
SW-6145-6648-8206 || Zelda (VIO)
SW-6145-6648-8206 || Zelda (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (115)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (115)
1. Apicot Berry, Ganlon Berry, Salac Berry for Custap Berry, Starf Berry, Enigma Berry /u/quantumgiant
2. Luxury Ball Female HA (Solar Power) Charmander for Dream Ball Female HA (Big Pecks) Pidgey, Dream Ball Female HA (Cloud Nine) Swablu, and Dream Ball Female HA (Damp) Horsea /u/2Fat-free
3. Dream Ball Female 4IV HA (Anticipation) Eevee knows Wish for Dream Ball Female 4IV HA (Drought) Vulpix knows Heat Wave, Hypnosis, Disable /u/madfingers23
4. Female Luxury Ball Adamant Fletchling with HA Gale Wings, knows Tailwind, Quick Guard, Snatch. 5IVs for Female Dream Ball Bold Feebas with HA Adaptability. 5IVs /u/Great_Plattsby
5. 5IV Dream Ball Bold Female Eevee, knows Wish for 5IV Timid Male Espurr with Infiltrator, 5IV Jolly Japanese Minccino, 5IV Male Tynamo /u/FirePrysm
6. Female DBHA Horsea with Disable, Clear Smog, Aurora Beam, and Signal Beam for Female DBHA Dratini with Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Iron Tail, and Extreme Speed /u/Alan199
7. Friend Ball Female Impish Skarmory, knows Pursuit, Brave Bird, Stealth Rock, and Whirlwind for Female DBHA Farfetch'd /u/xSince86x
8. Female DBHA Eevee with 5IVs and Wish for Female DBHA Scyther, Roselia, and Sableye /u/DsrwLetters
9. Female DBHA Roselia and Female Safari Ball Trapinch for Female DBHA Ralts and Female DBHA Lapras /u/J-AnideM
10. Female Fast, Friend, Heavy Buneary; Fast, Level Ralts; Fast, Friend Slowpoke for DBHA Female Cranidos, Murkrow, Skitty, Smoochum, Snorunt /u/xSince86x
11. Female Moon Ball Wingull, Plusle, Minun for Female DBHA Starly, Petilil; Female DB Gastly /u/Righteous_Bread
12. Female DBHA Pidgey, Chansey, Horsea, Scyther, Eevee for Female DBHA Emolga, Corsola, Shellder, Absol, Magby, Chinchou /u/swags789
13. Female DBHA Chansey for Female DBHA Seel /u/dosquared
14. Female DBHA Pidgey, Pinsir, Lapras, Togepi, Ralts, Sableye, Roselia, Feebas, Shuppet, Luvdisc, Starly, Cranidos for Female DBHA Slowpoke, Heracross, Poliwag, Abra, Igglybuff, Mawile, Hoppip, Spheal, Mareep, Magicarp, Vanillite, Kabuto /u/AgentKazy
15. Female DBHA Cranidos for Female DBHA Lileep /u/hjan3312
16. Female DBHA Shellder, Ponyta, Seel, Goldeen, Chinchou, Marill, Emolga, Timburr, Magby for Female DBHA Qwilfish, Lickitung, Spiritomb, Mankey, Finneon, Grimer, Omanyte, Torkoal; Female DB Cherubi /u/AgentKazy
17. Female DBHA Magby for Female DBHA Cleffa, Ducklett, Pidove /u/Haunani14
18. Level and Fast Female HA Rattata-K for Dream HA Male Bulbasaur and Charmander /u/Letztes
19. Safari Aron, Lunatone, Solrock for Dream Caterpie, Weedle, Venonat /u/IceFangs
20. Eiscue for Stonjourner /u/jebaited-
21. Drampa for Gothita /u/Sox153
22. Drowzee, Goldeen, Whismur, and Igglybuff for 5IV Gible and 5IV Beldum /u/Enough-Stress3588
23. Piplup, Chimchar for Turtwig, Munchlax /u/bluejayway9
24. 5IV HA Jolly Sneasel 4EM for 5IV Timid Gastly /u/No_Investigator2239
25. 5IV HA Jolly Sneasel 4EM for Pokerus Ralts /u/Y0_adriann
26. Female Piplup for Feebas /u/swizzermon
27. Sandshrew, Slowpoke, Pinsir, Teddiursa, Bagon, Lotad, and Glameow for Ekans, Seel, Scyther, Gligar, Larvitar, Seedot, and Stunky /u/MrLegilimens
28. Vulpix for Growlithe /u/steliokontos777
29. Weedle, Stantler, Lunatone, Seviper for Caterpie, Kecleon, Solrock, Zangoose /u/SpoonLord57
30. Seviper for Dunsparce /u/TXC_Byram
31. Bonsly, Sableye, Gulpin, Lunatone for HA Dratini, HA Shroomish, HA Moon Gible, and HA Moon Gligar /u/Probablybeinganass
32. Sableye for Mawile /u/saulalcala
33. Whismir for Kangaskhan /u/fury178
34. Careful Ditto for Eevee Egg /u/jjthomasjones
35. Stantler for Makuhita /u/FurnaceGut
36. Exeggcute, Koffing, Goldeen, Staryu, Lapras, Totodile for Pidgey, Nosepass, Spoink, Porygon, Castform, Aerodactyl /u/Goglinator
37. Deep Sea Scale for CHT Ditto /u/Ryusei24
38. HA Sneasel 4 EMs for 5IV Absol 4 EMs /u/snezeire
39. Nosepass Egg for Spinda /u/Mrdew1582
40. Spheal for Minun /u/dlwldme
41. Wacan Berry for 5IV Jolly Magikarp /u/kowaly5
42. Lickilicky, Spinarak, and Ledyba for Kabuto, Anorith, and Growlithe /u/_Brodo_Baggins_
43. 5IV Timid Pidgey for 5IV Jolly Riolu /u/gnameless
44. Premier Vulpix for Love Feebas /u/BrianScalaweenie
45. HA Shroomish for 5IV Bagon /u/Spicytunaa
46. Icicle Crash Sneasel for Love Sneasel /u/RosieQParker
47. Water Stone for Fire Stone /u/aznthomastran
48. Qualot and Pomeg Berries for 5IV Charmander and Thunder Stone /u/redtailblackshark
49. Sneasel for Elekid /u/ThegameEnthousiast
50. Pidgey, Dunsparce for Scyther, Mawile /u/JanuarysGinger
51. Sandshrew Egg for Gligar /u/ghobes
52. Pokerus for 4IV Ralts /u/ImperialZippo
53. Seviper for Zangoose /u/blemzo
54. 2 Water Stones, 1 Leaf Stone for 2 Fire Stones, 1 Sun Stone /u/Sentric490
55. Love HA Sneasel for Heavy HA Piplup /u/hoozayisdead
56. Magby w/ Magmarizer for Elekid w/ Electirizer /u/WallabyNo8223
57. Magby w/ Flame Body for Love HA Vulpix /u/Ame3333
58. Shroomish for Yanma /u/SilverCyndaquil
59. Magby w/ Flame Body for Scyther /u/UnnecessaryOmen
60. Magby w/ Magmarizer for Elekid w/ Electirizer /u/Hsiang7
61. Weedle, Vulpix, Sableye for 3 Aprimon Eggs /u/xGabrielZ1
