
SW-0482-8894-3309 || Jeff (VIO)
SW-0482-8894-3309 || Jeff (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (26)

[+] Events (5)
1. 1 NA Shiny Gengar Code for 1 NA Diancie Redemption /u/puh7777
2. 1 NA Shiny Gengar Code for Comp Shiny Eevee and Togepi /u/wojtaso9
3. 2 NA Darkrai Codes for Timid 20th Anniversary Shaymin /u/leon_zz
4. 2 NA Volcanion Codes for 5IV SR'd Kyogre, 5IV Eevee, 5IV Feebas, 5IV Rotom /u/Rhorgan
5. 1 NA Volcanion Code for Shiny 5IV Buneary w/ egg moves /u/MigeulYx
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (18)
1. HA Extreme Speed Dratini for 5IV Timburr /u/Senrith
2. 5IV Serene Grace Togepi w/ Pokerus for 5IV HA Sableye w/ Recover /u/Skyemist
3. Shedinja w/ Unique ID for 5IV Sigilyph w/ EM /u/wes2les
4. Vullaby w/ Dusk Stone for 5IV HA Murkrow /u/DallyTayTay
5. Safari Ball Female Lickitung for Female Bankball Venipede /u/Parkimus
6. Mudkip for Treecko /u/d1eg0a
7. Squirtle & Bulbasaur for 2 Eevee /u/CorticalPrime
8. 5IV HA Slowpoke, 5IV 3EM Vullaby for 2 EM DB Swablu /u/mist0624
9. 5 IV Premier Ball Bagon with Egg Moves for Eevee Breedject with Leftovers /u/TheOriginalFaFa
10. 5 IV Vullaby in Premier Ball for Geodude with Leftovers /u/The-Dusk
11. EM HA Pinsir in Heal Ball for Heracross /u/amnesiaCuttooth
12. Dream Ball HA Swinub w/ egg moves for Safari Ball Adament 4 IV Kangaskhan /u/Nassirdada
13. Tornadus + Nidoking for Moonball Ralts + Safari Ball Hippopotas breedjects /u/PopeJP22
14. 3-5IV Bagon in Beast Ball with Egg Moves for 5 IV HA Mareanie in Lure Ball w/ Egg Moves /u/kumail786
15. 3-5IV Adamant Timer Ball Mudbray w/ Close Combat for 5IV HA Moonball Drampa w/ egg moves /u/syrupbutthole
16. HA Drampa Breedject for Torkoal Breedject /u/Clyde
17. Jolly Synchronizer Abra for Oranguru TR Breedject /u/daxidz
18. TR BB Dewpider, TR Porygon, Diveball Feebas for BB HA Gible, BB HA a-Sandshrew, BB HA a-Geodude /u/Crabmon
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (3)
1. NA Shiny Gengar Code for TRU Shaymin /u/khennlionhart
2. 2012 Gamestop Keldeo for RNG 4th Gen Latios and Entei /u/Tylacat
3. SMR2012 Keldeo for FEB2015 Darkrai /u/pokehunting45353

Egg Hatches (1)

1. Shiny Aerodactyl Hatch /u/Cretacerus

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


jef4490's Information


Friend codes:
