Hatched me plenty of shinies. One of the best hatchers in the community, no doubt. :)
Quickly & safely shiny-hatched my Heracross egg. Thanks again =)
Very quick & friendly. Thanks for hatching my shiny Chinchou! :)
hatched a shiny gligar for me! Thanks!
Hatched my shiny Rotom, was very fast. Thanks!
helped hatch my shiny feebas thanks!
Hatched me a shiny Shinx! Everything is gone perfect, thank you again!
Hatched my wailmer, all went smoothly! Thanks again!
Helped me again :D
Hatching for me Shiny Gible! Thank you!
hatch for my shiny marill,and my shiny kanga :D thanks
Helped me hatching Shiny Shellos :) Thank you so much :D
Helped hatch my shiny Makuhita. Thank you!
Made time to hatch my egg for me! Shiny Zorua!
Hatched my shiny Karrablast! Great hatcher :D
Sent a shiny Pidove egg my way, thank you so much!!
Thanks for Hatching my Mareep, Pretty responsible
Thanks for hatching my pineco! quick and easy :)
Hatched my shiny Hoppip! Thanks a lot :)
Thanks for hatching a shiny for me :D
Responsive and fast!
Hatched a Shiny Totodile for me. Very quick once we managed to catch eachother at a time that suited both of us :)
Hatched a shiny Phanpy for me. Thanks again :)
Hatched my shiny Snubbull quickly for me. Thanks so much! :)
Hatched my shiny Audino for me. Thank you very much!:D
hatched a shiny axew for me. Thanks!
hatched my shiny and was verynice :)
Hatched my second shiny. Can't express how much I'm grateful. Thanks for everything! :)
Took awhile due to internet problems, but he hatched my Shiny Venonat. Thanks again!
Hatched a vullaby for me. Thanks!
Thanks again for hatching my Tyrunt.
Thanks again for hatching my Eevee..!! :)
Thanks a lot for hatching my shiny Torchic :)
Hatching my Minccino fast :) thank you
Hatched my shiny eevee fast and was very helpful :)
Helped me hatch my Shiny Skitty. Thanks again!
Hatched shiny Snorunt for me, thanks!
went through all the trouble to help me hatch my shiny eevee. really appreciate your help :)
thank you :)