
0061-0273-3514 || Go4inORAS (ΩR), Go4ino (ΔE), Caitlyn (M)
0061-0273-3514 || Jack (Y), Go4inORAS (ΩR) || 1416, 2546, 0416

Trades (519)

[+] Events (346)
1. 2 fancies + UT torchic for comp shiny rotom /u/ninja_sk
2. sum2014 hera for sum2014 pinsir /u/Icarusqt
3. 3 sum2014 heras for comp shiny scyther /u/doritoburrito
4. 2 sum2014 heras for 2 sum2014 pinsirs /u/tsea23
5. tough heracross for trophy chespin /u/Defy_Juice
6. comp shiny solosis for 2 sum2014 heras /u/thejjustinj
7. sentret and zubat breedables for fancy viv /u/shivermenipple
8. 2 sum2014 pinsirs for custom shiny feebas /u/shadowlord66
9. comp shiny roselia for 3 fancy vivs /u/andrewlay
10. comp shiny eevee + sum2014 hera/pinsir pair for GAME code /u/vinefire
11. premier ball sentret, heavy ball magikarp,and moonball swablu breedables for fancy viv and sum 2014 hera /u/abcdefghijk12374
12. semi comp eevee for GAME-mar redemption /u/Ho-OhsMeMoney
13. 2 fancy vivs + sentret breedable for comp shiny growlithe /u/ajkyle56
14. comp shiny growlithe for 3 wifi pumpkaboos /u/Redferf
15. fancy viv for starly and nidoran breedables /u/WenSnake
16. comp shiny mawile for 3 wifi pumpkaboos /u/AlexLoui
17. comp shiny klefki + sum2014 heracross and pinsir for 6 iv shiny mudkip /u/andrewlay
18. imperfect dreamball mareep for Taiwanizard redemption services /u/Ho-OhsMeMoney
19. machop and seedot breedables for wifi pumpkaboo /u/wojtaso9
20. comp shiny hp ice eevee for Gamegar code /u/dl901
21. traded trophy clauncher + skrelp + semi comp dratini, gaslty, and bulbasaur for PAL Gamegar code /u/spiteski
22. 5 iv swablu for PAL gamegar redemption /u/Ho-OhsMeMoney
23. comp shiny mareep and eevee for NA Gamegar code /u/Yotta_Micro
24. 6 iv shiny mareep for NA Gamegar code /u/yineedname
25. comp shiny gastly and trophy haryama for NA gamegar code /u/shinyTyrunt
26. 4 NA gamegars for JAP Halloween gengar /u/ajkyle56
27. eifi pumpkaboo language set for 3 NA gamegar codes /u/jdynasty
28. fancy viv + sum2014 hera + Game Magmar for NA diancie code /u/khennlionhart
29. comp shiny starly for NA diancie code /u/HalfATaco
30. trophy goomy and comp shiny eevee for NA diancie code /u/ferty34
31. NA diancie code for Comp shiny gengar /u/Percybabes
32. NA gengar code for NA diancie code /u/issoutheangel
33. fancy viv + wifi pokeviv + another viv for NA diancie code /u/Percybabes
34. Comp shiny horsea for NA diancie code /u/JDynasty
35. Comp shiny Gengar for NA diancie code /u/SpaceGhostt
36. comp shiny larvesta for NA diancie code /u/spots51
37. comp shiny starly for Singapore gengar code redeemed /u/ajkyle56
38. 6iv Hp fire froakie for wifi pumpkaboo /u/youwitdaface
39. 2 NA gamegar codes for UT torchic /u/Rimon-Hanit
40. semi comp shiny froakie + 2 code redemptions for 3 wifi Pokevivs /u/gjones18
41. Mareep, shuppet, scyther and horsea breedales for 4 NA gengar codes redeemed /u/MGV2013
42. Comp shiny starly for NA diancie code /u/MournfulX
43. 3 NA diancie codes for UT torchic and celebi /u/Rimon-Hanit
44. comp shiny mareep for NA diancie code /u/HalfATaco
45. comp shiny mareep for NA diancie code /u/fleshexe
46. heatran and kyurem for NA diancie code /u/neighborly_troll
47. comp shiny mareep for PAL diancie code /u/chanlord
48. comp shiny skarmory for PAL diancie code /u/macxiii
49. comp shiny froakie for UT torchic /u/StuffWeAllGet
50. 4 PAL diancie codes for Tretta Rotom /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
51. comp shiny nidoran F, and Booty L'Mon for 2 PB celebis /u/ek93922
52. 30 breedables for Ollehzard /u/Nixinn
53. UT torchic with stone for comp shiny corphish /u/patchespatch04
54. comp shiny Carvanha for 4 diancie redemptions /u/Shiny_Emboar
55. comp shiny horsea and nidoranF for 8 event beldums /u/AtomicArtichoke
56. Taiwainizard Y for Jpn PC pokeviv /u/Rimon-Hanit
57. comp shiny ralts for 4 wifi beldums /u/sblsjf
58. diancie code NA for 4 breedables + 6iv t-tar /u/GrinderMurphy
59. ajkyle56 the charmander for UT t-chic /u/Demoyon
60. Wifi beldum lang set for EON ticket Code /u/Ho-OhsMeMoney
61. WIFI torchic + Steven's beldum for 2 custom shinies /u/-Lyra
62. 14 custom shinies for Singapore gengar /u/Demoyon
63. tretta rotom for comp shiny honedge + numel, lnguage set of beldums, 2 nature SRed beldums, 1 celebi /u/BasedNoface
64. SRed Reshiram for 7 Scrap codes /u/Raesear
65. NA diancie for Winter HA Serperior /u/DoubleFried
66. BR gliscor, ninetails, and sylveon for 2 PAL gengar codes and redemptions of those 2 PAL gengars + 3 PAL diancies /u/Ho-OhsMeMoney
67. wifi torchic, PB celebi,wifi poke viv for scrap code /u/BasedNoface
68. 2 oct2014 diancies + bank celebi for 2 winter serperiors /u/blackaurora
69. fancy + pokeviv for winter HA emboar and sammorott /u/blackaurora
70. SRed heatran for 6 scraps /u/KaitoGL
71. 12 custom shinies for sejun's pachi /u/tuagre
72. 9 comp shinies + Jpn PC viv for KOR calendar darkrai /u/tuagre
73. A thank you for Battle Of Hoenn tyrunt code redeemed /u/SteelFather
74. ollehzard for game dankrai codes /u/YaManicKill
75. comp shiny charmander for 3 ORAS wifi beldums /u/Frippery4
76. NA diancie code for Serena's fenekin /u/toujours_poke
77. charmeleon named 420Blaze for Scrap shaymin redemption /u/blackaurora
78. shiny slowpoke named hamburgers for 6 GAME dankrai redeems /u/Ho-OhsMeMoney
79. 6 redeemed game darkrais for KOR theater diancie code /u/philvpham10
80. CAFE pikachoochootrain for KOR theater Diancie code /u/believingunbeliever
81. oct2014 Gengar lang set for Game darkrai code /u/redsludge
82. pal diancie bank celebi and UT torchic for 3 serenas Fennekins /u/aliski007
83. Custom redeemed HA emboar for 2 KOR diancie redeems /u/JavaSparrow
84. nada for m18 arceus redemption /u/blackaurora
85. gratitude for Game dankrai redemption /u/steelfather
86. NA beldum lang set for 3 serena's fennekins /u/APikachuNamedSparky
87. custom HA unova set for 2 Scraps /u/Steelfather
88. 1 redeemed coroqoaza for 2 Game darkrai codes /u/YaManicKill
89. SRed regirock for gamerai /u/zembem
90. scrap shaymin for 2 game darkrai codes /u/FireMeg
91. Amaura code thingy for 3 game darkrais + redeems /u/vincentasm
92. 2 HA unova sets for 2 game darkrai redemptions /u/Xenial6
93. SRed thundurus + kyogre for SRed xernease + 4 scraps /u/pr0th
94. FB conga line khanga code for redeemed m-18 arceus Dragon type /u/ajkyle56
95. comp shiny buneary for Coro rayquaza redemption /u/dantelukas
96. 3 Custom shinies + HA unova set for Game Darkrai code /u/FreakBurger
97. SRed whf Ray, 5 custom shinies for KOR keldeo code, KOR diancie, KOR wcsk Linoone /u/ahnjy127
98. Serena's Fennekin for scrap code /u/Broadsword117
99. Scrap code favor for HA unova set /u/blackaurora
100. comp shiny totadile for coroquaza redemption /u/dantelukas
101. Singapore Gengar for ajkyle's garbage ass scarfless Arash mamoswine /u/ajkyle56
102. Scrap set + Serena's fennekin for KOR diancie /u/xBsh3rx
103. SRed coroquaza for SRed whf rayquaza /u/ahnjy127
104. trophy Mr mine for coroquaza redmpemtion /u/Onizuak31
105. JPN gengar for arceus code /u/dantelukas
106. Shiny arceus redemption for Shiny Shellos /u/redsludge
107. Wifi beldum for 2 corquaza redeems /u/kinniie
108. pc piplup for Taiwan diancie /u/Demoyon
109. 3 stevens beldums for comp shiny drilbur and larvitar /u/SilverBlossom
110. gamerai for 6 gamestop dragontie codes /u/BethornedIvy
111. 2 gamestop dragonite codes for 2 bank celebis + comp shiny pawniard /u/Demoyon
112. PC mega ralts for 20 customs /u/eddiy
113. 20 customs for KOR diancie /u/hjan3312
114. NA gamestop dragonite for PALzard code /u/poliwhirl_sil
115. comp shiny mareep for gamestop dragonite code /u/Bermo5599
116. 5 gamestop dragonite code for 6 legends dialga /u/koto_om
117. comp shiny drilburhurdur for gamestop draagonite code /u/galironxero
118. 6 legends dialga for KOR theater diancie /u/BejittoSSJ5
119. 5 gamestop dragonite codes, 1 fb kanga for 2 custom PC gyarados /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
120. PC magikarp for comp shiny buneary /u/lavaburst14
121. SRed heatran for 20 gamestop dragonite codes /u/j_skiddles
122. pc gyarados for KOR theater diancie + game darkrai /u/broccoliYT
123. Scrap shaymin timid for KOR theater manaphy 31/x/x/x/31/31 naughty /u/innh125
124. KOR guide book keldeo for 5 australia ray codes /u/broadsword117
125. aus ray code for water tribe manaphy code /u/broccoliYT
126. 6 australian rayquaza codes for gamescom saableye code /u/Mortifer_Ultor
127. 1 m18 arceus for 3 australian rayquazas, 1 hope diancie /u/bossman-CT
128. 2 redeemed M18 arceus for 7-11 latios + lugia code /u/AcidPunk_
129. KOR manaphy redeem for 2 hope diancies /u/blackaurora
130. KOR manaphy redeem for Wifi beldum /u/doritoburrrito
131. KOR pre order gengar for Guide book shaymin code /u/jaimeg7
132. Naughty KOR water tribe manaphy for JPN coroquaza + comp shiny pawniard + steven's beldum /u/Tatertot74
133. 5 water tribe manaphy redeems for 3 Hope Diancies /u/Anderswelten
134. 2 manaphy redemptions for Palzard /u/vincentasm
135. KOR manaphy redeem for GTS viv /u/Statue_Left
136. Timid KOR manaphy redeem for PC Hiroshima gyarados /u/nigh_euphoria
137. SRed jolly arceus, 7-11 latios code for Water tribe manaphy code /u/Ellie_1
138. 3 Water Tribe Manaphies for Worlds Aegislash, Shiny ORAS azelf /u/Demoyon
139. KOR shaymi and keldeo redemption for M18 arceus GTS viv /u/Voltagic
140. M18 Kyurem for FB zard /u/Demoyon
141. 2015 teeterdance mini nacho pikachu for KOR mega battle zard /u/somsatang
142. Worlds shark for Worlds Aegislash /u/MrIcePick
143. Worlds aegis for PCBC gengar /u/jaimeg7
144. scrap shaymin for HoK Diancie /u/Cranham
145. 4 SG hoopa codes for 1 lab bulbasaur code /u/Mocky2222
146. PC hiroshima kap + gyarados for M18 Groudon /u/Jaimeg7
147. 7-11 KOR pc latios for ITA gamemar /u/APikachuNamedSparky
148. PGL tyrunt ITa gamemar for worlds Aegislash /u/ajkyle56
149. McHoopa for Shiny Yveltal /u/lawtrafalgar02
150. Worlds aegislash for PCBC 2nd distro Mawile /u/jaimeg7
151. 3 HK rachi codes for PC shiny diancie /u/yukijp
152. 2 KOR giratinas for 2 maxsoft arceus codes /u/Demoyon
153. max soft arceus code KOR calendar code for fukushima pikachu /u/yukijp
154. Fukushima pikachu for KOR calendar kyurem code, KOR theater arceus and hoopa code /u/Froakiedokie
155. KOR giratina for HK shiny jirachi code /u/fitsodark
156. N/A for HK shiny jirachi redeem /u/beardandfeared
157. kor gb keldeo redeem for Universe Diancie /u/waterwingss
158. WT manaphy for JPN theater diancie /u/Basednoface
159. 2 maxsoft arc codes for PC shiny diancie /u/itokichi
160. JPN pc mega altaria and Lucario for KOR theater diancie and calendar kyurem code /u/demoyon
161. Korean redeems for KOR arceus hoopa code /u/philvpham10
162. KOR theater arceus for KOR theater diancie /u/mushy_64
163. PCBC gengar for KOR theater diancie, scrap eevee code /u/dantelukas
164. Nagoya lab code set for KOR theater Diancie WT manaphy /u/willster191
165. 2 KOR arceus hoopa redeems for KOR pokeday mew /u/froakiedokie
166. Custom KOR shiny xerneas for 3 scrap codes /u/fleepter
167. KOR xerneas for Hope diancie /u/free-Brownies
168. 2 kor shiny xerneas for 2 scrap codes /u/CaelumKrieger
169. KOR serial xerneas lab bulba for KOR 6 legends dialga /u/jaimeg7
170. KOR serial code giratina for 2016 scrap code /u/kaitoGL
171. PC hiroshima gyara FB zard X for 4 custom PC shiny diancies /u/3spooky5me
172. Kor giratina for 4 NA darkrai codes /u/Spar1995
173. 3 Korea shiny xerneas Korea giratina for 10 na darkrai codes /u/Neuroticweasel
174. Kor giratina for 7 gf manaphy and a gf mew /u/Oaiwen
175. Kor milktank redeem for NoHK infernape /u/Infinateshadow
176. Kor ha bird set for 3 gf manaphy and 3 gf darkrai /u/Henrxv
177. 3 scraps for PGL Landorus code /u/Rodnazics
178. 13 KOR XYZ sets for 13 scraps /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
179. Gamerai language set for Theater greninja and two jarvam gengars /u/Caelumkreiger
180. PC T-tar set for JPN m18 legends set + pc T Tar /u/caelumkrieger
181. Sejuns pachi pc mega egg ralts for Halloween gengar JPN theater diancie comp shiyn scatter bug /u/bejittossj5
182. KOR ot miltank redeem for OCT2014 gengar /u/Voltagic
183. whitney's miltank redeem for 20th anniv darkrai /u/sheldrob
184. KOR OT pgl garchomp redeem for 7-11 Gardevoir code /u/infiniteshadow
185. KOR OT cynthia's garchomp redeem for cynthia garchomp code /u/kaitogl
186. KOR cynthias garchomp redeem for hope diancie /u/caelumkreiger
187. PGL Garchomp redeem for Chimea gardevoir /u/3spooky5me
188. pgl landorus for pgl chomp code /u/cukiiemonster
189. PGL garchomp redeem for bank celebi /u/Voltagic
190. pc pumpkaboo for 2 pgl chomp codes /u/tai_lop3z
191. 4 PGL cynthia garchomp codes for 1 KOR theater diancie /u/philvpham10
192. dahra city giratina for 3 pal 20th anniv darkrai codes 20th anniv aarceus Jarvis gengar codes /u/emm1096
193. KOR cynthia's garchomp redeem for NA arceus code /u/qweligator
194. gf manaphy for hope diancie /u/creativeusernaem
195. SG pikachu code for PGL miltank /u/judefacekilla
196. KOR HA bird set, KOR XYZ set for SG cafe pika code /u/Saorisen
197. HA kor bird set for 4 happy meowths /u/robertoxmed
198. m18 jpn legends set for worlds16 set /u/upper90175
199. KOR m18 giratina for 6 happy meowths /u/ostfi
200. SG cafe pikapoo for scrap shaymin /u/Kirzi
201. vote greninja pc tyranitar for KOR shiny diancie /u/ktw5594
202. KOR guidebook mareep redeem for NA arceus code /u/scarletros3
203. Worlds squirtle for KOR shiny diancie, and jpn theater diancie /u/kaitogl
204. KOR HA bird set, KOR XYZ set for Happy meowth lang set /u/kaitogl
205. SPA pikachu redeem for happy meowth language set /u/sheldrob
206. KOR OT PGL chomp redeem, 2 scrap codes, 2 kor serial giratinas for skytree rayquaza /u/Rodnazics
207. SPA pika redeem for N's darmanitan /u/infiniteshadow
208. maxsoft rayquaza for 4 pokemon pk6 files checked /u/Voltagic
209. KOR XYZ garde for Chymia garde /u/V1C1OU5LY
210. KOR spa pika redeem for NA arceus code /u/Judefacekilla
211. 2 KOR XYZ gardes for PGL darmanitan code /u/steithum
212. XYZ garde for N's darmanitan code /u/Schwing
213. SRed wristband jirachi for m17 diancie, movie greninja, 2016 tanabata jirachi /u/radioactive28
214. vote greninja for sejun's pachi /u/cubanpete26
215. KOR shiny xerneas for 2 NA GS volc codes /u/bromorin
216. KOR pre order victini code for KOR all stars diancie /u/Dragonstorm55
217. kor xyz anime set for pci hydreigon /u/moag14
218. kor chomp redeem for NA aldora birds /u/sheldrob
219. coroquaza pc mega camerupt for mall eevee /u/rudvlf1817
220. mega battle zard, KOR calendar dialga, Dahara dialga for PCI set /u/Droidem
221. hiro gyara for ribbon services /u/wensnake
222. skytree rayquaza for pc goomy egg /u/cubbyhole
223. cynthias garchomp redeem, kor shiny xerneas for Tapu koko redeem /u/threeSpooky5me
224. spa pika redeem for pgl darm? /u/xtakeru
225. 2 dahara giratinas, 1 shiny xerneas for RNGed Macarena /u/ThreeSpooky5Me
226. world's bulbasaur for 2 KOR shiny Diancies /u/froakiedokie
227. universe diancie for AEON stenee code /u/trollolly
228. hope diancie, poke viv for 3 lilli vulpixe codes /u/Super_fua
229. KOR bird set for 3 lillie vulpixes redeemed /u/ZiR1402
230. KOR mega garde + 20th anniv manaphy for 5 custom NA shiny kokos /u/SimoxxGb
231. GF manaphy for 2 NA shiny kokos /u/Lundrity
232. KOR XYZ garde for 4 tapu koko wifi events /u/poobana
233. PCI hydreigon from moag14 for PC espeon and some shiny tapu koko /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
234. kor garde 20th manaphy for 5 na kokos /u/shamaela
235. KOR mega set for 11 NA shiny kokos /u/Super_Fua
236. coroquaza for 7-11 mew lucario zard and piplup code /u/trollolly
237. KOR garde + gf manaphy for JPN lunatone, 2017 7-11 code set redeems /u/doritoburrrito
238. 3 lillie vulpixes for 1 pop up shop kor espeon /u/froakiedokie
239. WT manaphy 6 legends giratina, pc mega altaria, tanabata16 jirachi for 2 custom pc mimikyus, parade ditto /u/exiawind
240. pc mimikyu for KOR vc celebooty code /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
241. Hiroshima karp for theat good succ solrock /u/ZiR1402
242. m18 groudon for aids, 20 scraps, lil peep's xanax /u/ShadyWithoutnumbers
243. NA Aldora boid set for 2017 scrap set redeem /u/ZiR1402
244. 5 KOR giratinas, KOR mega xyz set for 32 scraps /u/CaelumKreiger
245. 20 scraps for KOR pikapoo /u/1102yoyo
246. NA gamestop XY code for NA target entei/raikou code and golisopod /u/NameNowTaken
247. Nats Arc, Shiny Kor Xerneas for KOR movie Darkrai + Shaymin code /u/Flareblitz12
248. pc shiny karp for 3 kor diancies /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
249. the dankest of the wankest tapu koko for worlds mello /u/trollolly
250. scrap eevee + serena's fennekin for WCSK metagross /u/heliogfonseca
251. KOR GB / pre order victini for JPN Theater Diancie, fula city zero, 2018 Legends Zygarde /u/20mtrebu
252. hk jirachi, NA Koko for shiny celebi, pc shaymin, pci crobat /u/trollolly
253. kor xyz mega set for 5 rnged zeras, rnged 2018 legends latias + latios /u/ilovedynamicqueue
254. GF Manaphy for 2 NA Zeroras /u/acetone15
255. ful city zera for oct2014 gengar (gamestop gengar) /u/kuyakhris
256. kor 6 legends giratina for GF Manaphy / 20th mana /u/dantelukas
257. pc mimikyu for pgl tapu fini /u/numy4440
258. nats gastro, pgl fini for all star diancie /u/aceRene
259. 2 worlds aero save files for 1 pci nidoqueen /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
260. Walmart tracksuit code for ITA ditto, machoke evo help /u/kiraaauwu
261. KOR pgl munna redeem for PGL koko RNG services /u/ilovedynamicqueue
262. Parade Ditto for 2 KOR shiny solgaleo/Lunala codes, 1 KOR Necrozma code /u/AceRene
263. 2 funnel munna redeems for RNG services for shiny poipole /u/ilovedynamicqueue
264. Shinygyarados for gmax wifi meowth /u/TerpyTerpTerps
265. shiny for event gmax meowth /u/Barson420
266. shiny ponyta for gmax meowth event /u/jmilone5826
267. shiny gallade for gmax meowth event /u/Baranamo1
268. shiny aegislash for gmax meowth event /u/SmurfyPaul
269. shiny eevee for gmax meowth event /u/SensationalAnt
270. shiny dura for gmax meowth event /u/paper-froggie
271. shiny gallade for gmax meowth event /u/mildfruit
272. shiny polteageist for gmax meowth event /u/brittclarke61
273. shiny mr rime for gmax meowth event /u/chyeaahbrah
274. shiny eiscue for gmax meowth event /u/KingBaaz
275. worlds aero, 6 legends giratina for rnged eon ticket latios /u/ilovedynamicqueue
276. shiny gmax gengar for gmax meowth event /u/porta_14
277. shiny pyukumukyu for gmax meowth event /u/paper-froggie
278. shiny lucario, shiny stunfisk for 2 gmax meowth events /u/paper-froggie
279. nada for rng services on 2018 legends xerneas /u/ilovedynamicqueue
280. Worlds Aero for RNG services for 2018 legends raikou, 2018 legends tornadus, gamestop salazzle /u/ilovedynamicqueue
281. shiny morgrem for gmax meowth event /u/epirip
282. trade fodder for gamestop lunala / eclipse lunala /u/ilovedynamicqueue
283. 2 funnel GTS munna redeem for rng services on 2018 legends ho oh adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 /u/ilovedynamicqueue
284. Shiny gallade for HOME pikachu /u/edreis
285. 3 TCG cards for Universe Diance /u/Lightning00
286. KOR aldora bird set, 20th jirachi, 20th celebi for gen 6+7 rng services /u/mizudomi
287. Chimea garde, kor XYZ set for 4 Home Zeras /u/Eyruth
288. FRE Sly Zera, pc hiro karp for 3 Home Zeros /u/Red_Her
289. Galileo Ray for 2 Home Zeros /u/Moose_VI
290. Arvis Gengar for 2 home Zeros /u/Eyruth
291. Arvis Gengar for 2 Home Zeros /u/2bullets4toby
292. KOR serial code garde, NA shiny koko for 3 Home Zeras /u/Greenevers
293. Alex Hoopa, Helen Volc for 5 Home Zeras /u/stinkynate
294. SG Ray for 6 Home Zeras /u/GarchompRawr
295. GF Arc from Y save for 2 Home zeras /u/DCoy33
296. NA wifi koko for 2 home zeras /u/Parhelion733
297. worlds 19 aero for 4 home zeras /u/ron0213
298. GF manaphy for 2 home zeras /u/Juliomc02
299. KOR serial garde, 2 worlds Aeros for 10 Home Zeras /u/KirbyTheDestroyer
300. 2 KOR shiny xerneas for 3 worlds / nats amoongus /u/raviteja101
301. kor serial xyz xerneas for 2 songjun amoonguss /u/PrimalLord
302. 3 kor xyz serial shiny xerneas for 4 soonjun / wcsk amoonguss /u/eddiespaghetti1234
303. uwu for shiny celebi jungle / movie code /u/whlzki
304. Steven's beldummy thicc for jpn coco zarude code /u/Devilman6555
305. stevens beldum for jungle coco zarude code /u/Greenevers
306. 6 legends giratina, fula zera for coco / jungle zarude celebi code set /u/jannlipot
307. darha giratina, kor xyz garde for 5 wcs 2020 gastros, coco jungle zarude code /u/nightmareofflame101
308. worlds aero eng save for pogo dankrai /u/stinkynate
309. kotone french ttar for 2 2020 scrap code sets /u/ilovedynamicqueue
310. kor aldora bird set, happy meowth, kor xyz mega mon set for pogo shiny deoxys /u/carrythief
311. 2 ENG worlds aeros saves for shiny pogo Dankrai /u/samurai_01
312. lol for 2020 scrap set redeem /u/porta_14
313. kor aldora bird set, NA wifi koko for shiny pogo genesect /u/RevzZ3
314. SG FB Rayquaza for touched KOR cinema diancie /u/carpediemfan
315. 2 worlds aeros for shiny pogo genesect /u/samurai_01
316. gf dankrai for scrap 2020 gene volc marsh /u/CarpeDiemfan
317. 6 legends / dhara gira for 2 scrap 2020 code sets /u/Greenevers
318. Worlds Aero save, whitneys miltank KOR OT for KOR GVM scrap code set /u/emil-nhg
319. home zera gmax meowth for n/a was a gift /u/kaitoGL
320. gmax wifi meowth for gamestop zamzenta redeem /u/sejin_mb
321. fula zera, 2018 legends zygarde for Pocha Marche Pokémon Center Piplup (the bdsp pc piplup thingy) /u/sejin_mb
322. 2017 wifi koko, shiny home zera for BDSP KOR Regigigas code /u/stridel
323. 2021 champion sableye grimsnarl for why you looking here lol /u/ilovedynamicqueue
324. whitneys miltank KOR OT for KOR piplup code /u/koode0823
325. n's darmanitan, stevens beldummy thicc, hairy hoopa, whitneys miltank kor OT for JPN theater diancieeznuts lmao /u/evthe420
326. KOR aldora bird set, kor dahara giratina for plasma genesect nickname UM save /u/ilovedynamicqueue
327. worlds aero for ash dragonite 25th anniv jirachi code /u/eponyta
328. home shiny zera for 6 worlds victinis, 6 ash dracovish, 6 ash dragonite, 6 ash gengar /u/serenity-as-ice
329. NA koko, dahara giratina, KOR serial code xerneas, worlds aero for 25th jpn movie event latias pikachu diagla palkia /u/PublicCapital
330. worlds aero on discord for n/a /u/kaitoGL
331. N/A for 25th movie anniv palkia redeed /u/caedei
332. home zera for like 26 wifi ashe mons and worlds victinis? /u/onepointpi
333. worlds aero for flying terastal pika x2, jiseok lee's garga x2, gavin mochael's palafin x2, pc bday flabooty /u/bwo0
334. WCSK amoonguss gen 8 for Yasuharu Shimizu's Bronzong Self Obtained KOR Tag 6/10/2023 /u/thedecimated
335. nothing for Wonseok Jung's East Sea Gastrodon Event announced for Tomorrow /u/crazyNek0
336. WCSK amoongus for wonseok jung's gastrodon /u/onepointpi
337. 1 kor xya xerneas shiny bling bling deer zooweee mama for gen 9 kor pichu thingy michina town or smth /u/sejin_mb
338. jpn jungle zarude for Paul Chua's Arcanine /u/mushy_64
339. worlds aero for bdsp jirachi + mew gifts /u/Anderswelten
340. NA tapu koko for 2 wonseok gastro /u/thedecimated
341. wcsk amoongus, worlds 19 aero for flying tera lechonk, kor pichu /u/serenity_as_ice
342. 20th genesect for aldora bird set RNG /u/RadiantDrake
343. 2 worlds aero saves, serenas fennekin for like 15 gen 7 rngs or smth lmao /u/ilovedynamicqueue
344. 1 worlds aero save for 8 worlds aero save run throughs /u/devilman6555
345. home shiny zera / One million victories Shiny Zeraora for 12 worlds aero saves ran /u/terryus1
346. happy meowth FRE Adamant for 3 worlds aero saves run /u/lumpoke
[+] Shinies (35)
1. trophy gloom for trophy polewhirl /u/vinefire
2. houndoomite for shiny relicanth /u/Ekoobs
3. trophy hariyama for trophy froakie /u/rawrzorzz
4. trophy politoed + pokedex data for trophy sharpedo chespin and goomy /u/Cookie_Fusion
5. trophy bunnelby and sharpedo for trophy delphox and clauncher /u/pillimehu
6. HA scraggy, cottonee for semi comp bulbasaur /u/jessesmi
7. comp shiny solosis for comp shiny gaslty /u/Cat_astrophe7
8. 2 sableyes, tr yamask for assault vest, trophy hariyama, skrelp, and goomy /u/Cade-O
9. trophy roselia and delphox + comp shiny staryu for 2 comp shiny tyrougues /u/vinefire
10. Fully trained MEowstic M, and TR porygon for comp shiny metagross + trophy seviper /u/ThCooki
11. comp phanpy for comp gastly /u/MRBlobbable
12. comp dratini for comp klefki /u/jinzy1206
13. trophy chespin and goomy for 2 ability capsules /u/Typical-Geek
14. comp phanpy + imperfect shuppet for quickball hp ice eevee breedable, and dive ball eevee breedable /u/ThePokeBro
15. trophy seviper for dream ball gligar breedable /u/xJelz
16. trophy ralts for ability capsule /u/dbz-daniel
17. 3 fancy vivs for comp shiny larvitar /u/yakitorisushi
18. comp shiny mareep for comp shiny larvesta /u/jazmaa
19. comp shiny mareep + trophy noibat and pupitar for NA gamegar code /u/actionjaxon77
20. comp shiny mudkip for comp shiny houndor /u/ezelking
21. comp shiny houndour for NA Gamegar /u/KaitoGL
22. comp shiny tyrougue for NA diancie code /u/JHSAFTA
23. comp shiny mareep for EU gengar code and wifi pumpkaboo /u/Juliette_Dark
24. NA diancie code for comp shiny klefki /u/SaberMarie
25. comp shiny froakie for 2 NA diancie codes /u/Strifer549
26. comp shiny froakie for comp shiny delibird /u/Jozcef
27. trophy chespin illumnise and bibarel for PAL diancie code /u/adze2310
28. comp shiny carvanha for NA diancie code /u/pokech
29. comp shiny nidoran F and klefki for 2 PAL diancie codes /u/macxlll
30. semi comp shiny torchic and 2 froakies for shiny stone /u/GodOfGhosts
31. trophy sentret for contest ribbon for my arceus /u/AugustoCSP
32. SRed heatran for got HA unova set, truckload of shinies /u/matthewfunc
33. Comp shiny swablu + kekleon for Contest ribbon services /u/crownofnails
34. SRed suicune for 6 custom shinies /u/Acrylami
35. shiny machioke, shiny lucario for 6iv jpn ditto, dream ball /u/alskdj0
[+] Competitive / Casual (105)
1. Vulpix for Horsea /u/sasukeuchiha12
2. yamask for leftovers /u/vinefire
3. sentret for gible /u/xJelz
4. timburr for skarmory /u/SevenCardStud
5. cottonee for cherubi /u/hottyBelgium
6. absol + timburr for dratini + weakness policy /u/MalheartsNutmeg
7. vulpix for choice scarf /u/ap300
8. traded vulpix and mawile` for dratini + cyndaquil /u/naffanoaktree
9. vulpix for assault vest /u/Scientific_Railgun
10. mawile for gible /u/TheSiko98
11. vulpix for ferroseed /u/Jiro300
12. roselia for beldum /u/LordDiggersby
13. 2 shiny stones for eevee + pinsir /u/blackaurora
14. vulpix for feebas /u/tifamaroo
15. roselia for bagon /u/Kornay
16. roselia vulpix for 2 crogunks /u/BearClawWednesda
17. roselia for hp ice eevee /u/mattflippin
18. heracranite for t-tarite /u/WardrobeLeo
19. roselia for charmander /u/Kjungwoo5
20. roselia` for choice band /u/Jazma
21. roselia for staryu /u/tifamaroo
22. TR porygon for sableye /u/HAtsuneLuka
23. finneon misdreavus shiny stone slakoth dusk stone (pokedex entries) for shelder aron lopunny klinklang /u/Wuh-Bam
24. roselia for abra /u/eaglesguy96
25. roselia for corphish /u/Draxious
26. mawile for focus sash /u/BigLBx
27. 2 espurrs for cligar and scraggy /u/jazzma
28. traded lots of pokedex data and dragon scale for dream ball scraggy and 2 dream ball zubats and dream ball fineon /u/LeFishyDerps
29. chimchar for "jizz webs" joltik /u/PlutoniumKrogarr
30. vukpix and sableye for 6 iv serperior /u/Villaionous
31. zubat for "mah digga" drilbur /u/tjmil28
32. sableye for larvitar /u/ninja_sk
33. chimchar for chinchou /u/flamingtoastjpn
34. espurr, bagon for "Mr. Stabby" honedge /u/Tortleini
35. 4 shiny stones for deino, togepi /u/cherrycakez
36. bagon for mincino /u/geitzblitz
37. dream ball drifloon scraggy shuckle for ralts sableye /u/jaykyungsoo
38. espurr for togepi /u/sandtigers
39. chimchar + non HA chimchar for magnemite /u/geitzblitz
40. togepi for litwick /u/syrj21
41. roselia for shroomish /u/Tyriepw
42. porygon and bagon for deino /u/bokoy234
43. porygon for mudkip /u/AlbinoGibbon
44. ralts bagon and chimchar for pawniard and nidoran F /u/PinkPandaa
45. pawniard for sneasal /u/Redferf
46. chinchou for aerodactyl /u/hberniz98
47. chinchou for lileep /u/Sancheztadore
48. chinchou for growolithe /u/mahoukami
49. deino scraggy chinchou and litwick for hp ice rotom, heracross, and riolu /u/cherrycakez
50. 15 pokedex entries for nothing /u/Pokech
51. maraktus egg for imperfect eevee /u/TheLiveDunn
52. HA torchic, HA chimchar, and chinchou breedable for 2 lux ball snorlaxes /u/tlatham86
53. lureball chinchou for safariball scyther /u/Ho-OhsMeMoney
54. lureball chinchou + solosis for hp ice elektrike /u/BestDumpling1
55. porygon egg for larvitar /u/TheOceanPig
56. porygon and roselia for 6 iv noibat /u/lordbladez21
57. safari ball scyther, dream ball dratini for dreamball eevee, heavy ball phanpy /u/ThePokeBro
58. safariball scyther for dream ball corphish /u/Scribleesis
59. dream ball dratini for sports ball scyther /u/arwong
60. 5 iv scyther for comp tyranitar /u/Zupanator
61. rotom for goomy /u/guitarerdood
62. hatched a ralts egg for HA ralts /u/blessed80
63. 4 apricorn ball pokemon for imperfect breedables /u/annie3d
64. lent dreamball eevee breedable for 2 eevee eggs for the SVeX /u/twixclub
65. heavy ball phanpy for TR elgyem /u/yineedname
66. Heavy ball phanpy for dream ball HA bile /u/HeavyWater20
67. heavyball phanpy for murkrow /u/talhatoot
68. 7 custom apricorn ball females for 2 skarmories, 2 roselias /u/abcdefghijk12374
69. female HA sentret for manectrite /u/khennlionhart
70. moonball gastly and lure ball magikarp for lure ball marril /u/KoD304
71. lureball chinchou for squirtle egg /u/Kod304
72. dreamball dratini for dreamball shuppet /u/Pancham4
73. safari ball aron, premier ball sentret, for dream ball drilbur, roselia, cayvanna /u/snowcatch
74. mareep for totadile /u/vamwerefairy
75. marill for calm ditto /u/yineedname
76. loveball oddish for levelball seedot /u/TeriyakiNinja007
77. fast ball pidgey, friend ball doduo for heavy ball machop, loveball hera /u/AceLifeOx
78. moonball skarmory, 6 iv sableye for 4 specific nature dittos /u/nom-sequitur
79. marrill for archen /u/kent6755
80. dratini for dream ball petilil /u/Rimon-Hanit
81. rotom for koffing /u/TheOceanPig
82. lure ball marill for dusk ball deino /u/Typical-Geek
83. safariball gible for dream ball horsea /u/hahsmilefjes
84. lent 6 iv marill for 2 marill eggs and marill back /u/Alekhyo
85. moonball misdreavus and sneasal, and a level ball ponyta for imperfect breedables of them /u/asmodous
86. scyther for geodude /u/razorsharp3000
87. safari ball scyther for dream ball mareep /u/steelFather
88. dratini, eevee, and scyther for absol, castform, and sneasal /u/talhatoot
89. deino for slugma /u/jozcef
90. 6 iv female eevee breedable for HP fire bulbasaur breedable and swinub breedable /u/TG_Cid
91. heart scale for timid w33dle /u/blackaurora
92. vivilon named Carl for Spritzee named Carl and a heart scale /u/HurpDurp22
93. 5 iv moonball gastly and imperfect female moonball gastly for 420BlazeItUpkinite /u/KaltoGL
94. dreamball mareep breedable for dreamball aerodactyl breedable /u/Awful_Person
95. 5 iv horsea egg for choice scarf /u/ISwanky
96. HA premier sentret for HA dive karrablast /u/richi3f
97. comp mareeps for comp pachirisu /u/Raevix
98. dratini breedables for Annorith breedable /u/pretzelol236
99. dank meme for pentagon thundurus /u/Lenian
100. lure ball bounsweet for mareanie for pokedex /u/nshyxn
101. lure ball bounsweet egg for spooky anchor pokemon /u/lavaburst14
102. eevee for mudbray /u/expiredjellybean
103. Walmart clothes code for Bounsweet /u/Metalldiva
104. ferroseed breedject for sinistea breedable /u/shorbs
105. bold mint for meltan /u/lally525
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (33)
1. comp shiny eevee for RNG-ed excadrill /u/cannibaleyes
2. premier ball HA sentret for RNG hp fire ditto /u/Gatsby25
3. 30 sum2014 heras for RNGed azelf + haxorus + virizion /u/gjones18
4. 3 sum2014 heras for RNG hp ice ditto /u/Gatsby25
5. RNG-ed Haxorus for 2 fancies + comp shiny skarmory /u/jozcef
6. 3 bankball females for RNG-ed ditto /u/Pokech
7. 3 comp shinies + NA diancie code for RNGed heatran /u/gjones18
8. 30 dex entries for comp shiny voltorb /u/JonathanWoss
9. comp shiny larvitar, JPN halloween gengar for Win2011 Celebi /u/Gjones18
10. Singapore gengar for Strongest hot local singles in your area garchomp /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
11. pal diancie for Decolora Adventures Jirachi /u/thirdpancreas
12. strongest singles garchomp for KOR preorder gengar /u/gjones18
13. Declora Jirachi, 4 wifi beldums, comp shiny carvana magikarp and scatterbug for M-14 Diancie /u/CallMeTub
14. pb celebi, winter serp, comp shiny magikarp for sum2013 diagla /u/AlexLoui
15. win2011 celebi, 2 oct 2014 pumpkaboos, 2 comp shinies for 2 game darkrai codes /u/dantelukas
16. RNGed scizzor, comp shiny honedge for Game stop shiny raikou /u/hakunajuanmata
17. Chilosek jiracih for plasma deoxys + sum2010 jirachi /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
18. redeemed FB kanga for SPR2013 melleotta /u/Earendil503
19. GameStop Jirachi for Coroquaza code /u/xBsh3rx
20. FB kanga dange for GAMESTP deoxys + sum2012 kelde0 /u/Earendil503
21. MAX soft rayquaza code for ashes scraggy, PGL amaura /u/ahnjy127
22. pgl rayquaza for KOR jamsil rayquaza , wcsk linoone /u/CPU_blanc
23. 12 dragonite redemptions for masuda deoxys /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
24. KOR manaphy 31/x/31/x/x/31 redeem for HP fire 6iv RNGed Latias named Swiggity /u/Admiral_Fish_Alt
25. ash's scraggy for Scrap shaymin + keldeo /u/ajkyle56
26. Scrap keldeo for Plasma genesect NAive /u/aa3mk3aa
27. 25 Comp Shinies for MAnaphy code /u/dwnes
28. Plasma Genesect + WCSK linoone for Latios code + Mini Nacho Pikachu /u/jaimeg7
29. teeter dance pika, 2 PC karps for RNGed HG retail moltres articuno kyogre mew2 /u/Admiral_Fish
30. RNGed kyogre moltres articuno mewtwo for KOR and JPN 2015 tanabata /u/yukijp
31. XY 2015 tanabata + Scrap keldeo for Declora Jirachi + KOR diancie /u/jaimeg7
32. Shiny PC karp for 3 KOR theater diancies + Strongest class scizor /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
33. Strongest class scizor pcbc mawil for Wt manaphy pc hiroshima gyarados and volcanion code /u/Iamadeinonychusama

Egg Hatches (30)

1. hatched some shiny helipotile /u/FrenchGaudi
2. hatched a shiny /u/morga95
3. I'm only logging this for a torchic flair. hatched larvitar and it was shiny /u/Awful_Person
4. I have no clue what I hatched but I love torchic flairs /u/chuni_pok
5. gave: hatch on a phione got: torchic egg flair /u/kumikki
6. I have no clue what I hatched on this one too /u/life_orb_halbert
7. clamperl and/or torchic flair /u/UmiMizuAi
8. magikarp /u/littlefabi
9. I hatched a feebas and got a torchic flair baby /u/Terirakininja007
10. 2 ralts, 1 torchic flair /u/10gyt
11. 2 ralts, 1 torchic flair /u/10gyt
12. Why dont people specify what pokemon they need hatched? /u/YenT7
13. bulbasaur or sumthin I dunno /u/patchespatch04
14. staryougottagivemetorchicflairpls /u/steelfather
15. this sneasal came up shiny /u/manaty_poke
16. eggsarecute and so is a torchic egg /u/Lunarys
17. this spirittomb is #2spooky5me /u/mora94
18. another ralts another FHQ entry /u/nakyung74
19. I dont know the contents of this egg either demoyon /u/togawe
20. pancham4pancham4 /u/Pancham4
21. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /u/Sylgrace
22. this larvitar is in my hands now by chance funnily enough /u/SilverBlossom
23. I dont know what he wanted hatched but he won his game of league Demoyon /u/Icarusqt
24. Demoyon i really want people to list what's in their eggs /u/jaymonsum
25. a delidank /u/jozcef
26. Idk this egg either demoyon /u/sepilioth
27. gib torchic flair pls /u/baldomaro
28. I know it's nicknamed <3BlueBelle<3 but not what it is /u/thegr8vgc
29. an egg that matches my tsv /u/illadin
30. phantump came out shiny /u/trogoholic

Giveaways/Contests (10 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. did free move tutoring in ORAS (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. gave some kid or two a beastball dieno (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)
3. I threw out free moonball gibles instead of feeding the homeless (Sub: pokemontrades, 6 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (19)

1. kirzi redeemed mah corocoro rayquaza /u/blackaurora
2. got KOR guidebook keldeo redeemed /u/Epikouros23
3. had a scrap shaymin redeemed /u/blackaurora
4. got 2 game dankrais redeemed /u/propallor
5. had a easter HK kanga redeemed /u/pikasang
6. gave comp shiny shelder for scrap keldeo redeemed /u/jaimeg7
7. Expo redeemed my kor guide book keldeo /u/expo911
8. game dankrai was redeemed /u/a_casserole
9. I redeemed a shiny arceus /u/Free-Brownies
10. redeemed a poisson arceus /u/willster191
11. Redeemed a scrap Victini /u/Teh-Kniight
12. tutored a guys tyranitar super power for free /u/infamax3000
13. 2 dragonite redemptions /u/Esmeya
14. 2 dragonite redeems /u/yukiJP
15. redeemed manaphy /u/Meleottamaestro
16. redeemed a manaphy /u/Potato5lyfe
17. redeemed a kor mareep /u/ajkyle56
18. Redeemed guide book keldeo /u/ajkyle56
19. got free worlds tatsugiri redeem /u/bwo0

Misc (0)


SnowPhoenix9999 Aug 1, 2017 11:43:42 PM

This dude is one of my favorite "living memes".

go4ino Feb 15, 2017 5:14:20 AM

Darnit Rod

Rodnazics Aug 4, 2016 2:54:41 PM

go4ino is my favorite scrub

go4ino Dec 29, 2014 10:23:41 AM

Wow this trader is a solid 420/10, I can't r8 this user any higher flat out amazing, I can confirm this since it is I who is reviewing my sexy ref page

khennlionhart Oct 26, 2014 3:07:46 AM

Traded me GAME Magmar + 2 Wi-fi Events for an advance NA Diancie Code. Great trader and very patient

khennlionhart Oct 26, 2014 3:06:56 AM

Traded me GAME Magmar + 2 Wi-fi Events for an advance NA Diancie Code. Great trader and very patient

yineedname Oct 23, 2014 3:53:57 AM

Made a whole bunch of various trades with this fellow seeker of the booty. He's trustworthy and has all the best pokemon. From bowling bowls to dildo noses, he is truly a master.

go4ino's Information


(ಠ‿ಠ) LF: dat booty (ಠ‿ಠ)

Friend codes:

  • 0061-0273-3514


  • IGN: Jack TSV: 1416
  • IGN: Go4inORAS TSV: 2546
  • IGN: Caitlyn TSV: 1968