
0473-7959-6245 || Joost (Y, ΩR, M, UM)
0473-7959-6245 || Joost (Y, ΩR, M, UM) || 3838, 0635, 1108, 0017

Trades (24)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Totodile and a Murkrow for Charizardrite X and a shiny Eevee /u/bruhmanchillin
[+] Competitive / Casual (23)
1. Pinsir for Noibat /u/XDuFELL
2. Slowpoke for Gastly /u/MudkipCheese
3. Pinsir for Beldum /u/morten333
4. Poliwag and a Bulbasaur for Goomy and a Slowpoke /u/Zephorian
5. Clauncher for Porygon /u/MudkipCheese
6. Froakie, Eevee and a Riolu for Tyranitarite, Manectite and Pinsirite /u/TheJCatIncarnate
7. Riolu for Mudkip /u/LordDiggersby
8. Poliwag and a Totodile for Togepi and a Squirtle /u/Jakael10
9. Shellder for Houndour /u/P3Magician
10. Pinsir for Greninja /u/bokoy234
11. Pinsir for Riolu /u/keyblade32
12. Bulbasaur for Tyrunt /u/07jkearney
13. Mudkip for Ferroseed /u/leonarch
14. Bronzor for Gligar /u/ProjectROXO
15. Helioptile and a Croagunk for Torchic and a Zubat /u/Actingman00
16. Pinsir for Choice Scarf and Weakness Policy /u/kakashi1234565
17. Clauncher, Slowpoke and a Helioptile for Two Rotom's /u/Tayiou
18. Helioptile for Snivy /u/iIIidAn
19. Bagon for Choice Specs and Power Bracer /u/Davos_OnionKnight
20. Seedot for Poliwag /u/PPdragon
21. Magby, Elekid, Lapras, Skrelp, Shinx. for Mushama, Liepard, Mandibuzz, Sylveon, Chandelure /u/Chasze
22. Tyrunt for Swoobat /u/Crystal1501
23. Drowzee, Chinchou and Murkrow for Tototdile, Squirtle, Magby /u/TheUsualpleasee
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (23)

1. Marill /u/antonioemo
2. Totodile /u/bj940318
3. Charmander /u/fire_Damage
4. Mareep /u/laturner92
5. Togepi /u/KoD304
6. Zubat /u/AurelioKR
7. Forgot what pokemon /u/alfredli310
8. Forgot what pokemon /u/Dinnerling
9. Goomy /u/ssapo
10. Larvesta /u/Roguedaddy
11. Hatched a Larvitar /u/iamjacksvertigo
12. Hatched an Espurr /u/xyxit
13. Hatched a Timburr /u/theta105
14. Hatched a Heatmor /u/Blackballroom
15. Hatched a Lickitung /u/oohoneydukesoo
16. Hatched a Deino /u/GodzillaInAPokeball
17. Hatched a Cranidos /u/leaf_05
18. Hatched a Geodude /u/radiowarrrr
19. Hatched a Froakie /u/xyxit
20. Hatched a Marill /u/Silicondario
21. Paras /u/shinybidoof11
22. Zorua /u/V-Cliff
23. Hatched a Gastly /u/DillaDawg

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


ijzerkoekje's Information


Friend codes:

  • 0473-7959-6245


  • IGN: Joost TSV: 3838
  • IGN: Joost TSV: 0635