
3969-5312-2932 || Calvin (Y), Calvin (αS)
3969-5312-2932 || Calvin (Y), Alisa (X) || 1340, 3364

Trades (53)

[+] Events (11)
1. Shiny Skrelp for NA Diancie Code /u/Beleniel
2. Shiny Carvanha and Shiny Snorunt for Summer Tough 2014 Pokemon Heracross /u/Nachito625
3. Shiny 31.x. Timid Charmander in Luxury Ball w/Dragon Pulse Nicknamed Toothless for 2 PAL Diancie Codes /u/Mortifer_Ultor
4. Semi Comp Shiny Adament Kangaskhan for Gengar Code /u/fireboy910
5. 2 PAL Diancie Codes for Shiny Comp Pawniard and Swablu /u/Neckes
6. Shiny Comp Female Charmander for 2 NA Gengar Codes /u/TrainerRedstone7
7. Shiny Comp Froakie and Charmander for Steven's Beldum and Shiny Comp Eevee /u/valkyriiwing
8. Shiny Comp Vulpix in DB w/4 Ems for NA Diancie Code /u/Simon314
9. Shiny Charmander and Shiny Froakie for NA Diancie Code /u/kent6755
10. NA Diancie Code for 3 Steven's Beldum /u/Kululu12
11. Comp Shiny Shroomish and two semi comp shiny Charmanders for 2 NA Diancie Codes /u/Epoke28
[+] Shinies (2)
1. Shiny 5 IV HA Froakie for Shiny German Skrelp 31/20/31/30/31/31 /u/ShadowSkeet
2. Shiny Timid Froakie w/Protean for Reshiram /u/walter2235
[+] Competitive / Casual (37)
1. HA Female Timid Froakie for HA Modest Abra /u/hushnowquietnow
2. Hasty Ralts with Synchronize for Adamant Ralts with Synchronize /u/Scootz3
3. 5 IV HA Timid Froakie 31/x/31/31/31/31 for 5 IV Rotom /u/Ryuhara
4. 5 IV HA Timid Froakie for 5 IV Marill w/Huge power /u/albertusalvin
5. 5 IV Timid HA Froakie for 5 IV Mawhile w/ EMs Ice Fang and Fire Fang /u/knifeof11
6. Semi Competitive Shiny Timid HA Froakie for Heatran /u/drewcarlton9895
7. Semi Competive Shiny Timid HA Froakie for Landorous /u/arashisenko
8. Semi Competive Shiny Timid HA Froakie for 5 IV Shellder and a 5 IV Kangaskhan /u/Garmaleon
9. HA Froakie Breedject for HA Breedject Marill /u/Windicious
10. HA Female Poliwhirl in Dive Ball for Uxie /u/shikimai24
11. Heart Scale for Larvesta Breedject /u/kappa23
12. 5 IV Speedboost Carvanha for 5 IV Torchic /u/dharlette
13. Caravanha Breedject for Pankster Sableye w/Recover /u/albino_creeper
14. 5 IV HA Adamant Carvanha w/EMs for 5 IV Timid Gastly w/EMs /u/ieatants23
15. 3 Dex Fillers for 31.x. Slowpoke with Regenerator /u/EggsAway
16. Carvanha and Larvitar Breedject for Taught Breloom Focus Punch, Drain Punch, and Seed Bomb /u/bazooopers
17. Power Anklet, Power Bracer and Power Weight for 5 IV Chansey /u/JerJer97
18. 3 Heart Scales for Shellder w/4 Egg Moves /u/talhatoot
19. Shiny Braixen for 5 IV Scyther w/Defog /u/AugustoCSP
20. 5 IV Carvanha in DB w/4 EMs for Latias From White /u/blue1710
21. A additional breeding pair of 5 IV Perfect Larvitars as interest for A 3 Hour Loaning Service of a breeding pair of Larvitars and a breeding pair for myself /u/Sancheztadore
22. 5 IV Kangakshan and 5 IV Froakie for 3 Hour Loaning Service for 5 IV Kangaskhan w/EMs and 5 IV Froakie w/EMs /u/Sancheztadore
23. 3 Breeding Proejects for 6 IV RNG'ed Ditto /u/StoriesForBedtime
24. HA Riolu for Masterball /u/MjrAwsm
25. BR lvl 75 Greninja for ORAS Suicune /u/Dhezire
26. 3 ESV Check for Basculinn Breedject /u/talhatoot
27. 6 ESV Checks for 5 IV Chansey in Dreamball w/4 Egg moves /u/ieatants23
28. Shiny Timid Charmander in Luxury Ball w/4 EMs for BR Arcanine and BR Azumarill /u/Noobofwar
29. HA Net Ball Female Froakie for 5 IV Pawniard w/4 EMs /u/TLMoonBear
30. 5 IV Larvitar w/4 EMs for 5 IV Charmander w/4 EMs /u/lurkerton3000
31. Shiny Imperfect Comp Charmander w/4 EMs for Giratina from previous gen /u/Batnick
32. 15 ESV Checks for Premier Ball Snournt, Moon Ball Gastly with HP fire, and Dreamball Gible /u/oswld
33. 5 IV Adament Kangaskhan in Safari Ball w/4 Ems for 5 IV Female HA Dreamball Sableye /u/Nachito625
34. Life Orb for 5 Iv Magikarp /u/LouisThePillMan
35. TSV Check for Ability Capsule /u/Black_Orchid13
36. Sableye and Swablu Breedject for Lax Groudon from previous gen /u/IIJustSupremeII
37. 2 TSV Checks for Leftovers /u/maplewars
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (3)
1. Semi comp shiny Charmander and Ralts for WISHMKR Jirachi w/Liechi Berry /u/galaspark
2. NA Gengar Code for WIN 2011 Celebi /u/BeaverDono
3. Shiny Comp Vulpix, Rotom, and Carvanha for Hayley's Mew /u/Gjones18

Egg Hatches (2)

1. Hatched a Treecko matching my TSV /u/iAlexF
2. Hatched an Egg matching my TSV /u/MRBlobbable

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave Away a Water Stone (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 1 given)
2. Gave Away a Dive Ball Female Lapras (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (3)

1. Tradeback of Seadra for Evolution
2. Tradeback of Kadabra for Evololtuion
3. Evolved a Machoke for another user


Batnick Jan 3, 2015 6:38:55 AM

Relatively speedy attainment from date of OP. Wonderful IV spread and nothing but polite interactions, would definitely trade with again!

valkyriiwing Jan 2, 2015 8:53:41 AM

Awesome trade ;D Thanks for the Froakie & Charmander! Happy new years!

ahnjy127 Dec 31, 2014 7:49:38 AM

Thanks for hatching my Eevee! Happy New Year.

Nachito625 Dec 27, 2014 10:52:23 PM

Great trader, will trade with again!

lee8888's Information


Friend codes:

  • 3969-5312-2931


  • IGN: Calvin TSV: 1340