
SW-6048-1683-0321 || Mr. Butler (SH)
SW-6048-1683-0321 || Mr. Butler (SH) || XXXX

Trades (95)

[+] Events (1)
1. US Shiny Eternatus code x2 for EU GVM code set /u/CrimsonCitrus
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Shiny Throh, Numel, Vivillon, and Ariados for Beast ball x2 in gen 8 and Friend, Heavy , and Moon ball in gen 7 /u/teogeorgiou
[+] Competitive / Casual (93)
1. Finneon for Delibird /u/lesbrarian666
2. Blipbug for Milcery /u/iviGhost69
3. Sigilyph and Druddigon for Heavy ball /u/NotCooltrainerWill
4. Buneary for Alolan Geodude /u/nano9136
5. Tyrunt for Bunnelby /u/iviGhost69
6. Aerodactyl and Tirtouga for Sizzlepede and Milcery /u/idgafjlmp
7. G-Max Eevee, Pikachu, Drednaw, Gengar, Copperajah, Alcremie, and Sandaconda for Moon, Level, and Beast ball /u/Laclyd
8. Tyrunt, Wooloo, Nickit, Spiritomb, Dratini x2, Aerodactyl, Tirtouga, and Amaura for Moon, Friend,and Love ball and Milcery /u/DSjawa90
9. Nickit x2, Blipbug, and Wooloo for Miltank x2, Sudowoodo, and Arrokuda /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
10. Dratini x2 for Porygon x2 /u/Significant-Field
11. Dratini and Tyrunt for Comfey and Smoochum /u/ivictorhd
12. Goomy, Charmander, Piplup, Chespin, Chimchar and Torchic for Torchic, Eevee, Tynamo, Scraggy, Heatmor and Gothita. /u/NinjaOfPallet
13. Lure Caterpie Fast Oddish Lure Oddish Friend Psyduck Fast Machop Fast Tentacool Friend Tentacool Friend Ponyta Heavy Ponyta Level Krabby Friend Shellder Friend Onix Fast Exeggcute Heavy Exeggcute Love Exeggcute Lure Exeggcute Moon Exeggcute Fast Cubone Heavy Cubone Love Cubone Lure Cubone Friend Cubone Fast Koffing Fast Ryhorn Lure Ryhorn Heavy Tangela Level Tangela Moon Tangela Lure Tangela Friend Horsea Friend Goldeen for 3 Fast, 3 Friend, 3 Heavy, 2 Lure, 2 Moon, 1 Level, 1 Love, 1 Dream ball, and 15 Ability patches. /u/NotCooltrainerWill
14. 1 Ribbon and 3 Love sweets for Cubone, Munna x2, Timburr, Tynamo and Litleo /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
15. Tepig, Chespin, Furfrou, Numel, and Shroomish for Eevee x4 and Venipede /u/failed_pizza
16. Leveled 3 pokemon up to level 100 for 1 Heavy ball /u/Madhex12
17. Dunsparce, Carvanha, Qwilfish, Finneon, Mawile, and Drampa for Eevee x2, Hippopotas, Stunky, Shieldon, and Heracross /u/nano9136
18. Tepig x2, Marill, Cyndaquil for Venonat, Vanillite, Drowzee, Honedge /u/EclipseX15
19. Zero speed Karrablast for Ability patch /u/GlaedrTheDragon
20. 2 XL EXP candies for Mantine and Oddish /u/PopTartManic
21. Mantine for Dhelmise and Vanillish /u/Funwald
22. Gengar, Machamp, Grimsnarl, Eevee, and Duraludon for Ability patch /u/Agreeinggull
23. Unovian Yamask x2 TR99 and TR 84 for Wailmer, Wingull, and Dhelmise /u/Regigigas29
24. Rare candy x2 for Beldum and Chansey /u/kuroshiro07
25. Wailmer for Coffing /u/CourserAccount
26. Ring target for Bounsweet /u/Regigigas29
27. Anorith for Snom /u/Calebroz
28. Milcery for Gold bottle cap /u/Rapidrhys9
29. Arrokuda for Bergmite /u/SkidMk
30. Munna for Hatenna /u/shupu
31. Mareanie for Friend ball /u/TheDeftsu
32. Inkay x2 and Wingull for Wishiwashi, Darumaka, and Deino /u/yugilore
33. Lickitung and Poochyena for Pawinard and Pancham /u/nano9136
34. Ribbon sweet for Ability patch /u/wendycommercials
35. Gossifleur for Vulpix /u/SkidMk
36. Litleo, Furfrou, Totodile, Sentret, Marill x3, Dunsparce, Poochyena, Carvanha x2, Shroomish, Numel x2, Feebas, and Mienfoo for Pyukumuku, Comfey, Bounsweet, Stufful, Morelull, Fomantis, Dewiper, Cutifly, Sewaddle, Venipede, Sandile, Scraggy, Vanillite, Vulpix, Meowth, and Solosis /u/Randy36912
37. Blipbug for Stufful /u/PopTartManic
38. Aipom for Spoink /u/lesbrarian666
39. Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Torchic, Piplup, Chespin, Fennekin x2, and Froakie for Teddiursa, Mawile, Wailmer, Spheal, Clampearl x2, Minccino, Gothita. and Gulpin /u/nano9136
40. Voltorb x6 for Level ball x2 and Love ball /u/MC_CoyoteClan
41. Star sweet x3 and Ribbon sweet x3 for Beast ball x2 and ability patch /u/littleswenson
42. Clover sweet x2, Berry sweet, Strawberry sweet x3 for Beast ball x2 and a Dream ball /u/GamerArnir
43. XL exp candies x12 for Heavy Staryu, Lure Spheal, Love Spritzee, Dream Spritzee, Level Swirlix, Moon Bergmite, Lure Dewiper, Friend Fomantis, Love Cutiefly, Love Frillish, Lure Frillish, and Dream Frillish. /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
44. 1 star sweet and 1 Ribbon sweet for 1 Beast ball /u/Govul
45. heavy a-meowth, dream omanyte, love aerodactyl, level u-yamask, dream gothita, level trapinch, love/level emolga, and lure tyrunt. for Dream balls x3 /u/carluebbs
46. Gold bottle cap x2 for Dream ball x2 /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
47. Beastball Passimain for Friendball Ekans /u/II-Aura-II
48. Level Pichu for Level Ekans /u/hgperez678
49. Cyndaquil for Absol /u/ChefCuellarDee
50. Castform, Gible, Misdreavus, Tepig, Oshawott, Fennekin, Froakie, Absol, Snowver, Mienfoo, Numel, Gastly, Miltank, Furfrou, Eevee, Ponyta, Yanma, Baltoy, Venonat, Rockruff, Chatot, Spoink, Gulpin, and Noibat for Friend ball, Level ball, Love ball, Moon ball x2, Heavy ball x2, Lure ball x2, Fast ball x2 /u/Loethalion
51. Moon Castform, Friend Dunsparce, Friend Carvanha, Lure Cubone, Fast Bidoof, and Level Venipede. for Dream Meditite, Moon Gulpin, Moon Noibat, Heavy Snorlax, Heavy Slugma, Heavy Aron, Lure Dewpider, Level Weedle, and Level Fletching. /u/LostInTheStorm88
52. 2 each Fast, Friend, Heavy, Level, Love, Lure and Moon in gen 7 for 2 each Fast, Friend, Heavy, Level, Love, Lure and Moon in gen 8 /u/Bignut666
53. Level Marill, Friend Marill, Heavy Spoink, Level Spoink, and Level Shroomish for Fast Buizel, Level Relicanth, Level Litleo, Level Makuhita, and Moon Lapras /u/nano9136
54. Friend Totodile, Fast Litleo, Level Litleo, Love Furfrou, Heavy Furfrou for Safari Dodou, Dream Belsprout, Safari Natu, Dream Surskit, Dream Kecleon /u/Bax_Cadarn
55. 2 Love, 2 Moon, and 2 Lure balls for 3 Ability patches /u/DangWaniel
56. Max mushrooms x12 for 1 Heavy ball, 1 Moon ball, and a Rusted shield /u/muddapoop
57. Relicanth, Dunsparce, and Wailmer for Mimikyu, Binacle, and Crabrawler /u/BroadVariety7
58. Dream Ponyta (Kanto) Lure Sandshrew (Alola) Friend Sandshrew (Kanto) Moon Vulpix (Alola) Beast Vulpix (Alola) Heavy Vulpix (Alola) Beast Meowth (Alola) Heavy Meowth (Alola) Love Meowth (Kanto) Level Meowth (Kanto) Safari Machop for Beast balls x4 /u/D4rkHun7erzzz
59. Autumn Deerling and Winter Deerling for DBHA Hoppip and Mareep /u/asjena
60. Moon ball and Love ball for Ability patch /u/kareyub
61. Safari ball Natu for DBHA Shellos /u/BroadVariety7
62. Friend Ekans, Lure Venonat, Heavy Venonat for Love Lapras, Lure Lapras, Dream Lapras /u/nano9136
63. Love ball Spoink and Heavy ball Slugma for Lure and Moon ball Shellos /u/nano9136
64. Bottle cap x2 Gold bottle cap x2 in gen 8 for Fast: Ralts Friend: Ralts, Sableye, Sandshrew (Kanto), Onix. Heavy: Phanpy, Krabby, Spinarak, Swinub, Sableye, Ralts. Level: Phanpy, Ryhorn, Sandshrew (Kanto), Onix, Sableye, Ralts. Love: Sableye and Ralts. Lure: Bellsprout, Magicarp, Ralts, Snorlax, Corsola. Moon: Snorlax, Corsola, Sableye, Comfey, Ralts Safari: Sandshrew (Kanto) Dream: Sableye and Ralts. in gen 7 /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
65. Friend: Sudowoodo and Relicanth Fast: Ralts Heavy: Sableye Level: Sudowoodo and Sableye Love: Sableye Lure: Corsola and Ralts. for Safari: Tangela, Lotad, Duskull, Croagunk, Murkrow, Zubat, Zigzagoon and Farfetch'd Friend: Zubat. /u/nano9136
66. Carvanha and Alolan Geodude for Heavy ball /u/PanKake-Chief
67. Turtwig, Piplup, Chimchar, Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott for Fast, Level, Love, and Lure ball /u/Gorthoga
68. Friend Minum, Fast Plusle, Lure Venonat, Heavy Venonat, Lure Ponyta for Dream Joltic, Dream K Vulpix, Dream A Vulpix, Friend K Vulpix and Fast Growlithe /u/PleaseLetMeGoHome123
69. 1 Dream ball 3 bottle caps and 1 gold bottlecap for Fast: Paras Friend: Druddigon, Cleffa, Mankey, Sunkern, Spinda Heavy: Psyduck, Magnemite Level: Pichu, Elekid, Siglyph, Klink, Torkoal, Shinx, Rufflet, Magnemite Love: Sneasel, Smoochum, Vullaby Lure: Psyduck, Shuckle, Kanto Diglett, Alolan Diglett Moon: Psyduck, Chimecho, Shuckle, Snorunt Dream: Sneasel, Smoochum, Shuckle, Maractus, Voltorb Safari: Shuckle, Teddiursa, Cleffa, Sunkern, Torkoal Sport: Paras Premire: Patrat. /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
70. Heavy Spinarak, Love Hoppip, Love Aipom for Sport ball x3 /u/nhindian
71. Level Anorith, Love Blipbug, Friend Chewtle, and Fast and Heavy Clobbopus for Love and Dream Seel, Love Drowzee, Heavy Carbink and Dream Abra /u/jessiehuff
72. Baltoy for Minior /u/Theduskwolf
73. Koffing and Bottle cap for Yanma and Tympole /u/Roseradefan
74. Chimchar and Bidoof for Vulpix and Ledyba /u/Loyellow
75. Fast Hoothoot, Lure Yanma, Friend Scraggy, Moon Baltoy, Love Oricorio Lure Cherubi, Lure Girafarig for Moon Roggenrola, Moon Electrike, Lure Roggenrola, DBHA Sawk and Throh, Dream Cherubi, Love Ducklett /u/nano9136
76. Safari/Lure/Moon Yanma, Lure/Moon Girafarig, and Level/Heavy Pineco for Ability patch, and Sport ball x4 /u/nhindian
77. Safari Torkoal for Love Qwilfish /u/dykedykegoose
78. Moon ball and Love ball for Ability patch x2 /u/disraelibeers
79. Patrat for Passimian /u/nano9136
80. DBHA Spoink, Pansear, Ducklett and Love ball Ducklett and Tepig for Sport ball x4 /u/nhindian
81. Porygon x3 Tauros Skrelp for Shuppet x2 Wurmple x2 Gastly Skorupi /u/ottersonanisland
82. Surskit Slackoth Chimecho for DBHA Gligar, Zangoose, and Meowth and Level Meowth /u/kakesu
83. Wingull x2 for Surskit x2 /u/nano9136
84. Tepig and Chimchar for Minior and Nosepass /u/baitm
85. Lure Diglett, Lure Ponyta, Friend Grimer Heavy and Lure Cubone, Level Lickytung, Friend and Safari Natu for Minior x8 /u/Free_Area
86. DBHA Joltik for Love HA Oshawott /u/Ame3333
87. Ekans x2 for Alomomola x2 /u/joshgora757
88. Lure Horsea, Heavy (Galarian) Mr. Mime, Level Eevee, Level Skarmony, Level Lillipup, Level Sigilyph for Fast Litten, Love, Moon and Dream Popplio, and Friend and Lure Rowlet /u/Kazehara
89. Lure Rowlet for Sport Litten /u/danoobna
90. Dive Popplio for Safari Rowlet /u/ShadowWraithLord
91. Milcery sweets x4 for DBHA Litten and a love ball /u/funyarinpa00
92. Stantler, Turtwig, and Piplup for Love Moon and Level ball /u/g20richasan
93. DBHA Meowth, Abra, Alolan Geodude, Drowzee, Kangaskhan, Lapras, Dratini, Sawk, and Throh for Fast ball, Lure ball, Friend ball /u/blckenedicekaj
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (1)

1. Traded 2 Tart apples for 2 Beast balls


jcbtlr's Information


Friend codes:

  • SW-6048-1683-0321
  • 3068-1528-3673


  • IGN: Scott