesguy96
255. xrneas and yveltal custome for 6 wifi zoroak custome /u/Voxelsaurus
256. 1 set guidebook [ mareep shyamin and keldeo ] for 1 wcsk houndown /u/JavaSparrow
257. 1 mareep code for 1 whf ray /u/blackaurora
258. 1 set guidebook redemption for 2 pal zoroak code /u/hmm23456
259. 1 set custime xyz for 7 custome wifi zoroak /u/henrxv
260. 1 set custome xyz for 7 custome wifi zoroak /u/henrxv
261. 1 sctap shaymin and 1 treeta rotom for 4 pal hoopa code /u/squarekantobadge
262. 1 set custome xyz for 8 6iv shiny /u/gmpsmendes
263. 1 set custome xyz for 12 custome 6iv shiny /u/PencilFrog
264. 1 cstome zygarde for 1 pal zoroak code /u/Dingerzat
265. 1 set cutsome xyz for 2 zoroak code and 3 hoopa code /u/Dingerzat
266. 1 customw xyz for 1 6iv and 7 wifi /u/doritoburrrito
267. 2 pal hoopa code for 2 6iv shiny /u/LuxrayShiny
268. 3 pal hoopa code for 3 6iv shiny /u/MiguelYx
269. 1 set custome xyz for 2 lang set wifi zoroak /u/DeathMTX
270. xerneas and yveltal custome for 4 6iv shiny /u/emeril322
271. 1 set xyz custome for 2 set wifi zoroak /u/eaglesguy96
272. 1 custome xerneas for 4 custome magnemite /u/Mushy_64
273. 1 set custome xyz for 3 perfect iv shiny hp /u/user1288
274. 1 taiwan hoopa code for 9 6iv or hp shiny /u/infiniteshadow
275. 1 set custome xyz` for 5 6iv shiny /u/iPippy
276. 1 squitle redemption for 1 6iv shiny /u/Laer_Uial
277. 1 xyz custome for 4 custome 6iv shiny /u/L1quid_Ic3
278. 5 pal hoopa code for 5 6iv custome shiny /u/emchun
279. 1 set custome xyz for 4 pal zoraok /u/Hare_vs_Tortoise
280. 1 set xyz custome for 7 custome wifi zoroak /u/MrIcepick
281. 1 custome wifi giratina for 3 6iv shiny , 1 celeby wifi and 1 wifi heracros /u/doritoburrrito
282. 1 wifi custome giratina for 2 6iv shiny and One Fancy Vivillon, one Heracross, one Beldum /u/doritoburrrito
283. 3 wifi giratina custome for 9 pal zoroak code /u/vincentasm
284. 1 xerneas custome for 1 comp shiny pichu hp ice /u/HatsuneLuka
285. 1 wifi custome giratina for 3 pal zoroak code /u/Dingerzat
286. 1 wifi custome girastina for 7 6iv custome shiny /u/Pochamo
287. 1 custome wifi giratina for 6 perfect iv hp custoem shiny /u/Jamie-McL
288. 1 custome wifi giratina for 3 pal zoroak code /u/Jamie-McL
289. 1 redemption korea legend kyogre for 1 comp shiny absol /u/Free-Brownies
290. 1 customw wifi giratina for 5 6iv shiny /u/user1288
291. 1 wifi custome giratina for 5 6iv shiny /u/LuxrayShiny
292. 3 pal hoopa code for 3 6iv shiny /u/LadyLucario
293. 1 wifi giratia custome for 6 6iv shiny /u/xchicowx
294. 1 taiwan hoopa and arceus for 25 custome shiny /u/Jamie-McL
295. 1 wifi giratina custome for 5 custome 6iv shiny /u/gododgers2002
296. 1 wifi giratina for 3 comps 6iv shiny /u/LuxrayShiny
297. 8 pal zoraok code + 1 taiwan hoopa code for 1 bday mons /u/koto_om
298. 1 custome wifi giratina for 2 custom mc hoops /u/Zorblack
299. 1 set xyz and yveltal all custome for 7 mc hoopa custome /u/TG_Cid
300. 1 custome wifi giratina for 2 custome mc hooap /u/WreckItMike
301. 3 custome wifi giratina for 6 6iv shiny + 2 custome mac hoopa /u/lavaburst14
302. 1 custome wifi giratina for 2 mac hoopa custome /u/Khasma
303. 1 wifi giratina custome for 3 6iv shiny on hand /u/cubanpete26
304. 1 wifi giratina custome for 1 6iv shiny and 1 celeby /u/cubanpete26
305. 1 custo,me wifi giratina for 2 custome mc hoopa /u/EggsAway
306. 1 wifi giratina for 2 6iv shiny /u/LuxrayShiny
307. 1 custome wifi giratina for 2 custome mac hoopa /u/BairnOwl
308. xyz custome set for 4 mc hoopa custome /u/trollin4ever
309. 6 pal zoraok code and 2 pal hoopa coed for 3 custome hp ice shiny pichu perfect iv /u/Pochamo
310. 1 custome wifi giratina for 5 custome shony 6iv /u/Meloettamaestro
311. 1 wifi custome giratna for 5 6iv custome shiny /u/HardChibi
312. 2 redemption kore code shaymin and mareep for 1 custome 6iv shiny torchic /u/Jamie-McL
313. 1 set lab code + redemption for 14 custome mc hoopa /u/ash12367
314. 1 xyz custome for 4 custome 6ivshiny /u/Ellie_1
315. 2 customw wifi giratina and 1 set zyx custome for 5iv custome mac hoopa /u/Khasma
316. 2 custome wifi giratina for 7 6iv shiny /u/Great_Plattsby
317. 2 max arceus code for 2 legend /u/Mushy_64
318. 1 set xyz custome for 12 custime 6iv shiny /u/nugrom12
319. 1 set expo code for 5 korea hoopa and 5 arceus code /u/broccoliYT
320. 2 wifi giratina custome for 1 hk jirachi code /u/Setchtay
321. 1 korea keldeo + redemption for 2 delibrid code /u/fleepter
322. 2 hk jirachi redemption for 1 max arceus code /u/RIMAN2209
323. 1 custome shiny dianie for 2 pgl delibrid code /u/Laer_Uial
324. 2 custoe shiny diacnue for 4 pgl delibrid code /u/xchicowx
325. 2 custome shiny diacnue for 4 pgl delibrid code /u/xchicowx
326. 1 custome shiny diancie for 2 pgl delibrid code /u/Haunani14
327. 3 custome shiny diancie for 6 pgl delibrid code /u/broccoliYT
328. 1 custome shiny diacie for 1 pgl pikachiu /u/broccoliYT
329. 2 custome wifi giratina for 1 max arceus code /u/BriarRose29
330. 1 custome shiny diancie for 2 pgl delibrid code /u/user1288
331. 1 custome shiny diancie for 2 delibrid code /u/giraffe196
332. 2 jpn arcues M18 for 1 pgl delibrid code /u/ShyLeafeon
333. 2 japan m18 arceus for 1 delibrid code /u/Khasma
334. 2 taiwan arceus code + redemption for 2 delibrid code /u/solitudeproject
335. 2 custome shiny diancie for 4 delibrid code /u/Onizuak31
336. 1 delibrid code + 1 hk jirachi code for 2 cart gamesome code ( 4 code ) /u/ZeroPointLibra
337. 1 custome shiny diancie for 2 delibrid code /u/Jamie-McL
338. 1 custome shiny diancie for 2 delibrid code /u/Upper90175
339. 1 set custome xyz for 5 mc hoopa custome /u/smitty2512
340. 1 pc tyranitar for 1 delibrid code /u/doritoburrrito
341. 1 custome wifi giratina for 1 hk jirachi code /u/emchun
342. 7 kor code redemption for 2 hk jirachi code /u/hmm23456
343. 3 hk jirachi code for 9 6iv shiny /u/user1288
344. 1 ir kyurem korea + 1 custome wifi giratina for 3 delibrid code /u/ash12367
345. 2 taiwan arceus + custome redemption for 2 delibrid code /u/ash12367
346. 4 custome wifi giratina for 1 custome shiny diancie /u/tellu_poke
347. xernas and yveltal custome for 4 6iv custome shiny /u/andyjim
348. 2 hk jirachi code for 5 redemption hk jirachi /u/sangvoel
349. korea arceus and hoopa redemption for 2 6iv shiny /u/infiniteshadow
350. 1 custome shiny diancie for 2 delibrid code /u/henrxv
351. Korea arceus and hoopa custome redemption for 2 hk jirachi code /u/link02400
352. 1 mareep code for 30 hk jirachi redemption /u/ajkyle56
353. 1 custome wifi giratina for 5 custome 6iv shiny /u/Mushy_64
354. 1 custome shiny diancie for 2 delibrid code /u/Pochamo
355. 4 wifi custome giratina for 10 6iv shiny /u/LuxrayShiny
356. 1 set expo code + 1 expo charizard code for 1 set pc mega /u/mikakana
357. 1 custome wifi giratina for 2 6iv shiny /u/Neckes
358. keldeo and shaymin redempton for 1 lucario and altaria megastone /u/philvpham10
359. 1 hk jirachi code for 1lucario megastone /u/lavaburst14
360. 1 expo code set + 1 second lab code set for 1 korea legen code set + 2 shiny korea gurados custome /u/broccoliYT
361. 2 set expo code for 7 guyados korea custome + 1 kyurem code /u/broccoliYT
362. 1 set expo for 2 kanto stater korea + 1 pgl tyrunt = 4 wifi vivilion /u/ajkyle56
363. 2 hoopa and 2 arceus korea redemption for 10 megastone /u/Jamie-McL
364. 1 mareep and 1 shaymin + custome redemption for 45 custome shiny /u/Jamie-McL
365. 1 tw arceus code + redempton for pgl delibrid code + redemption /u/squarekantobadge
366. 1 set pc mega custome for 1 keldeo code + 2 korea darkari + 1 korea gengar + 1 korea jirachi /u/broccoliYT
367. 1 koreea keldo redemption custome for 1 mew gemsetop code /u/Meloettamaestro
368. 8 shiny for pktopia pikachiu /u/lavaburst14
369. 1 scrap set for 3 legedn oras /u/Mushy_64
370. 1 expo charizard code for 1 korea ash scarggy /u/ajkyle56
371. 1 expo charizard code for 1 korea ash scraggy /u/ajkyle56
372. 2 shiny comp and 1 pc mega slowbro for 1 mareep code /u/broccoliYT
373. 1 pc shiny diancie for 15 NA mew code /u/Tiddlywinchs
374. 1 treeta rotom and 1 pc mega audino for 25 NA mew code /u/Upper90175
375. 1 pc shiny diancie for 10 NA mew code /u/3Anton3
376. 1 scrap shaymin for 5 NA mew code /u/3Anton3
377. 8 hk jirachi for 16 NA Mew code /u/DethZero
378. 3 hk jirachi for 3 code NA mew /u/Rawriamjohn
379. 2 set eng XYZ and 1 set jpn XYZ for 18 NA mew code /u/DethZero
380. 2 na mew code for 2 pal mew code /u/Great_Plattsby
381. 1 na mew code for 1 pal mew code /u/uglyasablasphemy
382. 1 pc mega altaria for 15 na mew code /u/Upper90175
383. 1 na mew cide for 1 pal mew code /u/Undefinedmaster
384. 1 na mew code for 1 pal mew code /u/lamentleon
385. 1 na mew code for 1 pa mew code /u/Jurbadis
386. 1 na mew core for 1 pal mew code /u/Lux-kun
387. 1 korea hoopa redemption custome for 1 shiny /u/poliwhirl_sil
388. 1 korea arceus custome redemption for 1 pal mew code /u/HowYouSoGudd
389. 1 dis lab set + 1 expo code set with redemption + 1 pco pikachiu code with redemption for EH Syleveon /u/ktw5594
390. 2 hoopa + 1 arceus korea redemption for 2 pal mew code /u/xtakeru
391. 1 pco pikachiu redemption for 1 scrap eevee code /u/philvpham10
392. 1 scrap eevee custome redemption for 1 na mew code /u/Laer_Uial
393. 1 scrap keldeo for 1 set magmar and electauzz event /u/LeFishyDerps
394. 4 masuda pysduck custome for 4 korea mew custome /u/broccoliYT
395. 2 scrap number for 1 pal vivilion pokeball pattern /u/YaManicKill
396. 1 pc shiny diancie for 3 pgl draginite code /u/xchicowx
397. 2 expo charizard code for 2 pal articuno code and 2 pal zapdos code /u/Jamie-McL
398. 1 set gamescome , bday jolteon , 1 yokohoma pikachiu , 1 treta rotom , 1 wrld14 aegelish for 1 eevee houese sylveon /u/ktw5594
399. 1 set lab code + 1 set scrap set + VC mew code + Charity pikachiu code with all custome redemption for 1 Eevee house sylveon /u/ktw5594
400. XYZ Xerneas for 1 pal bird code /u/Tekei
401. 1 game darkrai for 1 pal bird code /u/TheBiggestOfDaves
402. 1 hk ray and dahara giratina for 2 pal bird code /u/Jtpk88
403. 3 pc shiny diacie for 11 pgl dragonite code /u/xchicowx
404. 4 sg mew code for 1 scrap eevee code /u/capnknuckles1
405. 1 scrap eevee custome redemption for 1 shiny /u/Haunani14
406. 4 korea shiny xerneas custome for 12 evs train /u/Acestrike
407. 3 korea shiny xerneas custome for 9 evs train /u/IminiMe
408. 4 custome korea shiny xerneas for 12 evs train /u/lavaburst14
409. 2 custome korea shiny xerneas for 6 evs train /u/michaelsaurs90
410. 2 custome korea shiny xerneas for 6 evs train /u/DeathMTX
411. 2 custome korea shiny xerneas for 6 evs train /u/YTolun
412. 2 scrap shiny eevee code for 2 pal zapdos code /u/Medina95
413. 6 pal mew code for 1 pal zapdos code /u/xBsh3rx
414. 1 pal mew code for 1 custome pal mew redemption /u/Phantomaus
415. 1 pal mew code for 2 custome pal mew redemption /u/LFevents
416. 10 pal mew code for 10 pal bird code /u/ZeroPointLibra
417. 2 pal mew code for 2 na mew code /u/xBsh3rx
418. 1 hk jirachi for 1 pgl dragonite code /u/Crystal_Shapeshifter
419. 1 custome korea shiny xerneas for 2 shiny + evs train /u/KiritoRX
420. 1 custome korea shiny xerneas for 2 shiny + evs train /u/DeathMTX
421. 1 custome korea shiny xerneas for 2 shiny + evs train /u/Akhione
422. 1 custome korea shiny xerneas for 2 shiny + evs train /u/Leezyan
423. 3 pal mew code for 1 pal moltres code /u/sabercallisto
424. 1 korea shiny xerneas and 2 pal mew code for 2 shiny + evs train /u/MrUsamaKhan
425. 3 pal mew code for 1 stevenr shiny beldum /u/danriverapv
426. 6 pal mew code for 1 pal moltres code and 1 pal articuno code /u/sabercallisto
427. 10 pal mew code for 15 EVS train /u/Acestrike
428. 1 volcanion redemption for 1 shiny /u/kyuubi95
429. 1 set korea xyz custome for 1 pal bird code /u/Yu-GoBB
430. 1 set korea xyz custome for 1 set pal bird code + redemption /u/Jamie-McL
431. 1 set korea xyz custome for 1 pal bird code + redemption /u/CaelumKrieger
432. 1 set korea xyz custome for 1 set pal bird code + redemption /u/ZeroPointLibra
433. 1 set xyz korea custome for 1 pal bird code /u/alexina90
434. 1 XYZ Yveltal for 3 na darkrai code /u/Kiangel
435. 1 hope diancie for 1 na darkrai code /u/ooeei
436. 1 shiny pichu for 1 na darkrai code /u/Sydious
437. 6 shiny for 8 na darkrai code /u/1001mistakes
438. 1 bank celeby for 1 na darkrai code /u/Duhhhrew
439. 1 shiny for 1 na darkrai code /u/OC_Haunter
440. 2 shiny for 2 na darkrai code /u/joesko518
441. 2 set korea XYZ and 2 set bird for 5 na darkrai code /u/Flareblitz12
442. 1 custome korea wcs shiny mewtwo and 1 scrap keldeo for 32 darkrai code and 2 set na bird code /u/henrxv
443. 1 volcanion code for 3 set na bird code /u/blackaurora
444. 2 pal dakrai code for 1 set na bird code /u/Lazyboyrufus
445. 1 charity pikachiu for 6 pal darkrai code /u/CaelumKrieger
446. 1 pal mew for 1 na dakrai code /u/therealmemeboy
447. 1 set korea xyz for 6 na dakrai code /u/henrxv
448. 1 pal mew for 1 na dakrai code /u/hbcolli
449. 5 pal mew code for 10 pal mew code redemption /u/puh7777
450. 1 pal mew for 1 na dakrai code /u/wiseoldfart
451. m18 arceus for 1 pal xerneas code and 3 pal dakrai code /u/Itzjacki
452. 1 pal galileo rayquaza for 1 na dakrai code /u/Stormtroopa24
453. jpn movie18 kyogre for 1 landorus code /u/vincentasm
454. 1 set scrap set for 4 pal xerneas code + 2 na bird code set /u/Vicarous
455. 3 sg pikachiu code for 6 landorus code /u/kuronon
456. 1 pc shiny diacnie for 3 pal xerneas code /u/Salicifolia
457. 1 korea event manaphy for 1 sg pika code + 1 venusaur code /u/folgsux
458. 1 korea diancie for 2 landorus code /u/KaitoGL
459. 1 pc ttar and 1 shiny for 1 sg pikachiu code /u/MarinaTea
460. 1 pal mew for 1 na dakrai code /u/MisterAxl7777777
461. 1 sg pikachiu code for 2 pal xerneas code and 2 pal yveltal code /u/RickSanz
462. 711 eleven latios for 1 pal yveltal code /u/Vicarous
463. 1 landorus code for 12 pal dakrai code /u/Feder96
464. 1 na dakrai code for 1 evs shiny train /u/MajesticSylveon
465. pgl landorus redemption for 1 na dakrai code /u/Shadowrivermist
466. 1 treeta rotom for 1 miltank code /u/Spar1995
467. 1 sg pikachiu code for 5 raw scrap number /u/dantelukas
468. 1 pgl landorus code for 2 set pal bird code and 1 set na bird code /u/henrxv
469. 1 pc shiny diancie for 8 raw srap number /u/radioactive28
470. 4 sg pikchiu code for 1 tw mewtwo code /u/XecoX
471. hk jirachi for 3 raw scrap number /u/BejittoSSJ5
472. 1 set korea laguage lab for 1 tw mewtwo code /u/Oaiwen
473. 6 shiny for 2 pal bird code set /u/purrmutation
474. 1 world14 aegelish for 1 tw mewtwo cde /u/Kawaii_Espeon
475. 1 World14 agelish + 3 sg pika code + 2 scrap number for 2 tw mewtwo code /u/xtakeru
476. 2 pc audino + 1 pc sableye + 2 pc shiny diancie for 4 pal xerneas + 3 volcanion code /u/niteshyadav3
477. 1 landorus code for 1 volcanion code /u/froakiedokie
478. 1 tw mewtwo code for 1 scrap mewtwo code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
479. 1 tw mewtwo code for 1 scrap mewtwo code /u/Pochamo
480. 1 landorus code + 1 miltank code + 1 sg pikachiu code for 3 pal yveltal code /u/Sheldrob
481. 1 tw mewtwo code for 1 scrap mewtwo code /u/Sheldrob
482. 2 garde code for 1 scrap charizard code /u/Hamnster
483. 5 pal mew for 5 na dakrai code /u/Teh_Kniight
484. 3 garde code and 1 volcanion code for 2 pal xerneas code /u/Sheldrob
485. 5 gardevoir code for 3 scrap number /u/ajkyle56
486. 1 set korea movue arceus and hoopa for 1 tw mewtwo code /u/DarthBaelfire
487. 4 vgc macahmap for 3 oras legend /u/Mushy_64
488. 1 sg pikachiu code . 3 scrap number , 7 garde code for 1 tw mewtwo /u/ajkyle56
489. 1 set gamescome event for 2 set pal xerneas and yveltal code /u/Dracojuwel
490. 2 pal bird code set for 1 na bird code set /u/tawmie123
491. 1 sg pikachiu code for 2 pal xerneas code /u/nimaineb1
492. 1 hk jirachi for 1 pal xerneas code /u/v3220
493. 3 hk jirachi for 3 pal xerneas code /u/fleepter
494. 1 sg pikachiu code and 1 hk mewtwo code for 3 jpn shiny gengar code /u/kopoke
495. 2 pal bird code set for 8 comp shiny /u/3Anton3
496. 2 custome redemption for 2 6iv shiny /u/user1288
497. 1 pc shiny diancie for 2 play mewtwo coed + 1 gardevoir code /u/norman250
498. 5 shiny for 1 play mewtwo code /u/Sammysamsamsamsams
499. 1 xy charizard for 1 volcanion code /u/Dragonstorm55
[+] Shinies (1)
1. 1 set xyz custome for 5 6iv shiny /u/ShadowSkeet
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. 1 korea kyurem code + 1 koreea arceus code + 1 korea hoopa coed + 1 koreea diancie + 1 lab set code for 1 set pc 15th aniversary /u/Voltagic

