
5386-9043-9081 || Kabigon (Y), Gleno (ΩR)
5386-9043-9081 || Kabigon (Y), Gleno (ΩR) || 3659

Trades (178)

[+] Events (19)
1. 5iv Burmy, Drowzee, Horsea for Gengar Code /u/Awful_Person
2. everstone for gengar redemption /u/steelfather
3. Diancie Code for Diancie /u/vincentasm
4. 2 dragonite codes for WCSK Linoone /u/puh7777
5. 2 trophy shinies for Dragonite code /u/xchicowx
6. 1 comp shiny for Dragonite Code /u/Taeshi
7. 1 comp shiny for Dragonite code /u/MochiBgr8
8. 1 comp shiny for Sum2014 Heracross /u/galironxero
9. SRed Hope Diancie for Dancer Pikachu /u/Itokichi
10. 1 comp shiny for 2 Hope Diancies /u/squarekantobadge
11. PGL Amaura code for Redeemed Arceus /u/Expo911
12. 4 custom shinies for 1 UK Darkrai code /u/crawver
13. 6 comp shinies for Darkrai code /u/quixotixdub
14. 6 custom shinies for 2 scrap codes /u/KaitoGL
15. HP Ground shiny Eevee for Spooky Pumpkaboo and Fancy Vivillon /u/faptastic_platypus
16. A perfect Pachirisu for XY Torchic /u/ajkyle56
17. Shiny Comp Growlithe for Serena's Fennekin /u/Awful_Person
18. 2 bankballs for Dragonite code /u/rcsegura
19. 3 bankballs for Dragonite code /u/Bit_Fox
[+] Shinies (8)
1. HA Gligar for Shiny Qwilfish /u/GamimgImp
2. Safari ball Marill, Dream ball HA Ralts, Dream ball Delibird, Level ball Elekid, Shiny Trophy Gastly for Heavy ball Mawile, Level ball Shroomish, Moon ball Shinx, Dream ball HA Riolu /u/xtakeru
3. Bankballs Alomola, Riolu and Shuckle for Shiny Comp Kanghaskan /u/WindGraceSV
4. Shiny Shedinja for Shiny Zigzagoon /u/surgex10
5. 5iv HA Spiritomb for Semi-comp shiny Duskull /u/eddiy
6. 3 custom breedables for comp shiny eevee and honedge /u/Awful_person
7. Electabuzz, meowth, happiny for shinies slurpuff and geodude /u/overworld99
8. Growlithe for Tyrunt /u/harryng2103
[+] Competitive / Casual (138)
1. HA Piplup for HA Turtwig /u/Wynden127
2. HA Piplup for Help Transfering a Pokemon /u/SigisRotMG
3. Regice for Xerneas /u/Hungranion
4. Safari ball Marill for Level ball Electabuzz /u/Mandibuzzkill
5. Charizardite Y, Mewtwonite Y, Houdoomite, Heracrossite for Tynamo, Carvanha, Meditite, Shuppet /u/Jeannettix
6. Level ball Elekid, Safari ball Marill, Dream ball HA Exeggcute, Dream ball Delibird for Heavy ball Pidgey, Heavy ball Lapras, Fast ball Scyther, Moon Misdreavus and Moon Cleffa /u/KellyLuar
7. Comp Tynamo for Love ball Mareep /u/mora94
8. Level ball Elekid, Dream ball Delibird for Fast ball Mareep, Love ball Mawile /u/Beefncheese11
9. Happy Hour Smeargle for Dream ball HA Ralts /u/berzerkfury365
10. Level ball Electabuzz for Lure ball Magikarp /u/suzakutrading
11. Master ball for Lure ball Larvitar and Fast ball Pichu /u/Vefyx
12. Level ball Elekid for Moon ball Gastly /u/rickelparrit
13. Bankball Shoroomish for Bankball Weedle /u/Dinklebeeerrg
14. Level ball Elekid, Dream ball HA exeggcute, Moon ball shinx and Heavy ball pidgey for Level Vulpix, Dream HA Buizel, Dream HA Corphish an Moon Zubat /u/FortDeus
15. Moon ball Zubat, Dream ball HA Buizel and Love ball Mareep for Dream ball HA Slowpoke, Dream ball HA Carvanha, Heavy ball Koffing /u/xtakeru
16. 12 Bankball pokemons for 12 Bankball pokemons /u/MayoBeam
17. 5 Bankball pokemons for 5 Bankball pokemons /u/Righteous_Bread
18. Moon ball Shinx for Lure ball Shuckle /u/Syberous
19. Dream ball Exeggcute and Dream ball Delibird for Heavy ball Snorlax /u/bronk4
20. HA Bulbasaur for HA Zangoose /u/dragonite153
21. 3 bank ball pokemons for 3 bank ball pokemons /u/robertVIII
22. pidgey zubat lapras marill shinx swinub for drifloon, marill, dratini /u/radiowarrrr
23. marill, pichu, shroomish, buizel for skarmory, horsea /u/Cu4utl3
24. 11 bank ball pokemons for 8 bank ball pokemons /u/GBDetective
25. marill, shroomish for Chansey /u/rin_sei
26. Roselia and Swinub for Trapinch and Venonat /u/bi-cycle
27. roselia, slowpoke, gastly and buneary for plusle, minun, sudowoodo and makuhita /u/ynnavoj
28. Shinx and Shroomish for Growlithe /u/rickelparrit
29. level ball shroomish, and dream balls swinub, roselia, and exeggcute for loveball machop, safari ball lotad, moonball chinchou, love ball sentret /u/Vefyx
30. HA Dream ball Ralts and Cranidos, Level Ball Grolithe for Moon ball Ratata and Poochyena, Safari ball Hippopotas, Sport ball Caterpie and HA Treecko /u/RisingSerpent
31. Meowth for Rufflet and Onix /u/OkayKoay
32. HA Snivy for 0 IV Speed Ditto /u/jocker0894
33. Elekid and Ponyta for Psyduck and Cubone /u/Cu4utl3
34. 14 bankball pokemons for 13 bankball pokemons /u/MayoBeam
35. Snorlax, Swinub, Trapinch, Shuckle for Cyndaquil, Buneary, Shellder, Feebas /u/ShinyoYushiro
36. Meowth, trapinch, chatot, misdreavus, ponyta, sentret for safari larvitar, fast shinx, heavy pineco, dream HA smoochum, dream HA axew and dream HA sandshrew /u/Nachito625
37. HA Pachirisu for Dream HA Psyduck /u/Khasma
38. Kanghaskan and Lapras for Milktank and Chansey /u/KiroTelexia
39. luxury ball cyndaquill for dream ball omanyte /u/mizzyshazam
40. Dream ball Cranidos for HA Tepig /u/MegaActarus
41. EV train 5 pokemons for Shiny comp Pawniard /u/KaitoGL
42. HA Blue Floette for Dream Milktank and Level Sentret /u/Jeannettix
43. 18 hidden abilities for 18 bank balls /u/Mwuuh
44. ha ledyba for ha mudkip /u/Mwuuh
45. Dream Ball Slowpoke, Dream Ball Swinub, Safari Ball Trapinch, and Level Ball Shroomish for DB HA Kricketot, Karrablast, Alomola and Poliwag /u/Drethin
46. Charmander, Swablu, Feebas for Chikorita, Drillbur, Murkrow /u/Nivhawk
47. Sableye, Bidoof, Ekans, Chansey for Dream Mr Mime, Safari Spheal, Safari Shroomish and Dream Drowzee. /u/Yu-GoBB
48. meditite for lapras /u/righteous_bread
49. DB aron, psyduck, drifloon, omanyte, safari pinsir for DB Hoot-hoot, rattata, smeargle, Aerodactyl, Glameow /u/Dont_you_dare_PM_ME
50. Moonball marill for Loveball Happiny /u/SugarRushXD
51. Pichu, Horsea, Moonball Houndour and Murkrow, level ball vulpix and Shroomish. Rhyhorn for Weedle, Scyther, Ekans, Meowth, Geodude, Chansey and Tangela /u/seiryuux
52. HA bunnelby for DB Shellos /u/Righteous_bread
53. Lure ball lapras and heavy ball drowzee for DB Heatmor, Yanma /u/Dont_you_dare_PM_me
54. friend ball meditite, lure ball horsea and the lure ball lapras for Safaris Mr mime, Bagon and Exeggcute /u/redsludge
55. Froakie for Spiritomb /u/lameguy14
56. Swinub, Elekid for Lileep /u/lazosboy
57. HA Ferrothorn, Fast Buizel, Lure Chansey, and Level Sableye for Safaris Roselia Phanpy Shinx and Dream Aipom. /u/Righteous_bread
58. level meowth for dream ha mankey /u/seiryuux
59. 10 bankball pokemons for Friend Ledyba, Lure Wooper, Lure Tentacool, Friend and Fast Sentret, Friend and Fast Weedle, Level Pineco, Moon Ekans and Lure Poliwag /u/ShinyShoonie
60. bagon, horsea, alomola for anorith /u/Dont_you_dare_PM_me
61. Friend ball Bidoof and Sudowoodo for DB HA Delibird and a Safari Skorupi /u/Parkimus
62. Heavyball Shellder, Dreamball Pachirisu and Dratini for Dream Shuppet, Moon Meowth and safari aron /u/Kellyluar
63. db horsea, db psyduck, hb shellder, and luxury ball cyndaquil for Heavy Ekans, Dream HA Snover, Dream HA Qwilfish, Dream HA Gible and Dream HA Pidgey /u/frezir
64. 6 bankballs for 6 bankballs /u/dosquaed
65. HA floette for db wurmple /u/za3root
66. Makuhita, Dratini and HA tepig for Levelball Pidgey, Fastball Spearow and Moonball Chansey /u/ThePigeonWhisperer
67. ha ferrothorn for safari grimmer /u/za3root
68. 5iv heracross for 5iv beldum /u/Rebdrayne
69. Elekid for Cleffa /u/asaf719
70. HA tepig, DB exeggcute for Moonball Psyduck,Sandshrew,Tentacool,Poliwag /u/derickyong
71. Rhyhorn for Krabby /u/XCBagley94
72. Elekid for Shelmet /u/Parkimus
73. Shroomish and Delibird for Dream HA Heracross and Sableye /u/dosquared
74. safari ball trapinch, lure ball shuckle and moon ball venonat for Dream HA Zubat, Elekid, Magby /u/velosarahptor
75. Teddiursa and Lapras for Shuppet /u/rammarox
76. Some bankballs for Borrowed a bunch of bankballs /u/Dont_you_dare_PM_me
77. 2 Stantlers and Sudowoodo for Caterpie, Onix, Lapras /u/Righteous_Bread
78. Smoochum for Cubone /u/crystallized
79. Kabuto for Mareep and Misdreavus /u/Diamondfarm
80. Sudowoodo and Horsea for Totodile /u/LuxrayShiny
81. Stantler and Meowth for Barboach and Rhyhorn /u/EQWashu
82. Scyther and Growlithe for Phanpy and Meditite /u/Nivhawk
83. Dratini for Emolga /u/desaturatedblue
84. Meowth for Snubbull /u/Aaron_Sigmon
85. Burmy for Oddish /u/tifamaroo
86. Moon marill, Love luvdisc, dream swablu, level meowth for Moon Horsea, Level Numel, Dream Zangoose and Dream Gligar /u/Akrisn
87. Yanma for Scraggy /u/pondpikachu
88. Bagon and Ralts for Vulpix and Meditite /u/aentee
89. Bulbasaur for Nosepass /u/mm245
90. 12 bankballs for 17 bankballs /u/Mayobeam
91. sudowoodo for diglett /u/mist0624
92. Milktank for Aipom /u/DiamondFarm
93. Swinub for Gligar /u/ranmarox
94. Drifloon, Exeggcute, Venonat for Nidoran, Snubbull, Bellsprout /u/Yu-GoBB
95. mawile, shinx, gastly, and smoochum for vulpix, venonvat, tentacool, lapras /u/imasheu
96. Heart Scale for HA Tyrunt /u/blackaurora
97. Cranidos, Luvdisc, Delibird for Wooper, Eevee, Girafarig /u/PokemonTheo
98. Shellder for Vanillite /u/mist0624
99. Mawile and Sableye for Kanghaskan and Koffing /u/bankai509
100. Feebas, Horsea, Smoochum for Sunkern, Susrkit and Stantler /u/Playgroundofpandas
101. Spoink for Elekid /u/PoorLittleGoat
102. Heavy Snorlax, DB HA Magby and Luxury Cyndaquil for Mareep, Fast Chimecho, Sports Nincada, Love Pichu, Love Cleffa and Love Mantine /u/crystallized
103. Kabuto and Omanyte for Dream Solosis, Friend Seedot, Dream Shroomish, Dream Farfetch'd, Dream Druddigon and Dream Dunsparce /u/Akrisn
104. Swinub for Soul Dew /u/Cooldudeda1st
105. Miltank for Grimer /u/LadyLucario
106. Talonflame for Torchic /u/Gnome457
107. Chatot and Meowth for Hoppip and Ralts /u/valeskyia
108. Elekid, Meditite, Pachirisu, Shinx for Krabby, Mawile, Ducklett, Spinarak /u/MayoBeam
109. Roselia for Growlithe /u/iDaiya
110. Venonat, Stantler, Gogoat and Barbarcle for Hoppip, Farfetchd, Larvitar and Barboach /u/Akrisn
111. Luxury White Flabebe Luxury Extra Large Pumpkaboo Luxury Zoroark Luxury HA Zebstrika Luxury HA Helioptile Level Makuhita Heavy Drowzee Moon Chimecho for Dream HA Snorlax Dream HA Tirtouga Dream HA Paras Dream HA Growlithe Dream HA Pinsir Dream HA Croagunk Dream HA Machop Dream HA Ponyta /u/Righteous_Bread
112. Fletchinder for Mantine /u/LuxrayShiny
113. Murkrow for Spinda /u/_kim_
114. Yanma for Misdreavus /u/AnnshiAneko
115. Delibird, Feebas, Trapinch, Shinx for Phanpy, Pineco, Phanpy and Spinarak /u/Khasma
116. Gligar for Kanghaskan /u/Alan199
117. Moon Ball Teddiursa, Safari Ball Hippopotas, Fast Ball Growlithe (one of each ability) and Level Ball Shroomish for Fast Abra, Dream Misdreavus, Friend Yanma, Heavy Numel and Safari Smeargle /u/Jka22419
118. Swinub for Clauncher /u/LermanCT
119. Chimecho for Swablu /u/_kim_
120. Shellos for Smeargle /u/Akrisn
121. Cranidos for joltik, trapinch and lapras /u/diamondfarm
122. 20 special ball females for 25 bankballs /u/Akrisn
123. Bulbasaur and Squirtle for 10 PP max /u/jaimeg7
124. 9 dream ball pokemons for 10 safaris and sports ball pokemons /u/Mandibuzzkill
125. Venonat for Sandile /u/primeknight20
126. Pidgey, Rattata, Venonat and Growlithe for Chikorita and Totodile /u/Yelena25
127. 11 Dream ball pokes for 11 Dream ball pokes /u/alypalyola
128. Moon chimeco and dream venonat for Moon Snorlax /u/LuxrayShiny
129. Spearow, Larvitar, Bidoof for Chatot, Barboach, Whismur /u/Akrisn
130. Dream Ball Venonat, Rattata, Wurmple and Tropius for Dream Sudowoodo, Dream Makuhita, Fast and Love Zubat /u/DuskLordX
131. Pichu and Burmy for Spinarak and Yanma /u/primeknight20
132. Dunsparce for Ledyba /u/Syberous
133. Larvitar, Munchlax, Luvdisc for Cyndaquil, Yanma and Magikarp /u/lavaburst14
134. Surskit for Maractus and Igglybuff /u/valeskyia
135. Bidoof, Drowzee, Hippopotas, Munchlax, Spearow for Wobbufet, Slugma, Audino, Mareep, Chinchou, Dwebble, Remoraid /u/alypalyola
136. Hitmonlee + Moon stone for Chatot /u/ScarySwampert
137. 8 heart sclaes for Friend Poochyena, Love Oddish, Sudowoodo, Snubbul, Shuckle, Wingull, Houndour and Seel /u/WhisperingHopeAway
138. 7 bankballs for 9 bankballs /u/Righteous_bread
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (13)
1. Shinies Slurpuff and Wailord for Jirachi /u/TowersMan
2. Shaymin for Mew /u/ZiR1402
3. 8 custom shinies for Manaphy /u/SoySauce
4. 13 custom shinies + ranger's save for Shiny RNG'd Manaphy /u/Admiral_Fish
5. 3 comp shinies for Bank Celebi and Liberty Victini /u/kingdude181
6. Bank Celebi for WIN2013 Keldeo /u/rogueakatsuki
7. 21 comp shinies for Australian Michina Arceus /u/Exodamon
8. 21 DBHA + 1 Comp Shiny for Plasma Genesect /u/Lavenderpanda
9. Dancer Yokohama Pikachu for SPR2013 Meloetta /u/jaimeg7
10. Ranger's Manaphy, 4 shinies for Hoopa code /u/xchicowx
11. Ranger's Manaphy Shiny RNG'd for WT Manaphy /u/planetarial
12. WIN2013 Keldeo + Libery Victini + 2 comp shinies + OCT Gengar for Lab charmander code /u/xchicowx
13. Michina Arceus for Hiro Gyarados and KOR Giratina /u/Free-Brownies

Egg Hatches (18)

1. Hatched a Charmander egg /u/Loli-pops
2. Hatched a Larvitar /u/dlaso
3. Hatched an Eevee /u/Neckes
4. Hatched a Nidoran /u/UmiMizuAi
5. Hatched an Eevee /u/radiowarrrr
6. Hatched a Frillish /u/WenSnake
7. Hatched a Swablu /u/Smurf_Poo
8. Hatched a Charmander /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
9. Hatched a Pawniard /u/Pancham4
10. Hatched a Swablu /u/galironxero
11. Hatched a Noibat /u/dr-spangle
12. Hatched a Pichu /u/AlfonsoDragonlord
13. Hatched a Venonat /u/Neckes
14. Hatched a Timburr /u/Meloettamaestro
15. Hatched a Ralts /u/RoastinRaichu
16. Hatched a Drilbur /u/cubanpete26
17. Hatched a Caterpie /u/LuxrayShiny
18. Hatched a Sandshrew /u/Jamie-McL

Giveaways/Contests (131 Pokémon given, 72 eggs given)

1. Giveaway of my breedjects Elekids (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 21 given)
2. Gaveaway some semi-comp shinies (Sub: pokemontrades, 7 given)
3. Gaveaway some comp breedables (Sub: pokemontrades, 18 given)
4. Bankball females giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 60 given)
5. Perfect eggs giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 23 given)
6. Perfect breedables giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 23 given)
7. Giving away Chmchar's eggs (Sub: SVExchange, 72 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. helped with 3 tradebacks /u/TooMuchTM87
2. Helped with nat dex /u/Nightcore12
3. Pokedex filling /u/SpaceCoyotee
4. Helped evolving pokemons /u/Jillydsb
5. Helped evolving a Haunter /u/h_chand85
6. Helped evolvling pokemons /u/Enigmiaddict
7. Helped evolving a Porygon /u/santosrichard
8. Helped evolving a Dusclops /u/Penny_Tration
9. Helped evolving some pokemons /u/plasmahand
10. Helped evolving a Scyther /u/Brodford

Misc (0)


BairnOwl Nov 19, 2015 1:18:50 AM

Gave me a 6IV shiny as part of a giveaway, thank you!

capnsafetypants Sep 21, 2015 7:22:09 AM

awesome pokemon on your list :P thanks for the awesome competitive shinies! great pokemon trader 10/10, he/she even trusted me with 2 of the mentioned shinies on my sapphire game, while i switched to pokemon Y to finish up the rest of the trade.

Lilchupz Sep 5, 2015 1:21:41 PM

Reliable, reasonable and patient! Thanks for such an awesome trade! :)

fiskpotatis98 Jun 21, 2015 8:50:30 PM

Gave me a trophy shiny as part of a giveaway!

gmpsmendes's Information



Friend codes:

  • 5386-9043-9081


  • IGN: Gleno (Y) TSV: 1756
  • IGN: Gleno (ΩR) TSV: 3659