62. Magby w/ Magmarizer for Elekid w/ Electirizer /u/blemzo
63. Magby w/ Magmarizer for Elekid w/ Electirizer /u/asim5876
64. Electabuzz w/ Electirizer for Roserade /u/Mcginnty
65. Sandshrew, Sableye, Lunatone for Scyther, Mawile, Seedot /u/eternal_meat_ghost
66. Magmar w/ Magmarizer for Power Anklet /u/PredatorDuck
67. Level HA Smeargle for Heavy HA Aron /u/SupaPartTimer
68. Gulpin for Heart Scale /u/Sentric490
69. Moon HA Vulpix for Love HA Dratini /u/TheZeeno
70. Custap, Durin, and Wepear Berries for Chople, Tanga, and Roseli Berries /u/Captain_cwunch
71. Love HA Zubat for Moon HA Shinx /u/OnePointPi
72. Weedle, Sandshrew, Kabuto, Pinsir, Stantler, Sableye, Seviper, Lunatone for Starf, Micle, Apicot, Colbur, and Passho Berries, 2 Fire Stones, and a Sun Stone /u/meidos
73. Magmar w/ Magmarizer for Elekid w/ Electirizer /u/Jonomix8
74. Timer Ball Eevee for Earthquake TM /u/Ricodyn
75. Female HA Eevee for Female HA Charmander /u/WarlockOfThunder
76. Heavy HA Phanphy, Moon HA Spiritomb, Moon HA Treecko, Love HA Totodile, Love HA Pachirisu, and Level HA Seargle for Touchtrades of Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Ho-Oh, and Mewtwo /u/bad_at__naming
77. Rindo Berry for Fast HA Shinx /u/OnePointPi
78. HA Shroomish and HA Eevee, non-HA Love Feebas for Rowap Berry, Power Bracer, non-HA Sneasel with Throat Chop /u/sora_ppangi
79. Chilan Berry for Petaya Berry /u/Champion2421
80. Fast HA Elekid, Love HA Vulpix, Female Eevee & Moon Gligar for Touchtrades for Moltres, Palkia, Groudon, & Kyogre /u/GRat703
81. Fast HA Elekid, Love HA Magby, Love HA Eevee, Heavy HA Delibird for Moon HA Murkrow, Friend HA Ralts, Heavy HA Hippopotas, Fast Rotom /u/Fun-Let4458
82. Coba, Chilan, Durin, Haban, Jaboca, Kasib, Kebia, Kelpsy, Occa, Payapa, Qualot, Rindo, Salac, Shuca, Tamato, Wacan, Wepear and Yache Berries for Level Teddiursa, Friend Kecleon, Level Stantler, Lure Bagon, Level Voltorb, Love/Friend/Moon Skitty, Moon Zangoose, Moon Seviper, Friend Cacnea, Fast/Friend/Heavy/Level/Love/Lure/Moon Glameow /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
83. 4IV HA Phanpy, 5IV Fast Elekid, 5IV Love HA Pachirisu for 5IV Heavy HA Heracross, 5IV Lure Shellder, 5IV Love Marill and Driftloon /u/Randomtomat0
84. Love HA Sneasel, Heavy non-HA Delibird, and Moon HA Spiritomb for Lure HA Treecko, Friend HA Gligar, and Love HA Hoppi /u/Tee_heehee224
85. non-HA Fast Elekid, non-HA Heavy Delibird, Love HA Pachirisu, Level HA Smeargle for Level HA Houndour, Level HA Absol, Fast HA Pidgey /u/Ringu-
86. Love Ball HA Eevee (M), Moon Ball HA Vulpix, Love Ball HA Totodile for Moon Ball HA Dratini, Love Ball Ghastly, Love Ball Lapras /u/RedBeard53
87. Fast HA Shinx, Love Misdreavus for Touchtrades for Heatran and Regigigas /u/Fun-Let4458
88. Heavy HA Phanpy, Love HA Eevee, Love HA Vulpix, Moon HA Treecko, Love HA Pachirisu, Love HA Magby, Safari HA Shroomish, Love non-HA Sneasel for Cornn Berry, Nomel Berry, Friend HA Bulbasaur, Moon HA Horsea, Moon HA Trapinch, Level HA Pinsir, Moon HA Snorunt, Fast non-HA Charmander /u/Vanillon
89. Coba, Chilan, Custap, Durin, Grepa, Haban, Hondew Berries for Female Moon HA Charmander, Friend Krabby, Moon Oddish, Friend Seedot and Friend Cubone /u/OnePointPi
90. Moon HA Vulpix w/ Wacan Berry, Love HA Eevee for Moon Misdreavus, Dialga Touchtrade /u/Negative_Selection_9
91. Moon 5IV Huge Power Azurill for Ability Patch /u/Mack254
92. Moon 5IV Huge Power Azurill with Belly Drum for Ability Patch /u/PHXCouponKing
93. Violet Paradox Pokemon for Scarlet Paradox Pokemon /u/ExodusOnline
94. HA Moon Azurill for Fast P-Wooper /u/halcyonic
95. Huge Power Moon Adamant Azurill for Friend Rellor /u/Eldaste
96. Moon HA Azurill for Love HA Fidough /u/rand_onlooker
97. Beast Frigibax for 5IV Beast Fidough /u/Cherrytapper
98. Moon Adamant Belly Drum Huge Power Azurill for Ability Patch /u/Marowakawaka
99. HA Moon Azurill for HA Dream Pawmi /u/CandehLlama
100. Love HA Fidough for Beast HA Charcadet /u/HansSoloed
101. Moon HA Charcadet for Moon HA Galarian Meowth /u/OutlawX18
102. HA Fuecoco for HA Quaxly /u/shinysocks85
103. HA Modest Fuecoco for HA Adamant Quaxly /u/Some-Welsh-Guy
104. HA Fuecoco for HA Tatsugiri /u/thelorlax
105. Friend Rellor, Fast P. Wooper, Fast Fidough, Beast Fidough for Beast Finizen, Fast Glimmet, Friend Smoliv, Fast Tauros (Blaze) /u/thewinzer
106. Level HA Scorbunny, Lure HA Sobble for Dream HA Tinkatink, Fast HA Pawmi /u/CryoSparks888
107. Lure Chimchar for Beast Piplup, Safari Rowlet, Moon Paldea Wooper /u/Aaaight
108. 6 XL Candy for Dream Toxel, Moon Growlithe-H, Dream Squawkabilly-Green, Love Tarountula, Love Orthworm, Beast Poochyena /u/RuneQuicksilver
109. 1 Friend Ball, 1 Heavy Ball for 2 Moon Balls /u/Ecksel
110. Friend Ball for Beast Ball /u/27stPhanTony
111. Friend Ball for Moon Ball /u/Kayratorvi
112. Sport Ball for Beast Ball /u/ShisukoDesu
113. 2 Safari balls, 2 Sport balls for 4 Beast balls /u/ads999
114. Heavy Ball for Beast Ball /u/BluePenguin96
115. Moon HA Volbeat, Moon HA Deerling (Autumn), Moon HA Meowth-Galarian, Moon HA Azurill, Moon HA Marill for Dream Tandemous, Moon Ducklett, Moon Salandit, Love Grimer, Moon Koffing /u/XxLava_Lamp_LoverxX
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (126)

1. Ponyta /u/iWarnock
2. Drifloon /u/sylgrace
3. Turtwig /u/TheDudeZach
4. Pidgey /u/endercide13
5. Zubat /u/eddiy
6. Torchic /u/ksk314
7. Ryhorn /u/Beleniel
8. Spoink /u/Zangoose1
9. Growlithe /u/pyrosoad
10. Mareep /u/LeoTalon
11. Abra /u/Krakatua
12. Eevee /u/granite_grizz
13. Kangaskhan /u/jet_poke
14. Honedge /u/Parkimus
15. Magikarp /u/Fad1990
16. Omanyte /u/Jozcef
17. Cubone /u/13mjvr
18. Rotom /u/Mushy_64
19. Lotad /u/Krakatua
20. Gligar /u/Tiara_poke
21. Treecko /u/3Anton3
22. Porygon /u/Mulberry218
23. Chansey /u/rudolfpk
24. Clamperl /u/enriquepaz13
25. Clauncher /u/Hongdo
26. Pachirisu /u/DeathMTX
27. Cherubi /u/erublack
28. Larvitar /u/chang0471
29. Drifloon /u/hjan3312
30. Sandile /u/mikavalentine
31. Spinda /u/Aviram6661
32. Weedle /u/Nachito625
33. Eevee /u/s_10
34. Absol /u/luigy12
35. Poochyena /u/BlueDryBones1
36. Bulbasaur /u/DeathMTX
37. Riolu /u/MerryFellows
38. Honedge /u/Snipeclips
39. Sableye /u/nemuks06
40. Pidgey /u/AkoranBrighteye
41. Houndour /u/KaiTheLoneWolf
42. Shroomish /u/wingzerocats
43. Mantine /u/MvllyJvlly
44. Goomy /u/RIMAN2209
45. Solosis /u/wuyi317605
46. Phanpy /u/ghgonzales
47. Rotom /u/RIMAN2209
48. Tyrunt /u/javilink
49. Mienfoo /u/ghgonzales
50. Growlithe /u/ogrenoah
51. Deino /u/Velideon
52. Roggenrola /u/sugar8ay
53. Spearow /u/KTcat_89
54. Poochyena /u/CaelumKrieger
55. Bagon /u/Prepostasaurus
56. Joltik /u/Ljereuma
57. Abra /u/poliwhirl_sil
58. Cottonee /u/dharlette
59. Surskit /u/-Garou
60. Rotom /u/jeuxinterdits
61. Duskull /u/Nelson_Tangela
62. Honedge /u/Rh7891
63. Kangaskhan /u/Nymphali_af
64. Sneasel /u/Adso25
65. Horsea /u/_soltaire
66. Froakie /u/mose_cat
67. Fennekin /u/SnekazZ
68. Turtwig /u/Blackballroom
69. Pichu /u/irontower9999
70. Mareep /u/bruno787b
71. Chimchar /u/wuyi317605
72. Nidoran♀ /u/alienowitch
73. Yanma /u/SoniaSon
74. Paras /u/ryanthomas917
75. Mawile /u/Nightfront
76. Helioptile /u/silener0502
77. Vulpix /u/MysticUmbreonB
78. Growlithe /u/afy97
79. Azurill /u/Terrorist1904
80. Magby /u/willster191
81. Cyndaquil /u/PikaCuber
82. Oshawott /u/Loconita
83. Helioptile /u/bubblegumgoblin
84. Buneary /u/crazy-cat-prince
85. Hoothoot /u/ryanthomas917
86. Staryu /u/SOfB
87. Nincada /u/pandaglassjaw
88. Smoochum /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
89. Yamask /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
90. Goomy /u/Tatertot74
91. Furfrou /u/paps_
92. Duskull /u/lazytv8
93. Snivy /u/Iviviana
94. Absol /u/Rubaszny_Mike
95. Aerodactyl /u/qweligator
96. Koffing /u/sskies91
97. Fennekin /u/Azniard
98. Froakie /u/moozero2001
99. Froakie /u/Poke_Phil
100. Foongus /u/WenSnake
101. Vulpix /u/Paramuse2
102. Salandit /u/droarellano
103. Zubat /u/Guarzog
104. Jangmo-o /u/danoobna
105. Pyukumuku /u/alan1589
106. Litten /u/deadwinged
107. Litten /u/xMalbis
108. Minior /u/vee4Phoenix
109. Snubbull /u/vee4Phoenix
110. Rockruff /u/HashG8
111. Snubbull /u/bmills4263
112. Magikarp /u/PinkOveralls
113. Weedle /u/KookyKracks
114. Feebas /u/egilbert605
115. Bagon /u/Kimopoleis
116. Murkrow /u/PinkOveralls
117. Heracross /u/Threw1
118. Sandygast /u/MysticHomer
119. Honedge /u/jhey-zone-bee
120. Tropius /u/Joker977
121. Vulpix /u/sito-jaxa
122. Bulbasaur /u/vee4Phoenix
123. Cottonee /u/robyn_herbert
124. Sableye /u/robyn_herbert
125. Scraggy /u/robyn_herbert
126. Joltik /u/0palite

Giveaways/Contests (41 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. BDSP Pokerus ENG Dittos (Sub: pokemontrades, 41 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (8)

1. Tradeback Zamazenta/Zacian /u/Apex_Demon
2. Tradeback Dusclops/Dusknoir Item Evolution /u/Magda_Gessler
3. Tradeback for Porygon2 and PorygonZ /u/MrLegilimens
4. Tradebacks for Politoad, Kingdra, and 2 Clamperls /u/vindictive101
5. Tradeback Kadabra /u/fatmatt30
6. Tradeback Graveler /u/carbovz
7. Tradeback Machoke /u/Bubbagump1644
8. Tradebacks for Poliwhirl, Gurdurr, Dusclops, Feebas, Graveler /u/Whole_Grade

Misc (0)


egilbert605 Feb 14, 2017 12:14:32 AM

Hatched quickly and traded back without issue. Thanks :)

vee4Phoenix Jan 26, 2017 1:53:32 AM

Very quick reply, I had 2 eggs with 1373 and 3189 ESV and got it hatched 5 minutes after posting!

Paramuse2 Dec 18, 2016 6:14:15 PM

Very quick reply, thank you for hatching my vulpix! :)

WenSnake Nov 18, 2016 12:15:12 AM

Quickly replied and hatch my Foongus shiny for me! Quick and easy!

Rubaszny_Mike Oct 23, 2016 4:52:08 PM

Hatched a shiny Absol for me. Fantastic hatcher :)

silener0502 Aug 21, 2016 4:17:50 AM

Thanks kay for hatching my eggs!

SnekazZ Jul 4, 2016 3:26:39 PM

Awesome Hatcher! Thank you for my shiny Fennekin :)

Velideon Feb 28, 2016 9:55:41 PM

Hatched a shiny Deino for me. Fast and reliable hatcher.

wingzerocats Dec 16, 2015 4:01:27 AM

Hatched my Shiny Shroomish for me. Kindhearted and polite. Thanks again for taking the time to help me out!

MerryFellows Oct 26, 2015 12:28:50 AM

Kindly hatched an egg for me. Quick to answer, trustworthy and polite. Would recommend!

s_10 Sep 10, 2015 12:31:17 AM

Hatched a shiny eevee for me! Very nice, quick and efficient hatcher. THanks so much!! :D 10/10

DeathMTX Aug 16, 2015 3:37:09 AM

He/she replied and hatched my egg very fast! Thank you!

Parkimus Jun 21, 2015 5:08:47 PM

/u/KayParfait (FlairHQ) hatched a shiny Honedge for me! Very responsive and polite trader :D

Thank you again so much!

Parkimus Jun 21, 2015 5:08:40 PM

/u/KayParfait (FlairHQ) hatched a shiny Honedge for me! Very responsive and polite trader :D

Thank you again so much!

KayParfait's Information


Contact Information

  • FC: 4811-7268-7961
  • Mii: Zelda
  • Gen 7 IGN/OT: Zelda (UM), Link (US), Zelda (M), Link (S)
  • Gen 7 Trainer IDs: 225855, 544417, 906774, 470805
  • Gen 7 TSVs: 1301, 2788, 1373, 3189
  • Gen 6 IGN/OT: Zelda (αS), Zelda (X), Link (ΩR), Link (Y)
  • Gen 6 Trainer IDs: 57331, 14412, 13775, 40840
  • Gen 6 TSVs: 1702, 2367, 1746, 1935
  • Timezone: Central Standard Time (GMT-6)/Central Daylight Time (GMT-5)
  • Availability: Random

Friend codes:

  • 4811-7268-7961


  • IGN: Zelda TSV: 1301
  • IGN: Zelda TSV: 1373
  • IGN: Link TSV: 2788
  • IGN: Link TSV: 3189
  • IGN: Zelda TSV: 1702
  • IGN: Zelda TSV: 2367
  • IGN: Link TSV: 1746
  • IGN: Link TSV: 1935