
SW-2686-6126-7406 || Swaggy (SCA)
SW-2686-6126-7406 || Swaggy (SCA) || XXXX

Trades (42)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (42)
1. Ability Patch for Fast Ball /u/CommitNotAlivePLZ
2. Stunky for Master Ball /u/FlightOfTheNavi
3. Scream Tail for Iron Thorns /u/teedpop
4. Drifloon for Iron Treads /u/atribecalledginger
5. Great Tusk for Ditto /u/xmakisexkurisux
6. Oranguru for Iron Moth /u/JohnnyCageTheLegend
7. Ditto for Ditto /u/-Electro-
8. Gible for Tauros /u/Digibloxs
9. Charcadet for Ditto /u/SetTop6101
10. Tauros for Impidimp /u/D-D-Cloudy
11. Ability Patch for Dratini /u/D-D-Cloudy
12. Miraidon for Shiny Dondozo /u/flclreddit
13. Drifloon for Charmander /u/scroobiusmac10
14. Shiny Bramblin for Shiny Growlithe /u/Moth_Slut69
15. F. Tauros for Mankey /u/ShameCaker
16. F. Tauros for Wooper /u/CryoSparks888
17. Shiny Sandygast for Shiny Eiscue /u/Schneller_
18. Miraidon for Ditto /u/Pck9001
19. Shiny Riolu, Houndoom, Delibird for Shiny Smoliv, Kilowattrel, Toedscool /u/21braincells
20. Shiny Foongus for Shiny Iron Valiant /u/Barson420
21. Shiny Scizor, Magneton for Shiny Flamigo, Spidops /u/A-Generic-Canadian
22. Shiny Bagon for Shiny Cyclizar /u/r_catgirls_even_real
23. Shiny Zweilous for Shiny Tandemaus /u/Sefseft
24. Shiny Zweilous for Shiny Hawlucha /u/zeropat0000
25. Shiny Rotom for Shiny Tatsugiri /u/Lt_V
26. Shiny Rotom for Shiny Glimmet /u/datredphoenix
27. Shiny Tinkatink for Shiny Tadbulb /u/datredphoenix
28. Shiny Kirlia for Shiny Nacli /u/Tyquaza
29. Surskit, Impidimp, Bounsweet for Torkoal, Riolu, Rockruff /u/saranghaejo
30. Shiny Pawmi for Shiny Finizen /u/prynceszh
31. Shiny Rotom for Shiny Rellor /u/jYearyBoy
32. Shiny Stonjourner for Shiny Maschiff /u/Miss_Mango
33. Shiny Zweilous, Stonjourner for Shiny Iron Bundle, Iron Treads /u/Crikit47
34. Koraidon for Shiny Eevee /u/ExtinctElite
35. Love Ball, Moon Ball, Dream Ball for Shiny Tarountula /u/mwc003
36. Ditto for Shiny Garchomp /u/Relative-Top-7006
37. Shiny Makuhita for Shiny Rotom /u/datredphoenix
38. Moon Ball and Beast Ball for Shiny Toedscruel /u/Time2Clown
39. 12 Ability Patches, Love Ball, Dream Ball for Shiny Sprigatito, Nymble, Charcadet, Smoliv /u/Wolfedood
40. Shiny Capsakid for Shiny Fidough /u/profoundwarlock
41. Shiny Flutter Mane for Shiny Iron Treads /u/bmanx4c
42. Koraidon for Shiny Houndour /u/boomanu
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Traded Toedscruel for HA Quaxly (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (2)

1. Forgot what pokemon he gave attached with the master ball
2. Gible was holding star piece. Tinkatink was in dream ball.


humthegumbo's Information


Friend codes:
