
3711-9581-6298 || Jenpai (αS, S, UM)
3711-9581-6298 || Jenpai (αS, S, UM) || 1757, 0732, 3582

Trades (10)

[+] Events (9)
1. 2 5 IV Glameow Eggs for PAL Darkrai Code /u/Mega-Mew
2. Shiny 5 IV Magnemite (Trick Room/HP Ice) for 7 PAL Darkrai Codes /u/Dompronation
3. 5 IV Riolu, 6 IV Eevee, 5 IV Litwick, 5 IV Carvanha and 5 IV Hawlucha for 5 PAL Darkrai Codes /u/Dearundead
4. Shiny 5 IV Gligar, Shiny 5 IV Rotom, Shiny 5 IV Ferroseed, Shiny 5 IV Fletchling and Shiny 5 IV Cleffa for 10 NA Darkrai Codes /u/JessSicka
5. Shiny 5 IV Pidgey (HP Ground) and Shiny 5 IV Yamask (Trick Room/HP Fighting) for 4 PAL Darkrai Codes /u/Salicifolia
6. Shiny 5 IV Mareep (HP Grass) for PAL Salazzle Code /u/jesstall
7. Shiny 6 IV Gothita (Trick Room/HP Ice), Shiny 5 IV Ducklett (HP Ground), Shiny 5 IV Slakoth, Shiny 5 IV Misdreavus (HP Fighting) and Shiny 5 IV Mareep (HP Grass) for 9 PAL Marshadow Codes /u/robdy
8. DBHA ♀ Aron, DBHA ♀ Onix, DBHA ♀ Axew, DBHA ♀ Hoothoot, DBHA ♀ Horsea, DBHA ♀ Sandile, DBHA ♀ Magikarp, DBHA ♀ Misdreavus, DBHA ♀ Omanyte, DBHA ♀ Rhyhorn, DBHA ♀ Sandshrew, DBHA ♀ Shroomish, Love Ball HA Chimchar, Love Ball HA Totodile, Love Ball HA Turtwig and Love Ball HA Ducklett for 5 PAL Salazzle codes and 1 PAL Marshadow Code /u/MovieStarKitten
9. Shiny 6 IV Chinchou, Shiny 6 IV Gothita (Trick Room/HP Ice), Shiny 5 IV Dusk Rockruff and Shiny 5 IV Larvesta (HP Ground) for 9 PAL Silvally Codes /u/lycilla
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (1)
1. Lucky Egg for Prism Scale /u/FrozenFreedom
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (3)

1. 3 Moon Stones for PAL Darkrai Code
2. 50 Clones + Originals for 2 PAL Shiny Marshadow Codes and 2 PAL Shiny Silvally Codes
3. Shiny 6 IV RNG Petilil (HP Fire), Shiny 6 IV RNG Venonat, Shiny 6 IV RNG Roggenrola (Trick Room), Shiny 6 IV RNG Chinchou, Shiny 6 IV RNG Sewaddle, Shiny 6 IV RNG Ferroseed (Trick Room), Shiny 6 IV RNG Darumaka, Shiny 6 IV RNG Yanma, Shiny 6 IV RNG Deerlings (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter), Shiny 6 IV RNG Cryogonal, Shiny 6 IV RNG Ponyta, Shiny 6 IV PKHeX Wailord, Shiny 6 IV RNG Munna and Shiny 6 IV RNG Aerodactyl for 5 PAL Salazzle Codes


jen_pai's Information


Friend codes:
