
2809-8893-2942 || Sushi (X), Sushi (Y), Sushi (αS)
2809-8893-2942 || Sushi (X) || 2779

Trades (66)

[+] Events (22)
1. Tyranitarite for Bank Celebi /u/daltarlibrarian
2. GAME Code for 7 Bank Celebi /u/Sy-r-b
3. 4 GAME Codes for 30 Bank Celebi /u/Sy-r-b
4. Shiny Treecko for 2 Bank Celebi /u/QueenNala
5. Torchic w/Stone for Shiny Gastly /u/Demoyon
6. UT Celebi for 5 IV Cleffa /u/LeFishyDerps
7. Ability Capsule for 1 Fancy Vivillon /u/tacocat777
8. Trophy Frogadier for 1 Bank Celebi /u/tacocat777
9. Custom Shinies & 2 GAMEZards for M17 Darkrai /u/bettsshawn
10. Scrap Keldeo & Shaymin Code for 6 Scrap Codes /u/xtakeru
11. FBZard Code for 6 Custom Shinies /u/thejjustinj
12. 2 GAME Codes for 3 Shinies /u/shivermenipple
13. 2 GAMEZards for GameZard X /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
14. FBZard Code for 9 Shinies /u/bruhmanchillin
15. 5 Custom Shinies for GAMEZard Y /u/umbreho
16. 1 Custom Shiny for UT Torchic w/ Stone /u/Demoyon
17. 1 Custom Shiny for 6 Fancy Vivs /u/DerKaiser15
18. 2 Celebi for EV Training /u/CazadorV
19. 1 UT Celebi for Trophy Octillery /u/kewligirl95
20. M17 Darkrai for Pichu Egg /u/Rimon-Hanit
21. 15 UT Celebi for Tretta Rotom /u/Rimon-Hanit
22. HP Ice Moltres & 8 Custom Shinies for FBZard /u/markysquita
[+] Shinies (19)
1. Shiny Chimchar for Shiny Rotom /u/ek93922
2. Shiny Sableye for 2 BP Items /u/shinigami1212
3. Aggronite for Trophy Charizard /u/tammaro12345
4. Houndoomite for Trophy Pansear /u/cinnamon_bunz
5. Charizardite Y for Trophy Smeargle /u/Rimatis
6. 2 BP Items for Trophy Dratini /u/totodile12
7. 5 BP Items for 3 Trophy Shinies /u/RoosterDoodleStew
8. Fodder Pokemon for Eggs & Trophy Quagsire /u/Demosthenes13
9. Manectite for Trophy Charmander /u/shootingstars2014
10. 2 Shinies for 3 Breedables /u/DherMeister
11. Shiny Charmander for HP Fighting Misdreavus /u/alyksandr
12. 2 Trophy Shinies for 2 Breedables /u/ProfessorVoldemort
13. Trophy Shiny for HP Ice Litleo /u/hahapedrox
14. Shiny Lileep for 3 Breedables /u/LMWXNO
15. Shiny Flaafy for 5 IV Zangoose /u/BearClawWednesda
16. Shiny Fraxure for 6 IV Tynamo /u/XDuFELL
17. 2 Shinies for 5 Breedables /u/gurugly
18. Trophy Cyndaquil for 5 IV Rotom /u/Gongasgreen
19. Trophy Sandshrew for 5 IV Bagon /u/macrocephale
[+] Competitive / Casual (14)
1. HA Porygon for HP Ice Electrike /u/puddihime
2. 5 IV Klefki for Focus Sash /u/BakuFanatic
3. BP Item & 5 IV Chansey for HP Ice Electrike /u/fcbtorano
4. 2 Leftovers & Charizardite Y for 5 IV Pokemon /u/Dragax
5. Ability Capsules for 5 IV Pokemon /u/Centaurion
6. 2 Megastones for HP & 5 IV Pokemon /u/Demoyon
7. Gyaradosite for Absol Breeding Pair /u/mtgnewb65
8. Aggronite for DR Ho-Oh /u/TopazPhoenix
9. BP Items for 5 IV Pokemon /u/UmiMizuAi
10. Imperfect HA Venipede for Imperfect Boomlax /u/Sh4dowlord66
11. 4 Megastones for 2 BankBall Mons /u/darwinistic
12. 2 Stones for 1 BankBall Mon /u/Vyss
13. Ability Capsule for 4 Breedables /u/vincentasm
14. RNGed Tornadus for 10 Breedables /u/gurugly
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (11)
1. Walmart Scizor for RNGed Manaphy /u/kurttr
2. Juanita's Golurk for RNGed Oblivia Deoxys /u/Marinski
3. Chief Golgo's Sableye & 6 Fancy Vivs for GAMESTP Shiny Dog Trio /u/Earendil503
4. M17 Darkrai for Juanita's Golurk /u/ajkyle56
5. RNGed Azelf & Regice for 6 Shinies /u/Fad1990
6. 36 Bank Celebi, Hayley's Mew, Phione & WISHMKR Jirachi for 6 RNGed Legends /u/TJPoobah
7. RNGed Jirachi & KOR PreOrder Gengar for KOR Red Genesect & Pokemon Smash! Mewtwo /u/ajkyle56
8. Tanabata Jirachi for Nagoya Magikarp, FB Kangaskhan, Arceus Code, & Hayley's Mew /u/Propallor
9. One Arceus Code for 2012 May Darkrai & WCSK Linoone /u/ajkyle56
10. RNGed Oblivia Deoxys & PokeSmash Mewtwo for WaterTribe Manaphy, PC Magikarp, Bank Celebi, 2 Wishmaker Jirachis, Hope Diancie, GAME Magmar, Serena's Fennekin, & 6 Shinies /u/ash12367
11. Decolora Jirachi for PC Hiroshima Gyarados & PC Hiroshima Magikarp /u/jaimeg7

Egg Hatches (32)

1. Hatched Shiny Rotom /u/ek93922
2. Hatched Shiny Pidgey /u/pokemon01234
3. Hatched Shiny Buneary /u/eraco
4. Hatched Shiny Pichu /u/Sigtyr-
5. Hatched Shiny Hawlucha /u/fnvl3341
6. Hatched Shiny Scatterbug /u/Ryo93
7. Hatched Shiny ---- /u/markysquita
8. Hatched Shiny ---- /u/ssapo
9. Hatched Shiny Buneary /u/MarcosLP
10. Hatched Shiny Charmander /u/Fatty_Tompkins
11. Hatched Shiny Vullaby /u/s_10
12. Hatched Shiny Growlithe /u/APikachuNamedSparky
13. Hatched Shiny Lapras /u/APikachuNamedSparky
14. Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/canopus12
15. Hatched Shiny Ralts /u/Alisailiah
16. Hatched Shiny Elgyem /u/luckystar19
17. Hatched Shiny Spiritomb /u/iba1211
18. Hatched Shiny ---- /u/blessegp
19. Hatched Shiny ---- /u/Gilbert_Jr
20. Hatched Shiny Aipom /u/candyjhee
21. Hatched Shiny ---- /u/Mariichan
22. Hatched Shiny Goomy /u/hosenkii
23. Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/ryhan123
24. Hatched Shiny Scatterbug /u/SableProvidence
25. Hatched Shiny Honedge /u/Epoke28
26. Hatched Shiny Lotad /u/Gjones18
27. Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/s3il
28. Hatched Shiny Solosis /u/MiguelYx
29. Hatched Shiny Fennekin /u/UmiMizuAi
30. Hatched Shiny Mawile /u/svmaster
31. Hatched Shiny Zangoose /u/UmiMizuAi
32. Hatched Shiny Larvitar /u/fma2111

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


justpaul95 Jan 5, 2015 12:26:45 AM

I did a RNG'd Meloetta and RNG'd Dialga for his shiny Genesect and Jirachi. good guy :)

bbin88k Jan 4, 2015 2:49:09 AM

Traded Sejun's Pachirisu, Shiny 모험예약자 Gengar for 17 P-Scrap codes. It was nice trade, great communication. I'm so satisfied. :) Thank you so much!

jinju0396 Dec 21, 2014 2:19:06 AM

Hatched my shiny Petilil!! Thank you so much XD

Earendil503 Nov 24, 2014 6:49:42 PM

An exceedingly friendly, highly courteous, and, above all, a very professional trading partner to whom I gave a set of GAMESTP Raikou, Entei, and Suicune in exchange for 1 Chief Golgo's Sableye and 6 Fancy Pattern Vivillon. I would be honored to trade with this individual in the future.

goldsushi44's Information


Hi! :D

Friend codes:

  • 2809-8893-2942