Egg Hatches (42)

1. shiny hatch /u/LeoTalon
2. shiny hatch /u/_Meowstic_
3. shiny hatch /u/SaberMarie
4. shiny hatch /u/keskisormi
5. shiny hatch /u/Tatertot74
6. shiny hatch /u/galironxero
7. shiny hatch /u/Xlxluckyxix
8. shimy hatch /u/evilsneasel
9. shimy hatch /u/9812bin
10. help him/her hatch egg /u/ryryryryr
11. hlp him hatch the egg /u/AlfonsoDragonlord
12. help user hacth egg /u/togawe
13. help him hatch the egg /u/WaelComair
14. help him/her hatch egg /u/MasterGohan
15. help him/her hatch the egg /u/MasterGohan
16. help him/her hatch the egg /u/CacCactus
17. help him/her hatch egg /u/Delphi_
18. help him hatch egg /u/LuxrayShiny
19. help him or her hatch egg /u/giathuan2707
20. help him hatch the egg /u/username---password
21. hel hatch the egg /u/MrUsamaKhan
22. help hatch the egg /u/infiniteshadow
23. help harch the egg /u/Nachito625
24. help hatch the egg /u/sugar8ay
25. help hatch the egg /u/DethZero
26. help hatch the egg /u/RIMAN2209
27. help hatch shiny /u/666thejoshinator666
28. helo hatch the egg /u/eggerson
29. help hatch the egg /u/KaiTheLoneWolf
30. help hatch the egg /u/Q10609
31. help hatch the egg /u/savannah_allie
32. help hatch the egg /u/dangbobo
33. help hatch egg /u/_Yuki_-_
34. help egg hatch /u/Q10609
35. help hatch the egg /u/Blackballroom
36. help hatch the egg /u/theantipode
37. hatch the egg /u/ssp03454
38. help hatch the egg /u/Mint-Milkshake
39. help hatch egg /u/looneylevi
40. hatch egg /u/Zhakien
41. hatch egg /u/MysticHomer
42. hatch egg /u/wuyi317605

Giveaways/Contests (18 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. /u/LeeSin4TheLoss (Sub: pokemontrades)
2. /u/basler04 (Sub: pokemontrades)
3. /u/xBsh3rx (Sub: pokemontrades)
4. /u/SilverBlossom (Sub: pokemontrades)
5. /u/eraco (Sub: pokemontrades)
6. Pal hoopa code giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 17 given)
7. free delibrid code (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (28)

1. 4 sahymin code redemption /u/Acrylami
2. 1 ray redemption /u/UmiMizuAi
3. 1 sahymin + 3 ray redemption /u/a_casserole
4. 1 set scrap redemption /u/Section_80
5. 1 shamyin redemption /u/blightread
6. Free redemption kangskhan /u/sylgrace
7. 1 kangashkan /u/xtakeru
8. Free redemption korea krldeo /u/basler04
9. Free redemption rayquaza /u/TrainerRedstone7
10. 15 chari redemptiom /u/Flareblitz12
11. got free redempton for uk chari /u/Jamie-McL
12. /u/willster191 free redemption for me /u/willster191
13. free rede,ptiom sk satay pika /u/HannahRAWRR
14. free redemption 711 lugia /u/ZiR1402
15. 3 hk ray , 3 lugia ( 711) , 3 latios ( 711) , 1 pikachiu ( 711) , 1 pacham ( 711) /u/philvpham10
16. 1 lugia 711 redemption /u/xtakeru
17. he help me redemption 7 lag for free /u/euramexerican
18. 4 hk ray redemp /u/squarekantobadge
19. free redemption korea mareep /u/Upper90175
20. free 3 hk jirachi redemption /u/Yu-GoBB
21. 2 free hk jirachi redemption /u/Nick122486
22. free marep korea redemption /u/Dark-2-Light
23. custome scrap eevee shiny /u/Acestrike
24. 2 custome pgl dragonite redemption /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
25. 3 free pal mew redemption /u/fleepter
26. 1 set lab code redemption /u/wendhere
27. 1 set ecpo redemption /u/wendhere
28. free redemption gardevoir /u/ZiR1402

Misc (0)


Menarin Nov 28, 2016 11:32:51 PM

Probably one of my absolute favorite people in all of the pokemontrades community. Gifted me with 4 yes FOUR KOR XYZ gardevoirs because he knew I was looking for a female one.

Words cannot express how awesome endy is, find out for yourself! :D

milksu Nov 4, 2016 3:38:06 AM

He helped me with two Korea Victini redeem with both nature that I want for free! Thank you again~ (⌒‿⌒)

ZiR1402 Jul 29, 2016 1:00:01 PM

Awesome user! Redeemed for me a Gardevoir without asking anything back. Very generous person this guy! :)

Sammysamsamsamsams Jul 29, 2016 11:54:47 AM

Gave me a great trading experience and gave me more than I felt I deserved for a Mew Code from the 20th anniversary.

tawmie123 Jul 2, 2016 10:43:08 PM

Nice trade and quick to reply, thanks!

Oaiwen Jun 12, 2016 5:05:17 AM

awesome trader, fast and nice! thank you for the kanto lab starters

dantelukas Jun 11, 2016 7:47:36 PM

Always a pleasure to trade with

henrxv Jun 11, 2016 2:13:16 AM

Great trader and trusted user of the sub, super cool

Q10609 Jun 4, 2016 3:38:02 AM

Hatched a shiny Rotom and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!

MarinaTea May 29, 2016 11:16:29 PM

Great trade. Fast and clear. Thank you. :)

KaitoGL May 29, 2016 4:23:23 PM

Awesome Trader ! :)

Salicifolia May 29, 2016 3:56:25 PM

Fast and reliable trader with whom trading is always a pleasure :)

Vicarous May 29, 2016 3:32:07 PM

Awesome trader!

folgsux May 29, 2016 3:27:21 PM

had the trade done within 10 minutes of my post - good trader

tcbp May 23, 2016 12:13:41 AM

Fast and professional

Itzjacki May 22, 2016 2:40:57 PM

Great trader!

OC_Haunter May 2, 2016 3:37:56 AM

My NA Darkrai code for a shiny vulpix. Quick n easy. Thanks again.

Duhhhrew May 2, 2016 2:21:34 AM

Traded Darkrai code for a celebi, very quick, easy trade!

1001mistakes May 2, 2016 2:20:12 AM

Trade was great! I was a little difficult and switched requested mons at the last minute but they were patient and everything went perfectly.

Sydious May 2, 2016 1:07:10 AM

Quick response and trade, thanks!

Q10609 May 1, 2016 5:21:42 AM

Hatched a shiny Torchic and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and efficiently. Thanks again!

ZeroPointLibra Apr 24, 2016 4:40:41 PM

Traded a redeemed PAL Aldora bird set for a KOR XYZ set. Excellent trade, thank you very much :)

alexina90 Apr 24, 2016 2:43:44 PM

Traded Pal codes for Set XYZ. very nice trade, thank u so much!

Yu-GoBB Apr 23, 2016 6:01:59 AM

Traded PAL Bird code set for KOR XYZ set, excellent trade, all to detailed specs. Thanks!

wendhere Apr 17, 2016 2:13:30 PM

thank you again for redeemed Expo set for me ;) its very kind of you ;)

MrUsamaKhan Apr 17, 2016 7:38:31 AM

Traded my 6IV Shiny Houndoom and Noivern for [kor] XYZ Shiny Xerneas and 2 PAL Mew codes.

wendhere Apr 17, 2016 7:13:05 AM

thank you very much for free redemption, i hope we will have more trade in the future, heh heh

Crystal_Shapeshifter Apr 16, 2016 4:00:34 AM

Traded PGL Dragonite code for their HK Jirachi--was very quick to respond and trade; would trade with again

Phantomaus Apr 11, 2016 4:26:22 PM

Easy to work with, redeemed a code in return for one myself :D

YTolun Apr 10, 2016 2:45:10 PM

Thanks for custom Xerneas' :)

eggerson Apr 10, 2016 4:17:37 AM

Fast and effective hatcher! :D Hatched my Squirtle for me. Thank you again!

DeathMTX Apr 5, 2016 4:21:36 AM

I like trading with this user :)

Acestrike Apr 4, 2016 5:06:20 AM

Very active and responds at a reasonable time, though his understanding of the English language could do with some work.

IminiMe Apr 4, 2016 4:11:53 AM

10/10 Would recommend for trades, generous and patience.

Haunani14 Apr 3, 2016 5:33:55 AM

Helped redeem my shiny eevee code for a shiny, fast redeemer, thanks very much

Jtpk88 Mar 27, 2016 11:37:09 PM

fast trade. very helpful for newbie! thanks

Tekei Mar 27, 2016 2:22:07 PM

Fast trade, easy communication, quick to respond! Thanks :)

Acestrike Mar 20, 2016 6:36:18 AM

Fast redeemer, only took about 30mins!

666thejoshinator666 Mar 15, 2016 4:08:46 AM

Just as good as the flair would have you believe

LeFishyDerps Mar 9, 2016 8:30:11 PM

Traded my Spring 2014 Magmar/Buzz for 1 Scrap Keldeo. Thanks a bunch!

Laer_Uial Mar 9, 2016 7:37:52 PM

Thanks for the redeem.

xtakeru Mar 2, 2016 4:42:26 AM

Great redeemer, managed to redeem my KOR codes before the codes expire! Thanks!

HowYouSoGudd Mar 1, 2016 5:57:17 AM

Thank you. You saved me with a last minute KOR Arceus redeem. Finally have one!!! Thanks again :)

Upper90175 Feb 4, 2016 4:38:44 AM

Traded me more Mew codes for a PC Mega Altaria, thank you!

Meloettamaestro Feb 4, 2016 4:27:08 AM

Redeemed my strategy guidebook Keldeo for me for an NA mew code. Perfect trader and redeemer. Thank you so much!

uglyasablasphemy Feb 4, 2016 2:49:12 AM

Trade one pal mew code for on na mew code. Thanks! :)

DethZero Feb 3, 2016 4:47:02 AM

Traded 18 mew codes for 3 sets of XYZ. Shiny Yveltal is so cool! Thanks for the trade!

Tiddlywinchs Feb 2, 2016 3:52:23 PM

Very happy to get a PC Diancie for some bulk Mew codes. Always appreciate someone who sets an appointment and keeps it, too. =P

Rawriamjohn Feb 2, 2016 7:08:23 AM

Traded 3 NA Mew codes for 3 HK Jirachi(already redeemed)

DethZero Feb 2, 2016 6:43:01 AM

Traded 16 Mew codes for 8 HK Jirachi. Thanks again!

3Anton3 Feb 2, 2016 5:40:31 AM

Traded 16 Mew codes for Endy's KOR PC Diancie and ITA Scrap Shaymin. So happy about it. Thanks again!! =D

Upper90175 Feb 2, 2016 4:33:53 AM

Gave me PC Mega Audino + Tretta Rotom for 25 Mew codes, 10/10

Mushy_64 Jan 29, 2016 5:26:19 AM

Traded 3 SR'd legendary pokemon for Pokemon scrap set. Very satisfied with trade

Dark-2-Light Jan 24, 2016 4:59:58 PM

Redeemed a KOR Mareep for me for free and was patient enough to hold onto it until I could finally get online. Thank you so much! :D

Yu-GoBB Jan 17, 2016 3:12:52 PM

Reedemed 3 HK Jirachi codes for me. All looks as specified. Thanks a bunch! :D

infiniteshadow Jan 17, 2016 6:12:27 AM

Hatched an egg for me. Thanks again

MrUsamaKhan Jan 17, 2016 5:22:16 AM

Hatched my perfect shiny Houndour for me! Thanks a lot!

Upper90175 Jan 11, 2016 2:14:30 AM

Redeemed my mareep code for free, thank you!

Neckes Jan 10, 2016 3:12:43 PM

5\5 Good trader, got me a KOR Giratina for a couple of shinies. Thanks!

mikakana Jan 10, 2016 5:53:47 AM

I trade 5 PC mega for 5 expo code! Thanks.

LuxrayShiny Jan 7, 2016 5:15:31 AM

Traded some 6IV shinies for some Giritina, Thanks, great to trade with!

Pochamo Jan 5, 2016 6:50:37 AM

A patient and reliable trader who is great to trade with.

Mushy_64 Jan 5, 2016 4:39:21 AM

Traded 5 6IV shiny Noibat for a Korean Giratina event

sangvoel Dec 31, 2015 7:19:56 AM

Traded me 2 HK Jirachi codes for 5 HK Jirachi redemptions. I see them around and generally consider them a trusted trader. Thank you very much for bearing with my delays!

ash12367 Dec 30, 2015 4:19:20 AM

Traded a bunch of delibird Codes for 2 korean arceuses, a wifi giratina and a Korean Movie kyurem.

user1288 Dec 29, 2015 5:50:39 AM

Traded 9 6IV/HP shinies for 3 HK jirachi codes.

hmm23456 Dec 29, 2015 5:18:45 AM

Redeemed 7 Korean events for 2 HK Jirachi codes. Quick redeemption. Great Proof. Quick trade. Recommended trader. Thanks! :)

emchun Dec 29, 2015 4:27:58 AM

Traded a HK Jirachi code for a custom Giratina. Great trader. Thanks :)

smitty2512 Dec 28, 2015 1:25:17 PM

traded my 5 custom mchoopas for 3 custom xyz. very patient and responds quickly. Would trade with again.

doritoburrrito Dec 28, 2015 4:26:59 AM

Traded my Delibird code for PC shiny Tyranitar. Very easy to trade with! Thanks again!

Upper90175 Dec 28, 2015 2:30:41 AM

Traded a PC Shiny Diancie for 2 Delibird codes

ZeroPointLibra Dec 27, 2015 10:12:16 AM

Traded a set of Gamescom codes for a Delibird and HK Jirachi code. Great trader, thanks again :)

Onizuak31 Dec 26, 2015 4:46:27 PM

Thanks for trading - reliable and honest trader ¦3

ShyLeafeon Dec 26, 2015 4:39:06 AM

Thanks for the trade. I received two Arceus for my Delibird code. Great user!

giraffe196 Dec 26, 2015 4:25:32 AM

Endy reserved me a Shiny Diancie for my 2 PGL Delibird Codes. Super easy to work with, great communication!

user1288 Dec 25, 2015 6:31:35 AM

Once again trading with endy.

xchicowx Dec 25, 2015 5:23:35 AM

so good...

xchicowx Dec 25, 2015 5:23:26 AM

i give you two reviews :)

fleepter Dec 25, 2015 4:25:46 AM

everything perfect as always thanks endy

RIMAN2209 Dec 25, 2015 4:23:59 AM

Fast redeemer with great proof! Highly recommended!

Setchtay Dec 24, 2015 7:22:20 AM

excellent trader. 10/10 service

nugrom12 Dec 23, 2015 7:37:22 AM

Great trader, very patient, Thanks a lot!

Mushy_64 Dec 21, 2015 6:39:53 AM

Traded 2 comp legendary pokemon for 2 Maxsoft Arceus codes. Very satisfied with the trade

Khasma Dec 21, 2015 4:57:31 AM

Traded with endy multiple times, every time was a pleasure. 10/10

Ellie_1 Dec 20, 2015 4:43:08 AM

Watied so much patiently for me to prepare. Great trader, indeed worthy of flair. Thanks again

HardChibi Dec 14, 2015 6:01:29 AM

Traded 5 6 IV shiny drilburs for wifi Giratina. Is a great trader

Meloettamaestro Dec 12, 2015 11:10:17 PM

Great trader as usual. Thanks so much!

Pochamo Dec 12, 2015 6:59:59 PM

A fantastic person to trade with. Thanks as always!

giathuan2707 Dec 10, 2015 4:29:49 AM

hatch an egg for me . Thank you .

LuxrayShiny Dec 7, 2015 5:07:52 AM

Traded 2 6IV shinies for wifi Giratina! Great trader as usual.

EggsAway Dec 7, 2015 4:32:18 AM

Good proof, swift completion (traded 2McHoopa for a KOR WiFi Giratina)

cubanpete26 Dec 6, 2015 1:40:53 AM

Traded 6IV shiny Voltorb and Pokebank Celebi for WIFI Giratina, great trader. Can be trusted.

cubanpete26 Dec 6, 2015 12:49:15 AM

Traded 3 6IV Shinies for WIFI Giratina, good trader

Khasma Dec 6, 2015 12:42:32 AM

Traded me a WiFi Giratina, promptly & courteous 10/10

lavaburst14 Dec 5, 2015 11:33:48 PM

Traded me 3 custom WiFi Giratina! Fair rates and great results! Thx!

TG_Cid Dec 5, 2015 9:33:27 PM

traded endy1102 a lang set of McHoopa for a set of shiny XYZ legends plus an extra Y. great trader.

Zorblack Dec 5, 2015 6:35:43 AM

Thanks for my WiFi Giratina. Great trade.

LuxrayShiny Dec 3, 2015 4:20:00 AM

Great trader, very patient, Thanks!

gododgers2002 Nov 30, 2015 1:49:06 PM

Great trader! Thanks a lot!

xchicowx Nov 30, 2015 5:27:53 AM

great trader. thx again!

LadyLucario Nov 30, 2015 4:44:08 AM

Received Hoopa codes with ease!

Pochamo Nov 28, 2015 11:17:27 PM

Completed a good deal with a quick and reliable trader. Thanks again!

LuxrayShiny Nov 28, 2015 7:48:11 PM

Always a pleasure to trade with! Thank you

Free-Brownies Nov 28, 2015 4:35:54 PM

Awesome trader. Thank you again for the redemption!

Jamie-McL Nov 28, 2015 4:26:50 PM

Got quite a few good deals/trades done with this user.

Pochamo Nov 28, 2015 3:53:59 PM

An awesome trader who provides great proof and SR'd for really good IVs. Thank you!

HatsuneLuka Nov 28, 2015 7:28:18 AM

:D Great trader! I wasn't able to complete part of my deal after a month, but they made do and accepted what I had for the Shiny Xerneas! Thanks again!

vincentasm Nov 28, 2015 7:14:45 AM

Traded my Zoroark codes for Korean Giratinas. Got exactly what I wanted in good time. Thanks again!

doritoburrrito Nov 28, 2015 6:00:27 AM

Traded another couple of shinies and wifi events for a custom Girantina! Endy is always quick with the redemptions and proofs. Thanks!

doritoburrrito Nov 28, 2015 5:24:10 AM

Traded some of my shinies and wifi events for a custom Giratina! Video proof was great, as always. Thank you!

Hare_vs_Tortoise Nov 26, 2015 6:50:14 AM

Nice proofs. XYZ Trio were redeemed exactly as I asked for.

emchun Nov 25, 2015 4:53:51 AM

Traded 5 custom shinies for 5 pal hoopa codes. Great trader :)

Laer_Uial Nov 23, 2015 5:19:08 AM

Good trader. Nice proof. Redeemed lab code for me.

iPippy Nov 20, 2015 4:23:42 AM

Trades were quick and to the point. Would recommend.

infiniteshadow Nov 19, 2015 6:04:47 AM

Pleasant trader

ShadowSkeet Nov 19, 2015 4:13:52 AM

Traded 1 6IV HP shines and 4 6IV Shinies for the XYZ trio. Provided Proof and met specifications. Great trader!

user1288 Nov 17, 2015 5:12:24 AM

Traded 3 6IV HP shinies for XYZ trio. Provided great video proof.

Mushy_64 Nov 17, 2015 4:17:46 AM

Traded 4 shiny Magnemites for a shiny Xerneas event. Very satisfied with the trade

henrxv Nov 15, 2015 4:34:12 PM

Great trader and very good code exchanger ;D

emeril322 Nov 15, 2015 5:16:30 AM

Good trader with video proof! Thanks for the XY&Z shiny legends!

DeathMTX Nov 15, 2015 2:46:22 AM

Good trader! Great proof provided

MiguelYx Nov 15, 2015 12:23:01 AM

Traded 3 Competitive shinies for 3 PAL Hoopa codes, great trader

LuxrayShiny Nov 14, 2015 11:52:41 PM

Trades two 6IV shinies for 2 Pal Hoopa codes, Great trader, Thanks

doritoburrrito Nov 14, 2015 11:36:55 PM

Traded a custom XYZ set for several of my wifi events and shinies! Trade was swift and the proof great. Thank you!

squarekantobadge Nov 14, 2015 4:55:14 PM

Good Trade, very quick, best pleased :)

hmm23456 Nov 14, 2015 3:59:09 PM

Traded two EU Sly Zoroark codes for the redemption of my Guidebook codes. Quick redemption and easy trade. Highly reccomended.

JavaSparrow Nov 9, 2015 4:47:09 AM

Traded WCSK Houndoom for Mareep, Shaymin, Keldeo codes. Trade was fast and easy. Trustworthy trader. Thanks again! :)

Voxelsaurus Nov 9, 2015 4:26:50 AM

Traded 6 NA zoroark for XYZ Zerneas and Yvektal. My first event trade. Trader graciously put up with my less than stellar fulfillment of the agreed terms and proof.

RibShark Nov 7, 2015 5:25:08 PM

Traded 1 Zoroark code for XYZ Xerneas. No problems whatsoever.

cubanpete26 Nov 7, 2015 4:59:59 PM

Traded them my Shiny SR Palkia for a PC Shiny Tyranitar. Great trader :)

Haunani14 Nov 7, 2015 4:10:48 PM

traded 4 6iv comp shinys for a shiny xerneas thanks

MegaArticuno Nov 7, 2015 3:53:24 PM

Traded 6 wifi NA Zoroarks for Shiny Xerneas and Yveltal, very fast and great trader
I'm very happy with the trade!

ORASgamer Nov 7, 2015 8:56:28 AM

Traded 6 of my Zoroarks for his Shiny Yveltsl and Xerneas, very fast and easy and happy with end results

Dingerzat Nov 7, 2015 8:23:47 AM

Traded a Hoopa code for Yvetal, and once again very happy with my trade.

Mushy_64 Nov 7, 2015 5:50:49 AM

Traded 6 shiny pokemon for 2 shiny Yveltal event. Very happy with deal

Mushy_64 Oct 31, 2015 9:10:23 PM

Traded GAME Magmar and 2 shiny pokemon for a shiny Xerneas event. Very satisfied with the deal

Dingerzat Oct 31, 2015 6:14:05 PM

Traded a Harry Hoopa code for the Xerneas shiny event, trade went smoothly. Looking forward to trading for the other two.

Dingerzat Oct 31, 2015 6:14:02 PM

Traded a Harry Hoopa code for the Xerneas shiny event, trade went smoothly. Looking forward to trading for the other two.

MerryFellows Oct 29, 2015 6:11:45 AM

I breed and hatched 11 6IV shinies for a Lab code in a trade with endy1102. They were patient with me and gave me the time I needed to finish the project. They responded in a timely manner and was very polite. The trade was completed in a satisfactory manner. I would trade with them again!

hmm23456 Oct 27, 2015 12:55:41 PM

Traded two of my Harry Hoopa codes for one of his Tretta Rotom. Trade went smoothly. Great trader.

frankpriest Oct 27, 2015 5:49:06 AM

Traded a PAL Hoopa code and got a scrap Shaymin, all went very smoothly, great trader, thanks!

lavaburst14 Oct 26, 2015 1:48:06 PM

He traded me a mareep code and shaymin code that I needed for a trade of my own! He was calm, and got me everything I needed! Despite my busy schedule, we completed the trade and we both got what we wanted in the end. 10/10 would trade with again!

dragonite153 Oct 26, 2015 1:32:42 PM

I did some shiny breeding in return of a Bulbasaur code. All went very smoothly and nice. Thanks again.

dragonite153 Oct 26, 2015 1:32:39 PM

I did some shiny breeding in return of a Bulbasaur code. All went very smoothly and nice. Thanks again.

Neckes Oct 24, 2015 8:54:08 PM

5\5 Redeemed all my HK Rayquaza! Thanks!

Tamed_Pebble Oct 24, 2015 3:07:53 PM

Traded my Hoopa for his Darkrai, was quick. Thanks for the trade

ZiR1402 Oct 24, 2015 2:43:49 PM

Redeemed 2 HK Rayuaza codes very fast and with a great proof vídeo.

Thanks buddy! :)

cpt_buzz_lightyear Oct 19, 2015 2:41:09 PM

Traded my Hoopa codes for a Mareep code. Went quick. Thank you.

cpt_buzz_lightyear Oct 19, 2015 2:41:06 PM

Traded my Hoopa codes for a Mareep code. Went quick. Thank you.

MasterGohan Oct 18, 2015 12:50:50 AM

Hatched a shiny Murkrow for me. Very fast and helpful. Thanks again!

mike911t Oct 17, 2015 11:58:26 PM

he redeemed my mareep code for me nice proof and like always fast easy trader

xchicowx Oct 15, 2015 3:49:42 AM

one of the trusted traders. can't go wrong with him :)

jaimeg7 Oct 14, 2015 3:38:13 AM

Redeemed a lab set for me! Proof looks great as usual, will gladly trade with endy again!

ls33 Oct 12, 2015 7:29:24 PM

I traded 4x PAL Hoopa Code for his 1x Guidebook Mareep Code. Trade went very smooth, great user!

Free-Brownies Oct 4, 2015 2:38:44 AM

Redeemed a Mareep for me. Awesome guy o/.

MasterGohan Oct 4, 2015 12:25:09 AM

Hatched a shiny Scyther for me. Very helpful. Thanks again!

Markus1999B Sep 28, 2015 11:54:01 AM

Redeemed a HK Ray Language Set and a 7-11 Set for me! Thanks man!

xtakeru Sep 26, 2015 3:49:53 AM

Redeemed a 7-11 Lugia, great user!

philvpham10 Sep 26, 2015 3:39:19 AM

Offered me free redemptions, because he didn't have time to finish the trade. Really appreciative of his kindness. Thanks!

togawe Sep 26, 2015 3:18:02 AM

Quick hatcher with nice collateral :D

ZiR1402 Sep 25, 2015 3:52:58 AM

Redeemed a 7-11 Lugia free of charge. Thank you soo much for this amazing support Endy! :)

highpawn Sep 25, 2015 3:49:58 AM

Redeemed a set of 7-11 codes for me. Thank ya endy!

HannahRAWRR Sep 25, 2015 3:48:23 AM

Redeemed my Satay Code for me, thanks!

erublack Sep 24, 2015 3:24:02 AM

Redeems my 7/11 Code set with awesome proof, very fast turnaround. Thank you again!

doritoburrrito Sep 24, 2015 3:14:53 AM

Redeemed a 7/11 code set for me! Great proof and swift trader. Thanks again!

Nachito625 Sep 23, 2015 3:29:24 AM

Redeemed 6 codes for me, thanks!

Nachito625 Sep 23, 2015 3:29:21 AM

Redeemed 6 codes for me, thanks!

ash12367 Sep 23, 2015 3:21:47 AM

Fast Redemptions! Thanks again!

Mocky2222 Sep 22, 2015 6:42:30 AM

Got 2 Satey Pika for World15 Sharpedo. Thanks!

Flareblitz12 Sep 17, 2015 5:22:16 AM

Got 8 Dragonite codes for PAL redemptions. Thanks!

SolarWingz Sep 8, 2015 5:09:22 AM

Good man Endy! got 2 Tretta's from em :)

philvpham10 Sep 8, 2015 12:05:56 AM

One of my favorite traders. Always reliable and trustworthy. Thanks again man

cpt_buzz_lightyear Sep 7, 2015 3:56:47 PM

Traded my Manesh Hoopa code for two PScrap Shayminy. Thank you.

WenSnake Sep 2, 2015 12:37:29 AM

Traded my PGL Pikachu Code for a SG Hoopa code. Quick and easy trade! \o/ Thanks!

pologarzanavarro Aug 29, 2015 2:44:52 PM

Very nice, honest and helpful reddit user. He gave me a nice scrap victini with awesome video proof for my Maxsoft Hoopa code.

KoRayven Aug 29, 2015 2:12:50 PM

Quick, easy trade. Will trade again if it ever comes up.

ryryryryr Aug 29, 2015 1:46:44 PM

Thank you very much for hatching:>

Zeck00 Aug 18, 2015 5:34:15 AM

Thank you very much for the trade :D

innh125 Aug 18, 2015 4:58:06 AM

Thank trade:>

mike911t Aug 13, 2015 10:23:51 AM

is a really nice user and fast...got a redemption for my korean manaphy and the 4 events from 7-11

vinhamous Aug 12, 2015 5:40:20 AM

Great and quick trade. Would love to trade with again. Thanks!

puh7777 Aug 12, 2015 5:34:27 AM

endy always do quality trade

shady6121 Aug 9, 2015 3:14:21 PM

Thanks for the trade.

jaimeg7 Aug 8, 2015 4:45:32 AM

Always nice to trade with Endy. He does really good video proof, and I would gladly get another redeem again!

jaimeg7 Aug 8, 2015 4:45:32 AM

Always nice to trade with Endy. He does really good video proof, and I would gladly get another redeem again!

tellu_poke Aug 4, 2015 3:57:03 PM

Thanks for trading!

philvpham10 Jul 26, 2015 9:33:39 PM

Always a pleasure trading with Endy

philvpham10 Jul 26, 2015 9:33:32 PM

Always a pleasure trading with Endy

snoozypants Jul 26, 2015 8:36:36 PM

Redeemed a Korean Manaphy code for me with great photo proof - very prompt and polite trader. Thank you! :)

ornateghostpipefish Jul 26, 2015 7:15:47 AM

Redeemed a manaphy code for me, would definitely recommend! Great trader!

cubanpete26 Jul 26, 2015 5:07:29 AM

Traded my 2 Facebook kangaskhans for 3 7-11 codes, great trader. They can be trusted :)

Expo911 Jul 25, 2015 3:27:29 AM

I traded my PC Froakie and received 2 Manaphy codes & 4 Dragonite codes. Transaction was smooth, and a trustworthy individual. I look forward to future trades, thanks :)

Mocky2222 Jul 24, 2015 5:41:59 AM

Traded set of Lab codes for 1 Shaimin and 3 Manaphy codes.


YUKIJP Jul 24, 2015 5:30:50 AM

Traded 2 tohoku'15 jirachi and PC wobbuffeet for manaphy and shaymin code

bi-cycle Jul 23, 2015 4:26:30 AM

He traded me some dragonite codes for comp shinies. A non fussy trader, very easy to trade with!

Free-Brownies Jul 23, 2015 4:18:05 AM

Thank you so much for the redemption!

philvpham10 Jul 22, 2015 4:58:12 AM

Always nice to deal with Endy

YUKIJP Jul 19, 2015 3:53:06 AM

Thanks for the trade again!

YUKIJP Jul 19, 2015 3:33:05 AM

Thanks for the trade :)

Parkimus Jul 18, 2015 4:30:27 AM

I bred custom shinies for /u/endy1102 (FlairHQ), who was very patient and polite throughout the entire process. Thank you for the Coro Ray, and have a good one :D

Pancham4 Jul 12, 2015 3:40:14 AM

Thank you for the trade.

henrxv Jul 11, 2015 3:53:39 AM

Nice to trade agian with enedy :D really great guy

Haunani14 Jul 9, 2015 10:42:28 AM

traded dragonite codes for a coro ray, patient person thanks.

callmekite Jul 9, 2015 6:19:54 AM

Patient, courteous and right to the point. It was a pleasure trading 4 Dragonite codes with endy1102 for a Cororay.

infiniteshadow Jul 9, 2015 5:55:48 AM

quick and efficient trader

annie3d Jul 9, 2015 5:34:41 AM

Traded 4 dragonite codes for a cororay, nice and efficient trader!

neuroticweasel Jul 8, 2015 2:57:57 AM

traded a redeemed arceus for 7 Dnite codes!

Parkimus Jul 7, 2015 5:21:07 AM

Traded me an Arceus for 7 Dragonite codes! Very polite and patient trader! 10/10 would recommend.

Thanks again, /u/endy1102 (FlairHQ) !

Luminescent_Ninja Jul 7, 2015 4:47:30 AM

Traded an Arceus. Very nice, fast, efficient. 10/10

Lueche Jul 7, 2015 3:56:17 AM

Traded Coro Rayquayza and GAME UK charizard. Very polite and professional, easy to deal with. Would happily work with again. A+

evilsneasel Jul 5, 2015 11:07:36 PM

Hatched a shiny Nidoran for me. Was quick to respond

froakiedokie Jul 3, 2015 3:19:22 AM

Traded a KOR Calendar Darkrai for custom KOR Keldeo + custom PC Gyarados. Awesome trader, nice, and easy to deal with! A+! Thanks again!:D

Xlxluckyxix Jun 28, 2015 2:35:38 PM

Hatched a shiny Cleffa for me and was quick to respond :)

henrxv Jun 26, 2015 3:36:55 AM

Traded codes with him for a great deal! Really polite dude and with great referralls :D

jaimeg7 Jun 24, 2015 5:01:01 AM

Another great trade with him! The negotiation was to the point and we made the trade happen in a day! Would gladly trade with him again!

ShisenAkarui Jun 18, 2015 7:05:09 AM

Redeemed 3 Arceus codes for me in exchange for 3 comp shinys. Very quick and polite trader I would consider very trustworthy. Took full video of proof of redemption process including entering the code.


Haunani14 Jun 17, 2015 4:41:16 AM

Traded 5 comp shinies for a charizard code quick trade thanks :)

galironxero Jun 16, 2015 5:10:35 AM

Fast and easy hatch :)

willster191 Jun 16, 2015 3:59:56 AM

A pleasure to trade with. :)

philvpham10 Jun 11, 2015 6:55:49 AM

Always a pleasure trading with Endy. Definitely recommended. Thanks!

YUKIJP Jun 9, 2015 3:50:34 AM

Traded my tanabata jirachi for 5 arceus codes. thanks again!

keskisormi Jun 7, 2015 7:58:06 AM

Hatched a shiny Pidgey for me, thanks again! C:

SaberMarie Jun 4, 2015 4:01:06 AM

Hatched and nicknamed a shiny Scatterbug for me. Thanks!

s_10 May 25, 2015 3:57:20 AM

traded my funz center ray code for 13 comp shinies. Very trustworthy, nice and awesome person! Stay golden. :) 10/10

puh7777 May 20, 2015 5:42:58 AM

traded olleh Charizard code with endy's wristband jirachi. very trustworthy trader.

PlzdontCollector May 19, 2015 7:54:56 PM

Traded a Wristband Jirachi code for 10x Arceus codes! Very fast trade and proof of all 10 codes! 10 otta 10 will do this trade again

ShisenAkarui May 12, 2015 7:39:05 AM

Redeemed a Coro Coro Rayquaza for 3 Competitive shiny mons :) Very fast and included great proof!

patchespatch04 May 12, 2015 5:35:04 AM

Redeemed a CoroRay for me, trustworthy redeemer :)

willster191 May 12, 2015 4:02:19 AM

Redeemed a Coro for me within just a few hours. Very trusted.

SaintRocker96 May 11, 2015 6:50:26 AM

He redeemed my CoroRay within hours. Great guy

ltimebombl May 10, 2015 5:05:14 AM

Awesome possum :D Really nice and great trader :)

puh7777 May 4, 2015 4:31:03 AM

traded my WCS Aegi with his three Arceus codes and one Amaura code. very reliable trader.

sleepywings Apr 28, 2015 3:29:32 AM

Quick and efficient trader!

harryng2103 Apr 27, 2015 3:44:10 AM

did a trade for 5 arceus codes and 1 keldeo code. went smoothly thanks

a_casserole Apr 25, 2015 1:28:53 PM

Good redemptions thanks!

Earendil503 Apr 25, 2015 4:08:36 AM

A combination redeemer and trader that continues to be the very epitome of trustworthiness and selflessness. /u/endy1102 (FlairHQ) is always prompt, polite, and quite careful with all proof that is provided. /r/pokemontrades will continue to benefit from the services of this user well into the future! Thanks again for everything you've done for me. :)

LuxrayShiny Apr 25, 2015 3:57:37 AM

Redeemed a CoroCoro Ray code for me!!!

Thank you very much :D

sleepywings Apr 21, 2015 4:26:26 AM

Very trustworthy trader. Sent a CoroCoro Ray code asap for 4 of my shinies

sleepywings Apr 21, 2015 4:26:22 AM

Very trustworthy trader. Sent a CoroCoro Ray code asap for 4 of my shinies

oswld Apr 21, 2015 3:43:07 AM

Gave me a custom WSCK linoone for 5 shinies, thanks

matthewtunc Apr 21, 2015 3:35:30 AM

Thanks for the fast trade, a WSCK Linoone and Ray code for 9 comp shinies

Umbra-Profess Apr 20, 2015 6:09:26 AM

Traded me 2 CoroCoro Rayquaza codes for 8 Competitive Shinies. Great Trader Thanks again!

underpantscannon Apr 20, 2015 6:09:00 AM

Traded me some Rayquaza codes for some of my shinies. Rayquaza codes were sent promptly, though it took a while to arrange a time to send the shinies.

Great_Plattsby Apr 20, 2015 5:48:36 AM

Traded me 2 Darkrai Codes for 8 of my shinies! Excellent, speedy trader

s_10 Apr 20, 2015 5:12:41 AM

Redeemed a corocoro rayquaza for me. Awesome trader. Thanks so much! :) 10/10

Teh_Kniight Apr 20, 2015 5:00:04 AM

Redeemed a Coro Rayquaza on my behalf, thanks!

eddiy Apr 19, 2015 1:13:56 AM

redeemed my victini for me thanks

_Vote_ Apr 18, 2015 2:04:59 PM

Great trader, thanks for the codes!

basler04 Apr 18, 2015 1:13:50 PM

Redeemed my Korean Keldeo Code. Great trader!

dantelukas Apr 15, 2015 4:06:00 AM

Traded a Worlds Aegislash for 2 Korean Guidebook Keldeo codes. Thanks!

Fatty_Tompkins Apr 14, 2015 1:49:02 PM

Traded me 2 WCSK Linoone's for 7 Comp Shinies. Great trader!

radiowarrrr Apr 14, 2015 5:51:26 AM

awesome trader, provides great proof! thanks so much :D

kinniie Apr 13, 2015 6:20:31 AM

Received a Shaymin code for 3 shinies, great trader and everything made sense.

basler04 Apr 12, 2015 11:57:54 PM

Received an Arceus code from this trader's giveaway. Very generous, thanks :D

lucas1867 Apr 12, 2015 5:49:35 PM

Redeemed a Vicitni for me, thanks!

Godreig Apr 12, 2015 12:14:11 AM

Traded a Shaymin for 4 shinies :) Thanks again!

eddiy Apr 11, 2015 11:52:24 PM

traded a shaymin code for my 3 shinies

linksfan Apr 11, 2015 11:14:35 PM

Great and easy CoroCoro Ray redeeming and does amazing proof. Thanks!

SilverBlossom Apr 11, 2015 6:16:49 PM

Won a Charizard code from his giveaway, thanks!

toughlilpony Apr 11, 2015 5:45:47 PM

Thanks for the Ray code! Super quick easy trade :)

whlzki Apr 11, 2015 4:44:26 PM

shiny PAL charizard code for a shiny coroquayza code - nice smooth trade

xBsh3rx Apr 11, 2015 4:19:07 PM

10/10 would trade again. Also he did an awesome giveaway

Cometbringer Apr 10, 2015 4:19:24 AM

Redeemed my Corocoro Rayquaza. 10/10.Proof is also Amazing

xtakeru Apr 9, 2015 6:26:43 AM

Good redeemer! Redeemed my Kangaskhan! :D 10/10!

fliippyy Apr 9, 2015 5:56:18 AM

4 Comp. Shinies for a WCSK15 Jolly Linoone. Fast trader, thanks!

cubanpete26 Apr 9, 2015 5:32:35 AM

Redeemed 2 kanga codes for me in exchange for a darkrai code great trader can be trusted

eddiy Apr 9, 2015 4:37:09 AM

traded 5 shinies for a wcsk linoone thanks

eddiy Apr 9, 2015 4:36:28 AM

redeemed my kangaskhan for a comp shiny thanks

MiniiGangster Apr 8, 2015 10:44:09 PM

Traded 2 Kangaskhan codes for 1 Arceus code :)

broccoliYT Apr 8, 2015 3:51:14 PM

Traded 1 KOR Shiny Gengar for 1 Arceus code Thank you

LuxrayShiny Apr 8, 2015 4:52:32 AM

Traded 4 comp shinies for a wcsk linoone. Thanks! :)

LuxrayShiny Apr 7, 2015 1:59:41 PM

Traded 4 comp shinies for a Pokescrap Shaymin Thanks! :)

aashlovey Apr 6, 2015 12:40:22 PM

Traded FB Kang code for 3 coroquaza codes :) Thank you!

blackbolt0905 Apr 6, 2015 6:03:15 AM

Traded 3 Corocoro rayquaza codes for FB kangaskhan code. Thanks again.

sylgrace Apr 6, 2015 5:36:35 AM

Super generous! Redeemed my Kanga for me for free, and even SRed for an Adamant nature. Thanks again!

raymogi Apr 6, 2015 4:47:58 AM

Redeemed my kanga. Thanks again!

Zeck00 Apr 6, 2015 3:31:48 AM

Traded 3 corocoro rayquaza codes for my facebook kangaskhan code. Thanks a lot.

blightread Apr 5, 2015 1:32:23 AM

Redeemed my Scrap Shaymin overnight. Reliable!

Section_80 Apr 5, 2015 1:28:19 AM

Redeemed all three scrap pokemon for me for FREE. did it in half a day too. Awesome Proofs too

a_casserole Apr 5, 2015 12:15:53 AM

Massive help, thank you!

UmiMizuAi Apr 4, 2015 11:03:39 PM

Redeemed my Ray for free. Awesome person!

Onizuak31 Apr 4, 2015 7:05:26 PM

Traded two Amaura codes for an Arceus Code, no problems here, Thanks a lot

cpt_buzz_lightyear Apr 4, 2015 3:34:44 PM

Did the same trade another time. Thanks

Acrylami Apr 4, 2015 1:25:58 PM

Kindly redeemed 3 Scrap Shaymins for me for free. Redemption was very quick and reliable. Thank you again!

Expo911 Apr 4, 2015 3:14:11 AM

I traded 3 Amaura codes for 3 GAME Charizard codes & 1 Arceus codes. Transaction was quick and simple. Thanks :)

toughlilpony Apr 3, 2015 4:31:49 PM

Received a Keldeo. Super quick smooth trade. Thanks again :)

ZiR1402 Apr 3, 2015 4:42:55 AM

He rendeemed a Corocoro Rayquaza and scrap Shaymin fast and efficiently. Thank you so much! :)

cubanpete26 Apr 3, 2015 3:15:59 AM

Traded him my Amaura code for 2 Coro Rayquazas. Thanks again :)

pikamonn Apr 2, 2015 4:22:19 AM

Traded my Amaura code for two Coro ray codes as well as redemption. Very efficient and affable trader. Thank you!

pikamonn Apr 2, 2015 4:22:16 AM

Traded my Amaura code for two Coro ray codes as well as redemption. Very efficient and affable trader. Thank you!

HighMans Apr 2, 2015 3:37:49 AM

Traded an amaura code for 2 ray.

s_10 Apr 1, 2015 6:16:24 AM

traded 2 ray codes for my amaura code. great trader. thanks so much! :)

EzyLy Mar 30, 2015 5:25:29 AM

+rep great trader no trouble at all

Mushy_64 Mar 30, 2015 5:21:14 AM

Traded a Darkrai code for a Korean event Linoone. Very awesome person.

BetaWolf3 Mar 30, 2015 4:14:07 AM

Traded shamin code and darkria code for 2 wcsk15 linoons. Provided excellent proof. Great, reliable trader.

Umbra-Profess Mar 29, 2015 7:00:26 AM

Traded me a WCSK15 Linoone for my Game Darkrai code. Great proof and great trader!

basler04 Mar 29, 2015 6:28:49 AM

Great trader. Traded me a Korean Event Linoone for a Shaymin Code. Provided fantastic proof and was a pleasure to deal with. Thanks :)

Teh_Kniight Mar 29, 2015 5:41:54 AM

Traded a shaymin code for a WSCK15 Linoone. Thanks!

WreckItMike Mar 29, 2015 5:11:47 AM

Traded a Shaymin code for a Lioone, thank you

doritoburrrito Mar 29, 2015 4:01:58 AM

Traded my scrap Shaymin for a custom Korean Linoone! Trader was quick and polite to trade with. Would highly recommend! :)

Spar1995 Mar 29, 2015 3:14:33 AM

Thanks for the Linoone =) patient person and would look forward to trading with them again in the future.

cpt_buzz_lightyear Mar 28, 2015 2:13:49 PM

Thanks for the trade

Schwarzmilan Mar 27, 2015 2:05:24 PM

Traded me a Korean Event Linoone for a Shaymin Code. Was really patient and never got angry although we needed 4 days to trade. really trustworthy and kind!

FireMeg Mar 27, 2015 1:18:14 PM

Traded a Drakrai code for WCSK linoone. Very quick and friendly, thanks a lot for the trade!

vincentasm Mar 27, 2015 1:03:25 PM

Traded my Darkrai codes for their custom Linoones. Very co-operative and patient trader : )

SilverBlossom Mar 27, 2015 4:01:53 AM

Traded WCSK Linoone for a scrap code, everything went nicely. Thanks! :)

BriarRose29 Mar 25, 2015 3:49:19 PM

Redeemed a WCSK Linoone for a Darkrai code. The video proof was great

Morga95 Mar 25, 2015 3:25:14 AM

Traded me a WCSK Linoone for a Scrap Shaymin Code, everything went smoothly. Thank you! :D

kewligirl95 Mar 21, 2015 7:26:43 PM

Traded me 2 Arceus codes for a Worlds Aegislash. Thank you.

doritoburrrito Mar 21, 2015 5:48:16 PM

Traded my World's Aegislash for 2 Arceus codes and 2 Rayquaza codes. Trader was swift with the email proof! Thanks again :)

DoubleFried Mar 20, 2015 10:15:15 AM

Redeemed quite fast. Not super clear communication, but I didn't do very well on that aspect either in our trade and they communicated enough to make up for that. Proof was good.

Acrylami Mar 19, 2015 11:34:07 AM

No problem with the trade, very good proof! Thank you very much.

LeeSin4TheLoss Mar 19, 2015 3:19:00 AM

Great trader and great proofs! Thanks again :D

pikasang Mar 17, 2015 4:20:08 AM

Great Trade! Extensive proofs! Fast trader!

kewligirl95 Mar 17, 2015 3:53:13 AM

Very reliable trader. Thanks again for the Linoone! :)

iIIidAn Mar 16, 2015 4:06:48 AM

Great trade, no issues!

DirtyDan257 Mar 16, 2015 3:26:29 AM

Great trading partner, no problems at all.

kewligirl95 Mar 15, 2015 2:19:51 AM

Traded me a WCSK15 Linoone for a Scrap Shaymin code. Very trustworthy and provided amazing proof! Thanks again! :D

raymogi Mar 15, 2015 2:02:19 AM

Another smooth trade. M18 Arceus for 3 Korea Linoone.

TG_Cid Mar 15, 2015 12:08:35 AM

Honest and trustworthy redeemer. I had 3 Scrap pokemon redeemed by u/endy1102 (FlairHQ) and they were done super fast to my specifications. Like within a couple days fast and they didnt even want anything in return. I highly recommend using them for your redeems. :)

Shiny_Emboar Mar 14, 2015 4:13:09 PM

Traded 2 Darkrai codes for 1 WCSK Linoone. Friendly trader, would recommend. Thanks :)

villa4876 Mar 14, 2015 3:00:47 PM

Traded 9 Scraps for 2 Korean Linoones! Great trader, thank you!

Earendil503 Mar 14, 2015 3:52:21 AM

A kind, courteous, and hardworking individual who is quickly and effectively doing all they can to establish an excellent reputation on /r/pokemontrades. Simply to build goodwill, /u/endy1102 (FlairHQ) traded me a custom-redeemed WCSK15 Linoone at a highly favorable rate. I am now happy to call this Pokemon a permanent part of my larger events collection. Thank you once more for a trading experience that is almost without parallel on /r/pokemontrades!

harryng2103 Mar 14, 2015 3:20:49 AM

thank you for the trade, very trustworthy :D

harryng2103 Mar 14, 2015 3:20:27 AM

thank you for the trade, very trustworthy :D

raymogi Mar 12, 2015 5:57:25 AM

Did a free redemption of Korea Keldeo for me.

Thanks again!

Earendil503 Mar 10, 2015 12:52:32 PM

A trader that continues to be a paradigm of all the best traits that careful and conscientious redeemers can, and should, bring to the table. This time. /u/endy1102 (FlairHQ) redeemed a Keldeo serial code for me, and once more, was as careful as possible throughout the entire process. I am completely satisfied with the overall result, and would be more than happy to come back to this user for my future redemption needs.

Earendil503 Mar 8, 2015 4:21:53 AM

An exceedingly honest and highly trustworthy individual. After approaching me in the context of a redemption thread, the user kindly offered to redeem a Japanese serial code for me free of charge so that they could work to improve their overall reputation on /r/pokemontrades.

Looking back on the overall trading experience, I was thoroughly and completely satisfied with each and every aspect of it! /u/endy1102 (FlairHQ) provided the best proof I've ever seen offered by a redeemer, and skillfully combined both video and picture proof to help make me as comfortable as possible.

The individual was happy to soft-reset for a specified nature, and never stopped working until the correct Pokemon was received from the delivery woman. /u/endy1102 (FlairHQ) also sent me highly detailed pictures of what they thought was the correct Pokemon so I could verify that it was indeed what I wanted. I am now the proud owner of a Pokemon that is exactly as I requested it.

If their very first trade on /r/pokemontrades is any indication, any and all prospective traders ought to know that /u/endy1102 (FlairHQ) can be both trusted, and counted on.

Thanks again for a wonderful trading experience!

endy1102's Information


Friend codes:
