
SW-0217-5554-6320 || Jacob (SH, BD)
SW-0217-5554-6320 || Jacob (SH, BD) || XXXX

Trades (70)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (70)
1. Goomy for Deino /u/WalceT
2. Galarian Darumaka with Rare Candy for Goomy /u/GeoffreyfactorX
3. Dreepy for Scrafty /u/I_epect_Karma
4. Heavy Ball Larvitar for Jangmo-o /u/MrLinkos
5. Croagunk for Rufflet /u/PuR3Tree
6. Lunatone for Solrock /u/Pablogb4
7. Scorbunny for Sobble /u/ManyFacedGamer
8. HA Cleffa for HA Farfetch'd-G /u/Cerbiusx
9. Sobble and Grookey for 2 Scorbunny and 2 Rare Candies /u/_Miho_
10. HA Vulpix for HA Rookidee /u/nicholas6r
11. Lure Ball Squirtle for HA Mareanie /u/PlatinumRaptor95
12. HA Alolan Vulpix for HA Mareanie /u/Costanza_Yeet
13. Larvitar and Goomy for Gothita and Sawk /u/Kloudys
14. Appletun, Oranguru, Solosis, Vullaby for Stonjourner, Passimian, Mawile, Mimikyu /u/Kloudys
15. HA Mareanie for Moon Ball /u/SunnyD81
16. Moon Ball HA Litwick for Moon Ball HA Duskull /u/allseeingpir
17. Level Ball Eiscue for Dream Ball HA Drampa /u/nickyyavellian
18. Appletun, Solosis, Throh, Croagunk, Oranguru for Flapple, Sableye, Turtonator, Corsola, Mimikyu /u/TM_AerialAce
19. Level Ball Eiscue with large exp candy for HA Cufant /u/destroyer456480
20. Stonjourner for Cherubi w/ Rare Candy /u/Imjonathan123
21. HA Friend Ball Cleffa for Litten w/ Moon Ball /u/internettambay
22. 2 Moon Balls for 5 IV Italian Ditto /u/Mintz_365
23. Solosis, Eiscue, Goomy for 3 XL exp candy /u/jeomatic
24. HA Dream Ball Drampa for Safari Ball Larvitar /u/The_Fungineer
25. Throh for Exp Candy L /u/gaigezakroski
26. Drampa, Sableye, Vullaby, Throh, Croagunk, Lunatone, Eiscue for 3 Exp Candy XL, 2 Exp Candy L /u/gold3nexp
27. Beast Ball for Master Ball /u/Route5_Breeder
28. Mimikyu and Turtonator for EXP Candy XL, Golden Bottle Cap /u/Noobbuh
29. Perfect HA Duskull for HA Bulbasaur w/ Master Ball /u/verticalbandit
30. Jangmo-o for Beast Ball Dreepy /u/badguys8
31. Eiscue for Rare Candy /u/MusikPalast
32. HA Cleffa for Rare Candy /u/ChuckFrost
33. Perfect IV Timid HA Moon Ball Vulpix for 6 IV HA Friend Ball Applin /u/iJdot
34. Modest mint for Toxic Orb /u/EasternGlass
35. Gothita for EXP Candy XL /u/Cold_Prayers
36. Iron Fist Gurdurr for Zen Mode Darmanitan /u/pineapplepacker00
37. HA Friend Ball Togepi for French 4IV Ditto /u/Zapplabob
38. Perfect IV HA Moon Ball Vulpix, EV Trained for Gold Bottle Cap /u/Seamus00000
39. HA Bulbasaur for EXP Candy XL /u/windsaber505
40. HA Beast Ball Drillbur for Exp Candy XL /u/windsaber505
41. HA Brave Level Ball Timburr w/ egg moves for Bottle Cap /u/TheRamu
42. HA Brave Level Ball Timburr w/ egg moves for Flame Orb /u/BeyAmazing
43. HA Level Ball Brave Gurdurr w/ egg moves for Master Ball /u/patrickkeane7
44. HA Litten, Perfect IVs w/egg moves for HA Gmax Lapras /u/RJGreater
45. HA Duskull Moon Ball w/ egg moves for HA Hattenna love ball /u/One_Day_Of_Peace
46. Moon Ball for Master Ball /u/Rymayc
47. Toxic Orb for 2 MB /u/Fernling306
48. Heavy Ball Larvitar for Beast Ball Darumaka-G /u/boiled-oden
49. Gurdurr evo tradeback for Bottle Cap /u/Fireburner03
50. Timid Ditto for Adamant Mint /u/OakenCardinal
51. Quiet Mint for 2 Friend Balls /u/Izuna5169
52. 0 Speed Moon Duskull w/ HA and egg moves for Friend Bulbasaur /u/The-Awesome-1-
53. HA Modest Dream Ball 5 IV Eevee for Gmax Snorlax /u/millieboy7
54. Friend HA Cleffa for HA Sableye /u/AnasBest
55. Perfect IV HA Scorbunny w/ 4 EM for Dream Ball /u/manofsteel9979
56. Perfect IV HA Scorbunny w/ 4 EM for Beast Ball /u/Doclop
57. Perfect IV HA Scorbunny w/ all egg moves for Moon Ball /u/TheStonedRealist
58. Perfect IV HA Scorbunny w/ all egg moves for Heavy Ball /u/brookerawrx
59. Perfect IV HA Scorbunny w/ 4 EM for Fast Ball /u/GeoffreyfactorX
60. HA Sableye for Mawile /u/competitivecodplayer
61. Love Feebas Egg for 5 IV HA Scorbunny /u/GGSY98
62. Perfect IV HA Scorbunny w/ 4 EM for Lure Ball /u/TheKamikazePickle
63. HA Scorbunny 5 IV w/ 4 EM for Love Ball /u/kaitomeister
64. Helped transfer shiny egg between profiles for MB /u/DieGenerates97
65. HA Friend Clefairy for Beast Ball /u/martinriquelmez
66. Careful mint for Seismic Toss Dream Chansey /u/Kendrickson21
67. XL Candy for Regenarator Safari Foongus /u/offscientistr
68. Lure Squirtle for HA Poliwag /u/ShaadowPanther
69. Magmar Tradeback for Bagon /u/beiermulong
70. HA 5 IV Dream Ball Eevee + Master Ball for Tornadus /u/Randomthicklover
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (70 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Giving away Darumaka-G (4 IVs, jolly) (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)
2. HA 4 IV Litten Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)
3. Giving away HA Vulpix in moon ball, Timid, 4/5 IVs some 0 Atk (Sub: pokemontrades, 6 given)
4. Another Moon Ball HA Vulpix Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
5. Love Ball Feebas Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 16 given)
6. HA Dream Ball Eevee Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
7. Aprimon Mystery Egg Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
8. HA Lure 4 EM Squirtle Mini-Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (12)

1. Traded my Shelmet for other user's Karrablast and then traded the Pokemon back to one another /u/TM_AerialAce
2. Did a tradeback to evolve other user's Gurdurr /u/ThisIsKirk
3. Tradeback of other user's Haunter to evolve to Gengar /u/Squmz
4. Tradeback Zamazenta for Zacian /u/SakuraTracker
5. Zamazenta tradeback with Zacian /u/A_Wild_Ferrothorn
6. Zamazenta tradeback with Zacian /u/TheSandman1001
7. Dusclops tradeback to evolve to Dusknoir /u/DoubleD218
8. Spritzee tradeback to evolve to Aromatisse /u/ABNC1
9. Feebas tradeback to evolve to Milotic /u/DireFangs
10. Feebas tradeback to evolve to Milotic /u/Hircine_Nocturnal
11. Zamazenta tradeback with Zacian /u/Hytherefellowpeople
12. Gurdurr tradeback to evolve Conkeldurr /u/EmbarassedMeaning0

Misc (0)


feint4's Information


Friend codes:
